Bear Guardian (The Enforcers Book 5)

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Bear Guardian (The Enforcers Book 5) Page 3

by Ruby Shae

  “Avery, look at me.”

  She took her time obeying his command, but he wasn’t worried that she would. Just like earlier when he’d first arrived, she eventually acquiesced, and slowly raised her eyes to his.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, beautiful. You can ask me anything, seriously, anything at all, and I will always be honest with you. I got angry because I hate that guy, and I hate the fact that you stayed with him for so long, and I don’t want you thinking I’m anything like him, because I’m not.”

  “I know you’re not like him, Jacob.”


  Avery couldn’t believe the sexy, whispered declaration that slid out of her mouth. What the hell? So what if Jacob cared about her? That was nice, but it wasn’t like he was applying for the job of her next boyfriend.

  Except…it kind of felt like he was.

  God, she needed to get a grip. She still didn’t know his motives for arriving with food, but she wasn’t stupid. If he wanted something from her, then it wouldn’t be for long term, so why was he acting like he wanted her forever?


  Of course. Duh!

  Men were so stupid.

  If he wanted a chance to fuck the fat girl, all he had to do was say so. Hell, he’d already seen almost all of her, so he already knew everything she had to offer. And everything she didn’t. In either case, her flaws wouldn’t be a surprise to him.

  Maybe that was a good thing.

  Knowing that he’d already seen her naked body would definitely take some of the pressure off. Especially because he was flawless. Truthfully, sex with Jacob would be a dream come true—a very sexy dream—but she needed to clear some stuff up first.


  Good? What was he talking about?

  Oh, yeah. Her statement that he wasn’t like her ex.

  His chocolate eyes briefly focused on her lips before meeting her eyes again, and the subtle move made her pussy throb with need. Had she ever been truly satisfied by a man before? If she had, then she couldn’t remember, and that was saying something considering she could count all of her sexual partners on one hand.

  Either every guy she’d ever dated had no idea what they were doing in the bedroom, or there was something wrong with her. Considering she had no problem finding release with battery operated toys, she was pretty sure she wasn’t at fault, but she ached with a carnal desperation to find out.

  Before that happened, though, she wanted to tell Jacob the truth. Deep down, she worried it might ruin whatever was going on between them, but if something did happen, she didn’t want him to think she was on the rebound.

  For some reason, it was important that he know.

  “I’m not sad, or hurting,” she started, “I’m just mad. I’m not even mad at him. Not really. But I am mad at myself.”

  “What? Why?”

  Avery sighed. Maybe telling Jacob everything wasn’t such a good idea. If they both wanted sex, then why did she have to bring her past into it? Plus, there were some things she didn’t want him to know. Like how undesirable most men found her, or just how pathetic she really was.

  The minutes ticked by, but Jacob didn’t say a word. He had the patience of a saint, but she wasn’t surprised. She had a feeling he would wait as long as it took for her to get her thoughts together, and the knowledge was both super sweet and highly aggravating.

  “Mainly because I knew what he was doing, and I allowed it to happen. Over and over again. I’m not…let’s just say that guys don’t really like me—”

  “I like you,” he interrupted.

  “Okay, well most guys don’t like the way I look,” she held up her hand when it was clear he would interrupt again. “Let me finish this.”

  Jacob nodded, and she continued.

  “Trust me. Men have never been banging down my door, and that’s fine, but he’s always been around. We dated briefly in high school, and I was glad to be rid of him when I left for college, but after…,” she shrugged. “Well, I was stupid. The worst part is, I’ve never loved him, and the other night I realized I don’t like him either. Not even a little bit. He has no job, no security, and he’s really arrogant. When he has no reason to be. Which makes it about ten times more annoying. Or maybe he just annoys me…I don’t know. What I do know is that he’s a loser, and he always will be, and I’m better off without him. So, I’m just mad, and I hate the fact that I wasted so much time on him—with him—for nothing.”

  “I’m glad you figured all that out, but it’s still a lot to deal with in only a couple of days. Especially since he’s been a part of your life so long. I’m glad you’re not sad, though, and that you’re ready to move forward. Plus, you’re wrong about one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You did get that sexy, red lace outfit out of the deal.”

  Avery rolled her eyes, and laughed.

  She couldn’t help it.

  She had no idea whether Jacob was making fun of her or not, but she didn’t think he was. He seemed serious about the outfit, but she didn’t understand how that could be. Either way, she was glad the revealing garment was in the trash where it belonged.

  “No, I tossed it,” she admitted.

  “That’s a shame,” he said, “but because you bought it for that loser, and he didn’t even appreciate it, I’m not too broken up about it. You need to get another one, though. In black this time. I liked the red, but I’d love to see you covered in black lace.”

  “Maybe one day,” she said.

  Even though she recognized the line for what it was, Avery still felt her cheeks flame. Jacob was saying all the right things, and after aiming so low for so long, she longed to find a man like him to spend the rest of her life with.

  The need to voice the truth about her relationship with David still didn’t make any sense, but she was proud she was able to say the words without overtly making a fool of herself. The experience had been humiliating on the inside, though, and the uncertainty of what to do or say next had her on her feet and clearing the table.

