The Captive Flesh

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The Captive Flesh Page 4

by Cleo Cordell

  She was intent on his face, watching as it slackened. He could not hold back his reaction. Oh, Gabriel, you are even more beautiful in your distress. She was almost moved to tears, longing to kiss his hot face, to smooth the hair back from his cheek where a damp yellow strand was plastered to his cheekbone.

  Gabriel's lips trembled. His bravado crumbled, inevitably. He twisted his head round to rest on one shoulder and buried his face in his outstretched arm. As he began to groan Marietta felt heat gather between her thighs.

  The phallus,' Kasim whispered.

  She watched as Gabriel's member grew even more rigidly' erect. His sac contracted, became two firm stones. Surely every woman who watched wanted him. People began shouting obscenities. She wanted them to stop. Such a sight should be enjoyed in reverent silence. Her legs felt weak. Each of Gabriel's groans went like a dart straight to her stomach. An insistent pulsing began in her lower belly. Under her bodice her breasts swelled until they ached. She felt a sound gathering in her throat and caged it behind her teeth.

  Kasim laughed softly, knowingly, one hand snaked around her waist, as he drew her against him. He took her weight on his arm, whispering: 'I knew I would not regret bringing you to my house. Feast your eyes Marietta. Let your passions rise. Look into Gabriel's face. Is he not a marvellous animal? Watch him lose all control. He cannot help it. Though he tries to withhold himself to punish the crowd, he cannot -and they know it. That is why they jeer. That is the spectacle they come to see. They love him for his frailty. Look at them. You can see it on their faces.'

  It was true. Every face was avid. While they berated the bound man and enjoyed his suffering, they admired him. Some probably envied him. Many of the men had shining eyes, slack mouths. A woman with dyed red hair and a painted mouth pulled down her tunic, exposing ripe breasts with large brown nipples. She lifted them as if offering them to Gabriel. Flinging back her head she laughed, showing strong white teeth. Then she turned to a man wearing a butcher's apron. He grasped her around the waist, suckling at her breasts eagerly, to the great delight of the crowd.

  From the corner of her eye Marietta saw a man lift a whore's skirts and slide into her from the rear. Even while the whore protested, demanding payment, he thrust at her. His groans of pleasure were muffled against the bunched up material around her shoulders. The many coarse gestures, the open sexuality of the crowd, inflamed Marietta's passions further.

  Gabriel, rapt in his battle with his own responses, tossed his head from side to side. His long hair was wet, soaked with sweat. Droplets flew out, sparkling in the sunlight. Marietta felt the hot drops land on her face, tasted the salt of his sweat on her lips, and realised that Kasim had pulled the veil from her upper face, exposing her eyes, nose and mouth. His fingers were a vice around her arm. She felt his other hand caress her neck and move upwards to cup her chin.

  Then the tips of his fingers found her mouth. She parted her lips eagerly and he thrust his thumb between her teeth, rubbing the fleshy pad over her tongue. She tasted salt on his skin.

  Kasim's breath came in a harsh shallow rhythm. As Marietta sucked on his thumb, she felt his sexual excitement mounting. His eyes were fastened on the spectacle before them. The rigid tension was evident in every line of his body. His narrow angular face looked as if carved from marble.

  Marietta's tension matched his. She had never felt so aroused. A shameless hunger rose in her. She envied the whore. Her womb throbbed, sending signals of readiness to her moist slit. She wanted to be filled, impaled, torn into. Kasim's thumb moved, probing the soft flesh inside her mouth. She drew it deeply into her throat, circling it with her ravenous tongue.

  She could not look away from the platform. Gabriel's hips thrust forward each time the lash stroked his back. His distended member beat against his stomach. The exposed glans was shiny, moist and purplish, collared by the ruched cock-skin. A single clear drop, like a tear, trembled on the tip. The skin on his organ looked stretched, it was so engorged. Surely he could not contain himself much longer.

  The tip of the lash snaked around Gabriel's inner thigh, marking him lightly from thigh to groin. He bucked and jerked his wrists against his bonds. Then the lash curled around his pubic hair, licked his balls. And again. A harsh groan escaped him. His breath was ragged now, his teeth bared in a rictus of shame and pleasure. The crowd groaned in unison.

