Boys, Blues and Shoes

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Boys, Blues and Shoes Page 5

by Cindy Jefferies

  The receptionist smiled back, but still looked anxious. “Well, if you’re sure he’ll be warm enough. That’s what I’d worry about. But I can see you want to get off. And after all, it was our mistake to shampoo him in the first place.”

  She disappeared again and Ellie could hear her talking to someone in the back room. After a few minutes, she came back with Ferdinand on the lead. He didn’t look too wet, and seemed very cheerful. It must be all right if they were okay about her taking him, and Ellie knew he’d be quite warm enough in the office. She just hoped Angel wouldn’t notice he’d been shampooed when she hadn’t asked for it. She would be bound to blame Ellie, although no way had it been her fault.

  All of a sudden, Ferdinand shook himself, and to Ellie’s horror drops of water sprinkled everything up to knee height and beyond. It seemed he was wetter than he looked. The receptionist raised her eyebrows, and then buried herself in her appointments book, as if she hadn’t noticed. Ellie tightened her grip on the dog’s lead, opened the door and hoped for the best.

  It wasn’t easy making Ferdinand walk on the lead. He kept wanting to stop and shake himself, and although Ellie supposed it was a good thing because it helped get him dry, it did slow them down an awful lot, and his behaviour also earned Ellie lots of resentful looks from dampened passers-by. One elderly lady even put her hand on Ellie’s arm during one of the little dog’s more vigorous shakes and remonstrated with her.

  “Must you let your pet do that?” she asked.

  “Sorry,” muttered Ellie. “Come on,” she urged Ferdinand. “You’ll soon dry if you run.”

  They ran together, threading through the other pedestrians, and somehow managing not to get Ferdinand’s lead tangled around anyone’s legs. They ran until the office building came into sight, and then Ellie slowed to a trot. She didn’t want to arrive too dishevelled, and Ferdinand was grateful to slow his pace, although he still seemed full of high spirits, wagging his tail enthusiastically whenever she spoke to him. He looked as if he’d enjoyed his time with her this afternoon, in spite of the unintentional bath.

  As they went into the building, Ellie looked at him critically. He didn’t actually look too wet now, although his coat was undeniably darker than usual, and he was becoming alarmingly more bottlebrush-like with every minute that went by. If she made him go to his basket straight away maybe Angel wouldn’t notice. And with luck, the band members would still be there. Taking Ferdinand into Angel’s office would be a perfect opportunity to meet them!

  She told him to sit, and dropped his lead while she changed out of her trainers. Usually he was so good at waiting. Ellie had no idea what possessed him, but suddenly, Ferdinand took it into his head to run ahead of her into the office. Maybe it was an excess of enthusiasm after his afternoon out, or maybe he had missed his mistress. Whatever it was, it was a disaster. With one bare foot and wearing one trainer, Ellie lunged desperately at Ferdinand’s lead. “Come here, Ferdi!”

  But it was no good. The lead slipped through her fingers, and Ellie was left sprawling on the floor. She got up in a panic and followed him. He was galloping through the office with evident enjoyment. Ellie clumped along behind him, hoping desperately that her trainer wasn’t leaving dirty marks on the carpet, because Ferdinand’s damp feet certainly were. She managed to kick off the trainer as she passed her desk. She scuffed it under her chair and hurried after Ferdinand in her socks. She was just in time to see him take a flying leap onto Angel’s white silk lap, give his mistress a lick on her chin, turn round, jump off, roll energetically on the carpet with his legs in the air and a look of bliss on his face, and then hop into his basket with a very smug expression.

  Into the ensuing silence came the big sigh of a little dog content with his lot, and the creak of his basket as he settled himself to sleep.

  Ellie waited for the eruption that would be sure to follow from Angel, but it didn’t come. And then she remembered Zone One. And indeed, there they were, all four of them – two on Angel’s long, white sofa, and the others on the pale blue chairs – looking bemused…no, actually, she realized they were doing their best not to laugh. All at once she wanted to laugh too, but then she realized how she must look. In an office where only the highest heels and smartest clothes would do, she was in her socks, with an ice cream stain on her dress, and her hair a mess. No doubt her face was probably red too from chasing Ferdinand, and her make-up ruined. More than anything, Ellie wanted to look in a mirror, and tidy herself up a bit. But it was too late for that. One of the boys was speaking, and he was talking to her.


