Crossroads of the Heart

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Crossroads of the Heart Page 13

by Savannah Maris

  Tamryn bows her head but looks up at me from under her eyelashes as she bites her bottom lip. “I remember. You asked me to dance with you for your first dance, and I thought you were the cutest boy I’d ever seen. It was amazing that we ended up living on neighboring farms.”

  “I would’ve driven to see you. I wouldn’t have cared where.” I kiss the side of her head.

  “Over here’s the other one.” Dale moves down the bar back toward where we’d come from.

  I stare at that picture, every memory of that night flooding back to me. It’s easy to see what Tamryn saw when she described the picture to me. I don’t even remember it being taken. She was my world, and she always will be. “Dale, is there any way I could either get a copy of that picture or buy that one from you?”

  Tamryn gasps, and Dale laughs. “You’re not the first person to want that picture, but I guess you’re the one who has the most right to it. I’ll see if we can get a copy made, but I’m afraid I won’t part with that one.”

  “You’d want that picture? Why?”

  “Baby, my world has been wrapped up in you since then,” I point to the picture of the night we met, “but this picture actually captured a moment in black and white that’s so obvious the whole world can see it. I just want it framed on my desk so I don’t lose my true north again.”

  Tamryn’s hand covers her heart. “Noah…”

  I capture her words with my lips.

  “Oh, dear God, that’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard.” Becky fans her face.

  I break the kiss and smile at Becky. “Because it’s the truth.” I look at Tamryn. “Don’t you have something to give Becky?”

  She smiles and digs into her purse, pulling out two sets of keys. She flashes me a smile before she turns toward Becky and Dale. “I owe the two of you so much, and thank you just isn’t enough. Becky, I know I rented the house for a month because I didn’t think I’d be leaving so soon, but Noah and I are going to see our parents then go home to Atlanta.” She passes the house keys to Becky. “Tell your aunt that I loved the house. Keep the remainder of the rent, and it’s good to go for someone new. I washed the linens and towels, so everything is clean.”

  “What? You didn’t have to do that, Tammy. I’d take care of it.”

  “Call me, Tamryn. I know you would, but it was the least I could do.” She swallows hard and takes a deep breath before glancing at me once more, and I nod for her to continue. She digs back into her purse for a piece of paper and pen. When she pulls them out, she signs on the line marked “Seller” and dates the paper. “This is for you. I saw your car, and it’s not safe to put a baby in, so I’m giving you the Jeep. Here are the keys and that’s the title. Colt said he’d looked at buying it for himself when he showed it to me. He said he’d had it checked and it was in good condition, and I’ve only driven it for a few days, but it seems good to me, too.” She smiles.

  Dale shakes his head, and Becky hugs Tamryn like her life depends on it. “Oh my God. I can’t believe you did that. It’s the sweetest thing. Thank you. I don’t want you to go.”

  Tamryn hugs Becky just as tight. “Well, if all goes to plan, you’ll see us again come rodeo season.”


  “We’ll see.” Tamryn smiles.

  Dale walks around the bar and shakes my hand as we watch the girls walk toward the front of the restaurant. “Thank you. Y’all didn’t have to do this.”

  I smile and stare at my wife. “That’s all her. But thank you for watching out for her while she was here. She speaks very highly of both of you.”

  Dale chuckles. “The first day she walked through those doors,” he gestures toward the front doors, “I about pissed in my pants. I knew who she was and had just picked up a magazine for Becky with Tamryn on the front cover. I tried not to let her know that I knew for a few minutes, but finally told her and showed her the magazine.” He bows his head. “She signed it for Becky but asked us not to tell anyone who she was. We felt honored to keep her secret. If fact, Becky became quite protective of her.”

  “I get it. She puts people at ease once they get to know her. She tries not to let her celebrity status go to her head, but it’s hard for her to find someplace where she can go and just be herself. She needed this as well as to find friends like you and Becky.”

  “I’ll get that copy made for you. I’ve got a friend that has a print shop.”

  “Thank you. I hear you make a mean cheeseburger.”

  “If I say so myself.”

  “Let me get Tamryn so we can eat and finish our stops before we hit the road.”

  We finish lunch and Tamryn is on her way back from the rest room when Becky stops her. I stand and reach my hand out to Dale’s. “It was a pleasure meeting you.” I’m walking toward the women when I hear Becky ask Tamryn about Colt.

  “So, what did you tell Colt? You know he’s gonna be heart-broken.”

  “I never led Colt on. He knew I was married, and even though I’d filed for divorce, I wasn’t sure it was what I wanted. I wasn’t sure how Noah felt at the time, so until I knew, we could only be friends, and that’s all we were.”

  “I think it was more than that for him.”

  “I can’t help that, Becky. I was completely honest with him. I hope that doesn’t affect our friendship.”

  “Of course not,” Becky is saying when I step closer.

  “Baby, are you ready to go?”

  Tamryn flashes me a smile over her shoulder then turns to Becky as her smile becomes sad. “Thank you for everything. I hope to see you soon.”

  “I’m going to miss you, girl.” Becky squeezes Tamryn once more.