  'He breaks. Now!' Kasim hissed in Marietta's ear, drawing out his thumb and rubbing the damp tip of it across her parted lips.

  She felt a gathering of excitement. Her heart beat fast. Yes. Oh, Yes.

  Gabriel threw back his head and roared. Every muscle in his body was strained to breaking point. The swollen veins were visible under his golden skin. His phallus jumped, his balls tightened and a great jet of seed spurted across the platform, followed by another, and another.

  'Oh God,' Marietta whispered against the back of Kasim's hand, as, at that precise moment, she locked eyes with Gabriel.

  The troubled grey eyes fastened on her face, became focused, and remained. She looked deep into him, projecting her admiration, her arousal, her soul towards him. The barest flicker of acknowledgement passed over his face. His mouth trembled, pulling away at the corners. And she knew that he was on the brink of tears.

  She felt her body respond with the force of a furnace.

  She loved his self-hatred, his shame. The way he sagged in defeat. Only the shackles at his wrists supported him. Without them, he would have fallen in the dust. She could see how he longed desperately to hide. How he hated the eyes watching his every move. A silent darkened room must have seemed like paradise to him at that moment. Oh, he was achingly beautiful in his sweat and pain.

  She held his eyes by the force of her will as she leant against the wooden edge of the platform. Kasim was silent, locked in private appreciation of Gabriel. She meshed her black-gloved fingers, gripping them tight, pressing them into the hollow between her thighs. Suddenly her climax wracked her, washing over her in great wrenching spasms, leaving her weak and spent.

  Kasim's hard body supported her still. He was fully aware of what had happened. He said something under his breath. The hand that rested on her waist trembled. He too desired Gabriel. She could feel it. The thought excited her beyond measure. Could men be lovers? What things would they do together?

  Kasim and Gabriel. The darkest night and the sun. She imagined their bodies locked in a fierce embrace.

  And glimpsed a world of jewelled delights, hitherto unknown to her.

  She felt quite faint. Though her body was sated for the moment, she was confused by all she had experienced. The tight lacing of her gown restricted her movements and she could hardly draw breath for the tightness of her throat. Her responses alarmed her. Suddenly the crowd seemed to lose its fascination. She wanted to get away from the crush of people.

  But poor Gabriel remained a prisoner.

  For a moment longer she looked at him. A thin trickle of semen ran down one thigh. Even as she watched, a last pearly droplet fell from the tip of his phallus. Tremors jerked across his chest. He was sweating so much he looked oiled.

  The man with the lash drew away, grinning. The spectacle was over. She realised, belatedly, that the whipping had been incidental. There was no blood and the marks, though pink, were not raised, and plainly not too painful.

  Humiliation had been Gabriel's punishment - not the lash.

  His master must have known him well, to have chosen such a refined chastisement. As well, it seemed, as Kasim was beginning to know her.

  'Come Marietta. We shall leave this place. It is hot and dusty. There is nothing here for us now,' Kasim said shortly, drawing her away.

  Marietta looked over her shoulder at Gabriel, who was still watching her. She mouthed Thank you' to him.

  Surprise, then the ghost of a smile passed over his remarkable face before his head sagged forward a last time and dropped onto his chest.

  Gabriel lifted his head and stared after the figure of the woman
who had watched him. He felt grateful to her. Her presence in the crowd had dissipated some of his agony of mind. It had seemed, at the last moment before the explosion of pleasure came, that he was on show just for her - and it had not been so very bad. He had pretended they were alone, and the reflection of himself - which he had seen in her shining face - had made him proud to be beautiful. Proud that, though he could not hold on, and the crowd would have their satisfaction at his expense, he could give himself to her.

  The crowd did not matter. Only she mattered.

  And she had understood that. Accepted what he gave her. She had even thanked him, shaping her lovely mouth around the silent word. Even through the haze of exhaustion and the shame which still burned in every line of his abused body, he held onto her image. While they untied him and led him away, he thought only of her.

  That perfect oval face, framed all in black, and the big blue eyes. Blue as the summer sky. Blue as flax flowers. Who was she? He had not heard of a blue-eyed slave. Such a one would be noticed. She had been with Kasim Dey, and Kasim was a friend of his master, Selim the jewel merchant.

