Chronicles of Darkness: Shadows and Dust

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Chronicles of Darkness: Shadows and Dust Page 17

by Andrea F. Thomas

Embarrassed, Kyrian shook his head, unable to answer.

  Chalice smirked. "It seems your mother is protecting you very well."

  These words pierced his heart like an arrow, and he realized, 'I'm being mothered.'

  Chalice noticed his stunned expression and relented, "I'm sorry. Please, don't think that I was making fun of you. On the contrary, I think it's wonderful, but you are old enough that I can show you what a real kiss tastes like."

  He brushed aside the warning voice, which wondered how Christine could have obtained such experience at her young age. Kyrian felt his heart beating faster and louder as any other sound close by.

  Chalice drew nearer, her eyes closed. First, she gently brought her soft, warm lips to his mouth. Then her tongue coaxed it open to slip inside the warmth.

  Kyrian felt so wonderful, he lost thought of everything around him.

  Chalice also couldn't fight the impression that she felt more for this young man. A new emotion took form. Almost panicking, she tried to suppress it, breaking the kiss, breathlessly.

  Taken aback, Kyrian looked at her. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked bashfully.

  "No," she smiled, easing his anxiety. "I nearly forgot what I wanted to tell you. We won't be able to see each other for some time," she said, panting for breath.

  "Why not?" Kyrian blinked, thunderstruck.

  "Please." Chalice placed the tip of her index finger against his lips. "I will send you a message as soon as we can meet again."

  Kyrian couldn't get out another question, because she quickly entered the carriage.

  The coachman urged the horses with the whip, making them move as fast as possible.

  After the carriage had already faded into the darkness, Kyrian still stood there, looking after it and waving. "Your lovely kiss tasted like golden honey. I wish this moment could have lasted forever." Dreamy-eyed, his fingertips grazed his lips. "Oh, sweet Christine..."


  Helena stepped back from the window and went to her mirror. She gathered her long, blonde locks and bound them to a loose braid.

  Skylar sat on her mother's bed, gazing at the glowing red of a sinking sun. "So? Who came to visit us?" she asked curiously, when Helena didn't say anything.

  "Michel Dutroit," her mother answered curtly, her thoughts on Kyrian.

  "Ohhh," remarked Skylar, unintentional cheeky.

  Helena threw her a warning glance and her daughter quickly changed the subject. "It is getting dark earlier now."

  "I know, my precious. The vampires can make more use of the nightly hours," Helena sighed. "Which means, they will be able to terrorize people longer. But today, some of them will cease to exist. I will make sure of that." A reassuring smile appeared on her face and the huntress pulled two handy, pointy stakes from a drawer. They were as long as a common dagger. Nonchalantly, she let her most powerful weapons rotate in her hands.

  Skylar's admiring gaze followed her every movement, until her mother placed the stakes on her bed. "I want to be just like you, Mama," the girl gushed, excited.

  Helena put a black corset over her simple undershirt, lacing it tightly at the front. After that, she slipped into her black, calf-high leather boots, pulling them over the pants' legs.

  Helpfully, Skylar held up the ankle-long, narrow-cut coat with large slits at its sides for leg freedom, and Helena slipped inside. In each pocket of the coat went one of the valuable stakes.

  The huntress walked to a chest that stood beside her dresser and opened it. She took out a long, thin dagger and slid it into her right boot. Helena reached for a double-edged dagger and put that into her belt at her back. Finally, she took a lengthy, tied up package from the chest and placed it on her bed. Devoutly, she opened the strings and parted the velvet fabric, revealing a light, nearly dainty sword.

  Helena's eyes gleamed as she took it to practice some swings. "The legendary sword of the Leosols. A trusty and loyal servant to our family."

  Breathless, Skylar's eyes followed the perfect grace her mother showed while guiding the sword through the air.

  "It always gives me a feeling of safety and that I will be able to win every fight," Helena added thoughtfully, her fingertips carefully tracing the blade. "Maybe that is a mistake." She cleared her throat as she noticed Skylar, whose mouth was about to formulate a question. The huntress slid the sword inside the scabbard she wore on her hips. "I shouldn't keep Monsieur Dutroit waiting any longer."

