The Gift of Light: (Revised) (The Gifts Book 1)

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The Gift of Light: (Revised) (The Gifts Book 1) Page 12

by Jen Gentry

  “I promise I’ll be back safe.” Bradley held his bride close. “You promise me you’ll stay safe and take care of yourself. You have access to my money and your own credit cards, so there’s really no need for you to work if you don’t want to.”

  This was an old argument between them already. “Baby, we have been through this. I have no intention of wasting my hard-earned education by sitting on my butt in the lap of luxury.”

  “Fine, I just want to know that you’re safe while I am gone. Remember how much I love you.”

  They clung to each other until the very last moment when he had to make a run for the door. Marta sat on the staircase, her head in her hands. Amelia returned home to find her sitting on the staircase, sobbing her heart out.


  Select members of Senator Steel’s campaign committee crunched the numbers round the clock to get a feel for the senator’s popularity with the American public.

  The numbers were only slightly in his favor at that point and he needed something to help put him over the top. Too bad he didn’t have a chance of gaining the sympathy vote as he had in his first election.

  Following release of the news of his wife’s sudden death by heart attack, the public sympathized with the grieving young father and son.

  Azelius knew things the senator did not, and had a strong feeling he was about to gain the sympathy of the entire nation. The rancid demon waited patiently for news of the senator’s son’s death from the Ba al’.

  Emily was content to spend the summer staying at Perry House. Gemma staunchly resisted moving into the main house. She was much more comfortable staying in her perfect little cottage.

  Emily felt the main house to have a lonely, empty feel to it without someone living in it. Rather than close it up and stay with her aunt in the cottage, she did what Mr. Perry would want her to do. She moved in and made the big house her own.

  Liam still had not returned and with him missing, the place just was not the same. Emily tried to get Gemma to ask Staniel where he was. Her aunt simply responded in sign language.

  “Liam will return when he returns.” In other words, mind your own business.

  Emily sat on her wide front porch and sighed. The truth was she missed everybody. Mr. Perry, Marta, Liam, but she especially missed Seth. She wondered if she had made the right decision in turning down his proposal. In her spirit, she knew she had done what the Lord wanted her to. The problem was in her heart.

  She picked up her phone to call him only to put it back down. One day, she thought, one day she would try to make amends with Seth. Instead, she called Marta, who’d been sending out resumes like crazy. She continued to use her last name of Sims for her own and Bradley’s protection.

  “Hello, Em, whatcha doin’?”

  “Just sitting here bored and missing everyone. I guess I really should think about getting a job or volunteering or anything to get my butt moving.”

  “Oh, honey, you need to come for a visit. I just had my second job interview. Out of like a hundred resumes I’ve sent out, only two interviews and no call backs.” Marta sighed. “Looks like we’re both feeling sorry for ourselves.”

  “I don’t want to leave Gemma alone right now. Why don’t you come here for a visit?”

  “No can do, sweetie, I am determined to find a job. Otherwise all my work getting my degree is for nothing.”

  Now Emily sighed. “Have you heard anything from Bradley?”

  “Just a couple of letters, he says he is fine, but can’t reveal his exact location. I miss him so much, Emily, my heart just aches.”

  “I know, dear, I know.” Emily did her best to comfort her friend and they spent the next half hour catching up before they said their goodbyes with a promise to see each other soon.

  Lieutenant Bradley Steel, and Chaplain to an infantry outpost in the badlands of Afghanistan, was writing a letter to his wife and to his Aunt Amelia. Only his commander knew he had a wife. Being the senator’s son afforded him some secrets and privacy for his own protection.

  In just two short months, he had seen firsthand the evils of war. Some of his fellow soldiers and officers thought it strange that the son of a senator, who could possibly be the next president, would serve on the front lines like this of his own choosing.

  Those who knew about Bradley swore to keep his identity a secret and even Bradley didn’t know how he’d gotten his first choice for his tour of duty, given the powerful position his father was in. It seemed like a miracle of divine intervention that he was now pursuing what he thought of as his calling.

  Living in a war zone had a profound effect on Bradley. He feared that if his father actually became president, many of these men and their families would suffer even more than they already were. His father was a cruel and deceitful man, a harsh husband and a child-abusing liar. He also knew first hand he was into some evil doings, including dabbling in witchcraft.

  Full of shame for waiting so long, Bradley regretted not being bold enough to expose his father earlier. He hated to put Marta and Amelia in the line of fire, but he wanted them to publicize the letters he wrote them. Perhaps by exposing the truth about his father, the lies, the double-dealings, and deceptions, it would keep him from winning the election.

  He knew there would be repercussions for crossing his father, but he prayed that the Lord would watch over him, and the ones he loved as he did this. It was now the beginning of September. Bradley could only hope and have faith that he could stop or seriously set back his father’s campaign before the elections in November.

  He sealed his letter and placed it in his footlocker until a courier could pick it up and send it back to the states.

  Bradley headed to a portable mess hall to pray over the upcoming meal, his Bible in his hand. The strident alarms sounded shrill warnings throughout camp as the dreaded words, Incoming! echoed over the loudspeakers.

