Hot & Nerdy

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Hot & Nerdy Page 18

by Shannyn Schroeder

  Charlie fearlessly introduced herself to people, chatted up a storm, and then passed her business card on. She was better at networking than most people he knew. One more reason why Kyle should hire her. And judging by the interactions she was engaged in, Kyle had better move fast. Charlie wouldn’t be jobless for long.

  As she finished up a conversation, he stood beside her and grabbed her hand. “So do you have any preferences for where you want to work?”

  “What do you mean? I just want a real job.”

  “I mean, are you willing to move out of Chicago?”

  Her eyebrows furrowed. “I guess. I didn’t give it too much thought. I just want to get my foot in somewhere, anywhere. If that means I work remotely from my apartment in Chicago, cool. If it means that I have to move somewhere else, or travel for work, I’ll do it. I’m just tired of not doing anything real, you know?”

  He remembered the restless feeling months before graduation, just being ready to move forward with life. Although, for him, those months were tempered with Charlie, who confused him more than anything. He’d wanted to move forward, but he’d wanted her more. “Yeah. I get it. You never told me what field you want to get into. I’m assuming you’d want software, but are you looking to develop, write story, graphics, security . . .”

  He hoped security. Not only would she do well at it, but he knew Kyle was looking to fill that position.

  “Definitely not graphics. I can’t draw for shit. That hasn’t changed. I like writing, creating stories, but I don’t think that’s necessarily where I want to be. Not that I would turn down a job, but I don’t have the portfolio for that. I think security is the way to go. I like being a problem solver.”

  Yes. He threw his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in for another kiss.

  “What was that for?”

  “I like kissing you.” He wanted to pull her away from networking and take her back to his room, but even he could recognize that as a dick move. He also couldn’t offer her a job without Kyle’s approval. “I have to head back to my room for some work. Want to meet me later before the last competition?”

  “That’s real subtle, Best. You could at least offer to buy me dinner.”

  He smiled, thinking of the various ways they could spend time before the competition. “We’ll order room service.”


  He tugged her close again and gave her another kiss that melted the smirk from her mouth.

  When he pulled away, she grinned. “Okay, you win. I’ll see you later.” She smacked his ass and walked away.

  Jonah watched her leave and catalogued the reasons Kyle should hire her. Saying that she was smokin’ hot probably shouldn’t top the list, but his dick wouldn’t let him forget it.

  Chapter 9

  Charlie lay dozing in Jonah’s arms again. The sun had set, and she needed to get ready for the competition, which meant leaving the warmth of his body and going back to her room to change. Although Jonah loved the heels she’d been wearing—enough that they stayed on her feet the first time they fucked before dinner—she didn’t need her fellow hackers to be thinking about her shoes.

  Jonah’s fingers trailed lazily down her back, the soothing motion lulling her to doze again. This man was so good and so very bad for her. With other guys, she never had a problem jumping out of bed and out the door. Jonah made it difficult.

  He shifted so she felt his erection against her back as his hand moved across her stomach. He said nothing as he raised her leg and brought it backward to rest over his, opening her to his touch. He played with her body, not talking, or asking, but demanding she give him everything.

  One strong arm was banded under her and curled around her breasts, plucking at her nipples; his other hand began stroking her already wet pussy. His movements were slow and languid. He eased himself lower and entered her from behind, still moving like a thief waiting to be caught.

  She closed her eyes and let him take her away to a place where soft and slow could shatter her as easily as hard and fast. Her body loved his every touch, and she wanted to tell him, needed to tell him, but the words strangled in her throat.

  “I love your body,” he whispered into her neck. “The way it answers every touch I give.” His warm breath skated across her skin. “It’s almost as sexy as your brain.”

  She couldn’t respond because the sensations were too much, but she joined her hand to his, where they gave each other pleasure, quiet, calm, and safe.

