Saints of the Sword

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Saints of the Sword Page 47

by John Marco

  Several dozen warriors were arranged in a circle, shouting at something in the center. Alazrian heard the cheers and cries, and what sounded like an animal growling. Nagrah pushed through the crowd, shoving the warriors aside. Alazrian and Jahl followed. Inside the circle was a spitting cat, as big as a tiger and as white as snow. A long snout was drawn back in a snarl, revealing rows of razor teeth. Its claws were bared and dug into the dirt as it sat back on its haunches, ready to pounce, and its yellow eyes tracked its tormentor as he circled, unarmed except for a length of weighted rope. The man moved like a dancer, slowly, hardly breathing. He wore the ash-grey of Praxtin-Tar's warriors, but his jacket was torn to tatters, and his bare chest bore the bleeding scars from the beast's paws.

  "That's him," said Rook. "Praxtin-Tar."

  "What's he doing?" asked Jahl.

  Rook sneered. "Proving himself."

  Nagrah shook his head and sighed. "That is a man who wishes to die."

  Together they watched as Praxtin-Tar stalked the swaying cat--a snow leopard, Alazrian guessed. Known as man-eaters, snow leopards were sought for their pelts by hunters and generally shunned by everyone else. Everyone, it seemed, but Praxtin-Tar. Alazrian watched as the warlord awaited the beast's attack, moving his hands slowly back and forth. The leopard eyed him uncertainly, then its mouth opened in a hissing roar. Sweat fell from the warlord's forehead, drenching his chest. He began swinging the rope overhead. Again the cat growled, swiping a lightning-quick paw. Praxtin-Tar backed away. The crowd of warriors laughed.

  "I don't understand," said Alazrian. "What's he doing?"

  "A challenge of strength," replied Nagrah. "Praxtin-Tar has tried for months to take Falindar, and he has failed. Perhaps he is proving himself to his men."

  "How stupid," said Jahl.

  "But he'll be killed!" exclaimed Alazrian.

  Nagrah chuckled. "I doubt it."

  Before Alazrian could reply, Praxtin-Tar made his move. He sprang for the leopard, holding the rope between both hands. The cat dodged the attack and brought up a blinding paw, raking the warlord across the arm. Praxtin-Tar howled in rage. Blood oozed from the wound, yet he kept moving. His long arms coiled out like cobras, ensnaring the cat as he barreled into it. Man and beast careened across the ring, smashing into a stand of warriors, sending them scattering. The crowd cheered; Praxtin-Tar howled. He was on his back with the cat against his chest, fighting to hold the beast as it thrashed, swiping its paws and snapping its fanged jaws. Praxtin-Tar rolled over, cursing and grunting as he worked the rope around the leopard's throat. His hands fell in range of the jaws and the teeth came down, slashing his palm. More blood flew. Praxtin-Tar dropped the rope and brought his arm across the leopard's windpipe. With all his weight he fell upon the cat, crushing it. The leopard ceased thrashing. Its eyes bulged as it struggled for breath. The warriors went wild. Bloody and exhausted, Praxtin-Tar held his choke hold, every vein in his neck swelling. But he did not kill the beast. There was no snapping of bone, no final, violent twist of its neck. Slowly, with monumental effort, the warlord waited for the beast to lose consciousness. A minute later the eyes shut. The head collapsed into the dirt; the leopard lay still. "Is it dead?" asked Alazrian, horrified.

  Rook scowled at Praxtin-Tar from the safety of the crowd. "Praxtin-Tar never kills them. He merely masters them."

  "You mean he does this often?" asked Jahl. "I don't believe it."

  "There's a lot here you won't believe. You should not have come."

  Praxtin-Tar knelt beside the unmoving leopard, grimacing as he studied his wounds. Then he tossed back his head and screamed, thrusting a fist skyward. His men stomped their feet and sang in wild praise. A few of them swarmed around the unconscious cat, fixing a collar around its neck and a muzzle over its mouth. The warlord got unsteadily to his feet. He was slick with blood and sweat, and his jacket hung in tatters from his shoulders. A series of wounds striated his chest, dripping blood down his belly and onto his thighs. He staggered forward, favoring his right leg and tucking his wounded hand beneath his armpit. Yet on his face was the most remarkable smile, as if the pain meant nothing and the adoration of his men could heal his many cuts.

  Then he saw the strangers. His brow furrowed for a moment, his eyes skipping over the group. He looked at Rook questioningly, then at Nagrah. When his gaze fell finally on Alazrian, the boy felt his soul shrivel. Praxtin-Tar's scowl was hard and irresistible, and it bore through Alazrian like a drill. The warlord staggered forward and pointed his wounded hand, growling in Triin.


