Golden Shears

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Golden Shears Page 3

by Pelaam

Justin laughed. He pulled Eric toward his room. "I do, in case my dreams came true."

  Eric pulled him into a hard kiss. "Good," he whispered. "I don't want to miss a minute we could be making love."

  Justin stared at him. "Love?"

  Eric nodded. "Love."

  They headed into Justin’s room. Justin rummaged in his backpack while Eric pulled off his T-shirt, tossing it carelessly aside. His gaze was riveted to Justin’s toned ass that wriggled enticingly as Justin got the necessary supplies. By the time he’d wrestled the lube and condoms out of his bag, holding them aloft like a trophy, all Eric wore were his boxers. The material strained to contain his erection, and a damp spot was already visible around the head of his cock.

  Justin whimpered softly and tossed the supplies on the bed. He knelt gracefully at Eric’s feet and rubbed his face against the dark hair of Eric’s thighs. Eric threaded his fingers into Justin’s hair and guided him closer. He groaned low and deep as Justin mouthed his cock through the material.

  With his free hand, he reached into his boxers and let just the head of his cock peek over his waistband. Justin licked and nibbled at the crown gently, and Eric’s hips moved in a lazy thrust, rocking back and forth.

  Justin looked up at him. “More? Please?”

  “Finish undressing and get on the bed, on your hands and knees.” Eric’s voice had dropped in timbre, and Justin’s eyes seemed to light up.

  He rose to his feet as easily and gracefully as he’d dropped to his knees. Eric watched as Justin kicked off his trainers and unfastened his jeans, pushing them, his briefs, and socks off in one move. He hurried to the bed and waited as Eric had directed.

  Removing his boxers slowly, Eric stroked himself as he looked at Justin. He walked to the edge of the bed and ran his hands through Justin’s hair. “Did anyone else see you like this? So needy?”

  “No. No one. Just you. Please?”

  Justin looked up at Eric, his eyes filled with love, lust, yearning, and Eric tightened his grip. He guided Justin’s head downward and pushed just the head of his dick past Justin’s lips. He rocked gently and gradually increased the depths of his thrusts until Justin took his full length. He stopped moving as Justin buried his face in the thick, dark curls around Eric’s cock, working his throat in a way that made Eric moan.

  He eased back until he slid free of Justin’s sinfully talented mouth. He ran his hand from Justin’s head, down his spine and stroked a pale, smooth ass check before slapping it lightly. He walked around the bed until he stood behind Justin. He smirked as the younger man widened his stance and wriggled his ass.

  “Eager, eh?” Eric laughed and slapped again, a little harder. Justin looked over his shoulder and gyrated his hips. The play between them felt every bit as good, as natural, as it had before. Eric had never allowed anyone else to see this side of him.

  He liked being in control, just as much as Justin enjoyed giving it up. Although Justin was by no means a submissive and Eric liked the flashes of impatience or defiance from his lover. The play simply added spice to their lovemaking.

  He was happy to say that word. Confident to say love. Justin had been halfway around the world and still come back to him. That he returned was worth the heartache Eric had suffered. He fondled Justin’s sac, playing with his lover’s balls with one hand and reached under his lover to tug sharply at a taut nipple with the other hand.

  “God, Eric, more. Fuck me.” Justin’s plea was followed by a deep groan as Eric licked each ass cheek.

  “You want me to fuck you?” Eric whispered.

  “Yes. You know I do.” Justin pushed back, clearly trying to entice Eric into doing more.

  Eric slapped the tantalizing ass. “Then you’d better be a real good boy.” He palmed the cheeks and spread Justin wide. His lover’s entrance clenched and relaxed as he stared. Eric blew over it and then licked across it. A soft cry came from Justin’s lips as Eric slowly ran the tip of his tongue over the exposed flesh.

  “You’re killing me.”

  Justin’s words became a low groan. Eric folded his tongue and jabbed it against Justin’s opening as he rolled his lovers balls. “We’re only beginning, babe.” He tugged Justin’s sac. “And no coming too soon.” He dropped his voice to a thick rasp of sound and grinned at Justin’s full body shudder that he remembered so well.

  “Relax. Enjoy,” Eric murmured. He reached for the lube Justin had dropped onto the bed and slicked his fingers.