  Promptly, Skylar jumped from the bed and ran to the door in order to hurry downstairs and greet the police chief.

  "I will go alone, Skylar. You will go to the library to practice some French before you go to sleep."

  The girl's mouth gaped open and she responded indignantly, "French? That is so unfair. I would prefer to fight some mean vampires!" Skylar thrust and parried as if she was holding a sword and fighting some imaginary opponents. "That would be much easier than learning French."

  Laughing, Helena just shook her head, while her daughter shuffled in direction of the library with slumped shoulders. Before her meeting with Michel, the huntress took one last look at herself in the mirror. "Helena, since when do you care about your appearance?" she admonished herself. "That's not exactly appropriate right now. There are more important things."


  The candles' flames flickered in the weak breeze that drifted through the slits of the wooden shutters. With a scratching noise, the lid of the granite sarcophagus opened. Two pale hands pressed against it from inside and slowly pushed it aside. Azrael rose from his stony resting place. His eyes scanned the poorly lit room, searching for his blonde companion.

  Instead of Chalice, he only found a piece of yellowish parchment, on which the young woman had scribbled a message for him. His gaze slid over the words in neat handwriting:

  My Master,

  When you are reading these lines, then you awoke to greet the new night.

  Don't be concerned about my absence. I'm carrying out your wishes.

  Victory will be ours, I can feel it. Rely on me, and you will find everything taken care of to your satisfaction.

  Wait for me to return.

  Forever yours,


  Nodding in approval, Azrael lowered his immortal body in his armchair. The famous devilish smile formed on his face, as he stroked his dark beard, lost in thought. "The Leosol family. What an advantageous inclination of fate. I cannot wait to be face to face with the mighty hunters."

  He paused briefly, only to burst into loud laughter. "What am I talking about? Mighty hunters? No, a weak widow and her breed of snotty brats. It should be easy to get them out of my way. But who knows? Maybe they've got more spine than I think?"

  Azrael rose and strode to the closed shutters. He peered through one of the slits, gazing into the darkness that lay ahead. "An excellent night for a little game. The hearts of Valérie and Véronique on a silver platter for me and as bait for the hunters. Helena, Kyrian and Skylar. The Sunlions. Do you have enough courage to confront me?" He felt excitement rise at the thought of the impending encounter. "But not tonight. My followers are just as excited as I am to meet you."

  Azrael closed his eyes, while one of his hands wandered to his throat and clenched around the snake pendant. Suddenly, all candles went out in the room. His voice whispered ominously in the darkness, "Leosols are you powerful enough to match yourselves against the mind of an ancient vampire, who has the combined strength, power and force of a whole clan inside himself? There is only one question left to ask." His eyes flew open, glowing in a deep, dark red. "Who will be hunter's prey tonight?"

  A feeling of cheerful arousal traveled through his body and his hidden eyeteeth appeared. "May the game begin."


  With quick steps, Helena walked downstairs, where Michel Dutroit was pacing restlessly. A small smile flitted across the face of the huntress, while she pulled her coat over the sword to hide it from the police chief.

  Speechless, he scrutinized h
er, for a woman rather unusual, appearance. When he finally realized just how openly he was staring at her, he hurried to explain, "I am sorry, Madame. I didn't hear you arrive and I have never seen..." He searched for the right words, wasn't able to find them and so he just shrugged his shoulders.

  Helena nodded knowingly. "I am aware, Monsieur, that my appearance this evening needs some getting used to. But unusual occurrences need unusual measures."

  Michel took one of her slender hands and guided it to his lips to place a gentle kiss against delicate knuckles. "Madame, allow me to tell you, even if it is unusual for a woman, your clothes are very becoming. Is it a uniform from a foreign country?"

  The huntress blushed slightly and smiled shyly, before her brown eyes lifted to meet his. "Well... yes, Monsieur. You could term it a uniform."

