The Secret of the Storm Cloud

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The Secret of the Storm Cloud Page 2

by Sidney Gibson

  “Did you say Azel Goodwill?” asked the knob

  “I did” said Clive

  The face beamed. “Well, step right in. The famous grand sorcerer Goodwill eh? Why didn’t you say so before? Come in, come in”

  The huge door swung open into the vast glass anteroom of QW’s chambers. She sat busily writing at a crystal and diamond desk, elegant and graceful in lustrous white robes with a purple cloak edged in shimmering micro crystals.

  “Sit down Goodwill” said QW without looking up. “I’ll be with you in a minute”

  “Butterupp - wait outside, please” she added still without looking up. Sir Clive helplessly disappeared backwards through the closed door with an peeved look on his face.

  Azel sank into a cream silk armchair by the window. It sighed and adjusted itself to fit her.

  “Are you comfortable?” it asked

  “Oops, I’d forgotten you had a voice and could speak”

  “You don’t remember me?” replied the chair indignantly. “Had you forgotten I’ve got arms and legs and a back too?”

  “Ssshh” hissed QW. “ I said I’ll be with you in a minute”

  Unruffled, Azel gazed out of the window watching the fading silhouette of the mountains in the sunset’s red glow, and listening to the big transparent clock ticking slowly in its corner under the stairs.

  “Now, Goodwill” said the Queen abruptly looking up across the wide expanse of desk. “We’ve got trouble from one of Anniolate’s minions, a certain witch called Venefica”

  “Venefica?” gasped Azel. “But wasn’t she the one banished to Fargon years ago?”

  QW’s almond eyes flashed momentarily. ‘You know her?’

  Azel answered like a barrister reporting cold facts to a crowded courtroom.

  ‘Yes, QW. I know Venefica. Know her very well. Nasty piece of work. When she finally showed up in Fargon, she spent her time hanging about with those low-lives in Anniolate’s castle. She’s hasn’t always been nasty though. An absent minded foreign wizard named Dimvitze married her, turned himself into a spider by mistake and was trodden on. He died instantly. After that she became spiteful, eaten up with jealousy about anybody being happy. She’s let herself go big time. Doesn’t brush her teeth, has terrible smelly breath. Her hair’s matted and fusty because it’s never washed. She rarely launders her clothes either. She’s constantly picks at a pimple festering on her nose, her table manners are filthy and....’

  “Thank you Goodwill, that’s quite enough” QW cut in sharply. “I didn’t ask for a life history, but I get the point. I’m sending you to a place called Lower Chantment. Most people have never heard of it, but intelligence reports indicate that The Great Book of Evil Spells is hidden somewhere in that village. We believe Anniolate has sent Venefica to look for it. I want you to stop her”

  “The Great Book of Evil Spells?” Azel reacted with a sharp intake of breath. ‘It’s been lost for over two hundred years. It would be catastrophic if Anniolate found it. There’s no way we can let that happen. The sooner I get started the better”

  “Good’’ said QW. “ I knew I could count on you Goodwill. Listen, I know you like to work alone but.........” QW hesitated.

  Azel wondering what else was coming. She had heard enough bad news today already.

  “There’s something else I want you to do Goodwill” said QW slowly. “I want you to take my nephew crown Prince Danial with you”

  She paused to let the significance of what she had said sink in.

  “As you may be aware, Goodwill” said QW breaking the silence “Danial has no work experience outside the palace, and I want him trained out there in the real world. I am going to rely on you to take him under your wing for this mission.”

  QW continued “What’s more Goodwill, the Prince can tell you a thing or two about what I believe is called technology or something. Er, computers and that sort of thing. You need to learn about computing and Danial is pretty good at it. We all have to get to grips with this technology thing whatever our elders of magic might say. Don’t you agree?”

  Azel had the impression that computers made QW uneasy, bringing back the uncomfortable memory that she herself did not really understand all the things her Warpsweeper broom could do. She’d impulsively tossed aside the instruction manual and never used half of its functions so perhaps Prince Danial might be of help. But right now, she wasn’t prepared to admit as much to QW.

