Justifiable Insanity 2

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Justifiable Insanity 2 Page 9

by Jauwel

  “I like your name, it’s unique. Well Rajahn, since you’re here, do you mind spotting me?” She smiled and pointed to the weight bench, dropping her towel and cell phone next to it. Smiling, he agreed, which made her smile as well. Now that she had a name, she wanted to make sure she didn’t appear to be too desperate when she talked to him. The work she did was so demanding she didn’t have time to play games with guys and dating. After her last terrible relationship, it seemed like all men wanted to do was play games, so she focused on her work instead of her love life. She didn’t have time for another relationship, or even to get to know someone else.

  Her heart wasn’t quite ready yet. However, there was something different about Rajahn and she wanted to learn more.

  He didn’t know what it was, but he was starting to feel differently about her. The urge to kill her was fading. Theresa laid on her back on the bench then grabbed the bar, waiting for him to acknowledge that she was ready. He put his hands next to hers just in case the bar and weights were too heavy for her to hold then he could help her, but she handled it like a professional. Clearly, she didn’t need him, she just wanted him there. Rajahn watched Theresa as she performed her reps with the weights. Even every drop of perspiration that came from her body excited him. He had never felt like anyone wanted him around; he always felt as though he was in the way or even a third wheel, but she wanted to be around him.

  Is this the way Razon felt when he looked at Lisa, he wondered. His emotions were all over the place. Initially, he wanted her blood on his hands, but the next thought was of him making love to her and kissing her passionately. His mind may have been all over the place, but he was sure of one thing, if she would accept him for who he was, he would love her for the rest of his life. She completed her set on the weights and thanked him for his time as she began to move on to the next machine. He knew he had to think fast while they were still in the moment, he didn’t want her to get away from him that easily. “Hey Theresa,” he called out to her. “Do you drink coffee? If you have the time, I know this place around the corner that just might be better than Starbucks.”

  It didn’t take long before they left the gym together and headed to Ms. Clare’s Diner, which was literally around the corner. Rajahn was more nervous about going out on a date than taking his next breath. He could take a life, that was easy for him, but to take a woman out on a date was something altogether foreign. The diner had a couple of people inside, but not too many, especially at that time of morning. They quickly found a table and the waitress promptly came over to take their order. She tried to maintain a smile on her face, but there was something bothering her. She didn’t think she would see him with another woman, but she had to keep her composure and do her job.

  “Hello,” she greeted, looking directly at him, but he didn’t bother to look up at her. “My name is Katrina and I’ll be your waitress.” Katrina continued to look at Rajahn, who she knew as Jamal, and was getting more impatient that he wasn’t acknowledging her. Katrina laid two napkins on the table and pulled out her paper tablet, ready to take their orders. After a few minutes, Theresa surmised there must have been something between the two of them and was starting to feel a little awkward being there.

  “Yes,” Rajahn said, looking up from the menu and into Katrina’s eyes. “We would like to start with two coffees and please bring cream and sugar to the table. Thank you.” Katrina could see the intensity in his eyes. Therefore, she nodded her head and left the table to get their coffee orders. Without question, she had always done whatever he asked her to do; she would do anything for him. Since she didn’t know who the woman was that he was with, she decided to put her emotions aside and wait for him to explain what was going on later.

  “Well it’s extremely clear that you two know each other. Ex-girlfriend? Late night booty call?” Theresa smiled sarcastically, waiting to see if he would tell her the truth about Katrina.

  “No, it’s nothing like that,” he snickered. “I normally come in here after work to get a cup of coffee or two and clear my head. Katrina was always my waitress, but after awhile she told me she wanted more than just serving my coffee. I told her I appreciated the compliment, but I wasn’t interested; I just had too much going on in my life.” He didn’t know why he chose to tell her the truth, but he did. Although he didn’t reveal everything about his situation with Katrina, he was truthful regarding how they met.

  “I know how that feels. I have too much going on in my life as well, not much room for much else.” After the terrible break up from her last boyfriend, Theresa could relate to what he was saying. “If she has a thing for you, why bring me here? I don’t want to cause any problems.”

  “Problems?” Rajahn laughed. “No, there aren’t any problems. Besides, I promised you a cup of coffee better than Starbucks.” Theresa laughed as well. “I also wanted to make sure we were still close to the gym; I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable by taking you to an area you’re unfamiliar with. I’m not that type of guy, I always deal with people where they’re most comfortable.” It was true. All of the people he killed were in areas they knew quite well. He was hoping she’d pass the test so she wouldn’t fall victim to the same fate.

  “So you’re not that creepy guy?” Theresa asked, as she started to become more comfortable talking to him.

  “No, I’m not that type of guy. Not creepy at all just a regular guy,” Rajahn smiled.

  “And you’re not a rapist or serial killer?” Theresa joked. Rajahn looked at her and laughed heartily which made her laugh as well.

  “Definitely not a rapist, but yes, I am a serial killer. There’s nothing I love to do more than killing people, especially after a cup of coffee.” Rajahn smiled devilishly as Theresa laughed at the thought of a man like him being a serial killer. She was being sarcastic and could tell he was also, so she laughed it off just as Katrina delivered the coffee Rajahn requested. Katrina quickly went back behind the counter and continued to observe their interaction.

