Beginning to Breathe, Again (Feral Steel MC Book 2)

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Beginning to Breathe, Again (Feral Steel MC Book 2) Page 3

by Vera Quinn

  “Everyone can meet in my office.” Devil tells all of us and he turns and walks back in waiting for us to follow. Hacksaw and I walk that way with Sal right behind us and the woman following behind him.

  When we get into the office I see it is a good size. Needs to be cleaned and the walls could use some paint. The office furniture is old and there is a strong smell of cigar smoke. Devil is seated in the chair behind the desk. Hacksaw takes a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk. I move over on the other side and sit on the edge of the big wooden desk facing the couch against the wall. Sal goes and takes a seat on the couch but the woman lingers just inside the door. I take a good look at her. She looks young but her eyes tell a different story and so do the dark circles under her eyes. She’s not all made up like most young women these days and I think her hair is still wet. She’s a little bit of a thing, not much over five foot if I had to guess.

  “Do you want me in here too or do I wait out here for my turn to give you all my information?” Devil and Hacksaw both look at her. Sal hits the couch cushion beside him.

  “Get your ass over here and sit down, Tara. These boys aren’t going to bite. You know this place as well as I do and you can probably tell them more about the other workers since you have had to work with them.” Sal talks to the woman like she is some kid. Hell, maybe she is and I am off about her age but I am guessing she’s in her early twenties. She looks to Devil and waits for him to say something. “Devil, this is Tara Blount. She’s the girlie I told you about. She isn’t the employee who has been here the longest but she is the one that get things done and she has worked with all the other employees.”

  “Come on in and have a seat.” Devil tells her. I have not figured this woman out yet. I am usually pretty good at getting a read on someone easily. Usually by now, a woman would be checking at least one of us out or have turned her nose up at us all. In our world that is the way it works, either women want to get laid by us or hate us for the stereotype that follows most bikers around. This woman is just indifferent. I can tell Devil has noticed the same thing. He’s studying her like he is trying to get inside her head and she doesn’t seem like it bothers her at all. “Tara, how long have you worked here and do you want to continue to work here?”

  “I’ve worked here eight and a half months and yes, I want to keep my job.” She gives a short direct answer.

  “She’s damn good at whatever job I give her. She shows up on time, doesn’t call off sick, and doesn’t slack on any jobs assigned her.” Sal adds.

  “Tara, you do understand that the Feral Steel MC has bought the gym?” Devil gets straight to the bottom line. Some people are not going to be comfortable with a motorcycle club owning the gym in the community.

  “I understand. I have no problem with that.” Tara never flinches when she says it. Devil shakes his head.

  “Why do you want to keep the job?” Devil doesn’t trust her yet. “You have no reservations working here, at all?”

  “If everything going on here at the gym is legal, then I have no problem with it. I need this job.” Tara didn’t say want, she said need.

  “What exactly is your job here and how many hours a week do you work?” Devil asks her.

  “This girlie can do just about anything around here.” Sal puts in. Devil is getting tired of the interruptions by Sal.

  “Hacksaw, why don’t you and Sal start going over the equipment inventory?” Devil is trying to get Sal out of here so he can question Tara. “Be sure to notate anything that we need to repair or replace.” Hacksaw gets up walks out the door without a word. Sal seems reluctant to leave the room but he finally follows Hacksaw. “Tara, why don’t you move up here to the chair so we can talk candidly.” Tara gets up and moves without question. “So, can you answer the question?”

  “Sir, I don’t have a certain job. I fill in wherever I’m needed. If Sal needed office work done, then I would do it. Especially the filing and books. Sal is not good with numbers. The bookkeeper that came in quit and so did the secretary. I have helped Felicia with her exercise class she does twice a week. I clean locker rooms, the employee break room, and equipment. I help members set up appointments with the trainers. I wash the towels and make sure they are in the proper spots. I keep the drinks stocked and walk female members out to their cars if it is late at night since we have no video cameras in the parking area and the lighting isn’t great.” Devil laughs. Tara looks startled.