  The police chief slightly cocked his head, letting his gaze travel from Helena's boots up to her eyes. "It seems to be quite comfortable, and not as tight around the neck as our police uniforms are," he stated and pulled at the tight collar of his jacket.

  The head of the Leosol family sighed impatiently, but couldn't suppress a smile. "Monsieur, did you come to me at this late hour to have a conversation about the newest fashion?"

  He laughed and confessed, "Oh, I'm sure, Madame Leosol, that an extraordinary woman, like you are without a doubt, could give me some hints concerning fashion. But no, that is not the reason I came."

  "I thought as much," the huntress replied friendly. "So tell me, what brings you here?"

  Michel cleared his throat. "Well... actually, I was on the way to my new assignment and I thought, perhaps you would like to accompany me. Like you said the last time, we do need all the help we can get."

  Helena crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked briefly at the floor before she answered, "I am sorry, but I already have other plans. I want to investigate some things concerning the Heart Taker, as the press is calling him." In her mind, she patted herself on the shoulder. 'That was true enough, without revealing too much.'

  Michel was a bit disappointed about the answer, but he tried to cover it. An idea came to him. "Maybe we can combine both," he mumbled into his beard.

  Helena's excellent hearing had caught every word. The huntress wrinkled her forehead. "Monsieur, I am not sure what you are getting at."

  The police chief hurried to explain himself. "It is like this; at the moment, a very respected son of our town, Count Claude D'Ardenne is staying here, together with his nieces Valérie and Véronique. Unfortunately he has heard about the horrible deeds of our murderer and that is the reason my men and I were assigned to keep an eye on the D'Ardenne twins."

  "In other words, you have been degraded to being a bodyguard?"

  Michel nodded, "Yes, something like that. Their uncle wants them to live their lives undisturbed and in peace. They are not supposed to know anything about the surveillance. Besides, he is trying to find a husband for each and how would that look, if there are police men present at every rendezvous. We are not allowed to be in the direct present of the girls. It is more like guarding them from afar. So, if you find something while investigating that could be valuable for us, Madame Leosol, then..."

  "I will be sure to let you know right away," she finished his sentence and nodded. "But of course, Monsieur Dutroit."

  The police chief smiled with relief. "You are too kind, Madame."

  "And you are very charming, Monsieur. Such men are seldom found." Her beautiful face flushed right after she had blurted this.

  Michel's chest puffed up and a feeling of happiness coursed through his body. "Why, thank you, Madame," he said and beamed at her.

  Embarrassed, Helena rubbed her neck and desperately tried to find something to change the subject.

  Skylar appeared on the stairs, looking at her with pleading eyes. "Mama? Can I come with you? Please?"

  Helena inhaled sharply, secretly thankful for the interruption.

  Michel took that opportunity to go outside. He nodded friendly at Skylar before he turned to her mother, "Madame, if you need to go into town... if you want, you could come with me. My carriage is still waiting outside."

  The huntress was grateful. "I appreciate the offer, Monsieur. I will be with you shortly." Then she went up the stairs and put her hands on her daughter's small shoulders. One last time, Helena glanced downstairs to make sure that the police chief had really left the house, and that no other servant was present, before she addressed her daughter. "Just what is wrong with you children, hmm? Are you ever going to listen to what I say? I thought I had made myself quite clear."

  Skylar wrapped her arms around her mother's waist, lowered her chin to Helena's breastbone and looked into her eyes.

  Faced with this, Helena was reminded of a little puppy dog that was begging for attention. She fought to suppress a laugh.

  "Oh Mama. Learning French is not running away, but the evil vampires will. I want to help you," the girl confessed in a small voice.

  The huntress hugged her daughter tightly, sighed and ran a loving hand through Skylar's long hair. "My precious..." Quickly, she placed her finger on Skylar's lips to cut off any reply. "Let me finish. Look, during a hunt I cannot afford to be distracted by anything, because as you know, every little mistake can end in a disaster. If I were to take you with me, I would always be worried about your safety. I couldn't think about anything else or concentrate on the hunt. So, you help me best when I know that you are here, at the castle, with your brother, where nothing can happen to you. Do you understand that?" she asked lovingly.

