Fire (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 2)

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Fire (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 2) Page 12

by Ann, Lora

  “Keep that attitude, man, because I have a whole legion of mofo’s for you to face down.”

  “Talk to me.”

  Lacey squeezed his hand and added, “Tell us what you need.”

  Mitch straddled a chair. “Here’s what I know…”


  Keeley noted Shelby’s agitated actions. What had the angel nurse so distraught? “You okay?”

  She spun, surprised. Her eyes traveled down Keeley and back up. “No need for me to ask where you’ve been. Or what you’ve been doing.”

  “Why would you say that?” She bit her lip trying to hide her embarrassment at being caught.

  “You not only look like you’ve had wild passionate sex,” she inhaled and made a face, “you smell like it too. Ewwwww.”

  “Oh, hell,” Keeley attempted to smooth out her clothes and hair.

  “Honey, you need a shower,” Shelby chortled, “you reek.”

  “Niiiiice. Appreciate you pointing that out,” she huffed.

  “So, Tar and you are good?” Shelby ignored her ire.

  A sheepish grin crept along her lips. “Very good.”

  “I’m glad. Really I am.” Shelby went back to exaggerated movements piquing Keeley’s curiosity once more.

  “What’s going on, Angel?”

  Shelby scoffed, “My thoughts are far from angelic.”

  “Ahhh…I do believe that’s the calling card for a man is involved.”

  An exasperated sigh was followed by, “Go to hell.”

  Keeley laughed hard and tugged Shelby’s hand. “Girl talk time.”

  “I have no desire to talk about anything,” came the sassy retort.

  “Alrighty then. Let me guess. You like a particular Captain.”

  “Now what gave you such an idea?!”

  “Well, for one, your nostrils just flared as your heart rate increased.”

  “Observant little brat!”

  “I’ve been called worse.”

  “I’m sure you have,” Shelby muttered.

  Keeley was by no means offended. The thought of Shelby and Mitch together made her happy, she wanted to help make that a reality. “I can talk to him if you’d like.”

  Back to agitated body language as Shelby busied herself. “That’s not necessary.”

  Curiosity got the best of her, even though Keeley knew she was prying. “Why not? He’s a nice enough guy. Handsome.” She studied her closely. “You make a good-looking couple.”

  “My God, let it go!” Shelby nearly screamed. “I have no need for any man.”

  She knew this was thin ice and retreated with caution. “Suit yourself.” Keeley walked across the room. “A man like that won’t stay single forever,” she spoke casually, wanting the seed to plant.

  “You are the devil’s spawn,” Shelby spat out, marching from the room.

  Oops. Busted. But Keeley couldn’t feel bad about it. She made a mental note to watch Mitch around Shelby and see if the attraction was reciprocated. An apple in hand, Keeley took a bite as Dr. Sheffield stepped into the room. Their eyes met and the doctor wrinkled her nose. “You stink.”

  So everyone was aware she’d had sex. Awesome. “Yes, Shelby already informed me.”

  Pamela shook her head. “Come with me, you need a shower before we meet up with the others.”

  Keeley stood. “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see,” she answered with a smile.

  She was pleasantly surprised when the good doctor took her to a bathroom with running water. There was no denying she smelled of Tar and their love making. A part of her tried to counter that term with fucking but Keeley quickly squelched such thoughts. What they shared was beautiful and she would not let anything or anyone taint it. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she recalled the reunion, the joining of souls and hearts. Nothing could separate that bond. She washed herself thoroughly with a stain of sadness. His smell on her body made him feel close by. He told her where he was going and why. A job must be done. She still didn’t trust Lisa, but Cole deserved his uncle’s protection. And more importantly, Chase needed to be rescued. This wasn’t about her and him at the moment. People’s lives hung in the balance and she had to remember they came first. Family was everything.


  God, the stench that clung to him nauseated her. Worst part was, he wore that slut’s perfume like a badge of honor. There was no shame, no remorse when she asked Tar where he’d been. His words echoing in her ears, “With my wife.” Fuck. When did she lose him? Her own conscience speaking up, “Um…the day you fucked his brother.” Lisa picked up a plate and hurled it across the kitchen on a scream of frustration.

