Wanted: Big Bad Brother: A Billionaire Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

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Wanted: Big Bad Brother: A Billionaire Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance Page 26

by Knight, Natalie

  I imagine all the things I would do to her if she were here in the editing room with me. I'd spread her out over all this equipment and have her calling my name in no time.

  It's funny how I've got her eating out of my hand. For a second, I picture what life would look like without all this underhanded manipulation on my part. Maybe we could happy?

  I'm definitely not tired of her and that's what's different. I never expected she'd be anything except another woman to me. And so far that's what she is, but damn, when I imagine her lips straining to take in the girth of my cock, well, it nearly sets me over the edge.

  I will have more of her sexually, but not until I toy with her first.

  This video is the second insidious thing I've done to get back at her. The shoot she sat for was a setup. I made sure they asked her a series of questions in which I could trap her. She doesn't know it but I'm gonna flip it around and edit that footage into a totally different video. By the end, it will look like she's a spokesperson for people with STDs.

  I know it's a premeditated and awful thing to do, but what can I say? She deserves it. She deserves everything she gets.

  I've never had a girl be so cruel to me as Allie was. Hopefully, this will make her understand that she can't treat people that way and get away with it.

  I watch the footage and I see her beautiful face on camera. She's shifting on her stool trying to cast herself in the best light. She really is a natural model and apparently a natural spokeswoman because everything she says is on point.

  I'm impressed by her. But that's Allie's charm. She gets you to love her and then she destroys you. Not this time. I cannot let that happen again. I’ll be the one doing the destroying this time around.

  I sift through the footage for something I can use. She's answering questions about how videos can go viral. I love the idea that she doesn't realize this little gem is gonna fly around the web and pull her name through the mud.

  I have the power to make it be so. I practically own the internet with this company. It's everything my nerdy genius mind in high school could've imagined. I always knew I'd make it to the top and it definitely doesn't suck up here.

  Hey, she should be satisfied that she even got more work with Hard Pressed . We're the biggest firm in town after all.

  I toss my black hair out of my eyes and unbutton my shirt to get some air. Looking at Allie turns me on no matter how much I hate her.

  I know my actions are shady and a part of me wants to go back or just refrain from posting this, but another part can't resist humiliating Allie.

  To see her suffering gives me some sick sense of pleasure. I know it’s fucked up, but what she did to me was fucked up too.

  I find a scene where she finally speaks the perfect line for me to use against her.

  The interviewer asks her to be more specific about something and this is where Allie says verbatim, "Before you know it, it spreads around to everyone you know and everyone they know."

  I couldn't ask for a better lead-in to the fact that she's posing as the STD girl. This will ruin her career for sure.

  I twist the video into my own contorted image of Allie having an STD. It's so good, and so seamless, that I know a lot of people are gonna see it and recognize her face.

  I look at her on-screen and she seems beautiful and yet so vulnerable. Something about that vulnerability makes my cock harden and throb with the idea of taking her.

  I do feel glad that Allie's gonna get hurt, but a part of me knows that this is not filling me with as much satisfaction as I thought it would. I should be elated that I'm finally exacting revenge.

  I've been dreaming for years of hurting her the way she hurt me. But having it happen at last doesn't feel as great as it should. Something is lacking and I can't put my finger on what it is.

  I guess I'm having second thoughts. But I don't let them linger. I may be an asshole playboy to women but I'm not malicious. Being this way towards Allie goes against my nature.

  Still, it has to be done. She needs to learn.

  All I have to do is remember how she took my virginity and how she abandoned me. Lied to me. The bitter emotions resurface and I'm able to go forward with my plans.

  A few clicks on the video and it's ready to go to press. I'm very good with programming and computers, so getting this shit done is no big deal.

  I hit "Send" to my publicist and I know it's on its way to the public. It’s times like these being a genius comes in very handy. I can do my own dirty work so easily.