  It was Jay. He wasn’t her absolutely favourite band member. Al, the one with gorgeous brown eyes and long, blond hair, was grinning at her from the white sofa, even better looking in the flesh than on TV. But she liked Jay too, especially the way he always seemed comfortable at taking the lead when they were interviewed. She liked that sort of confidence, but she felt totally lacking in it herself at the moment.


  It was so unfair. She had been looking forward to meeting them all day. Now here they were, and she was a mess. “Excuse me. I must just…” Ellie beat a retreat. She retrieved her trainer from under her chair, horribly aware of Francesca watching, but saying nothing. Then she went past Piano, who was smirking, out into the lobby to finally put on her high heels. Before she went back into the office she went into the loo to inspect her face. To her surprise her make-up was fine, and her hair wasn’t too bad, considering she had just been running. She scraped at the ice cream stain on her dress, but that was a lost cause. Luckily it didn’t show too much. She sighed, and smoothed her dress over her hips. What on earth could she do to appease Angel? She couldn’t think of a thing.

  Ellie walked back into the office with as much dignity as she could muster. She made her way to her desk and sat down. She was sure Piano was laughing at her. Piano must have already had her few minutes’ chat with the boys, lucky thing. She would have been on reception when they arrived, and Ellie could just imagine her chatting them up. But far worse than Piano’s derision, and Angel’s doubtless fury, was the knowledge that the members of Zone One, her favourite boy band in the whole world, were at this very moment in Angel’s office and she had missed out on meeting them properly. There had been an opportunity for her to make a sophisticated entrance with Angel’s dog, and hopefully get introduced, but she had made her entrance like a clown, thanks to Ferdinand’s moment of madness. The grin on Al’s face was frozen into her brain. Was it pity, embarrassment, or what? She didn’t know – all she did know was that it certainly couldn’t have been admiration.

  And yet she couldn’t really blame Ferdinand. He didn’t know he was spoiling her entrance. As far as he was concerned he was just having fun. Perhaps he was just having a final blast, knowing that he would be expected to stay quietly in his basket for the remainder of the day.

  Ellie opened her notebook, and her father’s words leaped off the page at her. Experience everything life has to offer. Ellie wasn’t finding that too helpful at the moment.

  Francesca was very busy on the phone, and didn’t seem inclined to give her anything to do just now, so she tried to stop thinking about the band, and to start working on the article she hadn’t been asked to write about visiting Jacob Frou. If she made a really good job of it, she could show Francesca and see if the Deputy Editor thought it was worth publishing. It would be wonderful if she said yes. Ellie was doing her best to look on the bright side, and be positive, but it wasn’t easy, and she was very grateful to be left alone.

  For a while she couldn’t stop trying to listen to what was going on in Angel’s office, but it was impossible to hear anything. She forced herself to concentrate on what she was doing, and after a while it became easier. There was a good article here, waiting to be written. She became so immersed, she actually missed Joe arriving, and was surprised when, a few minutes later, he emerged from Angel’s office with the band members in tow. Piano was already preen
ing herself, although Francesca carried on with what she was doing for a few more minutes. Ellie stayed where she was too, ducked her head, and watched the activity from under her fringe. The boys had gathered round the reception desk, and Piano was chatting energetically. At one point she glanced at Ellie and afterwards she and the boys all laughed together. Ellie was sure they must be laughing at her. She had never felt so miserable in her life.

  Ellie watched as Joe organized the boys around the reception desk, with Piano in their midst. It seemed they were going to take some casual shots of the boys in the office as well as the official shots of them in the studio with the models wearing Jacob Frou’s shoes. Ellie had never seen Piano properly smiling before. In fact Ellie had wondered if she knew how. Piano could do a variety of smirks, and pitying glances, but a real, non-artificial sunshine smile was a novelty. It certainly looked as if she was having fun now, as Joe got her and the boys into position.

