Fire (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 2)

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Fire (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 2) Page 18

by Ann, Lora

  What Tar saw sent him into DEAFCON 5. Lisa was trying to impale herself with his now softening dick. He yanked her off of him so fast her nails dug deep into his abs, drawing blood as she clawed at him. “Mother fuck!” he growled. But it was whose gaze his latched to on the other side of the window that sent pure terror shooting through his muscles. “KEELEY!” he roared.

  Lisa glanced over and saw a tiny figure trying to get free of the hedges and screamed.

  Tar lunged ignoring the blood dripping.

  Cole came running in, fear all over his little face.

  Tar didn’t stop as he grabbed a pair of sweats. trying to put them on and tripping on his way to the front door. He heard Lisa in the other room.

  “Tar. Stop!”

  Stupid bitch. He should’ve known. All the fucking signs were there. Mitch even warned him. But what tore at him was his nephew’s expression. He turned to the child shaking in the doorway. “It’s okay, Buddy. I’ll be back in a little while.”

  Cole stared at Tar’s stomach. “Is there a cat?”

  Tar realized the scratch marks were at Cole’s eye level. “I fell, Partner. I’ll be alright.” Lisa moved past her son and Tar shot her a warning glance. “Don’t,” he growled as he opened the door and left.

  He raced around the side of the house but Keeley was no longer there. All he saw was the ripped T-shirt hanging on the bush. Tar grabbed his cell phone as he searched frantically for her. “E, we have a situation.”

  “On my way.” E hung up and glanced over at Lacey. “I know better than to tell you to stay put. Get dressed.”

  “What’s going on?” Concern etched around her eyes and mouth.

  “Not sure, but that was Tar. Odds are Keeley is involved.”

  “Shit,” she breathed.

  E grabbed her shoulders. “Whatever she’s done, Sweetness, we will be there for her.”

  She stroked her husband’s jaw. “Call Nik and Alex. She’ll need all the love we can give.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Her arm was throbbing and somehow she managed to get herself lost. Keeley knew not to go back to the house she’d been staying at. Tar would look there first. She couldn’t go to her mom’s, again, he’d look for her there. With no clue as to Lacey and Even’s whereabouts, she roamed the streets aimlessly. A nice couple gave her a ride from Orange County. They wanted her to go to an ER but she convinced them it wasn’t bone protruding from her arm, just a busted bracelet she couldn’t part with. In the dark her lie was believable. Their age didn’t work against her either. She tied a piece of her T-shirt around her forearm to hold the bone in place. Pain radiated all the way up into her shoulder, and the fact she relished its inviting bite pissed her off more. Exhaustion was taking its toll and she was finding it difficult to walk.

  Keeley tripped up the fire escape thinking more than once how convenient it’d be to fall from it. At least then it wouldn’t be suicide. She took a deep breath fighting back the sobs. How could Tar do such a thing? Was it all a lie? The claims of being in love, forgiving her, wanting to marry her? God, had she been duped the entire time? She stumbled again after reaching the top and grabbed the rail tight. Her arm protested with a vengeance. A wobble and creak told her what she held onto wasn’t stable. “Oh, for fuck’s sake just let me die already,” she roared into the night. The bar gave way under her hand and sent her flying forward on all fours. She laughed maniacally. “You have some sick sense of humor,” she grunted while looking up into the sky. Her arm gave out under the weight and pressure breaking it in another place. Fucking fantastic. She huffed and puffed through the agony, hating herself more and more every second that she enjoyed it.

  The bottle of whiskey sitting along the roof’s edge called to her. “Make it all go away, Keeley. Come. Drink.”

  She had no fight left in her. And she simply wanted all the shit she felt to just leave her alone. Life was simpler when she was strung out. Hell, it was even easier when Caleb was doing all those sick things to her. She knew where she stood in those scenarios. This fucked up heartbreaking crap made her feel lost at sea. No anchor. No way to find land. Adrift in a vast ocean of emotions she didn’t want. Keeley began to tear at her body. She wanted to take away every memory of Tar’s touch on her skin. The dirty feeling went all the way to her bones. Shame and guilt came to play until there was a party of demons dancing around her.

