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Slave Page 11

by Sherri Hayes

  I swallowed. Was he upset that I’d cleaned in here? Please don’t let him be upset. All I wanted to do was make him happy with me. Why couldn’t I make him happy?

  The hand that had been under my chin came up and brushed the side of my cheek. “Calm, Brianna,” he whispered. “I’m not displeased with you.”

  I let out the breath I’d been holding. I hadn’t messed up again.

  “Since you have already been around my gym, I will forgo the tour. I do want you to get used to some of the machines you’ll be using with Brad.” I assumed Brad was the personal trainer he’d mentioned, but he didn’t give me time to contemplate that. He took a step back and held out his hand, clearly wanting me to take it. Bringing my arm up, I put my hand in his, and he quickly wrapped his fingers around mine.

  I followed him over to a treadmill. “You will walk today for five miles or until you are unable to continue, whichever comes first. However,” he said, his voice taking on that commanding tone, “if you stop before the five miles, and I do not feel you have truly reached your limit, we will be back in here later today to try again. Do you understand this, Brianna?”

  He wanted me to walk? For five miles? I didn’t know if I could do that. I’d only been on a treadmill once in my life, and I’d fallen flat on my face, giving myself a bloody nose. But I couldn’t tell him no. I had to at least try. “Yes, Master.”

  “Good,” he said. And then he stepped forward again and took my face in his hands. “You will do fine. I will not be far.”

  He helped me onto the machine and showed me how to start it, stop it, and where it would show me the miles I’d walked. I nodded and hoped with everything I had that I could do this.

  Before I knew it, he was stepping back a few feet to watch me, waiting for me to start. With a deep breath, I hit the button and felt the belt begin to move under me.

  I was okay at first. The belt was moving slowly, and I kept a tight grip on the handlebar. But then it started to pick up speed, and my legs just would not do what I wanted them to do. I felt my ankle begin to twist and my knees buckle. My last thought as I closed my eyes was to hope that he wouldn’t be too mad I couldn’t do what he’d wanted.

  Surprisingly I didn’t hit the floor or the machine. Instead, I felt two arms circle my waist. I knew who had caught me, and I froze, waiting.

  My Master’s breath was hot against my ear as he spoke. “Perhaps something besides the treadmill to start, hmm?”

  His hands moved to my waist and stayed there until I was standing on my own two feet again. I wanted to beg for his forgiveness; to tell him I was sorry, but I kept my mouth shut and just lowered my head.

  I felt him take a step back before he turned me to face him. “Let’s try the bike instead, shall we?”

  He didn’t wait for me to answer before taking my arm and leading me several yards away to a stationary bicycle. “This will expend a little more effort than the walking, so we will reduce it from five miles to three.”

  Master adjusted the machine and then stood, waiting for me to climb up. I’d never been on one of these before, but I knew how to ride a bicycle so I wasn’t too worried. It was the three miles I was a little concerned with.

  I couldn’t say that, though, so I moved myself into position and started peddling while he watched. The numbers began moving, showing my progress, and after a while Master must have been satisfied I wouldn’t fall off and walked away. He didn’t go far, just on the other side of the room where he picked up some weights and began lifting.

  The weights he used weren’t overly large, not like the ones you see the bodybuilders use on television, but they were still enough to show the strain of his muscles through his T-shirt. A shiver ran through me at the strength he must have and what he could do with it. What he could do to me with it if he chose.

  I felt the fear start to bubble up inside me again as I watched him shift the weights into a different position. Clinching my eyes shut, I tried to will it away. It didn’t matter. None of it mattered.

  Vaguely, I heard the sound of a timer, but I was so lost in my head that I didn’t register what it was. Then I felt his hand on my arm and jumped.

  This was not happening to me! He’d caught me not paying attention again after he’d just warned me last night. I knew what was coming. I knew, and yet I still wanted to beg for it not to happen.

  “Look at me, Brianna.”

  I’d been expecting that tone, but it still had me trembling. It was so hard to look at him. His face was rigid, his jaw clenched. “What did I tell you last night about not paying attention?” He didn’t wait for me to answer. “I thought you would have learned the importance of that lesson after our talk, but obviously you haven’t. I told you there would be consequences next time, and so as much as I do not wish it, you’ve made your choice. Go get your books and bring them to me.”

  My books? What was he going to do with my books? When he noticed my hesitation, he raised his eyebrow slightly, and I knew if I didn’t get moving quickly, whatever he had planned would get much worse.

  I made it down the stairs as fast as I could, my legs not quite so steady after the three-mile bicycle ride. The books were lying where I’d left them last night on the nightstand. My heart clenched when I thought about what he was going to do with them. As I made my way back up the stairs to the gym where he was waiting, I almost wished he’d do anything but take away my books.

  When I entered the room, he was standing right where I’d left him and didn’t move as I approached. Standing before him, the books in my right hand, I watched in dread as his hand came out asking for them.

  A small whine left my lips as I placed them in his grasp. He heard it, of course, and made a tsk sound with his tongue before tucking the books under his arm. “These will remain in my possession for one week. As long as I feel you’ve learned your lesson, you will get them back next Sunday morning. Until then, the library is off limits to you as well.”

