Erica's Choice

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Erica's Choice Page 20

by Sami Lee

Griff made a sound somewhere between a scoff and a laugh. “You yelled it out the window on the way to a fire? Classy, mate.”

  “You can talk.”

  Griff tipped his head, conceding the point. “So that’s it? She didn’t fall at your feet right away so you’re giving up on her?”

  He made Corey sound like an immature dick. “I’m the only one who’s been making an effort. I’ve given all I’ve got and I’m getting squat back.”

  “She’ll come around. No woman in her right mind is going to turn down those baby blues of yours.”

  The sardonic inflection he gave the words stripped any flattery from them. They also completely dodged the fact Corey wasn’t only referring to Erica’s emotional distance, but Griff’s too. “Maybe she isn’t in her right mind. She’s been fucked senseless because you wanted to make sure this whole thing stayed about sex.”

  Griff stalked into the kitchen, pulling a beer out of the fridge and popping the top. “I never did anything she didn’t beg me for. But if you can’t handle that she gets down and dirty for me in a way she doesn’t for you, I guess I know what that means.”

  “What do you think it means?”

  “I always said I’d walk away when it’s time,” Griff said. “It’s time.”

  The announcement sucked all the air out of the room. Corey couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. All he could do was stand there and feel the intense pain infiltrate his body and take over. Griff had told him he’d do this very thing one day, but Corey had dared to hope over the past couple of months that he’d change his mind.


  As one they turned toward the doorway to see Erica standing there, her hand on the knob, wearing some tight black dress that barely covered her. If Corey felt like he’d been sucker punched before, now he knew he was down for the count. He remained speechless as she shut the door behind her and strode toward them—or prowled more like it, her heels clacking on the hardwood floor.

  When had she learned to walk like that?

  Erica reached his side and placed a hand softly against his chest. Beneath her fingers his heart was reborn, pounding with a new lease on life. “I thought you weren’t going to come,” Corey finally managed to choke out.

  “I had to. Apparently it’s my job to talk Griff out of making the biggest mistake of his life.”

  She turned toward Griff, who was staring at her body like it was buried treasure he’d been searching for his whole life. At the mention of his name, he blinked once and raised his eyes. The lust in them was obvious from clear across the room. “What’s that?”

  Erica stated unequivocally, “You’re not going anywhere.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Well, he wasn’t going anywhere right this second, Griff thought. The hugest erection he’d ever had in his life wouldn’t let him breathe, let alone move.

  He tightened further when Erica slid toward him on those impossibly high heels, the fabric of her dress hugging those ample curves like it never wanted to let go. Her smoky-dark eyes made him harder, her red lips caused him actual physical pain. Griff had to clutch the beer bottle tight in his fist to keep from grabbing her and pulling her closer.

  “Of course I’m not going anywhere,” he said. “This is my house.”

  The two of you can get the fuck out and leave me in peace.

  Griff really wanted to say the words, anything to get Erica and Corey out of here so he could slam back about ten beers and forget what a fucking loser he was. But he couldn’t, just as he’d been unable to walk away any of the countless times over the past two months he’d told himself to.

  He’d done it again, fallen in love with a couple who were more into each other than him. Now he’d ended up outstaying his welcome.

  Erica sidled up to him, forced his back against the fridge and pressed her luscious self all over his front. She’d made up her eyes with that black makeup, the look she’d sported the first time he’d had her here. He’d slipped a little in love with her that weekend, when she’d cried at what he and Corey had made her feel, when she’d given herself so completely, time and time again.

  He hadn’t wanted to admit it, but he’d been slipping a little more each time he saw her. “Tell Corey the truth, Dale.”

  Shit, he hated it when she called him that. Hated it because he loved that she was the only one who did. “The truth about what?”

  “Why you can’t let a single emotion show on your face when you’re at work with him. He doesn’t understand what it’s like to hide how you feel, not like you and I do. You’re hurting him.”

  Griff shut his eyes, wishing he could have avoided that. “He knows we have to stay professional. Sometimes it’s a matter of life and death.”

