Boys, Blues and Shoes

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Boys, Blues and Shoes Page 8

by Cindy Jefferies

  Matt looked uncomfortable. “I can’t split from the boys,” he told her. “And it would be mean to our fans for us to avoid them.”

  Jay leaned forward. “I understand if you have a problem with crowds,” he said sympathetically. “But don’t worry. There won’t be a problem if you leave on your own. And I know the manager will let you out the back way if you don’t want to use the front. Honestly.”

  Piano looked anxious. “But I don’t want to leave on my own,” she said. “Francesca? You’re in charge.”

  Francesca looked harassed. “If you have a problem with crowds you certainly ought to avoid them,” she said. “And the way to do that is to leave without the boys. I’d come with you, but I can’t abandon Ellie. I’m responsible for you both, but I can’t split myself in half.” She thought for a moment. “It’s not fair to drag Ellie away because of your problem,” she said reasonably. “Besides, she’s on an assignment. I think Jay is right. The best thing would be for you to leave quietly on your own. Heart will pay for a cab back to the office if you like.”

  Piano looked mutinous. “I might as well just get the bus home,” she said. “But I’ll decide what to do right before we go. I might still come with you.”

  “Well, good!” said Jay. “If you’re sure.”

  Piano didn’t seem at all sure, but there was a stubborn look in her eyes.

  There was silence for a few seconds, and then Francesca smiled at everyone around the table. “Right then. Was Ben suggesting pudding?”

  Piano didn’t want pudding, but Ellie most certainly did. “Well…”

  Jay offered her the menu. “I’m going to have the chocolate brownie with hot chocolate sauce and vanilla ice cream,” he said.

  “I’m going to have the selection of puddings,” said Matt. “I’ve had it before. You get a little bit of everything on a huge plate. It’s brilliant!”

  “Pig!” said Ben. He hesitated. “I’ll have the same.”

  Ellie laughed. “I’ll have the fresh fruits with dipping chocolate,” she said, wanting to try something she’d never had before. “It sounds delicious.”

  “And I’ll have chocolate brownie like Jay,” said Al with a smile to the waitress, who was hovering again. “Thanks.”

  “Can you do me some fruit like Ellie but without the dipping chocolate?” said Francesca. The waitress nodded.

  The puddings certainly were delicious. Ellie had trouble identifying all of the many fruits she was given with her pot of dipping chocolate, but she loved every one, and the chocolate was heavenly. Al insisted that she try his brownie, and that was wonderful too. Then Ben and Matt decided that everyone ought to taste all their puddings too, and vote for the best. Even Francesca agreed to join in, and soon everyone was tasting and giving their opinions.

  At last, the plates were all more or less empty, and Ellie sat back feeling very full and rather sticky. It had been a wonderful meal, but she really did need to go and wash her hands before they left. She pushed back her chair and made for the door.

  “Don’t be long,” said Jay. “Our car will be here in a few minutes.”

  “I won’t,” she assured him.

  She followed the signs to the ladies’ and went in. It was a very grand room, with small individual linen towels provided in neat piles by the sinks. She took one to dry her hands, hoping she was doing the right thing. Fortunately, a few had already been used, so she could see that she was expected to drop hers afterwards into a large basket for laundering. She paused to take a tissue for her pocket and a drop of fantastic smelling lotion for her hands and then hurried back to the grill room, her wonderful Pirate shoes clicking on the polished marble floor.

  Francesca was already signing for the meal, and everyone else was getting up from the table.

  “The car is here,” said Al. “And apparently there is a bit of a crush outside. Make sure you stick with us. We don’t want to get separated.”

  “Hang on,” said Jay, grabbing a menu and taking a pen out of his pocket. He quickly signed it and passed it to Matt. “For the waitress,” he said to Ellie. “She’s been really good, not saying anything to us. I know she’s probably been told not to, but I could see how it was killing her!”