  As she slowly closed up the containers, and started to put everything back in the bag, Jacob picked up their dishes and placed them in the sink. He even ran the water so the food wouldn’t stick, and she appreciated the gesture.

  “Do you want to take the leftovers home?” she asked.

  “No, you keep them,” he said. “You didn’t eat near enough, and I’m not leaving yet.”

  Didn’t eat enough? He wasn’t?

  “We still have more to talk about.”

  We do?

  Avery placed the food in the fridge, but before she had time to assemble her thoughts, she found Jacob in her small living room, sitting on one end of her couch like he belonged there.

  She sat on the other end.

  If they were going to talk, then she wanted to see his face, and deep down, she wasn’t confident enough to sit next to him anyway.

  Luckily, she didn’t have to wait for him to say what he wanted to say.

  “As I said before, I like you, Avery,” he started. “Hell, I more than like you, and waiting for you to dump that loser hasn’t been easy. It’s one of the reasons I asked you out even though you were still seeing him. I had hoped… Never mind. Anyway, now that you’re done with him, if you really think you’re done, then I’m hoping you’ll give me a chance.”

  Avery couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. He couldn’t like her, not really. He just wanted sex…didn’t he? She had no reason not to believe him—nothing except her prior experience with men—but Jacob wasn’t like other men. Still, she was skeptical.

  “You like me?” she asked. “You want to date me? Why?”

  “What do you mean, why?”

  “I mean, why? Why do you like me? Why are you asking me out?”

  His brow furrowed, but he answered her anyway.

  “I like you because you’re smart, friendly, and kind. You rarely have harsh words for people, even if they
deserve it, and I’ve seen the way you help others in the building. I’m also highly attracted you. I think you’re beautiful—”

  “I’m not beautiful.”

  “Yes, you are,” he growled. “To me you are.”

  It was the second time he’d made that growly sound, and she’d be lying if said she didn’t love it. It was sexy as hell, but it also reminded her of his extraordinary abilities.

  “But you’re so…amazing,” she finally finished, unsure how to bring up the subject of his ability to change into a bear. “You could have anyone.”

  He smiled, big, and she knew she was right.

  “I want you.”

  The words came out confident, determined and sincere, making it nearly impossible not to believe them. She still had her doubts, but either way, she wasn’t about to argue with him about it.

  He seemed to be offering her exactly what she wanted, and she’d be a fool not to take it, but she had to clarify one thing.

  “Fine. What about sex?”

  He stared at her for a full minute before answering, and she relished in the fact that she’d apparently rendered him speechless.

  “What exactly are you asking, beautiful?”

  “Does your offer include sex?”

  “When you’re ready,” he started calmly. “Hell, yes!”

  The last two words were the equivalent of “duh,” and Avery couldn’t help but smile. For some reason, this perfect man wanted her, and if he—or the universe—was playing some joke on her, well then, there was one thing she wanted more than anything.

  “I’m ready now.”

  “I don’t think now is a good idea.”

  Of course, it wasn’t. She wasn’t even surprised by his response. Whatever game he was playing, he could go play it with someone else.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right,” she said, standing. She walked to the door, and gripped the knob. “Thanks for dinner, but I think you’d better go.”

  “Avery.” He didn’t move, and he didn’t speak again until her gaze met his. “You just got out of a relationship, and though it wasn’t ideal, I think you need some time—”

  “Not ideal is putting it mildly, and I already told you I didn’t love him. Not even a little bit. The only thing I need right now is sex with someone who knows what they hell they are doing, and If you can’t help me, then I think you should just go.”

  The bold words seemed to shock him almost as much as they shocked her, but she wasn’t about to back down. If Jacob really wanted to date her, then he should want this, too, and if he didn’t, then she didn’t want to waste her time.

  Without another word, he stood, and her heart sank.

  Chapter Three

  Well, shit!

  This wasn’t exactly the way he’d envisioned their first time, but he wasn’t a fucking saint. Hell, he’d been waiting six months to touch his mate, knowing she touched another, and he’d reached the end of his rope a long time ago.

  Still, he’d wanted to take her out, introduce her to his friends, and show her how a real boyfriend—a real man—was supposed to act. More importantly, he never wanted Avery to think he only wanted her for sex, and yet, she was telling him that’s all she needed.

  He knew the words weren’t true, but it wouldn’t have mattered even if they were. He would always give his mate whatever she wanted.

  Tonight, she apparently wanted sex with someone who knew what the hell they were doing. Her description had nearly made him laugh out loud, but the moment wasn’t right, so he’d forced himself to keep a straight face.

  The loser had obviously been lacking in the physical department as well, and for that, Jacob wasn’t sorry. He was pissed that his mate had settled for almost nothing for so long, but he was glad he wouldn’t have to rival with her ex in the bedroom.

  Not that he was worried.

  He had enough experience to know what he was doing, as she’d requested, but there was something more. Mates were always compatible, both inside the bedroom and out, and he knew their lovemaking would be more than satisfying for both of them. In time, it would be explosive.

  His cock had been semi-hard since he’d stepped into her apartment, but when his feisty mate had started making demands, his thick dick had gone rock hard.