  Charlie hadn’t been so scared in all her life as she was when she stirred after Jonah’s lovemaking. She slid away from him. “I have to get changed for the competition,” she whispered.

  He stretched out in the bed, and she tried not to drool over the sight. She dressed quickly to stop the temptation of jumping on top of him, but then crawled back across the bed. “That was . . . amazing. More than I expected.”

  She kissed his chest and felt his heart thump beneath her lips.

  “Will you come back here after the competition tonight?”

  “You know as well as I do, we might be working all night.” She swallowed hard with the realization that this might actually have to be good-bye. “What time are you leaving tomorrow?”

  “My flight leaves in the evening, but I have my room for the day. Business expense, so I don’t have to check out.”

  Not much of an invitation, and Charlie wasn’t sure if she could come back and spend the night with him, knowing he was leaving.

  She stood and he walked her out, always the gentleman. Leaving his naked hips tucked behind the door, he grabbed her collar and hauled her in for another searing kiss. “I hope you know that I won’t be able to think for shit tonight because I’ll only be imagining you naked in my bed.”

  She patted his cheek. “Definitely good that you’re not competing then, right?”

  Back in her room, Charlie showered and changed. She pulled her hair into pigtails as she did for her Laura Nim costume and hoped it might bring her luck. Walking down to the conference room, she tried to decide if she wanted to partner with Jane. She’d brushed the girl off last night because she’d been too preoccupied thinking about Jonah. The truth was, Jane hadn’t made much of an impression on her.

  At the conference room door, Charlie took a deep breath. This was it. Last challenge. Jane was already settled in front of her laptop.

  “Hi, Jane. Did you still want to partner up?”

  Jane blinked up at her. “Oh, hi. Sorry. I didn’t get the impression that you wanted to work with me, so I’m partnered with Dark Horse over there.” She hitched her chin at a tall guy across the room.

  Well then. “Okay, thanks anyway.” Charlie backed off and went to check out the rest of the competitors. No way would she want to work with Poison. While he might be one of the best, she’d never be able to stomach his attitude and arrogance. Competitors’ names were listed on the screen in front of the room. Cracker and Dark Horse were already side by side as partners. Poison and Virus were paired. That left Charlie with Crash, Override, Wyred, CyberRe4per, or Legend. As she stared at the names, CyberRe4per and Legend connected.

  Charlie needed to make a decision fast, or she would have no choice at all. The problem was, she had no idea who was who. She couldn’t match a face with a name, but there was only one other guy in the room hanging by himself. She shrugged and went to introduce herself. “Hi, I’m Rook. Are you partnered up yet?”

  He extended a hand. “Override. And no, I’m not.”

  Override . . . if Charlie remembered correctly, he came in ahead of her and right behind Poison once Maverick had been booted out. He wouldn’t be a bad choice. “Want to hook up?”

  As the question left her lips, Jonah walked in. His gaze pinned her and she couldn’t help but smirk. She knew how the question sounded, but she didn’t care.

  “Why not?” Override answered. He grabbed his laptop and followed Charlie to a section of table big enough for them to sit beside each other.

nah walked the perimeter of the room, watching as hackers set up and paired off. Charlie met him at the front of the room, where Carl was manning his laptop. “Hi.” She winked at Jonah but spoke to Carl. “Rook and Override are partnering.”

  “Will do.” Carl tapped the keys to put them together on the list.

  Charlie took her seat again and waited. Waiting was the hardest part, which was why she never showed up early. She shifted in her chair and faced Override. “So, did you hang out at the con much?”

  “A little. What’s your game?”

  “The Order of Resskaar. How about you?”

  “I’m more into the comics, but I’ll play some games. Never heard of Resskaar though.” He stretched out his long legs under the table and opened his arms, resting one on the back of her chair.

  Jonah’s gaze burned into the back of her head. What the hell was his problem? He was leaving tomorrow, but he was going to get pissy because she talked to her teammate? She ignored him and continued to talk comic books with Override as the remaining competitors came in. They looked like they had already paired off, so Charlie had made a good choice in approaching Override.