  “Stupid girl,” they hissed, “no one could ever love a whore like you. Unworthy. Men only want you for your cunt. Nothing more.”

  Keeley fell into a heap and curled into herself, holding her hands over her ears.

  Long nails caressed her cheek. “There, there,” the demon drawled, “drink from the bottle and let me take it all away.”

  Her hand reached above and snatched the whiskey. They were right, she’d been such a fool to think any man could ever love her for her. Tears slid down to her mouth mixing with the fiery liquid as she tipped her head back and drank and drank.


  Tar’s gut told him Keeley was close by. He searched each abandoned warehouse certain she was in one of them. The area was familiar to both of them. Shelby and Keeley had been residents of one in particular. He’d gone there first, coming up empty handed. But he wasn’t giving up. She was his everything. God damn Lisa and her sick little game, which was costing him dearly. She better hope and pray Keeley didn’t go off the deep end. He wouldn’t be responsible for what happened to her if the woman he loved was harmed in any way. Well, more than she already was. He was haunted by that look in Keeley’s eyes. Betrayal. It screamed at him through the pane of glass, “You deceived me!”

  For the hundredth time he prayed for her safety, continuing to search in vain. His head was killing him thanks to the aftereffects of the drug he’d been given. Tar’s body metabolized quickly and nothing ever stayed in his system for too long. But damn, he suffered from nasty headaches afterwards. He just wanted to sleep it off. His body demanded he slowed down and rested. Yeah, fuck that! Shirtless wasn’t helping his burning scratches along his stomach as he glanced down noticing fresh blood. Hell, he must’ve opened it back up somewhere along the way. Not good. He’d been in some filth holes recently and infection probably was setting in. That could explain why he felt like shit. More than his emotions all over the damn place, he was physically drained. But he couldn’t stop. Keeley had to be found. He needed to explain to her what happened before it was too late. She’d run. Or worse…No, stopping wasn’t an option. He leaned heavily against the wall trying to catch his breath when a bottle came crashing down from above. His eyes were drawn to the roof where someone was dancing on the edge. Holy fuck! How drunk did a person have to be to do that? Tar pushed off the wall, knowing he couldn’t just walk away and let some stupid ass fall to their death because they enjoyed a little too much alcohol.


  E glanced over at Lacey worried sick about her. His instincts told him he shouldn’t have let her come. But his heart and mind learned their lesson. “We’ll find her, Sweetness. You have to have faith.”

  Her sad smile spoke volumes. “I’m trying. But if she does something stupid after being clean for so long, her odds of survival are low.”

  They were, yet E couldn’t bring himself to confirm or deny what his wife just said. Instead he pulled her close and kissed her forehead. “My gut says she’s somewhere in this area.”

  Lacey took in the row of warehouses. “Shelby should be the one helping us.”

  A soft, “you rang,” came from behind her.

  She turned toward her and gasped, “Oh my God! How did you two find us?”

  Mitch held out his cell phone. “Technology comes in handy.”

  E gave her a half-smile. “Did you really think I wouldn’t call in the cavalry? She’s my sister, too.”

  Lacey hugged him hard and whispered, “You’re the best.”

  He tipped her chin and placed a light kiss on her lips. “You can show me your gratitude later.”

/>   Shelby hobbled toward a fire escape peering closely. “Someone used this recently.”

  Mitch shook his head with a grin on his face at Even Strand and went over to investigate. A heavy groan of the metal above told them someone was still on it, and it was protesting. Nik leaned over the edge. “Fucker better not give out on me!”

  Alex was already off the weak ladder standing on the floor just below the roof. “If you didn’t weigh as much as a gorilla it may be able to hold you.”

  E barked out, “Get the hell off that thing before we’re putting your Humpty Dumpty ass back together.”

  “Shit,” Alex called out, “Aimee would never forgive us. Get off that rickety thing.”

  Another loud crack pinged off the walls and then a series of loud bangs and booms. The fire escape lay in a heap barely missing those standing below it. Nik jumped and was hanging from a window when E exclaimed, “Mother fuck!” and took off at dead run.

