The Wanted (The Magic of the Jin Series Book 2)

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The Wanted (The Magic of the Jin Series Book 2) Page 1

by Nikki Hunter

  The Wanted

  Nikki Hunter

  The Wanted

  Copyright 2018 Nikki Hunter

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover design by Amanda Walker PA & Design Services

  Editing by Varankor

  The content of this book is protected under Federal Copyright Laws. Any unauthorized use of this material is prohibited. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without express written permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidence.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One – Found

  Chapter Two – Goodbye

  Chapter Three – Stolen

  Chapter Four – A Plan

  Chapter Five – Whiplash

  Chapter Six – Where Are The Wings?

  Chapter Seven –Boop

  Chapter Eight – Not Even Frenemies

  Chapter Nine — Five Children

  Chapter Ten – One Dance

  Chapter Eleven – Clean

  Chapter Twelve – As Fate Would Have It


  Deleted Scene

  About Nikki Hunter

  Chapter One


  Mates. The word hung in the silence, only a moment but what felt like a million years. I mean I just met these men, now what? Are we supposed to run off together all madly in love? Can we please just pump the brakes a little? Though, it does sound nice to have five men enthralled with me; plus, imagine the bedroom possibilities.

  Wait. No. Too much, too fast. The thoughts swarmed Camila’s mind.

  Shaking her head, she pushed back from her seat. She stumbled back into the stark white of the kitchen still wearing the green Suzie Homemaker dress. The back of her chunky heel caught against her chair as she wheeled backwards, causing her to fall against the island in the kitchen. An uneven breath parted her lips, but she ignored the pain in her back.

  Lance stood as she fell as if he could grab her, wrap her in his arms and stabilize her feelings. Strands of chestnut hair fell down into his brown eyes.

  “How?” The words came out as a hushed shriek but still managed to create an echo in the quiet.

  She watched Lance’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed before he looked at his friends for an answer. No one moved. No one dared to even breathe.

  You would think one of these large, badass looking men would have the balls to answer, Camila mused.

  “We don’t know,” Lance finally replied when no one else jumped in.

  Kade gradually stood up, leaving behind his seat. His eyes bore into Camila as he reached for her hand. His magic began flowing over her in calming waves. As she released her breath, her shoulders relaxed and she realized what he was doing. Shaky hands met Kade’s muscular chest as she pulled them out of his grasp and pushed him away.

  “No,” she said, her voice rising. “You don’t get to do that to me. Don’t change my feelings. I want to feel the way I should feel right now.”

  The hurt reflected in his eyes, but she saw his jaw clench while the rest of his features tightened. Kade turned, stepping away swiftly. He meant to head to the back of the room to do his usual pacing, but instead he fell to the ground on his knees clutching at his chest. Camila’s body stiffened as she fell to his side hearing the others gasp out in pain.

  “Do you have another job?” she asked, rubbing her palm against Kade’s back as if the mere touch would help.

  “Fuck, no. This motherfucker hurts,” Zayn hollered.

  “They know.” Bekket glanced around, one hand running through his long blonde hair, unaffected by the magic that pulled at the others. “They know I’m alive.”

  “Well, damn. I’ll kill you now to make this shit stop,” Yehven bellowed through the torment.

  Bekket fell backwards out of his seat as Yehven reached for his neck, Yehven’s strong hands grazing the skin just out of reach. Camila's eyes caught on the veins that ran over Yehven’s arms; the hard muscle bulging with each move. The china set on the table shuddered as his form shook the table.

  Yehven launched the table and sent it flying over their heads across the room. Zayn and Lance lurched away from the mess as plates shattered on the floor. It took the noise to startle Camila enough to move.

  As Yehven stomped over the glass toward where Bekket was now standing, with an amused smirk, she pushed herself between the two. Yehven stepped forward just as she presented herself as the wedge, his body becoming flush with hers as her hands gripped the fabric of his shirt. Just being this close had prickles of lust dancing over her skin.

  His face twitched, unsure if he should be happy to be this close or furious for being stopped. The solid brawn behind her hands shuddered as he breathed in deep. She peered up at him. His dark eyes turning black as his body went lax, falling forward.

  “What the hell?” Camila choked under his weight. With effort, she slowly began laying him down. Loud thumps around her confirmed what she thought might have happened. One by one, scattered within the room, the others fell limp against the floor, leaving her and Bekket standing.

  “You say you have magic?” Bekket asked, gaping toward her.


  “Are you good with it?” he asked again.

  “Yes,” she bit out harsher than she planned. “I’ve had more lives than you could possibly think of; thousands and thousands of years of experience.”

  The humor in Bekket’s stance was clear, his arms balanced against his hips. “Well, now is your time to shine, babe. We’ve been found.”

  Chapter Two


  Desperate, Camila shrugged in an exaggerated wild motion. “What do you need?”

  Bekket calmly walked over, tapping the bottom of his boot against Zayn’s leg. He watched as his limb jarred from the movement but rolled back to a stop.

  “Hmmm. Well, first off, do they have a car?”