  Carl stood and started instructions for the night. “As you know, we’re doing Capture the Flag for our last challenge.”

  Charlie loved CTF. She’d been honing her attack skills for months. She hoped Override could take over defense if she focused on attacking the others.

  Her thrill was short-lived as Carl continued.

  “Since the winner will get an all-expense paid trip to Def Con, and they do CTF attack/defense there, we decided to do Jeopardy style here.”

  A few groans echoed in the room.

  Carl waved his arm for everyone to settle down. “Each team will be given the same set of tasks. You’ll accumulate points for each task. They do not have to be done in order. We go until we have a winner. Any questions?” He looked around the room as everyone stretched and cracked knuckles, popped the top on energy drinks, and stole furtive glances across the table. “Okay, and . . . start.”

  Charlie looked over the tasks at hand. “I’m thinking the lower point tasks are going to be easier, so maybe we should divide the list and each conquer half. Sound good?”

  Override nodded and they both started.

  A running tally of points rolled next to each team on the screen at the front of the room. Forty minutes in, Charlie and Override remained in second place behind Poison and Virus. At the two-hour mark, they were still trailing Poison, but only by ten points. Charlie’s blood raced. This was a possibility.

  Suddenly, Jane shot up and yelled, “Cheat!”

  Everyone froze, just as they had yesterday when Poison jumped up. This was getting ridiculous. Working in here was like being with first-graders.

  Carl stood. “What are you talking about?”

  “Rook is cheating. There is no way she can be that far ahead of everyone.”

  It took a second for Charlie to realize that she was being called a cheater. She stood. “What?” She looked up at the board. She and Override were still in second place, now only by five points, but Jane and her partner were fifty points behind.

  “She had an unfair advantage. I wasn’t sure, but I suspected. It’s just not possible.”

  Charlie glared at her. “I am not cheating. How could I?”

  A nasty smirk stole across Jane’s face. “Someone fed you the answers.”

  Charlie’s heart sank. She knew exactly where this was going. “No one gave me anything.”

  “Should we ask your boyfriend over there?” She pointed at Jonah sitting by the door.

  “First of all, he’s not my boyfriend. Second, he didn’t give me shit. I’ve worked through each task just like everyone else.”

  Jane crossed her arms and waited. Carl looked back and forth between Jonah and Jane.

  Jonah slid from the stool. “I didn’t give her anything. I didn’t create the challenge. Carl did.”

  Of course, Jonah wouldn’t lie about their relationship.

  Carl crossed the room to talk to Jonah. The harsh whispers carried across the room. Carl was asking about having a personal relationship with a competitor. Jonah nodded. She was screwed.

  Her stomach sank. There was no coming back from this. “Fuck this.” She slammed her laptop shut and looked at Override. “Sorry if you get screwed here too. I did not cheat, but I refuse to get thrown out for doing nothing wrong.”

  She slid her computer into her bag and rushed out the door.

  “Wait,” Jonah called.

  She didn’t, but then he caught her by the arm. “What are you doing?”

  Charlie yanked her arm from his grasp. “I’m not going to sit there and be accused of cheating because I slept with you.”

  “Carl wasn’t going to throw you out. He knows I didn’t have access to anything he created.”

  “Doesn’t matter. If I win, everyone in that room will question whether it was legitimate. Thanks for fucking this up for me.” She turned away, tears clawing at her throat.

  “Whoa. What do you mean me? I didn’t do a damn thing.”

  “That’s right, you didn’t. All you had to do was deny we had any kind of relationship.”

  “Why the hell would I do that? I know you didn’t cheat, and lying wasn’t going to change that accusation.”

  “Whatever.” She took a couple more steps before he moved in front of her.

  “What’s the big deal? It’s a stupid small-time hackfest.”