  Even though he’d tried to do the right thing, or what he perceived to be the right thing, he wasn’t about to turn down what she was offering. They would have sex tonight, but he was also going to make sure they did all the things he’d planned to do when he’d thought he had to win her over.

  In fact, he was pretty sure he still had a lot work to do, and sex or no sex, he planned to start immediately. He stood, ready to take his mate to the bedroom, and his suspicions were confirmed.

  She expected him to reject her and leave.

  Not going to happen, beautiful. I’ll never leave you.

  Jacob walked toward his mate, but when he saw the hand she kept on the doorknob start to turn, he swiftly closed the distance between them. He stopped the turning movement with one hand, and placed the other flat against the door, effectively caging her in with his big body.

  He was inches away from her soft, curvy form, and he couldn’t stop the urge to lean in and inhale her soothing, perfect scent. Avery gasped and stood perfectly still, as if waiting for his next move. His canines nudged his gums, desperate to break through and sink into her beautiful skin, but he fought the instinct and forced them back.

  He couldn’t tell Avery about his bear.

  Not yet.

  But he could tell her other things.

  He drew back from her neck, and grabbed both of her hands. He placed them on his shoulders, and then wrapped his palms around her hips. His hands molded to her perfect body as if she’d been made for him—which she had—and his bear growled beneath the surface. Finally, after all this time, he was touching his mate, and he never planned to let her go.

  Avery was his.

  “I’ll give you what you want, beautiful, but this isn’t just about sex for me. I want you—I’ve always wanted you—and I’m never letting you go.”

  She nodded in agreement, but he knew she didn’t believe him. He wasn’t worried, though, because he was going to love finding ways to change her mind.

  Starting with a kiss.

  Jacob leaned in slowly, and then brushed his lips against hers with a featherlight touch. Her small intake of breath told him she felt what he felt, and he kissed her again with the same light tender touch.

  This time, she kissed him back, and moved her hands from his shoulders to his neck. God, his skin burned from her touch, and he wanted her hands everywhere, but he wouldn’t force the issue. He was just glad she was touching him at all.

  On the third featherlight pass of his lips, Avery pulled him closer, and silently demanded more. She pressed her lips to his and then licked his lips, begging him to open his mouth.

  He liked seeing this aggressive side of her, but she never needed to beg. He immediately opened his mouth, and slid his tongue against hers. Cautious at first, they explored each other’s mouths as if they had all the time in the world, but the slow and steady pace didn’t last long.

  Suddenly, as if a switch had been flipped, the kiss became frenzied.

  Jacob kissed her hard, his mouth both aggressive and demanding, and her need rivaled his own. Avery met his kisses with the same fevered desire, and he took a step closer, and plastered his hard frame against her soft one.

  Avery wrapped a leg around his waist, and his bear roared beneath the surface. She was his female, his mate, and she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

  Even though their clothes acted as a barrier, the heat emitting from her core made his dick throb uncontrollably. He pulled his mouth away from hers, and nuzzled her neck, trying to gain an ounce of control.

  Avery didn’t care about his needs though. She ground her hips against his cock, and pressed her soft lips against his heated skin.

  Fuck control!

He needed to be buried inside his mate as soon as possible. He pressed his hips against hers, grabbed her other leg, and wrapped it around his waist. Then he slid his hands over her ass.

  “Hold on, beautiful.”

  Suddenly, it was as if she’d been doused in ice water. Avery pulled back so fast, she banged her head against the door.

  “No, wait,” she pleaded. “Jacob, I can walk.”

  The desperate plea in her voice pissed him off, and an image of her weak-ass ex flittered through his mind. He figured her worry stemmed from the loser, or hell, maybe it was from all of her past boyfriends, but it would end today.

  He wanted a future filled with her begging him to carry her to the bedroom, and his plan to make that happen started now. Ignoring her protests, he moved from the door easily, and she had no choice but to hold on tight.

  Every step down the hall caused his cock to rub against her clit, and he’d only moved a few feet before she hissed in a breath, and dug her nails into his shoulders.

  Her apartment had the same layout as his, and they both only had one bedroom, so finding the bed was easy. He stormed into her room, but when he saw the mattress, he nearly lost control. Every instinct told him to throw her on the bed, rip off her clothes, and sink into her soaking wet core, but he knew he needed to go slow.

  “Is your head, okay?” he asked. “It sounded like you banged it pretty hard.”

  She pulled back to look at him, and it was as if she’d read his mind.

  “It’s fine,” she said, “and so am I. I want you, Jacob. I want everything you want to give me. I need it, and I don’t want or need you to go slow.”

  His gums ached at her declaration, but he knew he couldn’t give her everything—not yet. He could, however, give her everything else they both wanted.

  He set her down next to the bed, grabbed the hem of her t-shirt, and started sliding it up her waist. Her hands immediately locked onto his wrists, betraying her bravado, and he stilled. If she’d changed her mind, then he would stop, but he was pretty sure she was just scared. Only time would heal her past wounds completely, and he wouldn’t push the issue. If she wanted to wait, then they would wait.


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