Chronicles of Darkness: Shadows and Dust

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Chronicles of Darkness: Shadows and Dust Page 28

by Andrea F. Thomas

Andrej contemplated that.

  Lilith used his carelessness for another heavy blow. Her rapier met the spear with such force that Andrej staggered backwards. Stumbling over a foot stool, his arms flailed wildly while he tried to regain his balance.

  Unyielding, Lilith went after him, until he lay prone on the floor.

  With great effort, Andrej managed to bring up the spear to protect his body from the next blow. Suddenly the astonished young man had two pieces of wood in his hands. Still on his back, he grumbled, "You're taking this fight very seriously, aren't you?"

  "Always." Lilith felt superior and placed her blade against Andrej's throat. She had noticed how he had sucked up every piece of information she had revealed. "On one hand, humans are disgusted by us. On the other hand, they are drawn to us... like moths to the flame." She retreated a bit and added impatiently, "Get up already!"

  Andrej tensed his muscles and leapt to his feet. At the same time, he brandished the spear's halves to hit her in the back of her knees and make her fall.

  The young vampire saw it coming, jumped high and flipped. She landed gracefully on the table.

  Andrej thrust the metal tip at her.

  She had no problem dodging the halfhearted attack. "Is that all you can do?" Lilith sneered.

  The next strike was aimed at her feet and so she somersaulted off the table. Andrej followed her movement, but wasn't fast enough. Lilith landed behind him and kicked him in the back of his knees. It didn't hurt much, but was very effective. Andrej's legs gave out and he fell to the floor.

  Lilith's sword rested against his throat once more. "You like lying on your back, huh?" she taunted.

  Andrej lay panting on his back, his chest rising and falling rapidly with each gasping breath. He stared at the triumphant expression on her pale face.

  "The images of your fears are as ancient as we are. Scary stories about seductive, bloodsucking men and women. Living dead, who are spreading fear and horror. I am asking myself, how are humans able to sleep at night with this?"

  Andrej's eyes flashed as he retorted, "If one gets to know you, you aren't so scary at all." Before the vampire realized what the tall man was intending, he grabbed her ankle and pulled her off her legs.

  With an angry scream Lilith stumbled and the rapier slid from her hand. She braced her fall, turned and was back on her feet.

  Meanwhile, Andrej had risen, took the spear half with the iron tip and stepped behind Lilith, before she was able to retrieve her sword. His free hand grabbed her arms, twisting them on her back. He aimed the metal tip at the vampire's heart and smirked. "Now, where were we, Your Lowness?"

  Lilith hissed angrily. Never before had she been touched by a human in that way. She writhed in his grip, but couldn't get free. "We relish the privilege of immortality, while all you have left is the terrible uncertainty of your approaching end."

  Andrej loosened his grip and Lilith freed herself, bringing some distance between herself and the tall man. "I'd call it fortunate ignorance of the own death," he replied calmly and added, "Looks like I won."

  "Perhaps I let you win?"Lilith was already at the door when she turned around and smiled. "Sometime, I'd like to fight with you again." Then she disappeared.

  "To have the cheek to claim that!" Andrej gasped in surprise. "To even suggest that she let me win." Deep inside, he felt small doubts rising.


  Motionless, Sadden sat in her high chair, staring at the yellowed pages of a leather-bound book in her lap. The letters began to blur as her mind wandered off unintentionally. Her friend's words still echoed in her ears. The door creaked open and Sadden jerked.

  Andrej entered the room, a dark expression on his face. He took a seat opposite her.

  "So? How did it go? Who won?" Sadden wanted to know, keeping her eyes firmly fixed on the book.

  Andrej inhaled sharply. "You know, I really am glad that your friend Zephriel only has one child. If I imagine there were two like Lilith, making my life hell..." He ran a hand through his hair. "Such a... such a spoiled little brat!" Andrej grumbled.

  Sadden didn't say anything.

  As he finally looked up, he was startled. Sadden's usually sparkling eyes were gazing at him in profound sadness. "What's wrong, Sadden?"

  She shook her head.