  “Not for me it wasn’t. I needed this win.”

  “Charlie, you have to know that you didn’t really have a chance against Poison.”

  Tears welled and burned her eyelids. “Thanks for the vote of confidence. I guess we’ll never know now.”

  She tried to push past him, but he laid a hand on her shoulder. “Why are you so upset?”

  Charlie swallowed hard. “I needed this win. This was my chance. The prize is Def Con. I can’t afford to get to Vegas and pay for a hotel and shit. And I need Def Con to network and find a job.”

  “No, you don’t, Charlie. You’re good enough that all you have to do is send out your résumé after graduation. You won’t need to network. The jobs will be there.”

  She swiped at her face, hating every tear that fell. “No, they won’t because there won’t be a graduation. I dropped out.”

  He looked stunned, his mouth hanging open, and Charlie skirted around him. She couldn’t look at his face knowing in a moment it would be filled with disappointment. She raced to her room, packed her stuff, and checked out to go back to her regular life.

  Jonah stood staring at the spot where Charlie had stood. He couldn’t have heard her right. Why would she have dropped out of school?

  From down the hall, he saw Carl stick his head out the door of the conference room, looking for him. Jonah looked over his shoulder where Charlie had taken off and then back to Carl. He had a job to do, and as much as he wanted to go after Charlie, he needed to see this through.

  “Is she gone?” Carl asked.

  Jonah nodded.

  “Well, what do you think we should do?”

  “Let Override keep the points accrued and work alone.”

  Carl patted Jonah’s shoulder. “I explained that as a separate entity, I created the challenges and you had no access. She could’ve stayed.”

  Jonah shook his head. “No, she had a point. No matter what we said, the other players would always have their doubts.”

  They went back in to restart the game. Jonah was kicking himself for the entire episode. While he wouldn’t have given up a moment of the time he’d spent with Charlie this week, he could’ve been more discreet, which is what she’d suggested in the first place. He hadn’t thought it was a big deal because he couldn’t have helped her win even if he’d wanted to. He should’ve thought more about how hard it was for her, as a woman, to just be there.

  He’d make it up to her after she calmed down. He’d already e-mailed Kyle about hiring
her, and although she wouldn’t be getting a degree, it shouldn’t stop Charlie from getting a job. Plenty of places hired people without degrees. She had the skills.

  Which was what she was proving by participating in the hackfest. She hadn’t been an active part of the hacking culture in a while, not that he’d seen anyway, but she was reentering, hoping to use it as a gateway for a career.

  Why the hell hadn’t she told him?

  That question nagged him for the remaining hours of the hackfest. Of course, Poison had won, but Override had been able to hold on to second place, much to the dismay of Cracker, the girl who accused Charlie. As soon as players started packing up their computers, Jonah edged out of the room.

  He needed to see Charlie, to talk to her and tell her about the job he hoped to offer her. At her room, he knocked, but she didn’t answer. He knocked harder. “Come on, Charlie, I know you’re pissed, but let me in.”

  She still didn’t answer, so he went back to his room. He picked up the phone and called her room, hoping she’d answer, but she didn’t. He tried the bar where he’d met her the first night of the con and even asked her friend Derek if he’d seen her.

  Derek delivered the news that she’d stopped briefly in the bar over an hour ago to say good-bye. She’d checked out of the hotel.

  Jonah didn’t even have her cell number to call her. He’d thought he had time for that later. They had one more night together. At least that was the plan. He’d thought they would celebrate and maybe make plans to continue seeing each other. With the school year almost over, he figured he could fly in to see her a couple of times or she could come to him. Of course, the school year didn’t matter now since she wasn’t enrolled.

  As he walked back to his room, his phone jangled letting him know that someone was engaging Win. Charlie. He never came clean about his online persona either. He logged in to the game and tried to plan what to say. If he revealed himself now, she’d hate him. It was something that needed to be done face-to-face.


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