  Do they? I haven’t seen one. They’ve been flickering in and out.

  “A car?” she mindlessly asked.

  “Yes, you know,” his hands rose pretending as if he was turning a steering wheel, “vroom, vroom. The humans use it. Back home it’s mostly horses.”

  “I know what a car is,” Camila snapped, leaning down to run her hand along Yehven’s jaw. As if he had to spell it out for me. Maybe these two have more in common than they think.

  “You asked.” He smirked again.

  “I can make one. What else?”

  “Um, you gotta get rid of the outfit.”

  Camila licked her lips, a million dirty thoughts crossing her mind. No, not now. There are more pressing issues than your need to get laid.

  A snap of her fingers as she stood was all that was needed for her usual lavender hoodie and a pair of jeans to appear.

  “I’ve got a safe house we can use for the night. You get that car outside, and I’ll load up these...fellows. If you want to grab a few belongings?”

  Camila sharply nodded. Jogging to the front door, she peered out at the early morning light. Crisp, cool air met her face, calming the rising anxiety within her.

  “What are you thinking? A van?” She asked holding her hand out the doorway, ready to bring their need to life.

  “That or a pickup truck. Just gotta fit us all.”


  Now out in their driveway sat an older silver van. The doors slid open for Bekket to pack the men away and a purple haze that was born of her ma
gic rolled out from the interior of the vehicle.

  “How much time do we have?” she asked not sure if she wanted the answer.

  Bekket chuckled.

  Now is clearly not the time, Bekket.

  “Not much. We need to get moving.”

  Camila left the door open for Bekket, who was bending down to scoop Zayn up. As she passed, he reached out and grabbed her wrist. The sparks that always lit up at their touch burned over her skin.

  “Hey, just breathe. We are gonna be fine. You’re doing great.”

  With a yank of her arm, she peeled away from his touch. Even though she did appreciate him trying to calm the situation, she was too proud to admit the anxiety she felt.

  “Of course I’m doing great. I was born for this.” She bit out.

  Camila weaved through the men’s fallen bodies, silently watching for the rise and fall of their chests as they breathed. At the bottom of the stairs she watched Bekket carry Zayn out to the van in a lover’s cradle.

  She smiled to herself. “You look cute together,” she called over her shoulder as she sped up the stairs, leaving behind the roar of Bekket’s laughter. She could easily use her magic to safely move the men to the van, but Bekket probably needed his exercise and Camila definitely needed her space.

  As she walked into Lance’s room she pulled at her magic. A large black tote appearing on his plain bed. She scanned the room.

  What should I grab for them? You would think if they were my mates I would know enough to grab what’s important to them.

  Sighing, Camila scooped up the book Lance currently had open, tossing it into the bag. She began lifting things and shuffling around the room in search for any meaningful possession that he might need. She didn’t waste her time with clothing; after all, she could get them what they needed.

  Soft cotton met her fingertips as she lifted his pillow. Underneath it was an old crumpled picture, the edges worn with age. Not bothering to see who was captured in the photo she gingerly placed it inside his book that was packed away.

  Huffing, she left Lance’s room to find what she guessed was Kade’s. His room surprised her, enough that she stalled in the doorway.

  Large, colorful pictures hung over his walls. His desk, much similar to Lance’s, had a mess of paints and brushes scattered. Where Lance’s room was clean, Kade’s was a disaster.

  Well, holy hot hell of a mess.

  She shook her head while stepping over clothing that was on the floor. She picked through the art on the desk, her hands finally falling over a leather bound journal. She thumbed through the pages finding charcoal sketches. Kade had a real talent. Within the pages of the book were pictures of the others, including one of her.

  Softly, she ran the tips of her fingertips over smooth charcoal while marveling at his talent. The picture looked soft, loving even. A long sigh parted her lips as she left behind black fingerprints, evidence of her snooping.

  She snatched the book up tossing it into the bag. The images played in her mind.

  That’s all mystery man gets. I don’t have time to dig through this mess. That’s what you get for not picking up after yourself.

  Camila frowned, wading back through his disaster of a room to head to the next. This one she knew was Zayn’s. She pushed open his door, dropping the bag. Last night had been so good; peaceful even. Feeling needed in Zayn’s arms as they spent the night together. How had this morning turned into chaos so fast?

  Noticing that Zayn had made the bed after he woke up, she was careful not mess it up. Not that they would be home for a while. Sweeping up the box with her gifted vibrator, because you never know when that might be needed, she realized Zayn didn’t have much of anything other than clothes that she could pack. She shuffled through the room but found a whole lot of nothing. With a shrug she decided to move on, she would apologize to him later when they had time.

  Yehven’s room looked lived in. It had the same dorm room type feel with the simple bed and desk. Hanging against the wall was a large weapons rack. Swords, daggers, knives, and every blade imaginable hung before her. Two twin blades caught Camila’s eye. Against their hilts were the same sunset stone that Yehven wore around his neck, and somehow she knew these were what he needed. In a cloud of purple smoke, the weapons came off the wall and shrunk until they were small enough to fit in her palm. The cool feeling of the metal was now just two small needles in her hand.