  "Eesay, Praxtin-Tar," replied Rook. The slave quickly debased himself, falling to his knees before the warlord. "Eesay nooal'aka."

  Nagrah took over, stepping in front of Rook to confront the ruler. He spoke quickly and without fear, using the same disdainful tone he had used against the warriors. To Alazrian's surprise, the warlord listened to him. A dumbfounded expression crossed his face, and again he studied Alazrian and Jahl as he listened to Nagrah, clearly astounded.

  "What's he saying?" whispered Jahl. He gave Rook a nudge with his boot. "Can you translate?"

  "Shhh!" hissed Rook sharply.

  Alazrian understood none of it. As Nagrah continued speaking, Praxtin-Tar's gaze remained on him.

  "They're talking about me," he guessed. "Rook, what are they saying? Tell me, please."

  Rook hesitated, but another kick from Jahl got his attention.

  "The cunning-man says you are travellers," said Rook in a low voice. "He says you have come from Nar, and that you have business with . . ." Rook looked up at them. "The Jackal?"

  "Go on," urged Alazrian. "What else are they saying?"

  Rook listened intently. "Uhm, this priest has come before. Praxtin-Tar knows him, but he is angry." The Naren hesitated. "I'm not understanding this. They're talking about you, boy. Some religious nonsense, I think. I don't get it."

  "Go on," whispered Alazrian.

  Praxtin-Tar stared at him in disbelief. As Nagrah spoke, the warlord's eyes roamed over Alazrian. Alazrian stayed very still.

  "Praxtin-Tar isn't believing him," said Rook. "It's not making any sense."

  "Yes, it is," said Alazrian. "Rook, tell me everything, word for word. Can you do that?"

  "But it's gibberish . . ."

  "Just do it, please."

  Rook sighed. Nagrah was talking. The Naren struggled to translate.

  "He claims to be genuine," said Nagrah. He pointed at Alazrian. "You have been looking for your link to heaven, Praxtin-Tar. Well, there he stands!"

  Praxtin-Tar laughed. "You have seen these miracles?"

  "I have not," replied Nagrah. "But the boy is earnest. I believe his claims."

  Rook suddenly turned on Alazrian. "What claims?"

  "Keep translating," urged Alazrian. "Please."

  The slave went back to the conversation.

  "Bah," scoffed Praxtin-Tar. "How dare you waste my time like this? If you were not a cunning-man, I would kill you."

  "Let him prove it," said Nagrah. "The boy is a healer. That is why I brought him here."

  Praxtin-Tar looked down at his bloodied hand in bewilderment. "For these?" he asked. "These wounds are nothing. And I have my own healer to bind my cuts."

  "Not for you, you arrogant fool. Crinion still lies near death, does he not?"

  Praxtin-Tar's expression was dangerous. "What about him?"

  "This boy can heal him. He has the magic of Tharn. He says he can bring life to Crinion again."

  Praxtin-Tar growled something, then shoved Rook aside, sending him sprawling. The warlord took hold of Alazrian's collar and pulled him forward until their faces met.

  "What's he saying?" asked Alazrian nervously. "Nagrah? What's he want?"

  Praxtin-Tar bared his teeth, shouting as he shook the boy. Nagrah took Praxtin-Tar by the shoulder and spun him around, then slapped him hard across the face. The astonished crowd gasped. Praxtin-Tar purpled with rage, raised a hand against Nagrah, and hel
d it there, trembling. Nagrah remained still as stone. Rook rushed to his feet as his master and the young priest exchanged a verbal barrage. He hurried to Alazrian's side to translate.

  "Praxtin-Tar means to kill you, boy," Rook said. "I told you not to come here!"

  Something inside Alazrian popped. "But I am a healer!" he insisted. He stepped forward, brushing off Jahl's grasp as the priest tried to stop him. He jabbed a finger into the warlord's chest and said, "You want to kill me? Go ahead. My own father wants to kill me! You'd be doing him a favor."

  "Alazrian," cried Jahl, "get away from him!"

  "But if you kill me, Praxtin-Tar, you kill your son. Because believe it or not, I am a healer. I don't want to be, I can't explain it, but that's the way it is. So what's it going to be?"

  Smoldering eyes stared back at him from a bloody face. Praxtin-Tar was breathing hard, and for a moment Alazrian thought he really would die. But then came Nagrah's voice again, calming the warlord.