  Skylar nodded and tightened her embrace. "I love you, Mama."

  "I love you too, my precious. You and your brother are the most important things in my life and I don't ever want to lose you," Helena said and brushed a kiss on her daughters soft cheek. "And now, please be a good girl and don't do anything stupid while I'm away, alright? As soon as I'm back, I will tell you everything, yes?"

  Skylar nodded, let go of her mother and returned to the library, while Helena stepped out into the night.

  A short while later, the head of the Leosol family and the police chief sat in the carriage on their way to Paris. They passed the big town gates in the east of the metropolis.

  Michel told the huntress about his assignment. "Unfortunately, we don't have specific information for tonight. There are just too many people in town. It seems as if the whole world is staying in Paris this autumn."

  "Don't worry, Monsieur. I will keep an eye on your town." Helena gazed out the open window, back to the bridge they had just passed, the breeze ruffling her hair.

  In rapt fascination, Michel Dutroit studied the huntress' delicate features, as he noticed one of her hands closing around the door handle. Instantly, he snapped out of it and became the controlled police man again. Deftly, he reached for her arm, "What are you doing, Madame?"

  Helena just smiled at him. "Even though I greatly enjoyed your company, I have to leave you now, Monsieur." Carefully, she pried his hand off her arm.

  Michel struggled. "I do not like the idea of leaving you here all alone. Too many strange people prowl the Quartier Latin at this hour."

  "Michel, you know that it is impossible to detain me. Don't be concerned about me. The helpless girls are who you should worry about."

  "Then let me at least stop the carriage. It is dangero..." He wasn't able to finish his sentence, because Helena had already opened the small door and jumped out, while the carriage drove on at full speed.

  Shocked, Michel gazed back, but the huntress had already disappeared between the dark houses. "What an extraordinary woman."


  Kyrian stepped out of the shadows, long after the carriage with the police chief and his mother had left the castle's grounds. Grumbling, he slid his hands into his pants' pockets and disgruntled, he kicked some loose pebbles around with his feet. "Just why does nobody take me serious? I can take care of myself. Why does nobody notice that? Why can't Mama see it? I'm sure, if on
ly she would just give me a chance, I would be very helpful to her during a hunt."

  The young man sighed and lowered his frame to the stairs in front of the entrance door. Kyrian pulled his legs up, placed his elbows on his knees and rested his chin on his palms. "Even Christine thinks of me as a child, how embarrassing. I have to prove myself and show what I can do. But how? How can I do that? How can I prove to them that I'm a grown man?" He kept this position, while the wheels in his head started turning. "Jean, he is a real man," Kyrian said absent-minded, thoughtfully rubbing his chin. "Should I ask him for advice?" He dismissed that thought right away. "No, he would probably just laugh at me. But there has to be something. Something only I can do, to prove to Christine, and especially to Mama, that I'm a reliable man."

  Time went by, while he sat brooding on the stone steps. Suddenly, his grumpy face lit up, he leaped from the stairs and smashed his right fist into his left palm. "That's it!" Kyrian exclaimed. "The vampire! I will think up a plan and then catch him all on my own. I can't wait to see the look on Mama's face after I caught him. Then she will finally realize that I can take on responsibility, and that I can be her reliable partner during other hunts in the near future."


  Helena looked after the carriage and shook her head. "Monsieur, take good care of yourself. You don't know what this is all about and I am not allowed to tell you. This betrayal leaves a bitter taste in my mouth."

  She walked to the bridge they had just passed and looked down to the street, which lay below. With a few jumps, she landed safely on her feet, not needing to go the long way and use the stairs to get down. Cold wetness hit her in the face, as she stepped under the wide arc of the bridge. She listened carefully for any sound and her right hand slowly wandered to her sword. Her fingers rested against the sword's handle, while she scanned her surroundings. "I can feel your presence. Come out and fight, or do you want this to be turned into a hunt?"


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