  Even though I want to humiliate her publicly I still want to fuck her privately. At this point, nothing will get that out of my system. She's a damn good lay. The best I've had in a long time. Maybe ever.

  I decide to make things interesting for the night and I text her to invite her out to dinner.

  Hey, Allie, it's Xavier. Can you meet me for dinner?

  Her response comes quickly.

  Hi there, I'd really like to. But I'm just in a really bad place. I’m still upset I lost the chance to do that huge video app. And I lost it because of that awful contract from Cheri. I don't think I'd be very good company tonight.

  Man, this girl's life is rough and it's about to get rougher.

  No, just come out with me. It'll take your mind off things. I promise to make it worth your while.

  She can't resist me. I know she can't. I know she's feeling things for me already, but what she doesn't understand is that it's totally unrequited love. I will not love her back. Not this time.

  She doesn't deserve to have even a piece of me.

  I send her another quick text when she doesn’t respond.

  Meet me at the club Minx downtown.

  Okay, Xavier. I really do want to see you so I'll come.

  I smile. Perfect.

  Yes, once again I have her right where I want her. She did the wrong thing by admitting her disappointment about that shoot because I will totally capitalize on it.

  I think of a way to use that information to my advantage. Allie really needs to learn not to trust a bad boy.

  I call my assistant and find out exactly who was booked for the app release that Allie wanted.

  I find out it's a girl named Olivia. Perfect. I'll invite her to be my date.

  Imagine how Allie's face will fall when she sees me with Olivia, the girl who stole her spot.

  Enacting revenge on her is just too easy because she's way too open with me. Hasn't she learned that she needs to have her guard up with people?

  I look over my editing job again and check with my publicist to make sure the video is to ready to be released. Then I close up, though this firm never really sleeps.

  I go to my penthouse downtown and prepare to make myself look better than ever. Having Allie's hungry eyes on me is all I ever wanted. And it still gets me off, no matter how pissed at her I am. I gotta admit, I can't wait for this night to begin.

  The hot shower water does nothing to suppress my nagging desire for her. And fuck, as much as I don’t want them to, feelings of regret threaten to wash over me as I think how I may have ruined Allie's life.

  Is it fair what I've done? I don't know. But someone has to show this girl she can't just treat people like trash. And I guess it's gonna be me who does it.

  I dress in my best Gucci pants and a crisp white shirt. I also want to look so damn good that other women salivate for me right in front of Allie.

  Jealousy is the theme for this evening. I want women gushing over me. And I know that my white shirt contours me in such a way that my shredded abs will be visible. I want to get all the women wet with just one lingering stare at my body.

  Like I said, it doesn't take much. Especially when you're one hulking Viking of a man within a sea of lesser men.

  First, I have to go pick up Olivia so that I can arrive with her on my arm. Nothing will make Allie more envious and distraught than this. She has to think I'm fucking other women. That's just how it is.


getting dressed in my little apartment to go downtown and meet Xavier. He's invited me to a club called Minx that I've never been to before.

  I'm hopeful about tonight. I've been feeling so blue since losing out on that major app commercial. I mean, I'm satisfied with the one I did, but I still have no idea what it's for and thus no idea if it will propel my career forward or not like I hope.

  I'm excited, though, to get out of the house and to shake things up. Xavier is still somewhat of a mystery to me, but he's the hottest guy in town, there's no denying that.

  Butterflies are swirling around in my stomach as I think about seeing him again. He's so tall and domineering. His very presence makes me weak in the knees and so fucking wet.

  I'm trying to rummage through my closet and find a decent outfit. As soon as I get paid for this last gig I’m going on the biggest shopping spree.

  I decide on a simple black dress. You can't go wrong with that. It's tight and will hug every curve in just the right way.

  I've always been slim but being a model has taken that to new heights. I'm so good about watching what I eat, eating clean, and going to the gym. The gym is one membership that I can't afford not to splurge on.