  Tar rushed out of the bathroom, water still clinging to him, with a towel haphazardly wrapped around his waist. “What the fuck?”

  She ogled the masterpiece in front of her, his flex of muscle as he hurried toward her. The eight pack that met her eyes, each roll clearly defined. Her eyes averted before he figured out she was openly lusting him. Lisa found something sad to focus on and turned on the waterworks. Warm fingers lifted her chin, “We’ll find him,” came the declaration.

  Stupid, stupid man thinking she was crying over her husband. But she’d use whatever angle to get him to hold her, work on his empathy. “You don’t know that,” she spoke in partial truth.

  He cocked his jaw, not liking what he was hearing, but it was true. Tar couldn’t guarantee he could bring Chase back to his wife and son. Even if he was physically rescued from the clutches of those sick fucks, it didn’t ensure he’d ever be back mentally or emotionally. He found himself offering up, for the thousandth time, a silent prayer for his brother. “I know we are doing everything in our power to make it happen.” He pulled her into a brotherly embrace.

  Lisa seized the opportunity given and began to wail and beat on his well-defined pecs. Her antics causing the precarious towel to slip further down his hips. His focus on her, not his nakedness. Perfect. “You won’t get him out alive,” she sobbed.

  He growled, “Don’t talk like that,” and pulled her closer into his body for shelter, for comfort. Tar understood that dark place of fear and doubt. He did care for Lisa and didn’t want her hurt any more so than she already was. “The team, my friends, will do everything in their power to get Chase out of this situation. Please,” he implored and pulled back to lock his gaze to hers, “believe that.”

  Those eyes! Fierce in their passion, and bringing out the brilliant jewel color in them. “I’m trying,” she hiccupped, tugging once more on his compassion.

  “No matter what,” Tar vowed, “I’ll take care of you and Cole.”

  She’d done it. Lisa managed to get his word of honor, knowing full well how loyal he was. This would ensure that she stayed in his life actively and could manipulate him away from Keeley. A little victory grin laced her lips. “You’re a good man, Tar. I know how important your word is to you.”

  He traced the tiny smile. “There, see, you can trust me.”

  Cole came running in and yanked on the towel, “Uncle Tar. Uncle Tar.”

  He stood there unashamed of his body as he picked up his nephew. “What’s with all the excitement, Buddy?”

  Little arms encircled his thick neck. “You came back. You didn’t leave me and mommy like daddy did.”

  Damn. Poor little guy was confused, but hell if he knew what to say to the child other than, “Daddy didn’t want to go, Partner. And I’m trying to help him come back.”

  A tight hug was followed up by, “Thank you.”

  Tar couldn’t resist, even if he wanted to, as he held onto his precious nephew. He’d all but forgotten he stood there nude until a knock at the door. He held his hand up for Lisa to be quiet as he handed over Cole. With the grace and stealth of a big cat, he peeked out a window to see who was there and then opened the door. He grabbed a pillow, sitting on a chair, to cover his dick. “Mitch, ‘bout damn time, man.”

  Mitch eyed him before catching Lisa’s hooded gaze
from across the small space. Didn’t take long for him to put together that Tar had recently showered, explaining his nudity. The towel on the floor telling him, for whatever reason, it’d fallen off. None of that really disturbed him. But that look in her eyes bugged the hell out of him. No wife should ever look at another man the way she was eyeing her own brother-in-law. He didn’t care what kind of history they shared. It was adulterous. He glanced back at his friend, “Better cover that shit up, brother, company’s coming.”

  Tar looked down at himself. “Be right back.”

  Lisa attempted to make small talk but Mitch was onto her. She could feel it. Bad news. All her life she’d been fantastic at fooling people, especially men, so she turned on her girlish charm. “I know how that must’ve looked when you walked in. Sorry if I was gawking inappropriately. It’s just,” her breathing hitched with the tears she forced, “I miss Chase so much, and Tar reminds me of him.”