  Instead she said, ‘’Yes of course I’ll take the Prince with me, but I hope he realises the risks and dangers he’ll be coming up against”

  QW replied cautiously “ You’ll have to talk to him and see what you think. He is certainly keen to go, but don’t forget you’ll be responsible. Once the protection of the palace is left behind it’s down to you to make sure of the Prince’s safety. I also want you to take him to the Special Sorcery and Equipment Department before you leave - they have a few new devices and spells that may be useful. By the way, Miss Wilmcurse is now head of the department. Remember her?’’

  QW gave a curt nod toward Azel and, with a meaningful look in her eyes, said, “That will be all, Goodwill. Take care and good luck.”


  Sir Clive Butterupp sprang attentively towards Azel as the door to QW’s chambers quietly closed behind her. He recognised immediately the determination in her face.

  “I’ve arranged for cucumber sandwiches” he said hopefully.

  “Egg and bacon and a bar of orange flavoured chocolate are what I need right now” replied Azel

  “At this time of the day?” exclaimed Clive. But quickly recovering, said “Why Azel my dear, if that is what you would really like ..........”

  “No, no’ interrupted Azel. ‘’Sandwiches are fine thanks.’’

  Azel told Sir Clive about the brief, and for a change he knew nothing about QW’s plans or the situation in Lower Chantment. Azel felt quite pleased about that.

  “Well” he said after listening intently. “We must get a move on and see Prince Danial. I’ll show you to his quarters. I think we should go now. He’ll be waiting”

  ‘We should go now because he’ll be waiting?’ said Azel scornfully. ‘I don’t think so. We’ll start as we mean to go on. Just because he’s crown Prince I’m not going to run around like a startled Stag doing what you think he wants.’

  Recognising Sir Clive was up to his old tricks again by trying to make things seem more important than they were, she said brightly. “There’s no rush. He can’t go anywhere without me can he?’

  Clive swallowed hard as if Azel had spoken treason, but he didn’t argue.


  The twisty corridors hewn out of solid crystal leading to Prince Danial ’s quarters glowed with a kind of translucent light. It was like walking through space; especially where the bottom of the volcano thousands of meters below could be seen through the transparent floor.

  ”What are they?” asked Azel suddenly. “I don’t remember seeing loads of coloured wires clipped along the ceiling”

  “Ah” replied Clive “That’s what Prince Danial has done with this technology stuff. They, my dear Azel, are computer wires” he said knowledgeably, trying to sound as if he knew all about it.

  “Computer wires? I expect they include broadband access and hot links to the palace intranet” said Azel gleefully.

  “The what net?” asked Clive perplexed and impressed at the same time. He had no idea Azel knew anything about computers.

  “Oh yes” continued Azel breezily, “I expect Prince Danial and I will have lots to talk about. There’s so much to learn you know Clive. I really think you ought to get a computer and keep up with the times”

  “Me! Get a computer?” I wouldn’t know where to start”

  “Whatever” said Azel not admitting she didn’t know much abo
ut computers either. But at least she had got one up on Sir Clive.


  A large notice in different styles and font sizes with special effects and shadows hung on the door of Prince Danial ’s quarters. Prince Danial seemed not to possess much sense of good design even if he knew a lot about how to work computers. The notice read:-

  Crown Prince Danial

  Will all visitors please log in and wait for request for password.

  If you do not have password, register now. [Use keyboard on your right] When logged in, please step through door and wait for attention.

  At busy times a queue system is in operation.

  Thank you. Signed: Danial

  Before they had time to log in or register, the door was flung open to reveal the broad shouldered figure of crown Prince Danial.

  “Hi” he smiled. “Azel Goodwill? Great. I’ve heard all about you. Aunt told me I’m going with you on this little trip to Lower Chantment to sort out Venefica. Am I looking forward to making sure that old crone get what she deserves” He delivered his words fast, like a stallion at full gallop, finishing breathless with excitement.