  “So Rajahn, tell me about yourself. What do you do? Where are you from?” Theresa mixed her coffee just the way she liked it then took a sip to see if it needed a little help. Rajahn was right, this was a great cup of coffee that didn’t need much to make it better.

  “There’s not a lot I can tell you about me. I like working with my hands and have done construction. I’m looking to open my own company soon, I have some things to complete before I do.” He responded, but skated over the question of where he was from because he wasn’t sure himself, but he was sure to find out.

  “Well, well, Mr. Rajahn, I think that’s great. It’s good to have dreams of owning your own business. I really think you should go for it.” She was more than happy to hear that she was conversing with a man who had a goal in life instead of the usual corner boys she dated. “Actually, I have my own business that assists individuals with starting and maintaining their business through the first critical years.”

  “Really!?” Rajahn exclaimed. He really wanted to start a successful business as well as have a family. He wanted a normal life. Something that had been robbed from him since before he could take his first steps. Now it was time to get the life he wanted back.

  Rajahn and Theresa talked for hours as Katrina kept a watchful eye on both of them. It seemed like the more she watched Theresa talk to him, the more she wanted to go over to the table and dump a pot of hot coffee in her lap. She wanted to be the only woman in his life. Just as she had done so many times before, she was the only one that could give him everything he needed. She thought back to the last time she saw him and he gave her an assignment to complete.

  It had been a long night of standing on her feet. At last, the time came where she could take a break and relax her body. If Katrina heard the bell above the door ring one more time, indicating there were customers entering the diner that she had to attend to, she would pull it down from the doorway and toss it in the trash. She sat at the bar as another waitress, Eva, brought her a glass of

  “Aww, thanks sweetie.” Katrina gushed. Eva always looked out for her, especially after breakfast and lunch rushes that seemed to take all of Katrina’s energy. Eva smiled and walked back over to the other customers around the bar. Just when she thought she could rest, the doorbell sounded again. Taking a long, aggravated sigh, she turned around to see the man she knew as Jamal coming to sit next to her.

  “Hey boo!” She smiled at Rajahn. “I should be off in another hour if you want to come by my place,” she smiled. To Katrina, he was all she’d ever need. On top of being an excellent lover, she made up her mind to show him how much she really cared about him by doing all the things he asked, no matter how strange the request.

  “I don’t have time for that right now. I have work to do and something I need you to do for me.” He responded as he handed her a cell phone then directed her to record anything that was going on with Razon when he came in the diner.

  She took the phone, examined it, looked back up into his eyes, and asked, “So what’s in it for me?” She smiled, rubbing on his thigh, indicating sex was the only payment she wanted.

  Rajahn pushed her hand off him and looked her in the face with so much aggression she could feel it burning through her body. He grabbed her by the back of the head, pulled her face close to his so only she could hear him, and said, “Do what I tell you to do, the way I tell you to do it, and if you do well then maybe I’ll give you what you want.”

  Just by listening to his voice and the thought of all the things she wanted him to do to her, she could feel the gap between her thighs getting soaked with her juices. After he left, Officer Parker and some other lady came into the diner to sit and talk. Just as she was instructed, she recorded them on the cell phone. She wanted to give him everything he had asked for, so she even recorded the shootout between 10th Mob and Officer Parker. He was so pleased with her that he gave her body exactly what it craved. Before she could take a breath after her powerful climax, he was gone, leaving her to snuggle with her pillows.

  After they had their coffee, Theresa decided she was comfortable enough to spend time with him, maybe at her place. Throughout their conversation, she watched how he talked and how he moved as well as listened to what he said. She couldn’t deny how sexually attracted she was to him. Her body let her know that she had neglected it for far too long. The carefree side of her wanted to leave with him and, for once, do something a little reckless, but her responsible persona was cautious. She asked, “So, why is an extremely handsome, intelligent, and apparently fun to be around man like yourself single? I mean, I can see why Katrina is a little jealous.” Theresa smiled, hoping she wasn’t displaying too much emotion too soon.

  Rajahn smiled at the compliment. It was a question he was asked from time to time. The fact is that sometimes, people were intimidated by the scar on his face. He could feel his body heating up which was a sign that he might need to engage in some type of activity with Theresa, but killing her wasn’t the first thing on his mind. “Honestly, I was about to ask you the same question. But as for me, most people have an issue with this.” He slid his finger down the scar on his face. Although it was a delicate conversation for him, he wanted to see how she would respond.

  Theresa bit her bottom lip then reached across the table to caress the side of his face that had been wounded. “I don’t have an issue with it. To be honest with you, I think it’s sexy.” She expressed seductively. “I don’t wanna seem too forward, but do you wanna get outta here?” She smiled, still slightly leery about taking him to her place. Nevertheless, she wanted to see what he was all about behind closed doors.

  “I would really like that, especially since I’m assuming that you have the same thing in mind that I do.” Rajahn smiled in return. At this point, she was perfect and seemed to accept him for who he was. “How comfortable would you feel going back to my place and spending a little more time with me?” He looked down at the table as he waited for her answer. In the back of his mind, she didn’t seem like the type of girl to go to places she wasn’t familiar with.