  “But that’s not why you treat him like he has the plague.”

  “I don’t do that.” From the other side of the kitchen counter, Griff sensed Corey’s eyes on him, the accusation in them. Shit. He did do that. “I don’t mean it to be that bad. I just…”

  When he trailed off, Erica filled in. “You just can’t let a single emotion show, because you’re afraid then they’d all come tumbling out. That everyone at that place would see what I see—that you adore every hair on Corey’s head, that you live for every flash of his smile, that the thought of sending him into a potentially life-threatening situation scares you half to death, that you can’t bear the thought of—”

  Griff slanted his mouth across hers, sticking his tongue right in there. As a method of shutting her up it was pretty fucking effective. She swallowed every last word she’d been prepared to say and kissed him back, her lips mobile and her tongue as wild as his. Griff searched blindly for a flat surface to put his beer on, only to find it taken from his hand.

  Corey. The man Erica somehow guessed Griff loved more than life itself came to stand behind her, pressing into her back so she merged more fully with Griff’s front. All those lush curves caressing every hard inch of him drove him wild. He shoved his hands under Erica’s dress, cupping her ass and lifting her so her thighs clutched at his waist. Her wet heat scorched the front of his shorts. His knuckles brushed over Corey’s cock as the other man fitted his crotch more intimately against Erica’s ass.

  Erica was right about everything. One small scratch on his cavalier surface and all was exposed. He loved Corey. He couldn’t get enough of Erica’s passion. He could no sooner walk out of their lives than he could run an Olympic marathon.


  Erica wrenched her mouth from his, only to find Corey’s waiting. He tilted her head back and devoured her, using more force than he usually did. Erica had to arch backward, giving Griff a fantastic view of the cleavage the dress made a point of displaying. Damn but she was gorgeous. She always had been, but lately she seemed to be working it for more impact.

  Because of him, him and Corey.

  Pleased at the thought, Griff cupped one magnificent mound in his hand and brushed his thumb over the tip. No barrier there. He groaned. The black corset he’d bought her with the half cups that went nowhere near containing Erica’s generous flesh. Please tell me it’s that one.

  “No,” Erica said again, freeing her mouth from Corey’s with effort. “It’s not supposed to be like this.”

  “Seems like it’s supposed to be exactly like this.” Griff let the truth infiltrate him.

  “It has to be you and Corey. I want you to show Corey how you feel.”

  Griff met Corey’s gaze, so bright blue with passion it took what little breath Griff had left in his lungs away. Corey already knew, it was there in his soft smile, in his you are such a tool, why didn’t you tell me? expression. Corey knew because Erica said so, and the man had always been willing to believe every husky word the woman uttered.

  “He knows, Red.” Griff gave her butt a light pinch. “Because you meddled.”

  Her brown eyes flared with defiance. “Are you going to punish me for that?”

  This particular hard-on was causing him serious agony, and her b
reathy suggestion only made it worse. But Griff recognized a woman using sex to deflect a man from the emotional turmoil broiling beneath the surface. He’d done that kind of thing himself often enough lately. “No.” He gave her ass a gentle caress rather than the abrupt spank she’d tried to illicit. “We’re going to make love to you.”

  “We don’t make love,” she spat. “We fuck.”

  Griff had made every effort to ensure that was all they ever did. Time to make reparations. “Not tonight.”

  He sent Corey a look the other man interpreted easily. Corey pulled Erica into his arms and carried her, over-the-threshold style, into Griff’s bedroom.

  Erica writhed against Corey as he set her on her feet, everything in her body straining to get away from him. Ordinarily Corey would have released her immediately. Being a big guy, he’d always been extra careful not to inadvertently use his strength against a woman.

  But tonight he held her banded tight to him even when she elbowed his gut and scratched his arm and stomped on his boot with the heel of her shoe. He held her like he would an injured animal scared out of its mind, or the owner of a house that was burning to the ground. He drew her against him, her back to his front, ignoring the demands of his erection every time her butt wiggled against it.