  Concerned, he leaned forward, reaching for her hands. "Did something happen while I was at the village? What's bothering you?"

  "Nothing, Andrej," she replied, withdrawing from his touch.

  He wrinkled his forehead. "But..."

  Sadden raised a hand to cut him off and turned back to her book. "Please. I do not wish to talk about it."

  Andrej was stunned. It didn't happen often that Sadden rebuffed him like that and refused to answer. He was her closest confidant and they talked about everything. Frantically he thought about what could have happened. Uncomfortable silence ruled, until he burst out, "Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry that Lilith and I don't get along well, but as long as she doesn't change her attitude..."

  "Perhaps you need to change your attitude as well," she interrupted, shut the book and went to the window.

  The young man was completely confused. "What do you mean by that?"

  Her gaze fixed on the snowy woods outside, she said, "When you look at me... what do you see?"

  "Sadden, what kind of question is that?"

  "Just answer it," the vampire pleaded.

  "I see my best friend and closest confidante. A human being with whom I..." he stopped as he realized the slip of tongue.

  She turned around, her eyes still sad. "I am not human, Andrej. I am but a vampire. I drain other creatures off their blood to prolong my own existence."

  Tortured, her friend closed his eyes as he was reminded of his own words. For a moment Andrej hid his face in his hands and a heavy sigh escaped him. "I'm so sorry. It was stupid to say something like that. Please, forgive me. It wasn't meant to refer to all vampires. You are different."

  Sadden forced a small smile to her face, before she turned back to the window.

  "Really, you have to believe me," Andrej persisted and rose also. He went to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It wasn't my intention to hurt your feelings in any way."

  "Let us not talk about it anymore," she replied, patting the hand that rested on her shoulder.

  "Alright." Andrej went back to his seat and waited for Sadden to also sit down, but the vampire didn't move an inch.

  "Hey, how about a game of chess?" he asked, breaking the silence.

  "It is late. Are you not tired? You had a strenuous day."

  "So what," Andrej dismissed the comment. "Are you scared that I'll defeat you this time?" The challenge voiced, he placed the game board on the table and pulled out a small, wooden chest, which contained the chessmen. Andrej began to put the hand-carved figures on their positions. He looked at Sadden, who still stood beside the window. "Now what? Do you want me to beg on my knees? You still owe me a return match from the last time."

  The vampire relented and went back to her chair. As her eyes fell on the board, she noticed that she was to play with the black figures. Questioning, she raised an eyebrow.

  "You always play with white and win, which makes me suspect there is something strange going on," Andrej explained, grinning widely.

  Sadden smirked. "And you think if you play with white it will change anything to your favor?"

  Shrugging his shoulders, he replied, "Could be. Let's find out, shall we?"

  "So be it. I take on your challenge. But you are aware of the saying 'White begins, black wins', are you not?"

  "This saying never came true for us, did it?" He reached for a figure and made the first move.

  Shooting him a sympathetic glance, Sadden mocked, "Ooh, Andrej, your first mistake."

  "You're just trying to make me lose my composure, but this time, you will be unsuccessful in that attempt," he announced and waited for her move. "Yes, victory will be mine this time." Andrej laughed triumphantl
y and a bit arrogantly.

  "Do not be so sure of yourself." Sadden extended a hand to move her figure. She stared at the chess board and paused as the black and white fields blurred in front of her eyes and merged into each other. Unintentionally, her mind went on a journey, and she was unable to prevent it.

  Sadden saw herself surrounded by thick, gray fog. From a distance, she thought she could hear Andrej's concerned voice, but she couldn't understand the words. The fog slid open like a curtain and a bright light blinded her for a moment, before it disappeared and her mind was cast in darkness.

  Eventually the darkness faded. Slowly some creatures appeared, at first shadowy and distorted, but with each passing second the image became clearer. Sadden could see a majestic lioness that lay in the grass, basking in the sun, her fur shining as golden as the sun itself. A cub was curled up between her mighty front paws, sleeping peacefully.