  Shelby and Lacey stood in awe as E managed to pull his brother to safety. A chill went up Lacey’s spine as the memory of E rescuing her not so long ago resurfaced. Shelby turned to her, “Have you seen anyone about your recent trauma?”

  Lacey stared at her. “Damn your good. And no, I haven’t had time.”

  “Make it,” she affirmed while patting Lacey’s shoulder.

  Mitch was up on the roof, staring west of where they were. From the distance Shelby was at she couldn’t tell what the look on his face meant, but she felt horror in her gut. His finger came up pointing as he yelled. “Over there!”

  Both women screamed and Nik, E, and Alex moved as a unit.

  They all raced frantically to the other warehouse where two people were dangerously close to the edge. From that height they wouldn’t survive if they fell.


  Keeley couldn’t care less that she was one baby step away from her death. She was the life of the party in her mind, transported back in time to when she didn’t give a fuck about anything but feeling good. Her demons surrounded her and kept the images flashing until one slipped up and appeared as David. The visions now were of terror as he raped her repeatedly and had his friends join in. She stood on the ledge attempting to focus and erase the face in front of her. But then another demon provided an even more terrifying memory, Caleb and his diabolical ways of torture. Not hers, the nameless girls he murdered and made her watch while chained to the cement wall. The things he did to them were unspeakable. She thought she’d lost those thanks to the trauma involved, yet there they were in vivid colors and sounds, like she was right there once again.

  The demon took on Caleb’s form and hissed in her ear. “You like what I do to you. You crave what only I can give. Come, my dear. Be with me forever.” He nudged her to the side.

  Keeley’s brain was misfiring. She could’ve sworn Caleb was trying to kill her. Her scream was deafening as she fought to live. A shocking revelation, she didn’t want to die. And that was what Tar was trying to do, save her as he lunged forward and came up against a force. Ice cold and pure evil. It surrounded her and he couldn’t seem to break through it. “Fight, Keeley. You have to fight. I can’t do it for you.” He watched in horror as she wrestled around on the ledge. A fall from that height would kill her.

  She was trying to break free of the demon’s hold as he pushed her backwards. Keeley pleaded, “No, Caleb. Please. I don’t want to die.”

  Tar once more reached for her. “Beautiful, it’s me, Tarius. Caleb is dead. He can’t hurt you anymore.” God, what was she battling in that gorgeous head of hers.

  Her gaze leveled on his. “Tar?” she squeaked out.

  “Yes, baby. I’m right here. Grab my hand.”

  She angled her head awkwardly. “You don’t love me.”

  “What? No. No. No. That’s not true. I do love you. With all I am, I love you.”

  She shook her head with an attempt to erase what she saw in that house, Lisa and Tar fucking. But other things were becoming clearer, like the odd look on his face. She’d seen that before. Where?

  The demon was losing her and grabbed her shoulders. “You belong to me,” he growled just as her foot slipped.

  Everything from what Keeley saw through that window played out in slow motion, and what stood out in stark contrast was Tar’s expressions. She was familiar with them. They were the same ones he had the night she drugged him in Italy and tied him to a bed. Oh my God! Lisa set him up! “TAR!” she screamed and reached for him.


  E and Nik were racing toward the rooftop of the warehouse. Lacey froze when she recognized her sister’s voice. A trembled, “that’s Keeley,” was pushed out as Alex held onto her hand.

  “Lacey, grab hold,” Mitch commanded.

  She clutched the edge of something plastic feeling and realized it was covered in spiders. Lacey dropped it quickly. Alex paid no attention to her freak out and once more put the old tarp, Shelby yanked from a dumpster, back in her hand. “Get over it, Lacey. Keeley needs you. Now!” he growled.

  Shelby looked up and then back at Alex. “It won’t work. There’s no use. Looooook!” she cried out, pointing upwards.

  Alex and Mitch both followed her gaze. What Alex saw made his blood run thick and cold. “My God!”


  Tar had a hold of Keeley’s broken arm as she dangled from the ledge. She was wriggling and screaming, “Please don’t let me fall,” over and over.