  “Shh.” He stroked her hair and kissed her cheek. “It’s going to be all right now, baby. I love you.”

  “No, no, no. You love Griff.”

  “I’ve got room in my heart for two.”

  “Stop it. Three people is too hard. Do what makes sense, Corey. Be a couple. Be happy.”

  “I’m happy right now because we’re all together.”

  Griff came to stand before Erica, his golden skin and eyes shining like fireworks, every lean muscle displayed to perfection by the low-watt bulb of his bedside lamp. Damned if Corey didn’t grow harder against Erica’s backside, knowing as he did now that Griff was his. Griff loved him.

  And Griff was looking at Erica with an amused smile, all his hard edges filed down to soft affection. “What was your plan, Red? Seduce me into admitting how much Corey meant to me and then…”

  “You make love to him,” she wailed. “Not me.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have worn this dress, gorgeous.”

  “Promise him you won’t leave, Dale. Please.”

  Griff showed her a lopsided smile. “Can’t leave now even if I wanted to—which I never have. You made me show it, so now you’ve both got me.”


  It was barely a whisper now. The fight was leaking out of her.

  Corey held her more securely when her legs weakened, taking her weight against his chest. “Don’t be scared,” he whispered. “We’re not like the other guys. We’re not going to abandon you.”

  “Oh, Corey. Stop being so damned sweet.”

  “He can’t help it.”

  Corey’s eyes flashed to Griff’s. That affectionate expression was still in place, but this time it was all for him. Corey’s heart fluttered like bird wings, beating faster as Griff moved in and kissed him. His lips were as thorough as they always were, his tongue as hot and knowing as it stroked his. But Corey sensed the shift in the gesture. Griff had never kissed him like he was giving his heart in the act.

  And Corey lost his, completely. If this didn’t work out, he knew it would break, unable to be repaired.

  So make sure it works out.

  Between his and Griff’s body, Erica squirmed. As another attempt to escape, it was less than halfhearted. Her ass ground into his erection, giving away her arousal. She’d always loved to watch him and Griff together.

  With a groan, Griff released him. “Take off her dress. I have to see what she’s wearing underneath it.”

  Grasping the hem, Corey slid the dress up and off Erica’s body. The corset was strapless, the boned bodice cinched in her waist while the lace-edged top came to rest just beneath her breasts, lifting them without covering their glorious, dusky pink peaks.

  Corey had never seen anything so sexy. He had to release his hold on her a little so he could take a step back for a better view. His pants chafed his dick, he was so hard.

  Griff’s voice was hoarse. “And you figured we’d get a load of you in this thing and let you walk out the door?”

  Blushing, Erica bowed her head. “I thought I could have one last time.”

  Griff’s determined words echoed Corey’s thoughts. “This will not be the last time, Erica.”

  Griff pulled her to him and took her mouth. Corey sensed the savagery he reined in. Griff’s hands trembled on Erica’s face—remained there, when Corey knew every instinct he possessed was screaming at him to grab and spread and thrust and fuck.

  Moving to the bedside table, Corey took out the lube. They were going to need it because they both had to be in Erica.


  There was a little—emphasis on little—pair of panties that matched the corset. Dropping to his knees, Corey slipped them off, noting how wet they were. He licked over her ass cheeks as he spread the cool lubricant over her hole.

  She wiggled and moaned when he ventured inside her with his finger. Corey looked up to see Griff now playing with her breasts, his hands still gentle in a way they’d never been before. Corey inserted a second finger and stretched her a little, until she gasped and thrust her ass back into the invasion.

  A zipper parted. Two pairs of hands, Griff’s and Erica’s, worked on stripping Griff’s pants down. Griff kicked them off, his smooth erection thrusting proudly from the thatch of light brown curls, his balls heavy and tight. Well, since you’re down here. Corey reached around Erica’s hip and took hold of Griff’s dick, stroking it up and down until Griff swore and rocked into his touch.

  Glancing up he saw them both staring at him, watching the movement of his hand like it mesmerized them. Corey swiped the precome from Griff’s slit and used it to coat Griff’s shaft so he moved more easily along his tensile length. Corey smiled at Griff. “I got a bit better at this, yeah?”