  “I would like that, but I think I need to go home, take a shower, check my schedule and…” She began to run down the list of things she needed to do. But this time, he wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  Interrupting her to-do list, Rajahn interjected, “I live right around the corner from here, which is why I like going to the gym and this diner. I have water, so you can take a shower if you like, but if you have other things to do, I understand.” Rajahn wrapped his large hands around the small white coffee cup and took his last sip. Theresa believed he was sincere and maybe she was being a little too careful for no reason. She needed to get away and do something she wouldn’t normally do; she needed to know she could live a carefree life again. She didn’t want what happened in her past to keep her from enjoying what could be an amazing night. Placing one hand on top of his, she grabbed her cell phone with the other and made a call.

  “Hey Desiree,” she spoke into the phone as he looked up wondering what she was doing. “Can you call the clients that I have scheduled today and let them know something has come up and reschedule them for another day for me. Ok, thanks. Yeah, I just need a break away from the office. Yes, I plan on having fun today.” She smiled at Rajahn, who was gazing at her, overjoyed that she was agreeing to go with him, then disconnected the call. “I don’t normally do this, Rajahn, but this time, I’ll make an exception.

  Rajahn’s smile could not be contained, which kept her grinning at him. “Do you wanna go home and change then come back to my place?”

  “No, I have a bag full of clothes in the car and like you said, you have water, right. Pay the bill so we can go back to your place.” Without additional words being spoken, Rajahn immediately jumped up and went to the counter to pay the bill, bypassing Katrina. Before she knew it, they were out the door together, leaving her wondering what was really going on between the two of them.

  Chapter 17

  The ride to Rajahn’s house was quick and quiet as she drove not far from the diner. Like he said, he lived close by. As they both exited the car, she went to the trunk to grab her bag with extra clothing and personals items. While he wasn’t looking, just to be on the safe side, she put her stun gun in the bottom of the bag. When they walked inside, she saw that he had a three bedroom home and lived alone. Although the house was very neat, there were not many indications of who he was–no pictures on the walls and nothing to say where he came from. In contrast, she assumed he didn’t have any pictures because he was self-conscious about the scar on his face. Rajahn watched her as she looked around; he allowed her to explore everything except the basement where Dennis Parker was being held.

  “So do I pass the test?” Rajahn asked as he watched her stroll around in an attempt to satisfy her curiosity. “I know you want to make sure I wasn’t lying to you and I’m not a bad guy. I don’t want to hurt you; I want to do something that will keep us smiling.” Smiling, she walked over to him and planted a simple kiss on his lips, which was her way of saying he had passed. Rajahn wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her close to him, and kissed her passionately. She melted in his arms. “Mmm,” he pulled away from the kiss. “I’ll go prepare your shower.” She smiled as she watched him grab all the items she needed for a shower and set the water. Shocked at how attentive he was to her needs, she was hoping it could lead to something special between the two of them. Nonetheless, assured that he was a gentleman, for her own protection, she grabbed the bag with the stun gun, took it in the bathroom with her, and locked the door.

  Patiently, he waited for her in the living room, but he had to make sure everything was in order before she came out of the bathroom. He wanted this to work for him, a chance to be normal. However, he realized it was risky taking her to the same house that Dennis was locked in the basement. There was a strong possibility that Mr. Parker would start to make noise if he heard anyone in the house. Maybe she would accept the fact that he was an assassin
. After all, when she asked, he did tell her the truth. Even so, it was a little too soon for her to see exactly what he did. At this point, he didn’t care if Theresa saw everything; first, he wanted to enjoy being with her. Just to be on the safe side, he would go downstairs and make sure everything was covered while she took a shower.

  As soon as he got to the last step of the basement floor, he could see that Dennis was still tied to his chair, but now the chair was turned on its side. It indicated to Rajahn that Dennis was trying to escape. Because he had more answers to get from Dennis, there was no way he was leaving. Instantly, the gentle, loving feeling he had when he was around Theresa was gone. The only expression on his face was anger.

  “Rajahn…listen to me.” Dennis made an effort to explain as soon as Rajahn reached the bottom step. “I just want to say that this is unnecessary…let’s sit and talk about this.” Dennis did his best to reason with Rajahn, who, at the time, didn’t have anything he wanted to say. He simply wanted to be with Theresa and for Dennis to not make a sound.

  “Listen, old man. I could give two shits if you rotted down here. Lucky for you, I’m feeling merciful right now. So shut the fuck up. Don’t make me regret my decision to keep you alive, against my better judgment.”

  “Rajahn…please…” Dennis only communicated part of his statement, because within a matter of seconds, Rajahn’s large hand was wrapped around his throat, causing him to cough and gasp for air.

  “I said…shut the fuck up.” Rajahn knew this would be a simple situation for him to control, especially since Dennis was still tied to a chair. He walked over to the shelf in the corner and grabbed the large, grey, packing tape, and stretched it out to show Dennis that he would tape his mouth closed before he could say another word.


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