  The merchant went often to Kasim's house to do business. Gabriel might be taken, if he took pains to engineer events. He smiled, the strong well-shaped mouth curving richly. He knew what he must do to influence his master. Tonight he would beg to be allowed to pleasure Selim, protesting his contrition after the public punishment.

  Selim could resist him nothing when he had his buttocks pressed to Gabriel's groin and Gabriel's hand working up and down his hungry shaft.

  Ah, it was more than possible that he would meet the woman. He hoped fervently that it would be soon.

  Chapter Three

  The crowd began dispersing rapidly. The ranks of slaves closed around Marietta and Claudine. Safely hemmed in by strong black bodies they moved on.

  There was no time for Marietta to see what happened to Gabriel. The market and platform of punishment were soon far behind them.

  Kasim walked by her side, supporting her elbow in one strong slender hand, a gesture that to outward appearances looked innocent enough. But she felt the tightly leashed power in his fingers. His profile was stern, the set of the strong mouth severe. Those refined nostrils were white-tipped, flaring just a fraction, the only hint of his contained inner turmoil.

  He was still aroused by the sight they had witnessed, she was certain of it. The thought excited her.

  She had the feeling that he would like to tear the clothes from her body. Even to punish her a little for her shameless enjoyment, for the way the wicked pleasure had rolled over her without the need for anyone's touch. She would have liked that, welcomed it even, though she feared the strength of Kasim's reactions.

  She was a little afraid of herself too. The docile convent girl was fast undergoing a transformation. It was a heady sensation, this self-discovery. She longed to talk to Claudine, to confide in her.

  For some time they walked in silence. Gabriel's face invaded Marietta's thoughts. She knew that she would not forget him. But Kasim's insistent presence surrounded her. Even the memory of the beautiful prisoner took second place to her charming companion.

  The fans and parasols waved over her head. She smelt salt on the warm breeze that blew in from the sea. The streets were wider here, the cobbles clean. They passed the walls of great houses; sheer and white, reaching up high overhead. Balconies, boxed in by ornate screens, jutted out over the street. Soon they came to a stone gate. It was huge and ornately carved. Two burly soldiers stood on guard. Mehmet knocked on the gate with his staff. It opened and they entered into a cool shady courtyard. More guards were apparent; they saluted Kasim.

  'Welcome to my home/ Kasim said bowing to his guests. 'All that I have is yours.'

  Thank you. You are most kind,' Claudine said at Marietta's side.

  Servants came out to welcome their master home. Marietta was aware of many eyes studying them from windows that looked out on to the courtyard. Shadowy veiled shapes peered through the carved screens. A woman's hand protruded from a small arch. The hand was long and slender and covered in some sort of painted design. Gold bracelets were clustered on her wrist. On her middle finger she wore an enormous emerald ring.

  Kasim looked up toward the owner of the hand. He smiled briefly, made a subtle gesture of greeting, then turned his attention back to Marietta and Claudine.

  'Take my guests to the women's quarter,' he ordered a slave. 'Leyla is to be given charge of them.'

  Taking hold of Marietta's gloved hand he carried it to his lips, then did the same to Claudine.

  'I have business to see to for the moment. Leyla will see to it that you are bathed and made comfortable. In the cool of the evening I shall join you in the garden.'

  'I shall look forward to it,' Marietta said.

  Kasim bowed, then walked towards a stone tower with Mehmet. The rest of the entourage followed him.

  'Please to come this way,' the slave said, leading them both towards a side entrance.

  There were guards patrolling the forecourt. More guards stood to either side of the small brass-bound door.

  'What riches Kasim must have to need so many men to guard him,' Claudine said.

  Marietta had been thinking the same thing. As they passed through the brass-bound door, the guards stood aside. Neither of them glanced at the two women. The door was pulled to and slammed shut behind them. Marietta whirled, suddenly feeling panicky. There was such an air of finality about the dull clang.

  The slave waited patiently, silently, until she collected herself and walked forward.

  'What is it?' Claudine said.