  When they break their hug, I wrap my arm around Tamryn and escort her toward the door. I reach out to open the door when it’s pulled from the outside, and we come face to face with Colt again. Everyone freezes. Tamryn is the first to break the trance.

  “Babe, may I speak to Colt for a minute before we leave?”

  I narrow my eyes. “Alone?”


  I looked at my watch, then at Colt, and finally at Tamryn. “I’ll be at the truck. Five minutes.”


  I walk back inside with Colt, and we sit at the first table beside the door. I run my hands down my legs before I look him in the face. “Colt, I’m sorry if I led you on in any way. I never meant to do that.”

  “I knew what I was getting into. You’re a married woman. You were pissed off at your husband for some reason and checked out of your world and into mine. Now, it’s time for you to go back, but I hope I made your dream come true.”

  I smile at him. “You reminded me what it was like to be in a cowboy’s arms. Thank you. I hope we can part as friends.” I stick my hand out to him.

  Colt takes it and plants a kiss on the back of it. “Thank you, Tamryn. I enjoyed our time together.” A wicked smile crosses his face. “I have to admit, I wish it was more.”

  “Goodbye, Colt.”

  I walk out the door and straight to Noah leaning up against the truck waiting on me. He opens my door and helps me into the cab. When he settles behind the wheel, he looks at me.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yes, but a look Colt just gave me makes me think he’s not the nice guy I thought he was.”

  “Maybe he’s just a sore loser, baby.”

  “Maybe.” I stare at the doors of the restaurant.

  “Where’s our next stop?”

  “The bank. I need to close out my account and then go to Mr. Lee’s office and settle up with him.”

  “Show me the way.”



  “You know, it felt strange driving this truck without you sitting right there.” I glance at Tamryn. “You’ve never ridden anywhere else in this truck. I’m sure that seat is molded to the shape of your ass.” I chuckle.

  “And only my ass.” She flashes me a sassy smile then wraps her fingers under my thigh like she’s al
ways done, which lets me know we’re back on track. “Did you speak with my parents while I was gone?”

  “I talked with your dad a couple of times. The night you left and then a couple of days later. Why?”

  “I don’t know. What did y’all talk about?”

  “The first time he tried to calm me down and said maybe you were on a shoot, but they hadn’t heard from you. I had to file the report to get information from the airlines, so the police gave us the weekend before it went public. As soon as Bash laid eyes on you, I called and had it rescinded, but it had already hit the news.” I lay my arm over her thighs and squeeze. “The next time was after you called them. He confirmed that you thought I had cheated, but he wouldn’t give me the cell phone number.” I shrug. “I heard the song you changed my ring tone to on your phone, Tams. It gutted me.”

  “I was in a funk for three days. Everything just seemed to point in that one direction.”

  I move my hand to hold hers tighter against my leg. “Please don’t ever do this again.”

  She looks up at me, and I see tears streaking down her face from the corner of my eye. “Never.” She covers her mouth as silent sobs leaves her. “I know we’ve got to rebuild trust between us, and I’ll do whatever you need me to.”

  “I think what we’re proposing to my parents is a good start. I know we’ve got some things to work out in Atlanta, but I was serious about us going away for a week or so. We can get the house listed, and they can show it while we’re gone. It’d be great if we could move when we got back.”

  “You still want to go to Paris?”

  “Yes, neither of us have really gotten to experience that city unrelated to work. I want to experience all of that with you. I hear the Marmottan Monet Museum is quite the turn on.” I wiggle my brows.

  She giggles. “There are some exhibits that you’d appreciate. I went there for an after party once, but I was too young to appreciate it at the time. I’d love to go back with you.” She kisses my shoulder.

  “I want to take you places you haven’t been.”

  “I’ve never been to the top of the Eiffel Tower or to the Palace Versailles.”

  “Then, we’ll definitely have to go to both, but this is a lazy trip, so our main objective is to make a baby if we haven’t already.”

  She smiles. “Noah, when it’s right, it’ll happen. I just want us on the same page.”

  When we come to the place I’m looking for, I pull over and park the truck. Before she could ask questions, I cup her face so I have her complete attention. “First, I want you, then a family with you. I always saw us with a family. I want to see your tummy round with my child, so I think we’re on the same page.” I quickly kiss her lips. “I can see the questioning look in your eyes. We’re here because your mom loves the barbequed pork and hash here. I’m sure she’s kinda pissed with me, so I’m taking her a peace offering.” I wink and flash her a bright smile. “She can never stay mad at me when I bring her gifts.” I release her and jump out of the truck so I can help her out.

  We walk into the restaurant that has been family owned since before either of us was born. “You know the smell is going to kill us for the rest of the drive. I’ll be starved by the time we get there.” Tamryn pokes me in the chest. “It’ll be all your fault if I eat too much.”

  I place the order then notice the desserts in the refrigerator. “Oh Tams, grab a big banana pudding. Your dad loves that.”

  She laughs. “You really are trying to make up to them, aren’t you?”

  “Baby, I don’t want my in-laws upset with me because we may need them to babysit one day.”

  “I don’t think you have that to worry about. They’ve always taken your side of our arguments.”