  Al and Ben signed the menu too, then Jay took it over to where the waitress was standing, near the kitchen door. Ellie watched as he gave it to her, said a few words, smiled and then gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. He really was a great ambassador for the band. Ellie could see that a few moments of generosity from him had cost him little, but it would make sure that all the waitress’s friends, and everyone in the restaurant would know what lovely people the members of Zone One were. And Ellie was sure that his act had been genuinely thoughtful – she could tell that Jay had been really grateful that the waitress had overcome her natural desire to accost them, and given them the time to enjoy their meal in peace. That was another point for Ellie’s article.

  As they crossed the marble floor and approached the front door, one of the restaurant employees joined them. “If you could just stay back a moment,” he suggested. “I’ll make sure the situation is under control.”

  Piano, who had been coming with them, turned very pale.

  “Are you all right?” said Francesca.

  Piano looked regretfully at the boys and then backed away. “I think I’ll just…” She hastened back towards the waitress and started talking urgently to her.

  Francesca looked relieved. “I’m sure that’s the right decision,” she said crisply. “Now, Ellie. Are you all right, or do you want us to join Piano?”

  “No way!” said Ellie with such certainty that the boys and Francesca laughed.

  “Come on then,” said Jay, as the restaurant employee gave him a nod. “Let’s go!”

  Ellie felt Jay’s hand in the small of her back, and suddenly she and Francesca were walking down the short flight of steps onto the pavement outside. The restaurant must have been very used to celebrities. They had rigged up rope barriers on the pavement, making a passageway through the crowd from the steps to the car. To begin with, no one took much notice of Ellie and Francesca, but when the crowd realized they were making for the car, things changed.

  “They’re with the boys!” someone shouted, and then it seemed as if suddenly hundreds of people were pointing their phones at Ellie and Francesca, taking numerous pictures and staring at them. Ellie wanted to stop, and talk to some of the fans – it would be good research for her article – but Francesca kept her moving. Then the girls were forgotten as everyone surged forward to catch a glimpse of the famous singers. The rope barriers were straining and the passageway to the car seemed to be getting narrower, but the back door of the car was standing wide open, with the driver there, ready to make sure they got safely in. Then Al was by Ellie’s side. He put his arm round her shoulders to steady her as the crowd surged, clamouring, towards them. “It’s a very friendly crowd,” he said to her with a smile as the flash from a camera went off in their faces. “We’re going to sign some autographs for a few minutes. Okay?”

  “Of course!” said Ellie happily. “You go ahead.”

  Ellie was totally loving the situation! Although none of it was for her, she was lapping up the second-hand experience of being famous.

  Ellie was just about to join Francesca in the car when several more camera flashlights went off in her face. A girl waved a piece of paper at her. “Are you Matt’s sister?” Someone had read a lot about the band!

  “No,” said Ellie. “I’m…” It was far too noisy, and too complicated to explain what she was doing here. “I’m a friend,” she said at last.

  The girl waved her paper again. “Can you sign it anyway?” she said. Then she waved it even harder. “Ben! Ben! Over here!”

  Ben was at Ellie’s shoulder now. He took the paper and signed it with a flourish, then handed it to Ellie. He seemed highly amused. “Your turn.”

  “You really don’t want mine,” said Ellie, trying to be reasonable, and give th
e paper back to the girl. But it was no good. The girl refused to take it until Ellie had signed, so she did, feeling a bit of a fraud as well as secretly thrilled.

  Refusing all other requests from people who obviously thought she must be famous just because she was there, Ellie half-reluctantly climbed into the car and joined Francesca.

  “Well!” she said, beaming all over her face. “How amazing is this?” Ellie felt rather breathless from the crush, and was sure she must look flushed, but Francesca looked as elegant as usual.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself,” said Francesca with a smile.

  “It’s quite an experience!” said Ellie, gazing out at all the people, and half-wishing she was still out there with them.

  A couple of minutes later the boys all tumbled into the car, full of high spirits, and the driver slammed the door. There were a couple of police officers there now and, as the driver jumped in, they cleared a space so the car could power safely away. Everyone was thrown back in their seats by the acceleration, which made Ellie want to giggle.