  Mitch stood, arms crossed over his chest, not buying her bullshit for a second. She was a dangerous woman who would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. And it was written all over her face, she wanted Tar. No way, no how would he permit that she-devil to get her claws into him again. Shit, her infidelity with his brother damn near destroyed him. He went through hell to recover from that betrayal. Now, she wanted to do the same in reverse. What was her game? Why the McNeil brothers? Or did she honestly not care whose dick was involved? Fuck, women like her disgusted him. Homes were wrecked, families torn apart, men used and completely ruined by the likes of such cunt-bags. Yeah, no. Not gonna happen as long as he could prevent it. And at this point, he hoped like hell when they got Chase home, that he wised up to her manipulation. The sweet little boy staring at him didn’t need to be raised by the likes of her. Those kind of mothers spelled t-r-o-u-b-l-e and would make sure their sons never knew love and happiness. Simply put, she wouldn’t share. He addressed Cole, “Hey there, I brought you something.” Mitch reached into his pocket and pulled out a few cars.

  Cole’s eyes lit up like he’d just been given the gift he secretly wished for. “Can I have them, Mommy?”

  “Of course,” she purred. “Thank you, Mr. Rolston.”

  The cloying tone made Mitch shift. Visions of shaking the truth out of her made his fists ball up at his sides.

  Tar observed from the doorjamb. His friend did not like Lisa; that was apparent. He couldn’t help but smile and nod at that. Mitch was a damn good friend. But he needed to cut her some slack. The past was the past and needed to stay there. Sounds of, “vroom, vroom, vroom,” drew his attention to the floor where Cole was playing. Tar ruffled his hair on the way over to Mitch and Lisa. “When does the rest of the team arrive?”

  On cue there was a knock, but when Nik, Alex and Sofie, E and Lacey walked in, Tar was confused. Mitch read it clearly and opened up with, “They’ve become invaluable in assisting with this particular cartel. Their experience with the late senator gives them an edge we need.”

  No argument there, however… “You are aware of the danger involved?” He wanted to make damn sure they all understood this wasn’t a game. The threat was very real.

  A consensual nod of heads and a couple of “affirmatives,” gave Tar the only ease he could find. He didn’t like this one bit, and he knew for sure Mitch didn’t either. But their choices were slim, and though these were civilians, they did have knowledge above and beyond the norm. He had to remind himself that he and Mitch, hell the entire team, were technically civilians as well.

  They all took a seat and got down to business. Nik was waiting on his contact to get back with him on the whereabouts of several known skin traders. Alex and Sofie were going in as interested investors. Tar admitted they looked the part and their occupations fit the bill. E and Lacey were heading over to one of his clubs and learning what they could there. Mitch turned to Tar. “I know you want in on some kind of action, but I need you to stay with your family.”

  That earned him a go-fuck-yourself glare. “I get it, Tar. I really do. However, it’s necessary.”

  Muttered curses filled the air before Tar growled out, “You can assign someone else.”

  “Not really.” Mitch glanced over at Lisa and Cole sitting on her lap. “They need to be with someone who they trust and who will ensure nothing harms them.”

  Tar scoffed. “Anyone on the team can do that.”

  Mitch stroked his jaw, reconsidering when his cell phone vibrated. He looked up. “Grab your shit. We’re outta here.”

  They set up a rendezvous time and location before leaving, and Tar was shocked to find they were heading over to the abandoned warehouse. “What the hell is goin’ on?”

  Mitch shot him a leveled look that said everything: Shelby and Keeley were compromised.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Three women eased along the dank, stale corridor, leading into the pit of a building they snuck into, avoiding the entourage searching for them back at the warehouse. “I don’t like this one bit,” Dr. Sheffield admitted.

  Shelby couldn’t blame her. A woman of her intelligence and age wouldn’t know anything about living on the streets. She shot a sidelong glance Keeley’s way. Her ability to stay light on her feet was a godsend. Her fairy-like size making every movement look easy, like she was floating around Neverland sprinkling pixie dust. A mischievous twinkle in her eye made it seem even more real. Shelby couldn’t help but shake her head at the fact Captain Hook and his cronies were hunting them. Now, if the Lost Boys would just show up on the scene, all would be complete from her daughter’s favorite story. A sad sigh filled her lungs, memories like that surfaced without warning and at the most inopportune times. Time eased the loss but it sure as hell didn’t erase the pain.

