The Secret of the Storm Cloud

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The Secret of the Storm Cloud Page 15

by Sidney Gibson

  ‘By accessing the Warpsweeper’s time and space programme. You can do that, can’t you?’ said Azel turning to Danial.

  ‘Yeah, if a programme’s there. Cable connect the palmtop, log in, locate the software format and that will be that. Job done’

  ‘Very well’ said QW ‘Be careful Dan, it is a perilous expedition. If you’re successful you and Phemie will have my blessing to be married. Goodbye’


  ‘I hope you know what you’re doing. Like I mean I really hope you know what you’re doing.’ It was the Warpsweeper, its metallic voice sounding pretty nervous. Danial had stripped the cover off the main drive’s Electronic Control Unit, keying in various commands and formulas from his palmtop, which kept throwing up error messages.

  ‘Actually’ continued the Warpsweeper ‘Why don’t I give you the formula and you can just enter it in’

  ‘You’ve got the formula already?’ exclaimed Danial ‘Well spit it out then. You might have said’

  ‘Mmm. I’m not absolutely sure, but I think its something like E=mc (2) x C2 + 1.62 x 10 - 33 cm. That should create a gravitational wave mode with a momentary pause of the tidal gravity factor in space time allowing us to navigate to the Great Assembly Hall of the Ancients. However, before you programme that in, I suggest you climb aboard. Things will happen very fast’

  The Warpsweeper hadn’t done this before, and Danial recalled a comparable formula from his science classes which sounded vaguely familiar. The one from the Warpsweeper was simply not quite right. Time travel stipulates precise synchronisation of time space co-ordinates with zero error tolerances and if those co-ordinates were wrong he could end up anywhere in the universe’s past or future with no means whatsoever of returning.

  Azel read his mind. ‘Yes Dan, you may well hesitate but we’re not talking pure science here. The formula harmonises with magic elements and doesn’t need mathematical accuracy to be successful. Have the courage to be yourself.You are one born with the power of crystal, their symmetry of atoms will stabilise your voyage through the dimensions of time and space. Remember when you reach the Great Assembly Hall of the Ancients you will be dealing with twinned facets of virtual image and actual life’

  ‘Twinned facets of virtual image and actual life?’ said Danial ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I mean that the ancients you see are really dead and gone but the words they speak are alive and embody their ultimate authority across the many galaxies of magic.

  ‘They’re dead? That’s spooky. Do you mean they’re talking to me from beyond the grave sort of thing?’

  ‘Not exactly. Look, best not go there eh? Let’s just say it’s more like they’re speaking from a higher magical existence where no physical body is needed. OK? Anyway, I shall expect you back here in approximately eight minutes of earth time. But to you Dan’ she added ‘it will seem much longer’


  The Warpsweeper shuddered when Danial keyed in the final digit of the time travel formula and hit the ‘enter’ button on the palmtop. It was not like the usual dramatic take-off. A sound like a distant roll of thunder gently shook the ground and softly the Warpsweeper became dim, fading away in a feint aura of pastel blue.

  The weird effect of time distortion gate crashed Danial ’s mind, creating an illusion of watching himself ride the Warpsweeper on a gigantic computer screen. It danced with numbers, toolbars and colour saturated icons. Images of Phemie, the pop concert, Giant Bilberry, Azel, QW, the palace and Venefica’s storm cloud all flashed before him in a nanosecond of legibility. Then they accelerated away as if in pursuit of infinity down a black hole of time. As the hallucinations vanished into blackness the silence descended. Silence absolute, like the edge of space itself where nothing had ever existed. It did not last long. A screaming wind suddenly gripped the Warpsweeper, twisting it in a roller coaster of violent turns, despatching it at fantastic speed along a never ending straight. Unpredictably the wind’s intensity diminished and became a gentle breeze, finally delivering Danial smoothly to the ground with a long sliding stop. He had arrived at the Great Assembly Hall of the Ancients.