  Holding onto Justin’s left hip, Eric sank his index finger into his lover’s tight heat. He twisted the digit to a deep groan from Justin. Pulling back, he drizzled lube between Justin’s ass cheeks and pushed two fingers back inside.

  This time Justin rocked back, trying to take the digits deeper, despite Eric’s restraining hand. “So hot. So eager,” Eric murmured. “Not long now, babe.”

  “Hard and fast. Hard and fast.” Justin chanted as Eric worked his fingers back and forth.

  “We’ll see.” Eric’s cock jerked. In truth, he wanted hard and fast, long and slow, and everything that would brand Justin to him and him to Justin. He tore open the condom pack and quickly rolled the rubber onto his dick. He slicked it liberally and let it slide between Justin’s cheeks.

  He gripped Justin’s hip tight and pressed the head of his cock against the prepared opening. His own low groan harmonized with Justin’s as he flexed his hips and pressed forward. He kept a steady pressure. Justin would tell him if it was too much. He only stopped when his thick bush pressed against Justin’s skin.

  He waited for a moment, both to relish the feel of being inside Justin once again, and to let his lover adjust to the thick pole of flesh buried inside him. A deliberate clench of Justin’s inner muscles made him gasp, and he slapped Justin’s ass. “Patience is a virtue.”

  An indistinct mutter was all the reply he got. He eased back a little and jabbed in hard, and Justin sighed. As much as hard and fast called to Eric, he didn’t want to hurt Justin. Instead, he built his speed slowly, reaching under Justin’s hip to stroke his lover’s dick back to full hardness.

  Justin moved slightly, just enough to ensure his body was braced as Eric’s speed and power increased. Eric immersed himself in sensation. The smell of sweat and musk mixed with the sound of moans and soft cries. The sight of his cock thrusting in and out combined with the feel of the tight heat of his lover’s body.

  Finally, he leaned forward, and his chest rubbed over Justin’s back. He let the slighter man support their weight. He licked and nipped at Justin’s damp skin.

  Eric jabbed his hips as he stroked Justin faster. As much as he ached to come, he wanted Justin to lose control first. His lover’s body trembled, and his breath came in soft whines. Then Justin gasped. His semen flowed over Eric’s hand.

  Justin’s inner muscles clamped tightly, and Eric thrust hard as he recognized his impending release. He bit down on Justin’s shoulder, sucking hard as he filled the condom with his release. He continued to thrust even when Justin could no longer bear their combined weight.

  Eric lay on top of Justin, kissing his shoulder as he came down from his high. “I love you,” he whispered.

  “Mmm. Love you, too. That’s why I came back.” Justin lifted his head and twisted around enough for them to kiss.

  “I need to pull out.” Eric eased gently from Justin’s body. “Up for a shower?” He knotted the condom and tossed it into the nearby bin. He’d dispose of it more carefully tomorrow.

  “Yeah. If you’ll wash my back.” Justin winked as he got to his feet.

  The shower was shared, and Eric was happy to wash more than just his lover’s back. Once dry, they went into his bedroom. Eric stretched out on his back, and Justin knelt between his splayed thighs.

  “I missed you, this, everything,” Justin murmured as he rubbed his face over the damp hair of Eric’s chest. He lay down, still nuzzling, flicking his tongue out to lap at Eric’s nipple and stroked Eric’s left thigh.

  “Me too. I just did
n’t realise how much until I saw you again.”

  “You’re not angry then? About the deception?”

  Eric didn’t miss the tight edge of anxiety in Justin’s voice. “No.” He wrapped his arms around Justin. “Not at all.”

  “I’m glad.” Justin kissed Eric’s throat, along his chin, and finally sealed his lips over Eric’s.

  Eric tightened his grip. Now that he had Justin back in his life, he had no intentions of losing him again. “I have everything I want right here.”

  “You need to sleep. You have the finals tomorrow.”

  “Will you be there to cheer me on?”

  “Of course. I want to see you beat that Ozzie, too.”

  Eric snorted. “Tomorrow’s going to be a whole new ball game.”

  Chapter Five

  Eric groaned softly as he woke to a delicious sensation. His morning erection was surrounded by wet heat. He opened his eyes and gazed down at Justin who winked at him before swallowing Eric’s cock to the root, burying his face in the thick bush of dark hair.

