Incubus Freedom

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Incubus Freedom Page 12

by Emma Jaye

  He rolled his eyes at her cryptic statement. “Yeah like that’s helpful, thanks a bunch. How can I be different? Sex is sex, and he’s got a hell of a lot more experience than I’ll ever have.”

  “One, even though he’s a sex demon and you’re a vascellum, newsflash, there’s more to life and relationships than sex. And two, for him, the purpose is always for his partner to get off. Night, night.” She wiggled her fingers at him and disappeared out the door.

  Finn sat there for a few more minutes considering what she’d said, then he stood up; he needed to pay Razor a visit.


  Footsteps sounded outside his room and hope rose. It was damn uncomfortable sitting here handcuffed to a sofa. Silas had threaded the cuffs around a few of the slats in the back of the rustic piece of furniture. At least the vampire had pushed the cushions back in place, so Ezra wasn’t resting against wood.

  “Oh, come on, I said I’m sorry. He shouldn’t have said he was a virgin, red rag to a bull and all that. Besides, I think I came off worse, my ar–” He tailed off as the door opened to reveal not Silas, who had silently put him in the cuffs after he’d washed and dressed, but Finn.

  Ezra had begun to come to terms with the world being very different, that a century had gone by and Fabian wasn’t lurking around every corner. Snippets of memories, images, sounds and scents had poked into his mind at odd moments over the last few hours, but he hadn’t said anything. Not that he’d had a lot of time after he’d projected shifter bear pheromones.

  Jericho had broken the chair where Ezra had been cuffed to get at him. Ezra now had a whole new appreciation for why Jericho was the last Atlas bear shifter. Unless female Atlas bear shifters were built like heavyweight boxers, their mates would probably kill them in the throes of passion. Still, the amount of energy Jericho delivered in the four, or was it five, times he’d come inside him had meant his bruises had healed in the intervening few hours.

  When the huge hairy shifter had finally rolled off him, all he’d said was. “I hate you,” before he’d pulled himself to his feet and lumbered away, leaving Ezra battered and bruised in amongst the palm trees where he’d carried him.

  Ezra had managed to call out, “Thanks for the memories,” but getting up had been beyond him.

  He had just decided that he quite liked sleeping outside when a familiar hand landed on his shoulder and hauled him up to his significantly wobbly legs.

  “You had to do it, didn’t you?” Silas said, amusement clear in his voice.

  “Yeah well, no one ever accused me of making good decisions. It’s not something I’d had a lot of practice at, thanks to your lot.”

  Silas ignored the dig, helped him on with a bathrobe, then escorted him through the bar where he received a round of applause.

  He hadn’t got his head around having the only vascellum in the world and being sat here had left him with few ways to distract himself. And now the source of his growing obsession was here.

  “Erm, hi,” he managed.

  “Mind if I come in?” Finn asked.

  Ezra’s cuffs clinked as he tried to wave his hand. After all those years of being chained, he would have thought it would have sunk in, but apparently not. He bit back the well-used comment of ‘do what you like, I can’t stop you.’ This wasn’t Finn’s fault.

  Instead he went with a slight smile. “Be my guest. I guess we’ve got some talking to do.”

  Finn’s didn’t say a thing as he slipped inside. His lips spread in a small secretive smile. Watching those ducky pink lips split and curl fascinated Ezra in a way he couldn’t fathom but looking away proved impossible to fight. He yearned to know how they tasted.

  “Look, I know I’ve been a bit difficult, but I’m getting a few flashes of–”

  Finn walked up to the sofa, and without hesitation, straddled Ezra’s lap, putting a hand on the side of Ezra’s head. The heat and weight of him sent a distracting surge of anticipation through Ezra.

  “Yeah, erm this is nice and all, but I think we need to–”

  Finn inched closer, till Ezra could almost taste his sweet breath, his lips hovered an inch away from Ezra’s, then he just waited, with that same small, enticing, exasperating, smile.

  Under any other circumstances, this would be Ezra’s cue to take control, to take the lust glowing inside the maddeningly sexy boy on his lap. He strained to pull his hands free, but as usual, the cuffs stayed put.