  Griff muttered something that didn’t even sound like English. Erica threaded her fingers through Corey’s hair, holding on for dear life while Corey kept up the in-and-out thrust of his fingers in her ass. He was the one on his knees but they were at his mercy, the two people he loved.

  “Stop, or I’ll lose it.” Griff removed Corey’s hand, his chest heaving. Corey was tempted to say fuck you and your orders and take Griff’s cock into his mouth. He might try that one day, he thought with a smile.

  But tonight was about Erica, so he stood and stripped off his shirt and shorts, drawing Erica back against his naked body. Her smooth ass cheeks cupped his hard-on, tempting him. He’d only taken her ass with his cock once. It had hurt her, so Corey hadn’t been able to bring himself to go there again. Now, Corey took the condom Griff handed him and rolled it on, resting just the tip of his erection at the tiny entrance. “I want to be in your ass, Erica. Is it going to be okay?”

  In response she ground against him. “Do it.”

  “I never want to hurt you. Not ever.”

  “Please. I like it.”

  She turned her head, embarrassed by her admission. Griff cupped her cheek and forced her to look into his eyes. “You enjoy a little pain with your pleasure. I fully intend to explore that fascinating prospect, you gorgeous little minx—another time. Right now it has to be all pleasure.”

  Sitting on the bed, Griff reached between Erica’s legs and started playing with the treats awaiting him there. Corey heard the wet squelch of her pussy clutching at Griff’s fingers and groaned, edging a scant inch inside of her lubricated asshole.

  Even that partial breach was a burning pleasure for his dick. Her puckered ring banded his achy tip, squeezing him like a velvet vise. Pleasure and pain. He could see what Griff meant now. Maybe he could bring himself to spank Erica’s beautiful backside one day, if she wanted him to. He’d do anything, anything she wanted.

  “Oh yeah, you’re so wet. Put your hands on my sho

  Erica did as Griff said, leaning forward and using his steady shoulders for purchase. The new angle opened her up further, and Corey sank another inch into her body. He clutched her hips and held his breath in an effort not to push too far, too fast.

  He’d never felt anything so exquisite and yet so torturous as teetering on that brink.

  “Erica’s going to come soon.” Griff nuzzled Erica’s breasts as he continued stroking inside her with his finger. “Her pussy’s clutching at me, her clit’s quivering beneath my thumb.”

  Corey couldn’t resist pushing a bit farther in, until Erica’s gasp made him freeze. “Don’t stop,” she rasped. “I’m going to…”

  “Tell Corey when you’re coming so he can bury himself deep when that orgasm hits you.”

  “Yes.” Erica gyrated between them responding to the twin assaults of Corey’s cock and Griff’s hand. “Yes, Corey, deeper. I’m coming, I’m coming.”

  Corey plunged home and Erica screamed, her ass slapping against his hips as she rode through the storm of her climax. Corey stared at the place where his cock drove in and out of her ass, holding on to his own orgasm like his life depended on it. Not yet. When they were both inside her, he’d let go. He wanted to feel those spasms rock him at the exact same moment Griff did.

  Impatience made Griff’s movements jerky as he ripped open a condom packet and sheathed himself. His gaze never left Erica’s as he lay back on the bed, easing her on top of him. Corey moved too, desperate to stay seated within her body as Griff helped her straddle his hips. “Now both of us,” Griff said huskily. “Like it’s supposed to be.”

  Erica whimpered as with a tilt of his hips he entered her. Corey withdrew far enough for Griff to plunge in all the way, watching the agony and ecstasy play out over Griff’s face. “Bloody hell, Red. The way you take me in so deep and easy is heaven. I could never bring myself to give it up.”

  As Griff stroked the hair away from Erica’s face Corey saw it all in his friend’s—his lover’s—eyes. Corey held Erica around the waist with one arm and brushed his mouth over her ear. “He’s in love with you, Erica. Griff’s as crazy about you as I am.”


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