  Relaxing his head back onto the pillow, Eric reached down and stroked Justin’s hair. He moaned as Justin licked over the head of his dick and nibbled carefully around the crown. Justin cupped his sac, rolling and squeezing his balls with perfect pressure.

  He tried to thrust, but Justin lay across his legs, pinning him down, keeping him at his lover’s mercy. Once…twice…he was sure he was going to come, but Justin eased him back from the edge, a wicked gleam in his eyes. Finally his balls rose, and Justin looked him in the eye.

  “Come for me,” he whispered before taking Eric’s dick fully into his mouth.

  Eric gasped Justin’s name as he came. He let the pleasure roll over him, his hips still trying to thrust despite Justin pinning him to the bed. As he came down from his high, Eric tugged on Justin’s hair to get him to crawl up his body. He mashed their lips together, thrusting his tongue past Justin’s lips, eager to taste himself in his lover’s mouth.

  “Morning, babe,” he whispered.

  Justin nuzzled at his throat. “Morning. God, I dreamed of doing that for the last couple of days.”

  Eric rolled their bodies so that he lay on top of Justin. He grinned at the soft purr of happiness as he rubbed against his lover. Justin loved the feel of Eric’s furred body against his skin. “I dreamed of just having you in my arms again,” he whispered. “Come on. Let’s get in the shower, and I’ll take care of this for you.” He reached between their bodies and gently squeezed Justin’s erection.

  The low moan even made his sated flesh twitch. Eric stood and held out his hand to Justin. They walked together into the shower, and as soon as the water was a comfortable temperature, they stood inside.

  Eric maneuvered them so he was behind Justin, the water cascading down his back as he stroked Justin’s erection, tugged at a nipple, and mouthed at his lover’s shoulder. With a low moan of Eric’s name, Justin came, shuddering in Eric’s embrace. As his orgasm ended, Justin turned in Eric’s arms and kissed him slowly, deeply, and Eric knew this was home for him.

  The rest of their shower was a mix of touches, kisses, and laughter. Once they were dressed, Justin made tea, and Eric answered the knock on the door. Pita was there with the breakfast tray.

  “Mind if I join you?” he asked.

  “Not at all, make yourself at home,” Eric said. “You coming with us today?”

  “Try and keep me away, bro.” Pita laughed. “Gotta be there to cheer on the home side. I’m counting on you.”

  Breakfast over, they drove to the competition. This time Justin sat up front with Eric, his hand on Eric’s thigh. When they parked, Pita jumped out, and Justin leaned over.

  “For luck later.” He kissed Eric before getting out of the car.

  Eric grinned as he got out. Today was going to be his day. When the time came, Justin and Pita were at the front of the crowd, vociferously cheering him on. When finished, he was tired but pleased. He felt the shearing had gone well. He punched the air as a cheer rang out from Pita and Justin. He’d pipped Tan to get into the afternoon’s finals.

  Tan came over to him and offered his hand, which Eric took.

  “You seemed like a completely different man,” Tan said with a shake of his head. “Buggered if I can put my finger on what’s changed about you though.”

  “Let’s just say, I’m a lucky bastard,” Eric said, and slapped his shoulder.

  Eric, Justin, and Pita watched other competitions while waiting for the finals to come round. Justin couldn’t settle, and even Pita bounced from foot to foot as they went back into the sheds. Eric leaned close to Justin and whispered in his ear. “I love you.”

  Eric put his heart into doing well, but he couldn’t match the skill and dexterity of the other, more professional opponents. But he didn’t care. He grinned happily at Justin as he joined him and Pita.

  “Sorry you didn’t win, bro,” Pita said and patted Eric’s shoulder.

  “I may not have won the competition,” Eric said, gazing into Justin’s eyes. “But I’m still going home a winner.”

  “I have the rest of next week off,” Justin murmured. “I could spend a few days with you at the farm. If you’d like.”

  Eric’s grin was feral. “Oh, I think I could manage that. I have a few techniques still to show you.”

  “So not listening, guys,” Pita said with a wink.

  Eric slung an arm around each man’s shoulders. “I think a trip back to the motel, a shower, and then dinner on me. To celebrate. Us.” He looked at Justin.

  “I’d like that,” Justin said. “To us.”

  “It’s gotta be said, guys. I love it when a plan comes together.”

  Pita laughed loudly, and Eric and Justin joined in as they headed back to the car.

  The End

  Other Books by Pelaam:

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