  The idyllic picture was abruptly disrupted. The lioness leapt up, took a protective stance over her cub and growled threateningly.

  Derisive laughter rang out and the lioness whirled around. A hyena had appeared from the shadows and started to circle the mother and her offspring.

  Suspiciously eyeing the newcomer, the lioness made sure to keep the scavenger far away from her child.

  At lightning speed, something moved in the grass towards her. Something big and black, with glowing red eyes. A huge cobra threw itself at the lioness, drawing her into a fight. Quickly the reptile snaked around her body and wrestled the feline predator to the ground. The lioness roared and writhed, but the snake tightened its grip, cutting off her air supply. The resistance of the proud cat became weaker and weaker.

  Meanwhile, the small lion cub tried to flee.

  The path was blocked by the hyena that kept pushing back the cub again and again, until it lay exhausted on the ground.

  Sadden wanted to help, but she could only watch helplessly what happened next.

  The large cobra reared its head back and plunged its pointy fangs deep inside the lioness' chest. The cat arched and roared in pain. Grating, the snake broke through the ribs and ripped out the pounding heart.

  The tiny cub sat up and lifted its head to the sky. A cry erupted from its throat. The piercing, scared scream of a girl. "Noooo! Mama!"

  Sadden felt her pain deep in the core of her body and soul.

  A young lion, his mane not fully grown yet, entered the scenery. Outraged beyond all else, he jumped at the snake that hurried to crawl away. The lion followed it.

  In the meantime, the hyena sniffled at the corpse of the proud lioness. She licked at the blood that was dripping from the chest wound onto the grass, before she turned back to the trembling cub.

  A phoenix came plummeting from the sky and spread its wings protectively over the small lion.

  "You are safe now," Sadden heard her own voice whisper and gazed into teary, fearful eyes. Human eyes.

  The fog grew thick again, robbing her of her sight and the image disappeared.

  Greatly concerned, Andrej knelt beside Sadden's chair, patting the pale, clammy skin of her cheeks. "Sadden? Sadden, can you hear me?"

  Her eyes flew open and her glowing gaze pierced his.

  Startled, he retreated a step. "Is everything alright, Sadden?" he inquired carefully

  The vampire was trying to get her bearings. The sudden vision had taken her by surprise and she needed a moment to collect her thoughts. Unshed tears gleamed in her eyes. "The Sunlions." Sadden croaked in a shaky voice. Regarding her friend, one lone tear trickled down her cheek. "Something horrible is about to happen."



  Disregarding the cold and completely lost in thought, Anatol trudged through the empty Ardeal. His arms were wrapped around his hunched body. His eyes stared at the snowy path in front of him. Anatol's breath formed little clouds in front of his blue lips. Undecided, he stopped and looked at the tavern. His stomach clenched at the thought of once again being the laughingstock.

  "You should have kept it to yourself," a soft voice said next to him.

  His heart missed a beat. Unwilling and tense, he turned his head. With sweaty palms, Anatol stumbled backwards as recognition dawned on him. "You?"


  "Do you want to kill me?"


  "I could shout for help."

  "Yes, you could."

  Anatol kept silent. Bashfully, he glanced at her.

  She didn't look as dangerous as in his nightmares. There were no flaming eyes, which he remembered so vividly. In fact, there was a beautiful woman standing next to him. "Am I the demon you described to the others?"

  The young man gasped, frightened and unsure. "Who are you? It was you at the camp... and also the strange guest that came to the tavern, wasn't it?"

  "I have chosen you."

  "Chosen... me?" Anatol felt shivers down his spine.

  "You are special. Your heart is fiery."

  "I'm special? Trust me, there is nothing special about me." Anatol pulled a face.

  "Never question my opinion! You might not see it, but I do."

  "And what does it mean... my heart is fiery?"

  "Believe me," Lilith replied, brushing her fingers across his cold cheek.

  At first he winced, but eventually a feeling of confidence grew inside him. "What do you want from me?"

  "I want to offer you a deal."

  "A deal?"

  "I can make all your wishes come true. How about we start with the one that's prominent in your heart?"