  The building was an impressive in a contradictory way. Enormous Corinthian style marble columns stretched majestically upwards supporting heavily decorated cornices of gargoyles and carvings depicting the conflict of good and evil. They imbued the entrance with authority and power. But in the mist swirling around the high ground on which it stood, the Great Assembly Hall looked lonely and drab with its yellowy brown stone and a dark grey slate path glistening with dampness from condensation dripping from overhanging yew trees. In the flat light Danial had no idea what time it was, or even whether they had day and night here at all.

  ‘Well’ said the Warpsweeper smugly ‘I’ve got you here in one piece, what are you going to do now?’

  Danial gave the broom a sideways look. ‘Isn’t that obvious?’ he said with uncharacteristic aggressiveness. ‘I’m going in. Wait here. I wont be long’


  Slowly, Danial pushed steadily at the Great Assembly Hall’s heavy gnarled door, the clunky iron latch echoing noisily against the stillness of the inner porch. Gingerly he peered inside. The impact of what he saw made him gasp in astonishment. The outside of the building looked impressive but inside was staggering. Its vastness must exceed exterior dimensions by at least five hundred per cent he guessed. Gazing up at the fan vaulted roof soaring above, he blinked in the brightness of misty sunbeams streaming through the tall, perpendicular tracery windows.

  He surveyed with dismay the long, empty rows of intricately carved benches where the Assembly of Ancients sat to debate and make laws. He had made no appointment, no prior arrangements to meet them and enter his plea to change their law of marriage. He’d arrived at a deserted Hall without knowing when they were to assemble again. Next week? Next month? Next year? He had no idea.

  Azel’s words rang in his ear. ‘Have courage’ she had said. ‘Have the courage to be yourself’ Was this the answer he needed, all he had to do? He strolled meditatively between the silent benches and mounted the three steps to a speaker’s lectern at the far end of the Hall. Grasping the lectern with both hands, eyes closed, he stood motionless in deep thought about what to do.

  It seemed like only a brief moment when soft swishing sounds snapped him to his senses. The Hall was filling up. Spectral shapes floated through windows morphing into figures of human-like form. Mysterious men and women wrapped in cloaks. Wizards and witches of every kind, some old bent and bearded, others young and athletic, beautiful young elfins and fairies mingling with gnarled figures of goblins. Everyone talked noisily and greeted each other with excited back slapping and much shaking of many hands. Despite all this activity no one apparently noticed Danial standing awestruck and alone on the podium.

  Suddenly the assembly quietened down and began to take their places on the benches. Still no one noticed Danial. Might he be invisible to them he wondered? Amidst the whispering, he overheard that the Grand Speaker of the Assembly of Ancients was due to arrive at any moment. The Grand Speaker would be the one to ask about the law of marriage - if he notices me, thought Danial. He had no option but to wait and see.

  A warm current of fresh air swept through the Hall, imposing a requirement for everyone to be silent. The air did not threaten in any way. It was more like an ambience of kindness and integrity of the highest order. Alone, vulnerable and facing unknown forces Danial consoled himself by realising he was after all highly privileged to be witnessing an Assembly of the Ancients, acknowledged as the ultimate incarnation of good magic. Everyone had become hushed, waiting in anticipation. You could hear a pin drop.

  In the distance a muted rumbling like horses approaching at full gallop disturbed the silence. In moments it had built to a booming crescendo, a cacophony of sound reverberating in Danial ’s ears, and shaking the
foundations of the Great Assembly Hall. With the explosive force of a meteorite, a team of eight white sweating stallions harnessed to a racing chariot crashed through the windows, snorting, and bucking in protest as their master heaved on their reigns, pulling them to a standstill.

  The whole assembly stood up, applauding. Smiles and chuckles greeted the arrival of The Grand Speaker. He waved energetically and attempted to settle his horses.

  ‘Whoa boys, whoa there, easy now’ he laughed with a broad grin. The horses snorted, steaming from their exertions. ‘My word, that was a good run wasn’t it boys? Off you go and freshen up’ He motioned his arm as if showing them the way in an ’after you’ fashion. A ball of shimmering light magically materialised at his fingertips and the team of horses cantered eagerly through it and disappeared.