  “Look at me, Keeley. I’ve. Got. You.” Or so he thought, until her bone gave way and he slid further over the edge trying to grasp another part of her. He was losing her, fighting to pull her up with his strength alone. But he was weak from infection and his wound was ripped open over the jagged concrete of the edge. “Reach up with your other hand, baby.”

  Keeley tried to do what Tar asked but it was as if someone held her good hand back and away, which was why she was squirming so much. She had to break Caleb’s hold on her. “Let go!” she yelled.

  “Never! I love you! I want to grow old with you!” Tar growled out wondering how she could possibly give up now.

  She felt her broken arm give way and knew this was it. Her end had finally come when her beginning was waiting for her. A calm passed over her as she locked her gaze on the only man she’d ever truly loved. “I love you more.”

  “KEE-LE-Y-Y!” Tar roared as he lost his grip. In the back of his mind he realized he was about to go over, too ,and he didn’t fight it. If he couldn’t have her in this world, then they’d be together in eternity.

  E reached forward and caught Tar’s leg. “I’ve got you!” he announced, grunting and pulling with all his strength.

  But Tar could only see Keeley as she fell closer and closer to the hard unforgiving pavement below. He made a mental note, she’s not screaming, as if she’d made peace with leaving him. Forever.

  To be continued……….


  The Sound Of Silence – Disturbed

  In Chains – Shaman’s Harvest

  Unsteady – X Ambassadors

  Falling Apart – Papa Roach

  She Talks to Angels – The Black Crowes

  Bring Me To Life - Evanescence

  Shake It Out – Florence + The Machine

  Stand My Ground – Within Temptation

  Believe – Staind

  Tell Your Heart to Beat Again – Danny Gokey

  All I Need – Within Temptation

  Made To Love – John Legend

  Need You Now - Plumb

  As Real As You And Me - Rihanna

  Listen Here


  Sometimes we think a book is done until someone challenges us to look a little closer, dig a little deeper. Then we go back over the story with a different perspective and see what we didn’t see before. Rewrites begin to happen. Nothing was really left out, but you recognize things should have been brought forward instead of hanging in the background. For this reason, and so many more, I want to thank Lucian Bane. You’ve ta
ught me so much and I’m beyond grateful.

  I cannot tell you how grateful I am for the following lovely ladies who make up an amazing street team: Suzanne Gangarosa, Tina Henry, Carolyn Muller, Carolann Evans, Jenny Shepherd, Cathy Dionne, Doris Collins, Yvonne Evans, Vickie Brown, Shelli Fuller, Helena Hoorn and Melissa Gray—your hard work and support does not go unnoticed. Thank you so much.

  Suzanne, Jenny, Doris, Carolyn, Tina, Shelli, Dorisa Curry, Hazel Lewis, Claressa Hands and Louise Hunter—your mad beta reading skills are much appreciated.

  A huge shout out to all wonderful bloggers.

  None of this would be possible without readers, from the bottom of my heart—thank you.

  For my family and friends who stand by me and cheer me along, I love you bunches.

  My incredible sons, there aren’t enough words to tell you how much you mean to me. I love each of you so very much! Thank you for your love and patience as you share Mom with the book world.

  Writing is an incredible blessing that I don’t ever want to take for granted. Thank you, God, for giving me something I never once thought to ask for.

  A Special Note

  Dear Reader,

  Would you please consider leaving a review? I’m not only an author but an avid reader as well. I love hearing about new authors to read. Word of mouth is powerful, however, so are reviews. Think of it as a way to reach book friends you haven’t met yet. Leaving your review helps fellow readers find new books to love, and helps the authors who write them. Win-win! So please, leave one on Amazon and/or Goodreads.

  Thank you,

  Lora Ann

  About Author Lora Ann

  Lora is a Missouri native who relocated to California as a teen. She spent several years as an international flight attendant for a major airline before taking on her greatest job ever, a stay-at-home mom. Now she resides in Kentucky with her family and has taken on her newest adventure, writing.

  Contact Lora Ann

  Twitter @Loraann_


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