  Ezra’s whole being needed with an intensity he’d never experienced. As far as he knew, he’d never had to wait for skin to skin contact with someone who wanted him. And judging by the bright glow of lust surrounding Finn and his own painfully hard erection, Finn really wanted him.

  It won’t, can’t, take long for him to strip. He must have come here for sex, he’s not talking so there’s no other reason. He’s going to slide down onto me, sweet and hot and–

  Ezra held still, basking in the unexpected lull in such a sexually charged encounter. But if this was what turned his vascellum on, he’d go with it, not that he had much choice.

  Resisting the intense urge to reach up, to capture those lips and the tempting body offering, but not demanding, pleasure had him breathing hard. He knew he’d been inside this sweet body, had taken him, had made him squirm and gasp in ecstasy, and he wanted it again. He needed this to store in his currently empty memory of the human everyone told him he had purposefully bonded.

  An inch or two more, and their chests, their groins would press together. Ezra’s breath became ragged, anticipating the taste of the blazing desire radiating from this boy who offered, tempted, but didn’t take.

  Finn remained suspended above him, only his cloth covered thighs touched Ezra’s. He’d spent so long wishing for clothes in the cellar; now he wanted them gone so much he ached.

  Energy tingled so tantalizingly close he could almost taste it. Ezra didn’t know how he knew it, but the knowledge that Finn’s lust would be sweeter than anything else he’d remembered was clear as day. It was painfully, wonderfully erotic and he couldn’t wait any more.

  “Undo your shorts. If you don’t want to fuck, that’s fine, but please let me suck you.”

  A slow smile spread across Finn’s lips, but he remained silent.

  A second passed, then another. Those green eyes drew him in and squeezed his resolve. Ezra cracked.

  “Or at least touch me. You know I need skin to skin contact to feed, right?”

  Finn undulated a little. Ezra groaned in frustration as Finn begged with his flesh for what Ezra verbally offered.

  “Ah, please, you’re killing me here,” Ezra moaned. “Just touch me a little.” Begging always resulted in sex. What else is an incubus for?

  Finn dropped his lips to Ezra’s shoulder, nipping, mouthing his flesh though his shirt. Even lifting his chin, offering his neck doesn’t elicit the skin on skin touch Ezra craved.

  Because he was damn good at it, Ezra was about to beg again when Finn wiggled forward another fraction and pressed his sweet erection up against Ezra’s. In comparison to his, Finn’s cock was small and exactly the right size to suck. Without thinking about producing slick, Ezra’s cock head flowing with it. Right after he tasted his vascellum’s sweet dick, he intended to bury himself so deep in his boy that Finn would gasp, throw his head back, eyes wide, and–

  Finn’s mouth still hovered over his, but every time Ezra tried to take his lips, he moved out of range. The human circled his hips, rubbing his dick against Ezra’s in a hard, small circle, Ezra couldn’t stop himself returning Finn’s breathy groan.

  “Sit on it, please, I need you so much.”

  Finn stilled, his teeth pulled at the skin of Ezra’s shoulder through the cloth. The slight bite of pain turned what had been heading toward hard, fast and desperate, into scalding and slow. As far as he could remember, no one had ever teased him like this. He felt like a caged lion with a keeper waving a hot, juicy steak inches outside the bars.

  How cruel is Finn? I
s he as capable of torture as a vampire? Will he wind me up then leave or is this about anticipation before he gives me what we both want?

  Whatever the case, every fibre of Ezra’s mind, body and soul focused on Finn. He was so close, Ezra could virtually taste his skin, feel the energy bubbling there.

  Ezra chest rose and fell as if he’d been running and his hands tightened into fists afraid that this wonderful creature would simply get up and leave disappear and leave him in this state in retribution for choosing Razor and Jericho over him. He’d felt Finn’s distress through the bond and had chosen to ignore it. Revenge, this is revenge, nothing more. I should tell him to leave, that I’m not playing his games.

  Instead, pride at his vascellum’s feisty nature rose. After meeting Finn and Razor, Ezra decided humanity had changed a hell of a lot more than supernatural kind in the last century. Rather than preying on an inferior species, it appeared Avery worked with them as equals. And if he could, why couldn’t Ezra? And right now, Ezra yearned to do some skin on skin working with Finn.