  “Are you qualified to be doing accounting or bookkeeping work?” Devil asks. It sounds like Tara has been doing work other people should have been taking care of.

  “No, I’m not. All I did was put the check numbers or credit card charges into the computer program and made a bank deposit slip out so Sal could take it to the bank. I scanned the rest of the receipts into the computer and sent them over to the accountant and filed the paper copies into the files in the cabinet so they could come and pick them up. It’s the only way I knew to do it. The bookkeeper and secretary both quit a week or two after I started.” Devil looks shocked at what Tara is saying.

  “How in the hell did they run a business like that?” I shake my head. I can’t believe they could keep the door open with that lax of an operation. The way Devil says it, I know he is thinking the same thing. “And Tara, I’m not sir, just Devil.”

  “By the time I came to work here the people who owned this place were already trying to sell it. They were never around. I don’t even know if I have ever met one of the owners. They left it all on Sal and he has no office skills.” Tara looks down at her hands like she is nervous. “Sal is a good man and I am very grateful to him for the job but it was too much for him. He’s old school. When he was trying to tell me how to do the office work he still wanted me to write things down in a ledger. He knows nothing about computers and the programs to keep up with the paper work.”

  “Is there something wrong, Tara? You seem hesitant to tell me all this.” Devil is seeing the same thing I am. Tara is uncomfortable.

  “I just feel like I am being disloyal to Sal. He is not only my boss but he has become my friend.” Tara is loyal to her friends. I can see that Devil likes that, so do I.

  “Nothing you say to me will blow back on Sal. Sal is retiring so he will not be working here. He’s just here today as a personal favor to me. So, if I am getting this right, you don’t have a certain job. That is alright. It just means you can help us out in different areas.” Devil is trying to relax Tara. “How many hours do you work a week?”

  “I usually work twenty-eight to thirty hours a week. I do ten hour shifts on Saturday and Sunday. Then on Tuesday and Thursday I work four hours each day. I come in around four and work until eight but if someone doesn’t show I will stay until nine thirty.” Tara works every weekend. Most women her age would be out partying. Devil looks deep in thought.

  “Did you pick those hours? I’m going to be blunt with you Tara, we are interested in employing people who are going to stay. That’s a lot of weekend hours for someone your age.” Devil never takes his eyes off Tara. I don’t know if he doesn’t trust her or he just doesn’t like her.

  “I like the bluntness of your questions. It saves us both some time.” Devil looks completely shocked by Tara’s comeback. A grin is on my face. I don’t think any woman besides Callie has ever spoken to Devil this way. “I work those hours because I work at Bud’s Diner 40 to 50 hours a week, Monday through Friday. I go to school at night on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. These are the hours I have left.” Devil looks down at his paperwork.

  “It says here you are twenty-two years old, single, and no dependents. Let me see your arms.” Tara looks pissed but she bites her bottom lip and rolls her hoodie sleeves up. She never says a word while doing it but her eyes say it all. “I’m not a junkie. I like to eat and keep a roof over my family’s head. I’m trying to get an education.”

  “I will repeat myself, no dependents.” Devil is being an ass but he is on a mission to get our club into legi
t businesses and all it would take is one person selling drugs in one of our businesses and all our hard work would be for nothing until we prove ourselves to the community.

  “I live with my sister and mom. They are not my dependents but we split bills. Classes are expensive and waitress work does not pay a lot. I need this job. I show up for work and work all the hours I can.” Devil sits back in his chair.

  “All employees will have a background check done on them and a drug test is required before you return to work. Then random drug tests will be required.” Devil waits for Tara’s reply.

  “I understand. Bud at the diner can give you a reference if you need it. I have been working there since I was sixteen.” Six years of waiting tables at the same place.

  “Is this number still a good contact number?” Devil asks her.