  The Grand Speaker had to be the exact opposite of what Danial expected. Not a severe old guy in a drab cloak, long beard and wizened skin. He was tanned and muscular, curly short hair bleached blonde by sunshine and a short pointed wizards hat trimmed in gold set at a jaunty angle. A face crinkled by smiles and startling blue eyes told a story about the enjoyment of being alive. He certainly seemed committed to making the most of his status as Grand Speaker of the Assembly of the Ancients.

  Danial felt confused. Azel had said all these people were dead, or effectively dead, and yet here they all were large as life having a great time. The Grand Speaker turned and beamed at him.

  ‘Ah, so you are the young man who has called us together today, eh?’ he boomed.

  ‘Me Sir? No not I. I‘ve only come to speak with the Assembly to ask a favour. I never called anybody, honestly’

  ‘Mmm. I think not. We do not meet together unless someone calls. Perhaps you didn’t realise it?

  ‘No really. Azel Goodwill told me to .....’

  The Grand Speaker interrupted, roaring with laughter. The whole assembly joined in.

  ‘Azel Goodwill? My old friend Azel. How is she?’

  ‘She is well, but as I was about to say, it was her who sent me. She told me I would see the ancients who passed the laws forbidding marriage to commoners, but I don’t understand why none of you look like she said’

  ‘But we are ancient, aren’t we everyone? And proud of it’ the whole Assembly murmured their agreement.

  ‘You see we appear as we choose to appear. We have magic to use as we wish. We’re a bit like being retired really. We enjoy well, let’s call it life. But we’re deadly serious about helping those such as Azel to fight and defeat evil. Not only that Prince Danial, we exist in the imagination of young people to enrich their skills in the art of good magic. As well that computer technology thingy you do’ he added.

  ‘You know my name? You know who I am?’

  ‘Of course I do my young prince. And we know why you’re here. Daft law that, not being able to marry a commoner. Don’t know why we passed it all those years ago. Anyway, life goes on doesn’t it? Sooo, lets put it to the vote. Hands up all those in favour of repealing the act of royalty marrying decent common folk?’

  Everyone in the Assembly put up their hands. A unanimous decision.

  ‘Carried!’ beamed The Grand Speaker. ‘Now, is that your Warpsweeper outside?’

  ‘No Sir’ said Danial ‘I borrowed it from Azel’

  ‘An excellent machine. Thing is, gives a pretty hairy ride in time travel mode unless you set the formula to the power of seven. Then it’s great. I suggest you get on your way. We’ve other business to attend to but come back and see us anytime. Catch you later. Byee’

  Danial hesitated. ‘Can I thank the assembly for their decision?’

  ‘Don’t mention it old chap. All in a day’s work, eh? Hang on a minute I’ll fetch the Warpsweeper indoors. Save you the trouble of going out in the cold’

  Before Danial could reply, The Grand Speaker motioned casually with his hand and the Warpsweeper appeared, magically hovering ready to leave. Somewhat dazed by the ease and pace at which his request had been dealt with, Danial climbed aboard.

  ‘I’ve changed it to the power of seven for you’ said The Grand Speaker as the Warpsweeper softly became dim, and faded away in a feint aura of pastel blue.


  ‘There, I said you’d only be about eight minutes’ said Azel as the Warpsweeper re-appeared. ‘How did you get on?’

  ‘Result!’ said Danial grinning from ear to ear, giving two thumbs up. ‘It was easy and the Assembly is great. Not at all as I imagined. I mean they’re full of life and everything aren’t they?’

  ‘Yes, they all are’ mused Azel quietly. Nobody has to be dull and boring to be right’

  ‘Dan, Dan!’ Phemie came running at him ‘Darling, how did it go? I’ve been so worried’

  ‘Great’ said Danial. ‘Every thing’s all set and we can be married whenever we want. Let’s have a party and tell everyone, yeh?’

  ‘Yes’ cried Phemie, ‘an engagement party. That’s it. Why don’t we have it on Christmas 162Eve?’

  ‘Not before someone’s tuned the Christmas street lights on - sorry, I mean turned on the Christmas lights’ said a voice behind them.

  ‘Justin!’ exclaimed Danial ‘Justin old mate, how are you?’