  Finally, thank the devil, Finn brushed his lips against Ezra’s. The shock of Finn’s intense desire hit him as his vascellum let out a sweet, needy moan. Utterly intoxicated, Ezra leaned forward, desperate to hear, feel, and swallow the sound of Finn’s lust again.

  The intensity of their lips stole his focus, until he realised Finn’s hips had moved back a fraction. Without thought, he rutted upward to get that incredible pressure back.

  Finn leaned back a fraction, his eyes tightly shut, face flushed, and lips parted as he ground their cocks together again. He was the most decadent, innocent vision Ezra had ever seen.

  Thrusting upward, all thoughts apart from pulling more needy noises out of this beautiful creature fled. To his joy, Finn slotted against him, rubbing himself against Ezra’s hardness.

  “Please, please touch me,” he moaned, too far gone to attempt a compulsion. Finn didn’t obey. Ezra wanted all of him, inside and out. His eyes squeezed shut at the intensity, knowing it wasn’t just him, knowing reflections of Finn’s desire coursed through him too. White dots exploded in his personal darkness. The pleasure, the need fired through every cell, crushing all rational thought.

  His head hitting the back of the couch, sparked the realisation that he was no longer kissing Finn. This wasn’t feeding. He’d never experienced anything like this, that he could remember anyway. What the hell is it going to be like when I drain him?

  Ezra opened his eyes, if Finn wouldn’t give him skin to skin contact, at least he could watch him. Finn looked as ruined as Ezra felt. Blown pupils, face flushed and chest heaving. Why isn’t he giving in?

  Ezra didn’t have an answer to his own question. Finn’s eyes drank Ezra in, it was as if he wanted to climb inside him like Ezra wanted to climb inside Finn. And Finn still resisted, didn’t take this delicious torture to the next level.

  Instead, Finn’s hips continued to gyrate in slow light circles, torturing them both. It’s as if the human couldn’t help the movement, that it wasn’t a conscious choice.

  “Ezra,” Finn groaned, his voice low, yearning. His name had never sounded as good as it did falling from those red, swollen, wanton lips. Ezra’s cock throbbed slick dampened the tip and wetted his hole, getting ready for whatever way Finn would take him. If he takes me. For the first time, Ezra had an inkling of doubt.

  Finn still did nothing but hold onto Ezra’s shoulders, and tilt his pelvis up so his cloth covered balls rubbed on Ezra’s shaft. If they were naked, one slip, one half inch, and he would be in Finn, thrusting up into the glorious, tight heat he could almost taste it was so close. The image of Finn’s arms and legs wrapped around him while he pumped into that gorgeous, needy body nearly short-circuited his mind.

  “Fuck, that’s... just...” he stopped talking, knowing he wasn’t making sense. This was exactly what he shouldn’t be doing, what he’d promised he’d save Finn from. It didn’t feel as if Finn wanted to be saved. It felt as if he wanted to drag Ezra down with him.

  Finn leaned forward, his breath against Ezra’s ear, sent a delicious shiver up his heated spine.

  “From the first moment we saw each other, I was yours and you were mine. That’s not your fault, not my fault, it just is. What... what do you want?”

  Finn’s voice threatened heartache for them both and promised a life Ezra didn’t dare hope for; the life everyone had been telling him was possible. The life he had so far denied. Could it happen?

  Every limb was taut, screwed up in anticipation of the energy hovering only millimetres away. Its intensity, Finn’s intensity, his need, made Ezra’s head spin. Ezra wavered on a precipice, desperate to know if falling would save or damn him, but knowing, deep down, that he would fall whatever the consequences.

  Finn nipped at his neck, then soothed the flesh with his lips. Ezra’s body tensed, anticipating the erotic pain of a vampire’s bite, but Finn carried on nipping, soothing and sucking. Through the bond, through the tenseness of Finn’s body, Ezra knew how close Finn was to climax; the thought of not being able to claim that energy destroyed him. All the time, Finn’s hips moved gently against him. And he’d thought only demons enjoyed torturing their prey.