  "The cunning-man is asking Praxtin-Tar to trust you," Rook explained. "He says that if you have magic as you claim, you will heal Crinion. Then the warlord must let you go to the Jackal."

  "And if he doesn't heal Crinion?" asked Jahl.

  "Then you will all be put to death. Even Nagrah."

  Nagrah pressed Praxtin-Tar for a reply.

  "He is asking if the warlord agrees to the terms," said Rook.

  Praxtin-Tar continued to study Alazrian. There was genuine pain in his face, and a pitiful spark of hope. Finally the warlord gave his answer. Nagrah grinned.

  "He agrees," said Nagrah. Then his face became grave. "I hope you were not lying, young Alazrian."

  Alazrian let Praxtin-Tar and his slave lead him deeper into the camp, toward a tent far larger than the others, a yellow pavilion staked with ropes and bearing the raven crest of Reen. Jahl and Nagrah followed close behind. A thousand curious eyes watched Alazrian as he approached, but no one spoke and no one moved, and even the breeze had stilled. Alazrian flexed his fingers, wondering what he would find inside. It had been a very long time since he had used his powers, and he considered the possibility of failure. He didn't want to die, and he didn't doubt the warlord's promise to kill him. How ill was Crinion, anyway?

  It didn't take long to get an answer. As soon as Praxtin-Tar led them through the tent flap, Alazrian smelled the stink of sickness. It was a great, unwashed stench, full of sweat and urine and the sweetness of blood. He sighted a young man on a bed of pillows, wrapped in bandages and poultices. Even Jahl, who Alazrian knew had seen his share of death, choked at the stench and the ghastly visage. A wisp of smoke floated from incense on a small altar. Its scent did nothing to cleanse the air. A Triin man hovered over Crinion. Startled by the intrusion, the man stood up at once. Seeing Praxtin-Tar, he hurried forward to fuss over his master. Praxtin-Tar pushed him aside.

  "This is Valtuvus," explained Rook. "Praxtin-Tar's healer. And that . . ." He gestured toward the unmoving figure swathed in bandages. ". . . is Crinion."

  "He is worse than I remembered," fretted Nagrah. The cunning-man knelt down next to Crinion and studied his face. "He is very bad." He put a hand to Crinion's neck, feeling for a pulse. "Barely alive."

  "He sleeps and does not awaken," said Rook. "The infection has taken him. He will be dead soon."

  "Dead?" parroted Praxtin-Tar. "Uisha kah dead." Amazingly, he looked at Alazrian, his eyes deep and concerned. When he spoke, Alazrian missed all the words, but the meaning was plain.

  "Praxtin-Tar asks that you work your magic," said Nagrah. "He asks you to heal his son."

  Alazrian smiled crookedly. "I'll try," he said. He looked at Jahl. "Will you pray for me? I could use the help."

  "Me? Oh, I don't know. I mean, this is magic. I . . ."

  "Jahl, please . . ."

  Jahl Rob hesitated. "Yes, all right."

  The priest knelt next to Crinion. He closed his eyes, clasped his hands together, then began a prayer in the High Naren tongue, begging God to save Crinion and grant Alazrian his arcane strength. When he was finished, Jahl put out his hand for Alazrian and bid him to kneel beside him. As Alazrian did so, Jahl leaned over and whispered in his ear.

  "Can you really do this?"

  Alazrian didn't know the answer. He took a few breaths, clearing his mind. Praxtin-Tar's shadow fell over him, blocking out the candlelight. He brought up his trembling hands, letting them hover over the unmoving Crinion. Next to him, Jahl sat very still. Nagrah's soft breathing stirred behind him.

  I can do this, Alazrian told himself. I have the power . . .

  Taming his fear, he laid his hands upon Crinion's body, feeling the warmth beneath the bandages and the feeble spark of life. The stench of blood and pus grew in his nostrils; the smells of herbs and incense assailed him. He closed his eyes, fighting the sensations, searching for the essence of the man at his feet. Instantly the cold of death arose, and Crinion's sickness overwhelmed him. There was a dankness, and the sense of floating--mindless, without a body.

  Lost at sea, thought Alazrian. Crinion is lost at sea----

  Alazrian dug his fingers deeper into the flesh. Beneath his fingernails he felt the warm sensation of blood. He let it pour into him, become a part of him, until he was floating with Crinion on the same black sea. In his mind he saw Crinion, laughing, then crying, then screaming in pain, and the agony shook Alazrian's bones. He let out a whimper, not opening his eyes. Jahl's hand touched his shoulder, strong and reassuring.