  ‘Fine. Oive been given the job of finding someone to turn on the Christmas street lights. You know a celibate of some kind’

  ‘You mean a celebrity of some kind’ laughed Phemie

  ‘Yeah, that’s what oi said innit?’ mumbled Justin.

  ‘Why not ask Azel?’

  ‘Me?’ she said ‘if you’re sure there’s no one else. And I insist on there being no speeches. When do you need the job doing?’

  ‘As soon as you can’ said Justin.

  ‘Very well’ said Azel, and without ceremony waved her wand at the dark street. Instantly Lower Chantment became illuminated with Christmas lights, sparkling and dancing in the stiff cold northerly breeze. A cheer went up from the villagers.

  ‘But, but...’ stumbled Justin ‘the power’s not been connected yet’


  ‘Azel’ said Nancy. ‘You remember Mr Grabsome tried to get me evicted because he supposed there was ancient library of books buried under the foundations?’

  ‘Yes, I remember’ said Azel. ‘You’ll have no worries on that score. I’ve made sure Grabsome has forgotten all about it. It was all a ruse set up by Venefica trying to find a book of spells she thought was here somewhere. Turned out she was wrong’

  ‘Maybe not as wrong as you think, Azel’ said Nancy cautiously. ‘When Mr Snow and I moved in we had a big clear out of all the rubbish but for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to throw out an old dusty book he found in the cellar. I put it out of the way in the stockroom and noticed it was still there the other day when I fetched your wallpaper paste.’

  ‘What?’ gasped Azel. ‘You must take me to it immediately. What does it look like?’

  ‘It’s leather bound with weird symbols embossed on the cover. I couldn’t read anything because it has a locked clasp.’

  ‘That’s good’ said Azel grimly ‘It would have been unsafe for you to open it’

  The book had thankfully not been touched for years. Hardly daring to breath Azel eased it from its dusty corner shelf, anxious that the disintegrating leather cover would fall apart in her hands.

  ‘This is it, Nancy’ whispered Azel hoarsely. ‘The Great Book of Evil Spells. I can hardly believe it. Lost for centuries and right here under the nose of Venefica all the time. It must be taken to the crystal palace for safekeeping at once. It is too dangerous for it to stay here and run the risk of Anniolate returning.’

  Nancy looked dumfounded. The old book had been there for years and even now seemed harmless enough. ‘You do whatever you thinks best, me dear’ she said.

  ‘Thanks Nancy. Tell Danial I
’ll be back for the party’ she called disappearing in a whirlwind like blur from the stockroom.


  It was turning out to be a super engagement party. Being Christmas Eve, the partygoers were in great spirits, full of fun and goodwill. Phemie and Danial had invited everybody in the village (except Mr Grabsome - well, you can stretch goodwill too far sometimes) and also many of Azel’s magical friends. Sir Clive Butterupp, boring everyone as usual was still trying to get off with Miss Wilmcurse who had brought several of her girls. The Spellbreakers band, enjoying success from their first number 1 hit in the charts, had agreed to play through the evening. Giant Bilberry said he would be bouncer on the door with Silhouette, (now fully recovered) but Luella insisted he must join in. Most stunning was the arrival of QW wearing a dazzling white silk cloak studded with diamonds and riding in a chariot of crystals pulled by three white unicorns.

  As the guests were arriving distant rolls of thunder signalled that Venefica had heard about the party, and narked about missing out was trying to make her presence known. Azel and Danial exchanged a satisfied smile. Venefica had failed in her mission to find The Great Book of Evil Spells, failed to crush Azel, and failed to lure Danial into the clutches of her mistress Anniolate. But it was not the style of the Evil Supreme Witch to accept defeat and sooner or later she would be pursuing revenge. And where would that lead Azel?


  Outside the first flakes of winter Snow had begun to fall. Azel’s footprints tracked across a carpet of white as she made her way across the village hall car park to where the Warpsweeper hovered in the chill night air.

  ‘So you’ve left the party early?’ said the broom with uncharacteristic sensitivity.

  ‘Yes’ replied Azel ‘Let’s go home for Christmas. Minimum speed please. And quietly’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  “Just go” said Azel.

  “Um, oh all right then” said the Warpsweeper wanting to have the last word.



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