  He was taking my books. I didn’t know why, but that felt worse than if he’d have hit me. It had been so long since I’d been able to read, to lose myself in a novel, and he was taking them away.

  There had been no doubt in my mind that eventually I’d displease him, but I’d never thought he’d choose my books of all things to take away from me.

  Stupid. He can take everything away, remember? You are nothing. You have nothing.

  His voice brought me back to him again. “I expect you to pay attention to your surroundings at all times, Brianna.” Master’s voice changed slightly before he spoke his next words. “Now, as for your hesitation in complying with my request...” This is it. What will he do to me? “We are finished here for today. You will go shower and dress for dinner with my aunt and uncle. Pick out a skirt and blouse from what Lily got you. If you need help, come find me; I will be in my room getting dressed as well.” Then he took a step toward me and lifted my chin. “I want to make sure you are paying attention today, Brianna. Only cold water for your shower.”

  And with that, he walked away.

  Two hours later, we were in his car. It had been less than two weeks since I’d started taking warm showers again, but it was enough time to make me forget how much I hated cold ones. Because of the workout, I’d had to wash my hair. By the time I’d stepped out of the shower, I was freezing.

  I had to do better. It couldn’t be that hard to stay focused and pay attention. Daydreaming was something I’d always had a habit of doing. When I was younger, my teachers had given me more than one lecture on paying attention.

  We drove for almost an hour before he pulled over along the side of the road. There was countryside all around us, but I saw no house nearby so I wasn’t sure why he’d stopped. I kept myself still but focused my complete attention on him.

  He shifted in his seat to look at me. There was silence in the car for several minutes as I waited. Finally the words came. “While we’re here, you will keep your head up. If someone asks you a question, it is up to yo
u whether or not you answer it; however, I do expect you to be polite.”

  “Yes, Master,” I whispered obediently.

  He brushed his fingers against my cheek and then ran them though my hair down to my shoulder. “You will do fine, Brianna. I will not leave you alone. Remember, you are safe.”

  I was safe. He kept saying that.

  Master’s pulled his hand away, turned back around in his seat, and put the car in drive. Less than a mile later, we turned down a long driveway, and I could see a huge house in the distance.

  We were here.

  The house was massive, at least from what I could see. It had to be just as big as Ian’s, but where his was creepy and intimidating, this one was elegant and regal.

  We walked to the door, his arm at my lower back. I felt calmer knowing he was there, which was strange. I couldn’t explain this weird mixture of fear and trust I had.

  The fear I understood. He owned me. It was the trust that boggled my mind. I had no reason to trust him except for the fact that he had yet to lie to me. Even down to the consequences this morning, he’d been truthful. I cringed at the reminder that I had no books to occupy my days or evenings for the next week.

  My Master didn’t knock when we reached the door, but instead walked in as if he owned the place. He guided me through a foyer bigger than my room and down a long hallway that opened up into a kitchen. There stood a woman with long, brown hair very similar in color to Stephan’s.

  Seeming to have the same sixth sense as Master did, she turned moments after we entered the room. “Stephan!” she screamed, dropping what she’d been holding in her hand and wrapping him in an exuberant hug.

  She pulled back and looked at him as if assessing. “You are not allowed to stay away for that long again,” she said, playfully slapping his arm. “Do you hear me?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Then her eyes fell on me. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?”


  She didn’t know what I was. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I wasn’t a slave to her. I was just a person.

  A person she thought was Stephan’s girlfriend. Is that what he’d told her? I was beginning to wonder if I’d ever be able to figure my new Master out.

  “Diane, this is Brianna. Brianna, this is my aunt, Diane.”

  He’d said to be polite so I was going to say nice to meet you, but before the words could leave my mouth, two arms surrounded me. Her arms were holding onto me like vise grips, and I started to panic.

  The next thing I knew, I felt his hand in mine. I didn’t know why, but it calmed me enough to endure the affection I’d received.


  I’d wondered how Brianna would react to my aunt’s exuberance. She could be a lot to take at times, and it seemed that my concern was warranted. I saw the panic cross Brianna’s face moments after Diane started to hug her. It didn’t matter that my aunt meant her no harm. Brianna was scared, and I needed to give her what comfort I could, so I reached out and took her hand.

  It worked. I watched as the tension in her body eased a little and before too long, my aunt was stepping back to look at her as she did me. Fearing the scrutiny would cause her more discomfort, I moved in, closing the small distance between us. My arm slid around Brianna’s waist, and I pulled her against my side.

  This action on my part did two things. First, it did accomplish my goal of relaxing Brianna, but it also drew Diane’s attention. A sly smile crossed her face, and I had to suppress rolling my eyes at her. She and Richard could never have children of their own, so when I came to live with them at fourteen, she quickly did everything she could to make me feel as much love as possible.

  Diane was as much of a mother to me as my own had been. She’d seen me through my grieving teenage years no matter how much trouble I’d gotten into and supported me through college. I loved her very much, but her eagerness for me to settle down made me uncomfortable. She saw the woman at my side and saw a happy future for me, complete with the white picket fence.