  I hope tonight all my hard work counts and that Xavier notices my tight little body and appreciates it.

  For a minute, my eyes glaze over as I imagined him taking me in the club bathroom or somewhere else equally as public and risky.

  All I want to do is be around this guy. It's so not like me. But with Xavier, there's this carnal, raw passion that cannot be denied. I want to get to know him, sure, but more than that, I want his rock-hard body on top of mine. Inside of mine.

  I curl my blonde hair so that it cascades elegantly over my shoulders, slip on some heels, and am out the door.

  I grab a cab and am soon downtown. The club appears to be in the same building as Xavier's penthouse. How obvious of him. I smile, hoping the evening ends up in his penthouse.

  There's a line down the block to get into Minx. I walk to the front of the line and give them his name and am led right in. Knowing people in high places has its perks for sure.

  The club isn’t huge. It has more of a boutique feel. There are plush, cozy places to sit and lots of sexy magic going on.

  For a moment, I contemplate hitting the dance floor by myself until Xavier can find me. There's no way I'm perusing this place for him. He'll have to come to me.

  I sit at the bar and order a drink.

  "Vodka soda please," I say to the bartender.

  He's cute, but nothing compared to the man I'm waiting for.

  I sit with my drink at the bar and casually look around, hoping to find him.

  And that's when I see it. I feel like someone punches me in the stomach as I watch him walk in with another girl. And guess what? It's not just any girl—it's the same fucking girl who got the app release commercial ahead of me.

  He's brought my nemesis to the club? What the fuck?

  Number one, I thought this was a date. Number two, I don't understand why he would bring her of all people.

  Is he doing it just to hurt me? I just divulged to him the fact that I'm really upset about losing out on that commercial. He must've done this on purpose.

  All these conflicting emotions are swirling inside of me but the one that is foremost is feeling the life draining out of me as I realize Xavier is fucking another girl.

  Here I thought I was the only one. Here I've dared to dream of a life with him. How could I have been so stupid?

  He's a player and I should've known it. I don't know whether I should sneak out of the club and go home or if I should stay and confront this thing head-on.

  Soon I don't have a choice because he's walking right towards me with this girl on his arm.

  "Hi, Allie, this is Olivia. You guys know each other? You're both models."

  Olivia says to me, "No, Allie and I have never met. Where have you been working, Allie? Because I never see you around Hard Pressed ."

  Oh my God, this is so humiliating. This girl is an actual model who books actual jobs, like the one I was pining for. And here I am, some nobody trying to make a name for myself having to explain everything to Xavier and this girl.

  Well, I'm determined to not let it come off like that. I have to paint myself in the best light.

  "Hi, Olivia," I say indifferently, as if I don't care at all about the fact that her hand is grazing Xavier's bicep. "I try to pick and choose my jobs carefully. I've only just been introduced to the Hard Pressed studio environment. It's working out very well."

  I plaster on a fake smile.

  "Oh yeah? What have you been in?" she asks.

  "Well," I say without missing a beat. "I just did a commercial for them. Besides that, nothing really. I've been pretty booked up," I lie.

  Xavier looks at me like he knows the truth. He looks at me like he's peering right into my soul and that he's happy I'm humiliated.

  Why did I have to choose this bad boy over all the others? I almost feel like he wants to hurt me, but I'm not gonna let it happen.

  "I was just having a drink," I say. "Will you guys join me? And then we can hit the dance floor."

  Xavier takes it up a notch and orders bottle service in a VIP area. There's no way I could get into the VIP area on my own. I've always been invited because there's no way I can afford it myself.

  Good thing Xavier's paying. He could probably buy the entire building.

  He orders a bottle of expensive vodka and all three of us partake. It's just us in this cozy little booth. How great.

  He's watching me the whole time like he wants to see my reaction. I won’t give him the satisfaction of knowing I'm upset.