  Ellie could remember seeing similar shots of other stars in the Heart offices. She’d pored over them when they appeared in the magazine, often wishing she worked in such a glamorous place. And now here she was, with all the action taking place before her very eyes. She ought to be excited just to see it, but she couldn’t help wishing she were more a part of it. Then Joe ambled over. “Come on,” he said to Francesca and Ellie. “Aren’t you going to join in?”

  “You go,” Francesca said encouragingly to Ellie. “Our readers will love seeing young Ellie in the pictures, won’t they, Joe? They’ll be so envious!”

  Joe laughed. “I’m sure they will,” he said. He looked at Ellie. “Come on then. The picture will look more balanced with two of you in it.”

  Ellie got to her feet, hardly able to believe what was happening. She was going to be photographed with the boys from Zone One! Then embarrassment made her hesitate. How could she bear it if they were still laughing at her? It would be mortifying. But Joe was in a hurry.

  “Come on. The models for the shoes will be here in a few minutes, and I want to finish up here before they arrive.”

  Ellie followed him over to the reception desk. The boys were goofing around, asking Piano silly questions, and she was playing up to it big time. When she saw Ellie she sneered.

  “Here’s the dog walker wanting to get in on the act,” she said. But if she’d expected the boys to follow her lead she was disappointed, and for once, Jay didn’t speak first.

  “Hi,” said Al, ignoring Piano, and giving Ellie a warm smile. He offered his hand and she shook it, feeling instantly better. The other boys introduced themselves.

  “I’m Jay,” said Jay as if it was possible she might not recognize him. “And this is Matt and Ben.”

  Joe waved her into the group. “Stand between Al and Ben, Ellie. Closer,” he added. “I don’t want to see space between you. That’s better.”

  It felt very surreal, squashed between two such famous boys, especially Al. Never in a million years had Ellie ever dreamed she’d be this close to her idol, and he didn’t disappoint. She could only see his profile, because he was looking at the camera, but it was totally gorgeous, even more fantastic than the many pictures she’d seen of him. She willed him not to look at her, so she could drink in his nearness without him seeing her stare, but Joe wanted them all to look at the camera, so she had to drag her eyes away. Piano was playing up to the other two, linking arms and smiling away for all she was worth. Ellie couldn’t help a huge grin appearing on her face too. This was sooo cool.

  Joe fired off a whole string of shots. “How about holding some of the CDs?” he suggested from behind his camera. Jay grabbed a couple from a heap on the desk and handed them to Ellie and Piano.

  “And please look as if you love it,” breathed Al into her ear.

  “I do love your music,” Ellie said indignantly, instantly forgetting to be shy.

  “Really?” Al looked pleased, as Joe fired off a load more shots. “That’s great!” His eyes met hers for an instant, and her heart felt as if it was quivering.

  “Hey,” said Ben into her other ear. “I loved your entrance earlier.”

  Ellie felt herself beginning to blush. The last thing she wanted was a picture of her in the magazine with a red face! She started to shrink away, but Al put his arm around her shoulders so she couldn’t escape.

  “How did you get the dog to do that?” he asked in an amused voice. “It was brilliant. Especially when he jumped into his basket at the end with such a satisfied look on his face.”

  “Your Editor’s expression was pretty funny too,” said Ben.

  Before Ellie could think of how to respond, Joe interrupted them.

  “Okay. Thanks, Ellie. Now let’s do some shots with Piano chatting to Ben. You know the sort of thing – as if working here meant you got to chat to him every day!”

  The group broke up, and Ellie’s chance to speak to the boys was over. She was thrilled that she’d been included in a couple of shots, and she had managed to speak to Al after all, which was wonderful, but it was sad it had all happened so quickly. She hadn’t had a chance to ask them anything, or reply to what Al had said to her. And none of them were giving her a second glance as she went back to her desk. Meeting them might have been a big thing for Ellie, but of course meeting Ellie hadn’t registered at all for any of them.

