Married. Wait! What?

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Married. Wait! What? Page 30

by Virginia Nelson

  Hallan didn’t speak, simply stood there with his eyebrows furrowed.

  “You only chose an arranged partnership because you felt it was what you needed to do, it wasn’t what you wanted,” she continued. “None of us do what we really want.”

  “Amsen.” His voice came out low, an animal ready to pounce.

  “I’m no different. I never wanted a partner. I was chosen for you and to be honest I never set eyes on you until the day I woke up with you. My family deemed it my time and didn’t give me a choice.” At letting out the truth, she exhaled and braced herself on the wall. “I was forced into this.”

  “What are you saying?” He crossed the room to her, took her by the shoulders and spun her toward him.

  “That I’m jealous of your first partner because at least she remembers the ceremony that bound you together.” She reached up and touched his cheek. “That I’m jealous because she also got the Hallan that stood up for himself and broke it off.”

  He jutted his jaw out.

  When he didn’t say a word she kept going. “Why didn’t it work? Was she another rebel or did she just not fit your time schedule.”

  Rather than speak, he simply shook his head.

  “You don’t want me. You needed me. We needed each other to fulfill some ideal of perfection.” She pushed him away. “It’s time we face the truth. Being in a forced arrangement has to be worse than whatever happened to you before.”

  Still, he said nothing.

  She stomped away. The end had come and she would never give her time away blindly again.


  Hallan’s early erection throbbed, and he reached over among the pillows and blankets to locate his partner. They would join, satisfy their urges and get on with their day.

  Nothing but more bedding met his hand, and before he had a chance to open his eyes, his time block let out a chime indicating it was time to awake.

  The unexpected noise jolted him out of his partial slumber and he sat up. Since bringing Amsen home, they hadn’t used the alarm. The device went off once more, this time louder, reminding him to get on schedule. Reminding him Amsen left the planet cycle before.

  Yes, she left. Tears in her eyes, she gathered up some of her belongings and simply walked out the door and he hadn’t stopped her.

  He grabbed the block and peered inside, his chest tightening at his task list. Everything was timed out to get him and Amsen prepared for their ceremony in the next Tempore revolution. The sharp edges of the cube threatened to cut him, and he wished they would. Once more he glanced over at the empty side of the bed. In truth, that side was usually empty. Amsen tended to end up sprawled on him, tangling them both up in the bedding.

  Apparently he wasn’t meant to have a life partner.

  He slammed his fist into the pillow then tossed the bedding aside and stomped into the bath chambers. He had three more Tempore revolutions before he returned to work. In no way would he waste the time. This little reprieve would offer him the perfect opportunity to get his residence organized.

  He entered the cleansing area and set the program, then stood there as the warm liquid and special light bathed him.

  First order of business was to finish his ablutions. He needed to take things one step at a time, task after task. That was the way it has always been. Only by keeping busy and keeping on point could one accomplish anything in life. No more flitting around.

  He shut his eyes and braced against the wall. Only the planet cycle before Amsen had trotted inside the cleansing chamber with him, declaring they could save time if they shared the chamber.

  The female was brash and brazen and she had purposely slid her slick body against his.

  While the cleansing progressed so did his partner, and even though they had just joined, he found himself ready again. Never had he felt such an attraction to anyone, the exact problem with his first union. Where with his first pledged partner he could wait until the designated times, with Amsen he was insatiable.

  She kissed him, pressed her breasts against him and reached down, stroking her hand down his erection and smiling against his lips at knowing she brought such a reaction out in him.

  The need to be inside her overtook him, he couldn’t wait, it had to be now and he reached for her.

  A low chuckle escaped her throat and she held up a finger then turned, popping out her backside and placing her palms flat on the smooth walls of the chamber. “Take me.” Her voice echoed around him.

  Like the animal he had become when he was anywhere near his partner, he took his cock in his hand and guided himself inside her.

  Her tightness gripped him and she let out a moan.

  Unable to hold back he took hold of her hips and drove into her while she thrust back toward him. The slapping of their skin connecting reverberated through the small chamber and all he knew was he needed to fill her.

  “Hallan!” She gasped his name and the contractions along his length drew him let him know he succeeded in bringing her to climax.

  He let go, pumping into her and grinding against her allowing their heat to merge together.

  She turned and he took her into his arms, kissing her as the cleansing cycle ended.

  “I think we need to go for another round.” With a laugh she hit the controls.

  He had buried his face in the crook of her neck, licking some of the water droplets off her delicious skin. “I don’t think we saved any time.”

  “Time will take care of itself.” She had run her fingers through his hair.

  The cleansing cycle ended and he stroked his cock faster, he was right there, almost, he only needed for Amsen to remain in his mind for a moment more. Needing the relief, he continued, panting until at last reaching his end. Instead of filling his partner, feeling her pulse around him, he released right in the chamber, leaving him weak and spent, yet oddly unsatisfied.