  Taken aback with the Prince’s outburst of enthusiasm, Azel felt like asking him to slow down please and everything in good time. Instead she nodded respectfully. “Of course your royal highness’ she said. ‘I’m looking forward to the mission too, and to having you work alongside as my assistant.”

  Azel carefully used the words ‘mission’ and ‘assistant.’ If Danial regarded the mission as just a ‘little trip’ and ‘the old crone’ he simply didn’t understand the overwhelming power of Venefica’s evil magic. And if she found out that QW’s nephew was accompanying her, the situation would be even more dangerous.

  “Oh, please don’t call me your royal highness” said the Prince hurriedly. “Danial’s cool, OK? It’s bad enough having to behave like a Prince on royal occasions without having to be all la-di-da every day of the week when there’s work to be done. Is Miss Azel OK for you?”

  “Yes fine” replied Azel “Or plain Azel. The main thing is to work together as a team”

  “Brilliant.” said Danial.

  “There is one thing though” she said grimly.

  “Whassat?” Danial ’s dark eyebrows rose quizzically.

  “You should know before we leave that this mission could be ----”

  Azel hesitated.

  “No. Not could be, is highly dangerous. Theres no telling what evil forces Venefica will call up, and when the chips are down you take notice of what I say. You will do immediately what I tell you to do. Without question. I am to be in control at all times. Is that clearly understood?”

  Sir Clive could hardly believe what he’d heard. Didn’t Azel Goodwill know how to speak to royalty? Didn’t she realise the Prince could have her demoted and put back on drawbridge duties just for even questioning a member of the royal family? Let alone telling them you would be in control and they must do what you say. He watched the Prince nervously.

  “Azel” said Danial curtly, his expression changing to one of steely coldness.

  Clive turned pale and started to quiver. He wished he were somewhere else. Like anywhere really.

  Danial went on. “This, er, mission is very important to me, Miss Azel. The fact I’m on it at all is a privilege and working as your assistant is going to give me priceless experience. Of course I shall do exactly what you say without question. No probs”

  “That’s exactly what I thought you would say your highness” interrupted Clive coming on all creepy when he saw the Prince wasn’t angry. “Azel is one of our most outstanding Grand Sorcerers in the Paramagic Division of QWERT. I know you will be safe with her”


  Azel’s respect for the Prince was growing. ‘He’s remarkably good looking,’ she mused ‘but he’ll have to do something about his outfit before we leave’

  Wearing a white, billowy long sleeved shirt with fancy cuffs and a braided waistcoat, Danial stood arms folded, filling the doorway to his quarters. The wide leather belt with engraved silver buckle looked far too big for an 80 cm waist, and red tights tucked in to brown calf length duelling boots were handsome in a way, but it was how Princes dressed in old fashioned fairy stories. It was not at all suitable for the mission to Lower Chantment and Azel resolved to find a polite way of telling him to change his dress sense.

  “What am I thinking about?” exclaimed Danial “Keeping you talking here outside. Come on in”

  Azel and Sir Clive were faced by a staggering display of computers, cables, monitors, hi tech equipment in black boxes, winking lights and a multitude of different buttons to press. They were speechless.

  “Ah” said Danial pleased to see them noticeably awe-struck.” You have an interest in computing?”

  “What does it all do? Azel asked, fascinated.

  “What do you want it to do?” replied Danial mysteriously “You see, with technology, it’s not really what it can do but what you can do with it”

  “I see” said Azel “so what can you do with it then?”

  “Lots” said Danial confidently “Look, before we travel to Lower Chantment, suppose we wanted to see what the latest trouble was. There’s a good chance it’s being caused by Venefica, yeah? So we could log on to the witches realtime news website, then hyper link on to ‘browse aerial views’ and from there we could hack in to any reports she’s sending to Anniolate”

  “Why Sire that’s wonderful. I’m so impressed” said Sir Clive.

  “Can we see anything now?” asked Azel.

  “Of course. Now let’s see. Um, press here, squiggle the mouse there...”