  With all confidence, I smile. “Because I bring them gifts. See how this works?”

  “Are your parents upset with me?”

  “No, Dad just wanted to make sure my head was where it’s supposed to be. That I knew what was important. I don’t know what Ma knows because I haven’t talked to her.” I sling an arm over her shoulders while we wait for our order. “They always take your side because they know you’re their way to grandchildren.” I kiss the side of her head.

  She pulls back. “Are you kidding me?”

  My head tilts back and a boisterous laugh leaves me from the look on her face. “Yes, I’m kidding. Well, sort of. They love you, but they also know that there’s no one else for me, so without you, there are no grandchildren.”

  Tamryn squeezes me tight just as the lady behind the counter says our order is ready. I pay and we make our way back to the truck. The next forty-five minutes can’t go by fast enough.


  I fall asleep somewhere along the way until Noah squeezes my leg to wake me. When I open my eyes, we’re on the long driveway to the main house. My neck is stiff and when I move there’s a wet spot on Noah’s shoulder. I wipe my mouth and rub my hand over the spot on his shirt.

  “I’m sorry. I must’ve been more tired than I thought.”

  The love in Noah’s eyes when he looks at me makes my insides melt. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had a wet shoulder from you. Don’t apologize, it brings back so many good memories of the drives from the rodeos home. You can put a drool spot on me anytime, and might I add anywhere on my body you so desire.”

  He wiggles his brows as a playful grin spreads across his face.

  I love that look on him. It makes me feel like a school girl falling in love all over again. My heart speeds up and my breathing accelerates as I lean over and kiss him.

  Before we can deepen the kiss, there are tapping sounds on the driver’s side window.

  “Are you getting out or just going to make-out?”

  We smile with our lips still touching. “Did you bring enough bribes for getting busted in the driveway?”

  “That one I’m not worried about.” Noah pulls back and opens the door.

  “Earl, how are you?” Noah jumps down and helps me.


  My dad points his finger like he did when I was eight. “Don’t Daddy me, young lady. You’ve had us all scared.”

  And just like when I was eight, my mouth falls open because my dad rarely fusses at me. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I made some stupid decisions. Thank God, Noah came after me.”

  He places his hands on his hips. “Yes, and he’d have every right to take you over his knee. If you still lived with me, that’s what I’d do.”

  I close the gap between my dad and me and wrap my arms around his neck. “Daddy, you do realize I’m not a child anymore, right?” I glance over my dad’s shoulder and see Noah leaning against the truck with a smirk on his face. He loves that my father took his side, so I narrow my eyes at him, causing his smile to spread.

  “Then stop acting like one. You have a problem with your husband, you talk to him. You don’t run off like a spoiled brat.” My father tightens his arms around me for a bear hug. “I know your mother and I didn’t raise you to act like that. Is that what you’ve learned doing all those pictures?”

  “No, sir.” I squeeze back.

  “Noah, is everything good now?”

  “Yes, sir. We’ve talked it out and made some decisions so we don’t lose our way again.”

  “Good. Now go in there and see your mama. She’s been worried sick.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Noah grabs the box of food from the other side of the truck. When he meets up with us, Daddy’s eyes light up. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Yes, sir. I got the big banana pudding so you’d have plenty.”

  “Good job. I knew Tamryn did right marrying you.”

  I laugh. “Oh my God, Dad, you are such a push over!”

  When we walk into the kitchen, my mother is putting away the clean dishes. “Mama.”

  “Tamryn, oh honey, I’ve been so worried about you.” She hugs me.

  “Hey, Shirley,” Noah greets her with a smile.

thank God, you found her.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Took me a few days, but I had her tracked down.”

  Mama’s hands plant firmly on her hips. “Is it true? Were you unfaithful to my girl?”

  Noah moves toward my mother and looks at her with all earnestness. “No, ma’am. I would never cheat on Tamryn. It was a complete misunderstanding which was compounded by us not being able to connect on her last photoshoot.”

  “Mama, I let some people plant doubt in my brain, and then it snowballed from there. It was totally my fault.”

  “Baby, it was both our faults.” He turns his attention back to my mother. “I won’t let it happen again. I promise. And to seal the deal, I brought you barbequed pork and hash from your favorite restaurant.”

  “Oh, Noah, you are such a good man. I hope you spoil my girl like this.” Mama hugs Noah.

  “I try, but sometimes she doesn’t let me.” He winks at me over my mother’s head.”

  “Noah Carmichael, you better stop right there.” I point a finger at him and try to keep a straight face, but my smile won’t cooperate.



  Dinner with my parents flies by. While Noah and my dad walk to the barn, I take the time to talk with my mother. I explain why I jumped to the conclusions and how we’re working through it. “I’m going to take some time off, Mom. Noah and I just need some us time, you know?”

  “Yes, I do know. I don’t know how your marriage has worked this long with the two of you passing in the hallway. Tamryn, marriage takes time and effort. You have to choose to love each other every day, not just expect the love you had early on to continue for a lifetime.”

  “I get that now. I think our trip down memory lane helped renew our commitment to each other, but now we need to make new memories. We haven’t done that in a while. We just became stagnant.”


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