  A series of rocket-launched grenades pounded the perimeter of the camp, followed by the sounds of automatic weapons.

  The last sight Bradley saw was the mess hall erupt in flames. He uttered the words Lord Jesus and then Marta before his world went black.


  It would be a week before news of his son’s death would reach the senator. Because of his position and the current campaign, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff arrived at the senator’s DC campaign headquarters to personally deliver the sad news.

  With him, he brought boxes full of Bradley’s personal belongings, including his footlocker, which they’d recovered from the decimated infantry outpost.

  The senator had the good grace to cry at the news of his son’s passing. He demanded answers and feigned anguish at his bitter loss.

  Why was his son on the front lines, and why hadn’t he been informed of where Bradley would be deployed? The chairman had no immediate answers, but promised a full investigation into the matter as he offered his condolences.


  Amelia and Marta sat in the penthouse kitchen, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. The doorbell rang, and Amelia went to answer it as Marta poured them both a cup of coffee. On a large flat screen TV hanging on a far wall, a breaking news announcement caught their attention.

  Amelia listened to the announcement as she opened the front door.

  A somber and desolate appearing senator Bradley Steel, presidential candidate, announced in a press conference that his son died in combat while serving in Afghanistan. He asked that the press give him some private time to grieve, but assured the American public of his intent to continue campaigning for the presidency in the memory of his heroic son, who died serving this great country.

  At the front door, Amelia fell to her knees before two formally dressed army officials. She knew why there were there.

  Marta and Amelia wailed in shock. Amelia yelled at Brad on the TV and called him many vile names. Marta screamed until she passed out.

  In the heavenly realms, Liam met with Michael. “It has been done, my Liege. We
have cloaked the young man’s identity until such a time as our Lord deems it to be over. The enemy now believes him to be dead.”

  “Good job. Now, return to your post at Perry House until I have more orders for you.” Liam saluted, raised his wings and intoned,

  “For the Lamb, who alone is worthy.”

  Michael raised his mighty wings and returned his salute. “For the Lamb who alone is worthy and greatly to be praised.”

  The angels had done all they could to protect the young man. It was now in the hands of the Lord.


  Alone in his private quarters at the DC townhouse, the senator was drunk, a rare thing for him. He wanted a quick fix to the extreme guilt he felt, and indulged himself.

  All of Bradley’s personal belongings were now stacked in a pile on the floor in front of him. He went through each box until he came to the locked footlocker. He managed to pry the lock open with a fireplace poker.

  The first thing to catch his eye was a letter on top of neatly folded clothes and combat gear, addressed to Ms. Marta Sims. He didn’t know her, but he recognized the address. It belonged to the person he loathed above all others. Amelia.

  He tore the letter open and read the contents. His howls of rage, audible throughout the neighborhood, reverberated against the walls as he tossed the offensive and traitorous letter into the fireplace and burned it to ash.

  He knew it now; his own son fully intended to expose him. More than that, he knew his son had married in secret.

  Chapter Nineteen

  To everything there is a season, a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, a time to die, a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal, a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn

  and a time to dance

  Ecclesiastes 3:1-4

  King James Version

  Upon hearing the news of Bradley’s death, Emily tried to call Marta. No answer.

  She went into prayer for her friend and prayed through the day and night until Marta returned her call.

  “Oh my God, Emily, how am I going to get through this? What will I do without him? I don’t even know what to do now.” Marta cried on the phone.

  “Marta, you chin up. I am on my way as quickly as I can get there. Is Amelia with you?”

  “No, she’s gone to DC She plans to meet with Bradley’s father regarding a memorial service. Em, they didn’t even have enough of his remains to send home for a burial. That’s all I know. Amelia took copies of our wedding license as proof that Bradley and I were married. She’s afraid the senator will try to go after Bradley’s trust fund. Everything is such a mess. I just feel so helpless. Mom and Dad are already on their way here to be with me.” Emily could tell by her friend’s voice that she was nearing a breakdown.

  Emily drove through the evening to reach her friend, praying the whole way. “Father, why has this happened? I trust You and lift my friend up to You. Please be with her and comfort her as You comfort and carry all of us through this.” Emily let out a long sigh. “How could we get through this without You, Lord Jesus?”


  Senator Steel almost refused to see Amelia, but prudence prevailed. She knew way too much about him and his past and having no other choice, he met her in his office at campaign headquarters.

  Amelia wasted no time, clearly out for her ex brother-in-law’s blood. She’d been informed that a memorial service for the senator’s son was to take place in two days at Arlington Cemetery. With that settled, she had only one thing left to say.

  “I’m not going to beat around the bush here, Brad. I know you’re going to use your son’s death to your advantage in this election, just like you did with Camille’s. I want to warn you that I’m prepared to tell everything I know about you. I’ve kept my mouth shut only for Bradley’s sake, and now that he’s gone, I have no reason to keep any of your secrets. Your days in this election are numbered. If I were you I would bow out now gracefully, while you still have a chance.” Amelia turned to walk away as she threw a copy of Bradley and Marta’s marriage certificate on his desk. “And by the way, you don’t have a chance in hell of getting your hands on Bradley’s trust fund. It’ll all go to his wife.”