  “Wow!” said Ben, grinning widely at Ellie and giving her a nudge with his elbow. “We’re in the presence of a mega-famous superstar.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Jay.

  Ben explained about Ellie signing the piece of paper and everyone laughed. Ellie laughed too. It was funny.

  “Are we going back to the office?” Ellie said to Francesca.

  “Well, I am,” said Francesca. “I still have work to do. But you can go straight home if you like.”

  “Where do you live?” said Jay.

  Ellie told him and he smiled. “No worries. That’s not too far from the studio where we’re going next.” He looked at his watch. “We have to be in the studio in an hour. That gives us plenty of time to drop Francesca off and take you home as well.”

  “Well, if you’re sure.”

  After a few more minutes the car drew up outside the Heart office building and Francesca got out.

  “Thanks for the meal,” chorused the boys.

  “Thanks for the lift back,” said Francesca. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Ellie.”

  “Absolutely!” said Ellie.

  “So how did it happen that you work at Heart?” asked Al as the car pulled away. “You were going to tell me, but with one thing and another…”

  Ellie found herself telling them all about her determination to follow in her father’s footsteps and become a famous journalist. She told them how her Uncle Patrick had first got her the work placement, how scary Angel could be, how exacting Francesca was, and how unfriendly Piano had been from the very first moment. “But to be fair to Angel, it was her who invited me back after the placement was finished, and when she has time, Francesca teaches me stuff brilliantly,” said Ellie. “It’s only Piano I really have problems with, and I can usually deal with her okay.”

  “You must have impressed Angel during your work experience to be invited back. Whatever did you do?”

  Ellie explained about the person who had been secretly trying to sabotage the magazine, and about how she’d helped identify her. “But really I think Angel just saw that using a junior reporter like me every now and then would appeal to the readers,” she said modestly.

  She sat back after she’d finished her story, luxuriating in being with the band members, especially Al. They were all totally fanciable, but Al, who had always been her favourite before she’d met them, was still her favourite now. And he seemed to like her too. Ellie knew that she had to be sensible. They were all just being kind and friendly to her, rather like four big brothers, but she couldn’t help totally falling for Al. He was her idea of boy heaven.

  Jay got a couple of envelopes out of the side pocket of the car and gave them to Ellie. “One for you and one for a friend,” he said. “It’s just a poster, and some other promo stuff. If you want it, that is?”

  “Oh, yes please!” she said. “I’ll give one to my friend Hannah. She totally loves your music. In fact…” If she didn’t do it now she never would. “I’ve got our copies of your first CD with me.” She blushed as she pulled them out of her bag.

  “We’ll be delighted to sign them,” said Al.

  He took the CDs from her and his hand touched hers. Ellie felt as if an electric shock had run up her arm.

  “Hope you like our latest album,” he said, smiling at her. “There’s an advance copy in the envelope. We’ll sign that too if you like.”

  “Yes please,” said Ellie. “Thank you!” Once they had all signed, she looked at the titles of the songs on the new album. “Which one is your favourite?” she asked Al shyly.

  Al leaned over and pointed at one halfway down the list. She could feel his warm breath on her neck. “That one.”

  “Only because you get to sing a solo,” teased Ben.

  “You’re only jealous,” Al teased back.

  Then Matt and Jay started singing and the other two joined in. It was “Happy You”, the one Al had said was his favourite. When it came to the solo, Ben sang with him for a couple of lines, teasingly overdoing it, but then he stopped and let his fellow band member have his moment.

  “Happy you,” sang Al, “walking along in the sunshine. Happy me, cos the person beside me so happy is you.” He took Ellie’s hand, and sang the song for her, looking into her eyes as he did so. Ellie wondered if she should feel that it was corny, but it wasn’t corny at all, it was simply wonderful, and she felt herself dissolve.

  Before the song had ended the car stopped, and Ellie was dismayed to see that they’d arrived right outside her flat. But no one asked her to get out. They were all too involved with the song, so she stayed where she was until they’d finished.