  The large tote was slowly filling and becoming a pain to carry, but she wasn’t done yet. Opening her door, she sighed into her little room. Cool metal met her touch as she ran her hand over the frame of her bed. She didn’t really own anything, with the exception of the vibrator.

  Deciding to claim something as her own, she folded the worn quilt into the bag. She tapped her hand against it as if she was pleased with herself.

  As she ran down the hallway, she allowed one last glance at her first home she shared with her newly bonded. A small pang of sadness ate at her heart as she knew it would be a long while before they returned here. She was never good at goodbyes. Their doors all stood ajar from the quick entrance and exit.

  One deep breath, two deep breaths. Ok, let’s go.

  Bekket had everyone in the van and even buckled when she walked out, locking the door behind her. His gaze stayed on her as she turned back to him, to where he leaned with his back up against the van.

  “Got everything?” His eyebrows rose.

  “Fucking hope so, ‘cause this,” she raised the bag, “is all they get.”

  Bekket’s face split into a huge grin, revealing his beautifully perfect teeth. The dark hue of his eyes traced her silhouette.

  “What?” Camila pried. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Carefree laughter broke loose in the quiet as he jogged around to the driver's seat. Cool metal of the silver van met his palm as he pulled open the door with a small creak.

  “Just thought my mate would be—”

  “Would be fucking what?” Camila stood on the small step of the van to peer over the vehicle at Bekket. Whispers of hair tickled her face in the oncoming breeze that also ruffled Bekket’s own long strands.

  His nose crinkled before he spoke. “I don’t know. She would be… sweeter I suppose. Curse less.”

  Bekket plopped himself into the driver seat turning to watch Camila follow his lead.

  “Well, Bekket, you get what you motherfucking get and you don’t throw a fit.” With the seat belt buckled, she twisted in the dark leather of the chair, casting a glance at the others still unconscious behind them.

  These assholes aren't what I asked for either, she growled to herself.

  Chapter Three


  The pink of Bekket’s tongue darted out, moistening his lips. Pale blonde hairs were pushed back with an annoyed huff as he attempted to start the car.

  “Maybe your magic isn’t that great.”

  “Maybe you don’t know how to drive a car,” Camila shot back. “Do you even have a license?”

  “Um, no, they don’t just hand those out in Treteauh, thank you. But I’ve driven before. I just prefer to meet the open road on two wheels. Not four.”

  “So a motorcycle?”

  Bekket nodded, twisting the key again only to listen the engine rattle and die down.

  “Have you driven a stick shift?” Camila leaned forward a scowl twisting her features.

  Bekket paused, his thoughts suddenly tangled around the image of her being tangled up with him in bed.

  “Well?” she asked again.

  “What—What’s a stick shift?”

  “That’s a no. I’ll drive, move over.” She swatted at him pushing herself over the middle console.

  “Hey! No, I can do it.” His shoulder met hers with a spark, pushing her back into the passenger side.

  “You can’t even start the car!” she protested. With as much force as she could summon, Camila pushed Bekket, his shoulder ramming into the car door.

don’t you even start.” Bekket gritted out. Even though it was quiet, Camila caught the mumble under his breath. “Demanding bitch of a mate.”

  That’s fucking it. That’s the last straw.

  “What did you just say?” Her head twitched sideways, the green within her irises glowing as her eyes widened.

  Fisting her hands, she pummeled Bekket in the shoulder and arm on repeat. “Get out, I’m driving! Get out, get out!”

  With a large thrust, she pushed herself, meaning to knock him farther out of his seat, thus forcing him to exit the van. However, she found herself falling into an empty driver seat. At least what appeared to be empty at first glance. Startled, she gasped as the image of Bekket’s smirking face paled as if he was a ghost.

  “Hello.” He wiggled his fingers.

  “That’s a nice parlor trick.” She deadpanned. “Now, if you can just ghost yourself into the passenger seat we could be on our way.”

  Bekket began to materialize. Camila slowly rose in the seat as he did, until she found herself perched on his lap. She stared, his eyes darkened, something snapping through her across the bond they shared.

  “I’ll,” she cleared her throat, “get up for a moment to let you, uh, move.”

  Heat that burned like the feeling of needy pleasure met Camila as Bekket’s large hand clamped around her wrist.

  “Wait— May I?” His voice was heavy, raspy, and almost dark.

  “May you—”

  The reckless crash of his lips against hers interrupted her question. The sensual feeling that he stirred in her took over. Bekket growled low in his chest as Camila lifted herself until she sat straddling him in the seat. Pain bit into her back as she was pressed against the steering wheel.

  Her arms crossed behind his neck, pulling him closer to her while her tongue snaked between his lips. Sweet pain and oh so sweet pleasure spiked in her as Bekket’s fingers knotted in her hair. Gasping, her lips parted further allowing him to explore farther into her mouth.

  Camila’s core, hot and dripping with need, rolled over the bulge pressing against his jeans.


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