  After Amelia left, the Senator made some phone calls. Just as before, he had no choice but to silence her. He knew Bradley was married, and he knew there were things about his past that needed to be kept quiet. The question was how much did Bradley’s wife know?

  If he could somehow get rid of Amelia, would he then still have a loose end out there in Bradley’s wife? He had her full name and listed address as well as the names of those who had witnessed their marriage. Marta Jessica Sims Steel. That was the name signed on the certificate. The senator wondered if she would be a problem for him.

  He wouldn’t have minded fighting Amelia for Bradley’s money, but he’d amassed his own fortune now and the money wasn’t as important as keeping his past private. He knew some people who could help him for a price. He figured he had until the memorial service. The senator had his assistant type a letter to be overnighted to his daughter-in-law.

  He wanted to personally extend his own condolences, and his regrets that they’d not met, as he considered her his only living relative. He insisted she attend the memorial service. As Bradley’s wife, she should be present to receive the flag from his coffin, which would contain some of Bradley’s personal effects, rank pins, medals and combat gear.

  He needed some time to get to know his daughter-in-law and find out what she knew. He hoped he would get that chance at the memorial service.

  Azelius knew he would be the one to take out Amelia. The senator would never make the call to kill her. If so, he would have done it years ago. The Demon Prince would bide his time for a short while, and then he would strike Amelia at the first opportunity.

  Amelia flew back to New York, knowing that she would have to watch her back. Brad was a formidable enemy. The first thing she did after she checked in with Marta, now surrounded by her parents and her friend, Emily, was to call her attorney.

  “I need you to come right away. I must give you some paper work to hold in case anything happens to me. I also want to make sure that everything that was Bradley’s is now in his wife’s name, as well as add her to my will.” She wasn’t taking any chances, knowing she could be in real danger.

  Amelia arranged for Marta, her parents, and Emily to fly with her to DC for the memorial service. They would spend the night in a hotel and attend the service the next day. When they got back to New York, Amelia planned to hold a press conference. Her time to talk had come.

  As an added precaution, she pulled a journal and some letters from her safe, placed them in a sealed folder and gave them to her attorney. She wanted him to give these things to Marta if anything should happen to her before she got to tell the true life story of Brad Steel.

  She wrote a detailed note to Marta telling her that she must make the information in the envelope public if for any reason she was not able to. Only her love for Bradley and his young wife kept her from telling that story now, before his memorial service.

  Just before dawn, the senator’s letter to Marta arrived. She looked over it and let it fall to the floor, not caring what the man had to say. Nothing mattered anymore.

  The service of full military honors included taps and a rifle volley. Marta and the senator received flags and she took Bradley’s Purple Heart medal. The media pressed as close as they could get, crowding the mourners at the burial site. Marta, dressed in black with her face covered in a sheer black veil, ignored the senator’s attempts to talk to her. She wasn’t rude; she just didn’t care.

  Bradley was gone. What did it matter? They all attended the wake at the townhouse. Emily was very uncomfortable in the senator’s home. She felt an evil presence, and when she looked at the senator, she saw a shadow behind him.

  It was familiar to her, a
malevolent face she’d seen once in a dream many years ago. She prayed to Jesus to protect her and her friends in this wicked place. Emily knew she’d seen a demon.

  Not long after they arrived, Marta became so still, she asked to be taken back to the hotel. Emily, her parents and Amelia left the townhouse.

  Marta’s father gave their regrets and condolences to the senator, who asked after Marta’s welfare. He gave Mr. Sims his private number, stating if Marta required anything, all they need do was ask.

  Marta remained too sick to travel the next day, and everyone worried about her. Amelia canceled and rebooked flights back to New York. After two days of Marta not being able to hold down any food, they sent for a doctor. He examined Marta and asked her some questions. His nurse drew some blood and took urine samples.

  The doctor gave her medication for nausea and something to help her to rest. Before he left, he promised to call with test results.

  It was no surprise to anyone but Marta when the doctor called back to tell her that she was pregnant by at least three months according to his calculations.

  Emily, who never left her friend’s side during her illness, rejoiced privately for Marta. With a baby coming, a part of Bradley survived, and she would have every reason in the world to live. The baby would give her friend fresh hope and renew her faith.

  She prayed the Lord would make it so. Amelia took the prescriptions the doctor left for Marta and went to the drug store to get them filled. She’d been gone for several hours before everybody realized it. She wasn’t answering her cell phone either and when it got later, still without word, Marta’s parents went to search for her. The whole night passed without a word from her.

  Finally, Marta’s father called the police. It took a few hours, but they finally found Amelia in a morgue at one of the local hospitals, the victim of a hit and run. There were no witnesses to the actual accident and a passing motorist found her lying dead in the street.


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