  I sip my drink and try to make small talk with Olivia even though I can't stand the sight of her.

  Xavier starts flirting aggressively with Olivia right in front of me. What the fucking hell is this bullshit? This hurts like you wouldn't believe, but I fight back the tears and act normally.

  He's flaunting his affection for her in my face and I can barely stand it. What an asshole.

  The night moves on and we hit the dance floor. He's dancing between Olivia and me, but mostly he's dancing with her.

  It's too much to deal with so I make my way back to the VIP booth, pissed as fuck. I didn't want to come out in the first place and I should've listened to and respected that intuition.

  I decide the only way to get through this evening in one piece is to drink even more. I help myself to the expensive vodka, and boy, does it go down nice.

  Eventually, Olivia and Xavier come join me with smiles on their faces like they just had the best time ever. They're hot and sweaty from dancing so long and I'm about to get sick over it.

  I might as well go out with guns blazing. I decide it's my turn to flirt with Xavier, even though I tell myself I will never trust him again. But I want to make Olivia jealous.

  I lean into him and whisper in his ear about how bad I want to suck his cock right here in the club. The vodka's starting to kick in. I say that maybe we should do it here in the booth.

  I see a devious smile spread across his face and I can tell he's delighted with my suggestion.

  "You would really do that?" he says, staring into my eyes as if he's looking for certain truth.

  "I would with you," I say honestly.

  Even though I feel like he's out to hurt me tonight, I honestly would give myself to this man. He's everything I want and I don't want to lose him now, especially to some stupid model like Olivia.

  He's rubbing my leg and things are starting to heat up. I can tell Olivia feels uncomfortable because she's no longer part of it. She's no longer the focus of his gaze and that makes me so fucking happy. He's looking at only me, and that's the way it should be.

  Then Xavier says, "Maybe we should make it a threesome?"

  Olivia and I exchange horrified glances. I would never do anything intimate with her. The fact that he said that makes me furious. What could his
motive possibly be to hurt me like that?

  "Maybe I should just leave you two here to go at it," I say, thinking about making a swift exit.

  "What's wrong with you, Allie? Are you jealous?" he says with a wicked grin, as if he already knows the answer.

  Now I'm really angry, and I might have had a little too much to drink, so I feel bolder than ever.

  "I can't believe you brought another girl, Xavier. I can see exactly what kind of a guy you are."

  This conversation is painful because as much as I want to hate him, I can’t deny the insane chemistry between us. He’s so fucking hot, and even though some girl is draped all over him, I can't help but have the desire to be his only one.

  "Oh, come on, Allie, don't be a spoilsport. We can all get along, can't we?" he says smoothly.

  Oh, fucking fantastic. So this is how the rest of the night is gonna be.


  I can tell Allie's so pissed that I brought someone else to the club. As she should be. I'd be disappointed if she wasn't put out by me having another girl on my arm, especially Olivia.

  But at this point, the war's on. Allie's giving it to me and I'm giving it right back. This girl is feisty.

  I knew she'd be jealous, but I thought she'd scurry away and not be able to handle it. Instead, she's matched me word for word for the entire night.

  Fighting with her is turning me on more than the idea of having Olivia and Allie both at the same time. At this point, I only have eyes for Allie. I hate to admit that even to myself.

  She's getting drunk, I can tell. And I myself am a little tipsy. That makes this all the more fun and all the more deviant. Just the way I like it.

  Olivia is ceasing to exist. In truth, no one can compare to Allie. She really is that beautiful.

  "So, Allie," I say. "Do you want to join me on the dance floor?"

  She eyes me up and down like she's trying to take me on and see if I'm serious or what I'm up to. Eventually, she concedes, and I lead her out into the middle of the floor where we slow dance, an erotic, sensual flow of bodies, even though everyone around us is moving quickly.

  Time stands still, and all I can see is Allie. She's the most gorgeous thing in the world. What the fuck is happening to me?


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