  'I ... I don't know. But this is not what I expected. It's almost as if we are locked in. It seems a strange way to treat one's guests.'

  Claudine smiled, 'I expect it is the custom here. I find it all fascinating. I'm sure that Kasim is just being protective. Now stop worrying. I must confess that the thought of a bath and a place to rest has quite pushed all other worries out of rny mind.'

  Marietta shrugged. Perhaps her friend was right. She too welcomed the thought of bathing. She realised how tired she felt. Her nerves seemed a little ragged, and no wonder after the spectacle and her response at the market place. They were led down corridors and passageways. Slaves hurried to and fro on various errands.

  There were many of them, of various races, and all women or girls. They hardly glanced at Marietta and Claudine.

  Marietta could not explain why, but she still felt uneasy.

  Though the surroundings were luxurious in the extreme, there was a cloistered feel about the place. Somehow it reminded her of the convent. The air smelt of sweet spices, perfume, and aromatic smoke. Once, as they crossed an inner courtyard, she glimpsed the town, framed in an open archway. It seemed very far away.

  They followed the silent slave across endless tiled floors and stone paving. It seemed a long time before they stopped at the entrance to a chamber. The slave bowed and gestured that they might go in.

  Marietta parted the beaded curtain that draped the archway. She and Claudine stepped into the most beautiful room they had ever seen. Embroidered silks framed the low divans, where a number of women reclined. Some were talking, others played board games or nibbled sweetmeats. Slaves served the women with dishes of food and drink.

  They were welcomed and drawn into the room. All activity stopped as everyone crowded around. Marietta smiled nervously, speaking words of greeting. Someone held out their arms for the concealing outer clothes. She and Claudine disrobed. A silence fell when the lovely pale faces were revealed. Then a great noise broke out as everyone began speaking at once.

  There was much giggling over the French clothes and hair styles. Marietta stood uncomfortably while the women ran their hands over her hair, plucking at the spray of silk flowers and ribbons, drawing her pale curls through their thin brown fingers. But it was her clear-blue eyes that drew the most admiring glances. She smiled hesitantly, looking round with lowered eyelids, a bec
oming pink flush staining her cheeks.

  Marietta noticed one woman in particular, studying her with avid interest. But this woman did not smile with delight, instead her eyes were wide and appreciative. She was exotically beautiful. Her face, a perfect oval, dominated by long almond eyes; so dark they seemed to be black. A crown of night-black plaits was wrapped around her head. Rubies glinted amidst the heavy coils of hair. Her painted red lips stood out against her astonishing white skin.

  After a few moments, the dark woman stood up and clapped her hands for silence. The noise subsided and the women drew away a little.

  'I am Leyla,' the dark woman said. 'Kasim Dey asks that I take care of you until you become accustomed to our ways. May we know your names?'

  They introduced themselves. Claudine commented on how thoughtful it was of Kasim to think of their welfare.

  'We shall not be staying very long,' she added. 'Just until our passage is arranged to Martinique.'

  Some of the women exchanged glances. Leyla looked warningly at them. She smiled. 'Of course. But for now you are our guests. It is an honour to welcome you. First you must eat and take your ease. After, I will show you where you may sleep. Then you may wish to bathe.'

  She clapped her hands. Marietta and Claudine were led to a divan and made comfortable amongst embroidered silk cushions. Food soon arrived. It was served in dishes on low tables of carved and gilded wood. There was no cutlery. Marietta hesitated to eat with her fingers. Leyla saw her embarrassment, and, dipping her fingers into a bowl, showed them both how it was done.

  Marietta was famished and ate everything put in front of her. The food was delicious; aubergines stuffed with peppers and onions; fish in a delicately spiced sauce; fluffy rice; and sherbets, cool fruit drinks. After eating they washed their hands in bowls of rose-scented water. Across the room a woman began playing a musical instrument. Another sang.

  Claudine relaxed against the cushions. A tray of sugared nuts was placed beside her and something that looked like a brass lamp, entwined by a snake. Ley la explained that it was a nargileh, a water pipe. Marietta was fascinated to see that the women smoked it with relish. They offered it to Claudine. Giggling she tried it and, finding it to her taste, began to smoke with enthusiasm.


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