  Keeley reached over and squeezed Shelby’s hand. Unsure of where her angel disappeared to in her own mind but needing her back in the here and now. Her voice was stronger, though still held a hint of a rasp, and was slowly coming back to full volume since her time spent with Tar, but she chose to mouth, “You okay?” A slight nod told her, no, Shelby wasn’t all right, but that wasn’t the time to have a talk.

  Pamela whispered, “Do you know where to go?”

  Another nod of her head as Shelby hobbled over to an obscure door. She opened it and waved the other two through. Keeley watched in fascination as she took great care to cover up their tracks. Damn, she was good. Though they were in all kinds of danger, the adrenalin shooting through her veins gave her a remarkable high. She noted that. Pain wasn’t the only thing that could feed her. Good to know. A decision to take up the rear, Keeley moved in behind the doctor. “Hang tight, doc. We’ll be clear of this place soon.”

  She eyed Keeley observing her boost of confidence. She was quite comfortable with being on the run, Pamela made a mental note. How that would play out in everyday life she wasn’t sure. Maybe the young woman simply held a sense of adventure that needed to be cultivated. Worth researching when she had a moment. First thing was to escape fully intact from whoever those men were. Although Dr. Sheffield wasn’t stupid, they were henchmen for someone up the food chain. And it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out they were tied to the sex slave ring they were all trying to bring to justice. Despicable pieces of trash. She’d love nothing more than to hang them all by their ball sacs as their dicks were cut off and shredded into tiny pieces before fed back to them. A survivor herself, she didn’t take kindly to any of those motherfuckers.

  Keeley couldn’t help but notice the murderous gleam she caught in Pamela’s eyes as they turned a corner. Wow. One thing was for sure, you did not cross the good doctor. She respected the hell out of that. Someone with a backbone always earned it. Strength like that was almost always hard earned, she had learned by trial and error. Maybe someday Keeley would find that strength, too. She still felt so ill-equipped to handle everything she’d been through and was currently dealing with. Even though something important shifted in her when she was with Tar making love in that office, she found love, mercy
and grace, giving her a vitamin shot of self-worth. An odd sound pulled her up straight as she stilled Pamela in front of her. “Shhh,” she cautioned.

  Shelby heard it too and froze, listening for more. After a few minutes, she glanced back at Keeley and whispered, “Let me go check if it’s all clear.”

  An emphatic shake of her head followed with, “I’ll go.”

  “Don’t be stupid,” came the hissed reply. “I know this building better.”

  She couldn’t argue the logic, though she was nimbler than Shelby. Pointing that out would earn her a punch right to the face. “I’ll give you five minutes then I’m following.”

  “Fair enough,” Shelby replied before easing into the next room.

  A shadow crossed her path. Shelby’s hand went to her mouth, stifling the scream, as she stood perfectly still until all looked clear. She went back to tell the others they had company when something firm grabbed her. “No,” she gasped out before a thick hand covered her mouth.

  “Don’t make another sound,” was growled in her ear.

  Shelby knew that if you let someone move you from crime scene A to crime scene B, you were dead. She’d go out fighting right where she was—thank you very much. Before she could do anything, he spun her around. Shelby stared into Mitch’s gaze. Her mumbled, “What are you doing here?” made him smile a little.

  Fuck she was adorable. He fought like hell not to kiss that sassy mouth and answered, “I could ask you the same thing.”

  She huffed, and he dropped his hand from her mouth. “I live around here, idiot.”

  He swallowed down the chuckle. “Then you know you have visitors.”

  “Yeah, Einstein. Why do you think we’re in this building?”

  “Damn woman, keep talking like that and I’m gonna do to you what I’ve wanted to do since I first met you.” She crossed her arms, raising her breasts to his already hungry gaze.

  Not the time, Rolston!

  “You act as if I’d welcome any such advances.”

  He leaned forward and gave her a hard fast kiss before tugging her against the wall. “We got party crashers,” he spoke directly into her ear.


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