  He hadn’t pleasured himself since he was a youngster and he shook his head and restarted the cycle. Again, he didn’t save any time, and in fact, he was losing it by leaps and bounds. Now was the time to reclaim his schedule.

  After quickly rinsing off, he left the chamber mid-cycle, quickly dried off and went to the closet, trying to ignore Amsen’s clothes still hanging next to his.

  He had wanted a partner, it was time, and he shouldn’t feel this emptiness in his core at her not being here. They had only been together part of the Merging Time, they lived a lie, she was forced into their partnership and only out of commitment to her family did she not say anything. He didn’t need the drama didn’t want it or her.

  He threw the nearest articles of clothing on his body and without straightening the bedding, trudged through his residence into the meal preparation area and glanced around. On the counters were some beverages and foodstuffs his once partner preferred—they only got the delivery yesterday. On the table were still the favors she had been making for their ceremony. On the chair was the blanket she brought with her from family’s residence.

  In the short time she had been with him little bits of her were laced all over.

  A strange chill encompassing him, he supposed his first task would be to pack up her things. No, he should eat, but a pit in his stomach replaced his hunger. Rather than staying on schedule, he found a box, went to the table, and picked up one of the favors.

  He ran his fingers over the clock interlaced with a heart. The little symbol perfectly described them. Though he tried to put the little keepsake in the box, somehow he just couldn’t find the strength, so he returned it to the table and sat down.

  Another time block caught his eye, the one where Amsen discovered his plans for his first Union Ceremony.

  He picked up the block and gazed inside. Both times he pledged, he did so out of obligation, but only one time did he want to go through with giving his life to another.

  In a perfect world he would have pursued Amsen, rather than relying on some old custom to have his life arranged for him. He should have asked her to be with
him before pledging himself to her.

  “Pledge myself to her.” He spoke in his empty residence. Her words about wishing she could remember the ceremony replayed in his mind. Calling off one partnership before the Union Ceremony, admitting to a forced pledging—everything was stacked to ostracize him. He’d ruined both their lives. The right thing to do would be to be silent.

  But if he had truly pursued her, pledged himself to her would she have accepted?

  Once more he looked down at the cube. He wanted Amsen, wanted to pledge himself to her, wanted her to accept because she wanted him as well. He wanted, no he needed a partnership where the passion was deep, he found that with her. Amsen was wrong, his first partnership was out of duty, this one was built with the passion he craved even it the circumstances were frowned upon.

  He took the cube and threw it across the room. The device shattered, leaving shards over the floor, but the action was satisfying, and he wondered if he should take the pieces and create some art. Instead, he forgot about his schedule and got ready to start again.


  Amsen stared into her time block. In less than a quarter Tempore revolution, if she and Hallan would have followed their schedule, they would be getting ready for their official Union Ceremony.

  Yes, if they stayed on task, she would have been dressing in her metallic blue dress that matched Hallan’s uniform and preparing to be taken to her male where in front of their family and friends they would say their words that would tell everyone they were together, pledged and bonded.

  He would have kissed her, and though their public signs of affection were to remain modest and sweet, she would have found a way to slide her tongue over his, press her body against him, feel him thicken.

  Later, after the speeches, dance and accolades they would return home where he would take her. They would join and join again, and start their lives.

  She never wanted a life with anyone before, but now all she could see was Hallan.

  In no world did she understand her feelings. Here she was forced into a partnership with a male who already had failed once. Everyone had betrayed her and yet there she was with a yearning that only that one male could quench.

  The time block vibrated and without thinking she stood and paced the perimeter of her room straightening up her belongings. Now was the time to tidy up before the evening, a little habit she acquired with Hallan. They needed some time to put things in order, and even had a little game where if they finished their task early they added those moments to their joining time. With most of her items still at Hallan’s, she smoothed out her bedding and stood in the middle of her chamber, not knowing what to do with herself. What use did she have for those extra moments now? Somehow she would have to get her belongings back, and supposed she would when the time was right.

  The block vibrated and lit up, signaling a new task, and she absentmindedly walked into the meal preparation area and began gathering ingredients.

  “What are you doing?” Her mother entered the space. “I thought you would be creating art.”

  Rather than answer, she glanced in the block and found the recipe she searched for. Since arriving home two Tempore revolutions before, she had barely spoken to her parents other than to remind them that now she would be ostracized, and she was glad. In the end she got what she wanted. Didn’t she?

  Her mother stopped and put her hands on her hips. “Since when do you show up at the right time to make a meal?”

  Amsen pressed her lips together and hugged the block to her chest. When she left Hallan’s she took one of the blocks he gave her. All the scheduling for the ceremony remained in the task list.

  Her father joined them and pointed at the cube. “Since when do you even dare touch one of those?”

  She glanced between her parents and the cube.

  “I demand an explanation.” Her father crossed his arms.