  "I'm here, boy," said the priest. The voice came as if from many miles away. "Heal him, Alazrian. You can do it."

  I can do it, he screamed. Crinion, I see you. Come back!

  With all his will, Alazrian summoned Crinion back into his body. The fractured bits of a lifetime fell like rain from the black sky, forming a picture of a young Triin . . .

  "I'm doing it!" Alazrian gasped. "I can feel it!"

  "My God," whispered Jahl, "you are doing it!"

  Alazrian didn't dare open his eyes. The power in him crested. That strange union of will and magic raced through Crinion's blood, cleansing it and burning back the infection. It was unbearable, an ocean of fire scalding him--but it was working.

  Alazrian opened his eyes, slowly and with effort. His eyelids fluttered and he thought he might faint. His fingers had palsied into stiff stumps, still clutching Crinion's flesh. Tears blurred his vision as his mind fought to focus.

  "Jahl," he gasped, "what do you see?"

  There was no reply. Alazrian gave his head a violent shake, almost choking.

  "Tell me, Jahl! What do you see?"

  Jahl Rob's voice was pale. "A miracle."

  Through his clearing vision Alazrian caught a glimpse of Crinion. There was an aura over him, very faint, almost undetectable. At first Alazrian didn't know if the others could see it, but then he looked at Jahl and noticed that priest's astonished expression.

  "By the Passion," exclaimed Jahl. Quickly he crossed himself. Nagrah fell back, almost tripping in his shock, and Rook merely stared, his skin ashen.

  Praxtin-Tar drifted closer. His mouth hung open in wonderment, and he reached out for the aura, touching it as though it were a distant rainbow. As his fingers entered the yellow light, the warlord of Reen let out a desperate moan. Beneath him, Crinion's once brittle body had taken on a new vitality. A regular heartbeat seemed to fill the room, pounding like a drum, and the poisoned features of his face had vanished, replaced by an angelic serenity. Blood and pus still soaked his bandages, but the awful stink had gone, and in its place had come the scent of springtime and the perfume of flowers. Jahl started laughing.

  "I smell lilac! My God, Alazrian, it's a miracle. A true and honest miracle!"

  Alazrian could barely move. "I . . . I did it," he stammered. "I'm a healer. I really am . . ."

  "Lorris and Pris," sighed Nagrah. He put his hands together and began to weep. "You are touched by heaven."

  "Touched by heaven," echoed Alazrian. He looked down at his hands as the sti
ffness ebbed, flexing them in disbelief. "Mother. Oh, Mother. I could have saved you . . ."

  Jumping to his feet, he stared down at his blood-soaked hands, then turned and bolted from the tent. He heard Jahl calling after him, begging him to stop, but the only thing he wanted was to be away from the man he had saved. His mother's face blazed in his mind, not a comfort but a curse, and he staggered through the crowd that had gathered outside Praxtin-Tar's pavilion, pushing them away. A fog of grief settled over him, blinding him so that he did not know how fast he ran or where he was going.

  Alazrian raced from the camp. There were hills in front of him; he could see them through his tears. He dashed for their sanctuary. He could still hear people calling after him, but he ignored them. Suddenly those hills seemed more important than anything. So he ran, not really knowing why, and when he reached the hills he collapsed beneath a giant fir tree. Pine needles struck his face as he hit the ground. Once again he dug his fingers deep, this time clawing up great clods of earth.

  "I'm sorry," he sobbed. "I'm sorry I let you die . . ."

  When his mother had perished, Alazrian had shed tears. And when she had been entombed, he had wept again. But not like this. This was something monstrous. She hadn't wanted to be saved--she had insisted he not do so. But he had never really known the depth of his strength; he had never really been sure he could have rescued her. But he knew now, and it shattered him. He buried his face in the pine needles and dirt, letting the sobs overwhelm him. The sounds of the encampment fell away . . .

  But the solitude didn't last. Soon he heard a familiar voice shouting his name, then the crunch of approaching boots. Jahl was searching for him, calling his name. Alazrian sat up unsteadily. He saw Jahl a few paces away, staring at him.

  "Alazrian," said the priest. "Why did you run?"

  Alazrian couldn't answer. He tried to speak but emotion choked him. Jahl went to him, waiting for him to speak. When he was younger, Alazrian used to stutter. Now he wondered if he would stutter again.

  "You saw what I did. I saved him."

  "Yes, a miracle," agreed Jahl. "You were right, boy. And Nagrah is right, too. You are touched by heaven. You're a healer. Like our Lord."


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