  When they were done, Al smiled into Ellie’s eyes, obviously pleased with the way the song had gone. For one wild moment, she wondered if she could ask him in, but she knew he’d refuse. They were due at the recording studio, and she really shouldn’t be greedy. This had been such an amazing day, with so many ups and downs. A few hours ago she had thought the day was going to end in disappointment, but now it was ending far better than she could ever have hoped. She hated to leave them, but she knew she must.

  She gathered her things together, and hesitated, with her hand on the door handle. “I’ve had a brilliant time,” she told them all as the driver got out and opened the door for her. “Thank you so much. It’s been amazing. The very best!”

  She got out of the car, ready to head inside, but they all scrambled out after her.

  “Bye, Ellie,” said Jay, giving her a hug.

  They all followed suit. Al was last. “It was great to meet you,” he said. “Good luck in the future. And I hope all your dreams come true.” He drew her to him and kissed her gently on her cheek. One last hug and they were all getting back in the car. The door slammed and the car pulled away. They waved, and Ellie stood on the pavement outside her flat, waving back until the car had disappeared out of sight. She put her hand to her cheek. Never, not ever, ever, would she wash that bit of her face. Not even if she lived to be a hundred!

  As soon as Ellie’s mum, Georgia, got home, Ellie abandoned the first draft of the article she was writing for Angel about the boys, and told her all about the day – though she saved the bit about the kiss from Al for Hannah.

  “Goodness me, Ellie,” said Georgia. “You do get yourself in crazy situations. What a day!”

  Ellie pulled the CD and the promo things out of the envelope to show her mum.

  “Put it on,” said Georgia. “We can listen while we make the tea.”


  When it came to “Happy You”, Ellie stopped what she was doing and simply listened, reliving every moment of the song. Her mum watched her.

  “My,” said Georgia when the song came to an end. “You have got it bad. They must have been quite something!”

  “Yes,” said Ellie dreamily. “He was.”

  The Easter holidays had been wonderful and one of the best things was that her ar
ticle would appear in the next issue of Heart. She couldn’t wait! But then, on the last day, a letter came for her. Sophie had her new post trolley, and was delivering all the office post. She put Ellie’s letter on her desk with a flourish and Ellie picked it up in surprise.

  “What’s this?”

  Sophie laughed. “A letter, you idiot. What do you think it is?”

  “But I never get letters here,” said Ellie. “I don’t often get letters at home. Who could it be from?”

  “Only one way to find out!” said Sophie with a laugh as she went to put the rest of the post on Piano’s desk.

  Ellie looked at the letter. The address was typewritten, and franked, and Ellie could make nothing of the postmark. She opened it up and two tickets fell out. To her astonishment, they were tickets for the opening gig of the upcoming Zone One tour. The seats seemed to be right at the front too, judging by the seat numbers.

  “What have you got there?” It was Piano. Usually she affected total disinterest in whatever Ellie was doing, but she must have caught sight of the tickets.

  “Um…tickets for the Zone One gig, later this year,” said Ellie. She looked in the envelope and found a handwritten note from Al.

  Hope you and Hannah can use these. It was great to meet you. Keep at the journalism. I’m sure you’ll be as famous as us one day. You’ve already got the hang of signing autographs! Love, Al xxx

  Ellie became aware that Piano was still talking to her. “I expect my letter is in with the rest of the post.” Piano hesitated, and looked down her nose at Ellie. “But I wouldn’t go to the first gig if you paid me. It’s far better to wait and go later on, once they’ve got into it. They’ll be really shaky on the first gig.” She stalked off, swaying slightly on her high heels.

  You liar! thought Ellie with a small smile to herself. Of course you’d go if you had tickets, but you’re a bit worried they haven’t sent you any!

  Ellie couldn’t wait to tell Hannah about the tickets. She pulled her phone out of her bag and texted her straight away, even though she knew that Angel didn’t approve of private texts being sent during office hours. Almost straight away a text came back.


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