  “This is when we, I mean I eat.” Tears formed in her eyes. Hallan may be flexible on the schedule, but his appetite was firmly fixed on the time. Over the last few days she became accustomed to eating on his regimen and her stomach signaled the same.

  “What did you do after you ate?” Her mother came over and put her arm around her.

  “After our evening meal we would have some entertainment, have our sweet, and then prepare for…” She cleared her throat. By the time they got to their sweet treat he was hard and she was wet and ready. Sometimes they teased each other until the cube signaled their joining time, and sometimes they ignored it all together and gave in. Both instances were satisfying.

  “You started to plan your life.” Her mother’s voice softened.

  She froze and repeated her words in her mind. Both were satisfying—the schedule and breaking it. Somehow between the cleanup, the meal preparation, and everything else, she managed to get her life in order and as thrilling as it was to buck the system, it was as comforting to know what would happen next.

  “My ceremony is tonight,” she said.

  “What are you talking about?” Her father shook his head. “Those arrangements are being cancelled. I am sure he was right on time taking care of it.”

  At her father’s statement, her heart seized. Yes, they were on a time constraint to take care of cancelling the ceremony, but what if he didn’t complete his task? What if? “You know, he didn’t go through with his last pledging because it wasn’t right, and maybe I needed to be forced into a pledging because it was right.”

  “We shouldn’t have forced you.” At last her father said the words.

  “We wanted you to be happy.” Her mother came over and pulled her in for a hug.

  “You wanted me to conform.” Her voice broke. “But I found something with him.”

  Both her parents nodded.

  “He forgave me even though I was late, and I lied about my profession.” She put her hand over her eyes. Could they throw convention away one more time and get over their hurdles? All she knew was if he didn’t cancel, didn’t follow the tasks, they were meant to be. In turn she had to stay on schedule and that meant showing up to their ceremony. “I have to go there and see.” If she arrived to no one, nothing, she would know it was over.

  Without allowing her mind to wander, she stayed on task, rushed back to her bedchamber, and changed into the formal outfit meant for this one important event.

  Once she was ready, her parents took on their traditional roles and with a silent reverence escorted her to the Colonium. The impressive event hall stood square, tall and proud in the center of the main city and was designed for all different gatherings on Tempore.

  For the entire ride she squirmed in her vehicle, anticipation getting the best of her. Finally, the suspendcraft lowered in front of the entrance to one of the Grand Rooms.

  Everything was empty.

  Her heart fell and her throat dried out.

  “Amsen,” her mother whispered.

  At the end of it all Hallan couldn’t let go. “I need to go inside, I’ll be right back.” If she couldn’t have a memory of their pledging ceremony, she would at least have a memory of saying goodbye to the one male who mattered.

  She slid the door open. No valets met her, no sparkling lights, nothing that she and Hallan planned had materialized, but still she forced herself inside where their ceremony was to take place.

  Rather than the blue glow that would have played off her outfit perfectly, the dark, cold and empty room mirrored her heart.

  “It wasn’t our time.” Her voice echoed off the walls and she turned to leave.

  “Maybe our time is now.” His voice took over the space and pink light softly lit in the corner, outlining her male.

  She pressed her hand to her chest. “Hallan?”

  “Life is about time.” He inched toward her. “Our society is obsessed with it.”

  All she could do was nod.

  “If I could go back in time, I would do things differently, starting with finding you and courting you and pledging myself to you.
” At last he stood only inches away from her. “I don’t care about the time, I don’t care how long it takes, or what tasks I have to do. I only know that I want to give myself to you. I want you to remember that the moment you became mine.”

  “I am yours.” She gasped the words. “No matter how. I am yours.”

  “I want the passion, I want it all.” He kneeled down in front of her and held out one of the favors she made for them. “This is us. I understand now.”

  She took the offering and grabbed his hand. “I do as well, it was our time.”

  He stood and took her into his arms.

  The room lit up, bathing them in a gorgeous blue and a panel lifted and revealing their gathered friends who broke into applause.

  He bent her back and kissed her, and she took the opportunity to slip her tongue in his mouth. He let out a groan and pressed his body to hers. “Your timing is impeccable.”

  About the Author

  Kim Carmichael began writing twelve years ago when her love of happy endings inspired her to create her own. She has a weakness for bad boys and techno geeks, and married her own computer whiz after he proved he could keep her all her gadgets running. When not writing, she can usually be found slathered in sunscreen trolling Los Angeles and helping top doctors build their practices.

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  Awakened Beauty

  Amy Sumida

  Copyright © 2017 Amy Sumida

  All rights reserved.


  Awakened Beauty

  * * *

  Princess Seraphine lives in a world full of magic. Witches, dragons, and fairies are commonplace. Still, she finds it difficult to believe that she slept for twenty years without aging, thanks to a witch's curse. Even more shocking; she has been wedded while sleeping, to a man who swears they fell in love in her dreams.


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