  The monitor danced with activity. Danial didn’t need to check the instruction manual that came with the computer and Azel could see he really knew how to operate stuff.

  “There we are!” he exclaimed “It shows reports about an ugly looking woman who has moved in to Lower Chantment, and there has since been all kinds of trouble. Viruses on computers, weird noises at night, people being pushed over by invisible forces and electrical things not working properly. That has to be Venefica wouldn’t you say Azel?”

  “Yes. But magical powers can be just as effective. We already knew about Venefica’s trouble making in Lower Chantment. I don’t want to be rude, but you won’t be able to take this computer on the mission”

  Danial hesitated. “There is of course my hand - held portable, or even my mobile. Nothing like as powerful but I can link them to hack into her messages. There is a computer in the Grey Castle where messages are logged. Would your powers be able to detect those?

  “No” said Azel, grudgingly “that’s where it might help”

  Danial went on “I must admit this computer’s a bit limited when it comes to dealing with magic things. It needs a software update. I’m using Megahard Doors OS10 at present but they’ve just launched an entirely new suite called View. It’s based on secret software used to develop the new Warpsweeper brooms. Have you heard of the Warpsweeper, Azel?” he added.

  “Heard of it?” exclaimed Azel, her eyes gleaming and calling to mind Gordinius still had her Warpsweeper to check out its time navigation software. Whatever that was.

  , “I’ve got one. Came on it today actually”

  “You, you’ve got a Warpsweeper? Wow - brilliant. Are you pleased with it? Can’t wait to see it.”

  “All in good time” said Azel. “We’ll visit Miss Wilmcurse first and get her ideas on the latest equipment to take with us. We’ll go tomorrow morning.’

  Chapter Three

  Encounters in the Special Sorcery and Equipment Department

  Sir Clive had arranged for Azel’s favourite breakfast to be served on a silver tray in her room. Cereals shaped like stars and broomsticks packed in individual boxes with spell formulas printed on
the back; egg and bacon; and orange flavoured chocolate washed down with a high energy drink called ‘Powerpotion’.

  The computer automatically set the burglar alarm as they left Danial ’s quarters to visit the Special Sorcery and Equipment Department. He still wore his ghastly red tights, reminding Azel she needed to think of a polite way of telling him to wear something else.

  It had been a long time since Azel had seen Miss Wilmcurse who at the time had been in charge of the palace canteen. Some of her recipes had been turned in to a cookery book which had sold well to elderly wizards living on their own. They found cooking made a change to simply twitching their wands and ending up with a fattening instant meal. Unfortunately, they discovered it was sometimes hard to obtain all the ingredients, and kicked up a fuss. Miss Wilmcurse became resentful, said she wasn’t prepared to run the canteen any longer and walked out. As she had proved herself brilliant at creating recipes, QW put her in charge of the Special Sorcery and Equipment Department.

  Miss Wilmcurse, a thin and upright straight sort of person, was very strict about good behaviour. She dressed in a sensible tweed suit, thick stockings, and heavy brown leather shoes. Sometimes she wore a white shirt requiring a collar and tie which she felt looked exceptionally smart. To protect her clothes against spell mixture stains she invented a special apron in mauve which immediately cleaned itself to good as new the instant anything spilt on it.

  It was quiet in the Special Sorcery and Equipment Department that morning and Miss Wilmcurse sat alone in her glass windowed office. She looked out over the work room inspecting it for tidiness in anticipation of her visitors’ arrival. A number of girls sat working at benches down the centre of the large room, its walls full of shelves packed with books, jars, bottles and boxes containing essential elements for making spells and constructing the special equipment used by QWERT operatives.

  Most of the spells were written down and recorded in old leather bound books. More recent formulas, and working drawings of equipment prototypes, had been slid into modern album type plastic folders. Miss Wilmcurse hoped that one day all her new ideas could be bound into leather books and at the same time she would ask Prince Danial to put them on a CD ROM. She had heard that CD ROM was very good for archiving reference material but wasn’t quite sure what it meant.


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