  It was useless to try and convinced her otherwise, so instead I went with distraction. “Is Richard around?” Diane’s focus changed from Brianna to me, and I felt the woman under my fingers relax just a little more.

  My aunt sighed, but then said, “He’s in his study working on something, as usual. I have a few more things to finish here and then it will be time to eat. Maybe you can go get him for me?”

  I noticed my aunt’s eyes shifting to Brianna again and knew what was coming. She wanted to get to know “my girlfriend” and grill her about our relationship. My aunt meant well, I knew, but I would not break my promise to Brianna and leave her alone. So I told her sure and maneuvered us both back down the hallway.

  Leaving my aunt like that had been rude, but I didn’t know what else to do. I knew how hard this had to be for Brianna, and I wanted to make it as easy as I could. She was trying and so would I.

  Richard must have heard us coming down the hall because his eyes were focused on the door when we entered. “Hello, Stephan. Brianna,” he nodded.

  She’d stiffened up again, and I rubbed my fingers along her hip, trying to offer some comfort. It seemed to work as I felt the muscles beneath my fingers give a little more.

  Turning, I addressed the man who’d been my father since the day my own passed away. “Richard,” I smiled. “Diane said dinner is almost ready and sent us to get you.”

  “Ah,” he said. “Very good.” He rose from his high-backed leather chair and walked over to us. His eyes discreetly roamed Brianna’s body as he made his way over to where we were standing. I knew that look. He was checking to see if she’d suffered any further damage, and I felt the anger bubble up inside me. Did he really think I’d harm her?

  His eyes met mine then, and he seemed to notice my shift in demeanor. The look in his eyes turned apologetic, but it wasn’t enough. I couldn’t believe he’d think me capable of such a thing. Turning us both, I lead Brianna toward the dining room.

  Halfway there, I felt his firm hand on my arm, which caused me to release my hold on Brianna. She kept walking at the same pace for a few more steps before slowing. I whipped around to face Richard, not waiting for him to speak. “Whatever it is you want to say will have to wait,” I said, keeping my voice low so that only he would be able to hear me. “I promised her I would not leave her alone today, and I will not have her thinking my word means nothing.”

  I wrenched my arm away from him and closed the distance between us. She was almost at the door when I reached her, and her posture was once again stiff. I stopped her before we went in, not caring if Richard saw us or not. With one hand once again around her waist, I turned her toward me and placed the other on her face. “You are doing great,” I said and leaned in to give her a soft peck on the lips.

  When her eyes came open again, she looked calm, or at least calmer, so I guided us both into the dining room to take our seats. It was getting harder and harder for me not to kiss her every time I felt the impulse. Last night was a perfect example. Just having her on my lap had been a distraction. I hadn’t thought much of it until she was sitting there pressed up against me.

  Asking her to kiss me had been purely a last minute decision. I wanted to feel her lips again, and I justified it by telling myself it would give her a little sense of control while also preparing her for her role the following day at dinner. But all my justifications were just lies. Seeing her happy about school had triggered something in me. She had triggered something in me. And even now, sitting beside her, across from my aunt and uncle, the only thing I could think of was when I’d be able to touch her again.


  Having dinner with my family was something I used to do often, even after I’d left home. It wasn’t until Tami, my last collared sub, had laid bare my lifestyle on a silver platter for my uncle that I’d made my visits less frequent.

  I’m not sure which word best described Richard’s reaction t
o the information: disappointed, embarrassed, angry, or all of the above. He’d called me at the office one afternoon and asked if I could stop by the house on my way home.

  The request he made wasn’t all that unusual, even though it didn’t happen often. When I got there, however, I found Richard in his office with a strange look on his face. He had an exaggerated calm about him that reminded me of the time Logan and I’d snuck out of the house to meet up with two older women we’d met in town earlier that day.

  It had taken me the better part of an hour just to calm him down once he’d gotten started, and another two hours after that to try and explain the way I lived. We’d ended the conversation in a stalemate of sorts. I knew he still didn’t like my choices, but there was nothing I could do to change his mind.

  This dinner reminded me of that night all over again. Diane carried most of the conversation. She asked Brianna all the usual questions: how old she was, where she grew up, and how long she’d been in Minneapolis. All the while, Richard just sat watching. His eyes were mostly on Brianna but would occasionally fall to me, a clear look of concern in them.

  My aunt didn’t seem to notice the silence of her husband, or chose not to acknowledge it, as she continued with her motherly questioning. However, her inquiries came to an abrupt halt when Diane asked Brianna about her parents. I felt all the tension return to her body and listened to her breathing stagger before she finally whispered that her mom had died of cancer three years ago.

  Thankfully, my aunt realized she was uncomfortable and started directing questions to me regarding the foundation. I answered all of them, keeping the conversation flowing but also keeping my eyes and my thoughts on the woman beside me. Although I was sad that Diane’s line of questioning had upset Brianna, I had learned two valuable pieces of information: her mother was dead and she hadn’t mentioned her father. Maybe the latter was an oversight due to the gravity her mother’s death still held for her, but I didn’t think so.


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