  Shocked, he looked at her.

  "Yes, I know about Ljudmilla. I know that you observe her secretly. Your heart longs for her." Lilith placed her hand on his chest.

  His heartbeat quickened. Anatol stiffened and he felt heat rise inside his body. The thought that she knew about his desires left him unsettled. "That's... that's not true," he denied, his face flushing.

  "Oh, it is so very true," Lilith corrected, smiling.

  The idea was weird, but he admitted, "I've been in love with Ljudmilla for a long time. She never showed me any consideration."

  "My poor Anatol," Lilith sighed sympathetically. "I will not hurt you like that, not in the heart. I could change her mind, if you want."

  "What would I have to do for that?" he inquired hesitantly.

  "You will bond with me." Lilith took his arm and rolled up the sleeve of his coat. Her fingertips danced lightly over the sensitive skin of his lower arm. Pleasant tingles erupted, coursing through his body.

  "And you will give me your blood."

  "What?" Anatol asked in a daze, enraptured by Lilith's passionate words. Sure of his decision, he responded, "It will be by pleasure." Forgotten were fear and nightmares, and the memories of the awful night at the wolf hunter's camp faded into oblivion.

  "Splendid," Lilith whispered, lifted his arms and brushed her lips across it, caressing.

  Sighing, Anatol let her proceed.

  She looked up and locked eyes with him. "This will be our secret."

  The young man nodded silently, fascinated by her gentle touches and spellbound by her voice.

  "I am your mistress. Lilith."

  "Yes." He sighed as the vampire bent over his arm and pierced the skin with her pointy teeth. Moaning, he let it happen. Tingling sensations washed over him, while she sucked the blood from his veins.

  After Lilith had enough, she released his arm.

  Anatol felt dizzy and strangely happy. "You... you are a vampire."

  "You know about vampires?" Lilith asked a tad surprised.

  "Until tonight, I thought them to be nothing more than a myth. Granny Ana told tales about the likes of you, when we were children. I always thought those were just stories."

  Lilith smiled and stroked his cheek. "Now you know better, and you are no longer alone. Tell me when you are ready to truly want Ljudmilla." With that words, the vampire disappeared into the night.

  The tavern door creaked op
en, revealing Mikahel, who stepped onto the street. The icy cold made him tremble. Upon seeing Anatol standing there all alone, the blacksmith strode towards him.

  The young man didn't seem to notice him.

  Wrinkling his forehead, Mikahel became aware of the happy expression on Anatol's features. "Come on, lad," he said softly. "You can sleep at our house tonight." He put an arm around Anatol's slim frame and guided him to his home.


  Concealed by a neighboring building, Kyrian stepped out of the shadows after Helena had galloped off. He had eavesdropped on her earlier conversation with Skylar, and so he knew where his mother wanted to go. "She didn't find Christine, which means my fears didn't come true. I'm wondering what was written on the piece of paper. Hopefully, I will find out about it soon," the young hunter consoled himself. It angered him that he had overlooked this minor detail earlier.

  Filled with juvenile defiance, he walked to the palace to wait for his adored Christine. Before his thoughts could turn back to his mother, Michel Dutroit, and all the other things, he heard a dull sound from inside the run-down building. "Should there be somebody in this house? Perhaps a vampire?"

  Quickly he loosened some rotten boards and gained entry. He strained his ears, but the sound didn't repeat. Cautiously he moved forward. The moonlight fell weakly through the boards that were still nailed across the other windows. Kyrian could hardly breathe because of the stale air that was lying heavily in the rooms. As he reached the old staircase, he saw the warm glow of candles shining from the second floor. His heart pounding wildly, he climbed up the stairs. The rotten wood of the steps broke beneath his boots, and he had to be careful not to fall down with the whole thing.

  Finally, the young hunter had reached the floor and stood in front of the door where the light came from. He glanced inside the room. The candlelight blinded him at first. After his eyes had adjusted, he recognized the person on the bed and threw caution to the wind. "Christine!" he cried and stormed into the room.

  Weak, the young woman raised her head.


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