  Then Jacob Frou came back into the office with the Art Director, and made his way surprisingly quickly towards Ellie.

  “That one!” he said, pointing his silver-topped stick at Ellie. “That’s the one I want.”

  Meeting the band members had driven all thoughts of Jacob Frou out of Ellie’s mind. She was surprised to see him, and couldn’t imagine what he wanted. Then she remembered Ferdinand’s antics with the Pirate. Had Monsieur Frou noticed the tiny marks, and come to remonstrate with her? But apparently not. After pointing his stick at her, Monsieur Frou made his way to Joe and tapped him on the shoulder, ignoring the fact that he was talking to Jay.

  “I am a busy man, are you ready to photograph my shoes?”

  Joe turned round and nodded at the old man. “I’ve just about finished here. Have the models arrived?”

  Jacob Frou snorted in derision. “One has come, the other not.” He lifted his stick again and pointed it in Ellie’s direction. “Her feet, I like. So. Come.” He beckoned Ellie impatiently. “Come!”

  Ellie looked at Francesca, and Francesca shrugged. “Why not? I think you better had, as Monsieur Frou wants you. If it’s okay with you, of course.” Then she gave Ellie a little smile. “You’ve done well over the past couple of days, Ellie. And I’m sure it’ll be fun. Go and have your feet photographed in Jacob Frou’s shoes if that’s what he wants.” She lowered her voice, looking amused. “And you’ll get to spend more time with your heroes too.”

  “Thanks, Francesca!” Ellie felt a million dollars. This was even better than riding in the limo! She grabbed her bag and followed Karen the Art Director, Joe, the members of Zone One, and Jacob Frou out of the office and towards the lifts. Piano had returned to the reception desk, with a face like thunder. She obviously wished she was going to be at the shoot too. If Piano had been a nicer person Ellie would have felt more sympathy, but as it was, she was a hard person to feel sorry for.

  Ellie followed the others, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation. She had never before been up to where the studio photo shoots were done. The photographs of Ellie with Pop and Lolly Lowther had been taken in Angel’s office. It would be really interesting to see where all the studio shots were done, but she was a bit nervous about what she might be asked to do. She’d never modelled before, not even when her school had had a fashion show a couple of years back, because she’d been in the wrong year group. All she wanted now was not to make a fool of herself in front of the boys again. Once had been quite enough.

  However, Ellie had always been quite proud of her feet. They looked neat, and without burning, turned a delicate shade of brown in the summer. She had never thought they were exact
ly up to modelling standards, but Jacob Frou seemed to think they were, so she supposed they must be.

  Then Ellie had a sudden thought. Would she be able to wash them first? She’d been running with Ferdinand while wearing her trainers. They were bound to need a wash. Then she told herself to relax. Surely someone would be in charge of such things. She might even get her toenails painted! And, whatever happened, it would be another new thing, in a day of extraordinary new experiences. She must enjoy it, and remember as much as she could so she could tell Hannah all about it.

  The company that owned Heart magazine also owned a lot of other publications, and they were all housed in the same building. Ellie had been told that an area was available on the sixth floor for photography, but she hadn’t known quite what the set-up was. As they emerged from the lift, she could tell that it was going to be impressive. A whole suite of rooms was in front of them. Karen led them past a small reception desk, and on into a long corridor. She paused, and waited for Ellie, who was at the back of the group, to catch her up.

  “What’s your name?” she asked.

  “Ellie. Ellie Ixos.”

  “Right. Well, you go in there, and as soon as you’re ready someone will bring you through.” Without waiting for a reply, she led the rest of the group on along the thickly carpeted corridor.

  Joe paused and gave her arm a pat. “You’ll be fine, Ellie. They’ll look after you in make-up and wardrobe. And I’m taking the pictures, so you don’t need to worry about a thing. Just relax and enjoy it.”

  Ellie nodded, but as she wasn’t absolutely sure what was going to happen she still didn’t know if she ought to worry or not. She looked regretfully after Joe and the others disappearing down the corridor and then did as she had been asked, and went through the door that had been pointed out to her.


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