  Ezra lifted his hips, physically begging for a harder touch. He wanted, craved to be in him in any way Finn would allow. He wanted to make Finn happy far more than he wanted to feed. Ezra had felt frantically horny many times, but this, this was different. He’d never experienced this emotional mutuality, this urge to please rather than make them come. With the humans he’d seduced, he’d been using them, manipulating them perhaps even more than the vampires had used him. He had no idea sex could be like this, being so ruined and powerful, at the same time. He needed Finn, needed his energy, his acceptance, his love, he–

  Heat flared up from his balls, and he came, pleasure overtaking his body as the world faded. As it ended, his heart stalled. There was no answering rush from Finn, no surge of energy, no guttural gasp of climax. His head dropped back to the sofa couch, waiting for the fall out, the rejection. He was an incubus who failed to bring his partner to climax while taking his own pleasure. It was a complete and unforgivable failure at the only thing he’d ever been able to do correctly.

  When Finn didn’t immediately climb off and leave in disgust or try to shove himself into Ezra’s mouth to get off as he hoped, Ezra opened an eye.

  Finn’s bright green eyes were fixed on him as if he’d just seen the face of a god. With sweat shining on his skin and his hair sticking up all over the place, Finn’s swollen lips parted and curved into a smile which unfroze Ezra’s heart.

  “I’ve never seen you come before; I’ve been missing out.”

  Finn’s lips descended onto his, but they didn’t crash into him with passion, they merely brushed with a featherlight touch as if Finn was frightened he’d hurt him. Finn’s hard length against his belly screamed of his failure.

  Finn’s smile becomes softer, less needy, and he rocks his pelvis back, giving Ezra more room, less contact.

  “Let me suck you, please.”

  “You’re not hungry, and I didn’t come here to feed you.”

  The weight of what just happened, settled on him. Yes, he didn’t feed properly from Finn, but his vascellum’s energy had still seeped into his body through his kisses. There were hints of others there, Razor being one of the few. Vascelli store energy. The information hit him like a hammer. Every time with Finn would be a little different, depending on what combination of energy he had absorbed. It would be a guessing game Ezra didn’t think he’d ever tire of. What did ‘pure’ Finn taste like?

  Ezra’s body felt heavy, relaxed, but his mind fought the post orgasmic lassitude. For as long as he could remember, people had never wanted anything from Ezra except for his ability to give them pleasure. And Finn didn’t want it, not from him, even though the glow of lust coming from him was still so bright that Ezra had to suppress the urge to squint. He couldn’t work Finn out, couldn’t work out
what was going on in his own head either. It had been so simple in the cellar; feed and avoid getting hurt. Before the vampires, his life had been trying to manipulate servants and avoiding his mother’s addicted humans. None of it had prepared him for this.

  They stared at each other. Ezra’s breathing gradually returned to normal and Finn’s arousal faded from blazing to simmering. Ezra still didn’t understand what the hell had happened but the mess in his shorts felt colder by the second. He swallowed around the growing lump in his throat.

  Finn’s head tilted to one side. “Are you alright?”

  Looking into that knowing, caring face, it was difficult to remember that he was a hundred and fifty-year-old demon, and Finn was a human, yet to reach his twentieth birthday. Whatever the case, Ezra certainly wasn’t the one in charge here.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to–” he said and cocked his head to one side.

  Finn’s lips quirked. “Positive. I think I’ve fried your brain enough for now.” Ezra opened and closed his mouth, unable to come up with a reply, because Finn had done exactly that.

  “What can I say, I learned from the best.”

  Unfettered jealousy surged. “Fucking Avery can’t keep his damn hands to himself.”

  Finn’s lips hit his again, shutting up his protest, verbally and mentally.

  When he pulled back, a grin graced Finn’s cheeky features. “I meant you, you idiot. I don’t want that prissy, stuck up, silver spoon up his arse, incubus. I want my rude, sticks his fingers up to authority and everyone else, incubus. I don’t want to be a pet or merely a means to an end. I’m sure you can identify with that. I know Avery would look after me, let me take up whatever hobbies would keep the baby maker happy, as long as I didn’t risk myself. It’d be a gilded cage, but a cage all the same.”

  Finn reached out and cupped his cheek, the yearning in his eyes almost took Ezra’s breath away. “You taught me how boring, how confining, playing safe is. I don’t want that again. The Ezra I knew dared to believe, dared to live and fight back. Let me know when he comes back.”


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