  “That’s the diner. Bud will take a message to give me when I come in.” Tara looks embarrassed when she says it.

  “You don’t have a cell phone or home phone?” Tara shakes her head to Devil’s question.

  “No. Not right now. My mom has one but Bud is more reliable.” Tara won’t look at Devil right now. I can tell she does not like sharing her situation.

  “It looks like it will be close to a month before we reopen, at the earliest, but I may have some work for you starting next week. It’ll be clean-up work but it pays the same.” Devil has softened his voice some.

  “That would be great. I’m not scared of hard work.” Tara stands up and puts her hand out for Devil to shake. He stands and shakes her hand. “Thank you, is there anything else? I need to get my sister’s car back.”

  “You don’t have your own transportation?” Devil asks her.

  “No. If I am scheduled to work I will be here and on time, even if I have to walk. Our apartment is only a forty-five-minute walk from here and the diner only thirty minutes the other direction. I am used to it. I won’t be late.” Devil just nods at her. I see Oz walking into the door. He looks at Tara and smiles.

  “That is about it. I’ll be in touch, Tara.” Devil tells Tara. She steps towards the door where Oz has stopped. When Tara gets to Oz she stops and he pulls her into to him for a hug.

  “Have you heard anything from that brother of yours? When is he coming home for a visit?” Oz asks as he releases her. Tara knows one of my brothers, maybe she isn’t as closed off as she seemed.

  “I got an email from him Wednesday. He’s taking an airborne class. Loving every minute of it. He said he might be home around Christmas.” Tara answers Oz. Tara’s face lights up when she talks about her brother.

  “You have a computer and not a phone?” Devil interrupts Tara and Oz’s conversation. Tara turns back to face Devil.

  “I check my emails on a computer in the library at school.” She turns back towards Oz. “It was good to see you, Oz.”

  “You too, Little Bit. Tell Joey hello from me. I miss that little shit always calling and asking me questions about that bike he had. Are you doing alright?” Tara smiles but it doesn’t come across as a real smile. It looks sad.

  “I’ll tell Joey hello for you. I miss him, too. I am living one day at a time and doing the best I can. I’ll see you later.” Oz watches Tara leave and then comes and sits in the chair she vacated.

  “Is that Sheila’s sister?” Devil asks Oz.

  “Yeah, but she is nothing like Shelia or Lena. She’s a good kid, like her brother Joey. Those two are good people. Does she work here?” Oz ask Devil.

  “Who is Sheila?” I ask Devil.

  “Now you speak up? You have been sitting there staring at that woman and forgetting to help ask any questions.” Devil is half grinning.

  “Sometimes you learn more by watching and listening than asking questions. You do know half those questions you asked her as an employer you can’t ask. You have to stick to questions to do with the job and not personal questions.” I know Devil is just yanking my chain but I want to set him straight.

  “Well, it’s my damn office and I can ask what the fuck I want, asshole. I don’t have the patience to dance around a damn question. It’s better to get to the point and I warned her. If she didn’t want to answer the questions, then she doesn’t need the damn job. I’m not a damn paper pusher. That’s why I brought you and Hacksaw.” I guess Devil set me straight.

  “Alright, this is going to be a long morning.” Oz tries to joke. Then he looks at me “You remember that blonde that Creole was fucking over by the pool table yesterday at lunch?” I remember and nod my head. “That’s Sheila. She’s a little older than Tara and she is one of our hang arounds. She has a taste for married men that will pay her bills. She comes to the club when she is in between men or they are home with their families to get fucked. From what I have seen, she learned it from their mom, Lena. She’s an older copy of Shelia. Joey and Tara are hard workers. From what Joey told me, he was going in the army to get away from Sheila and Lena. I used to help him work on an old dirt bike he had. He’s a smart kid. Learns fast, at one time, I thought he would make a perfect prospect but he was determined to go in the army. The times that Tara was around she always helped her brother. She was either working or had her head in a book. Joey went to her if he needed anything. The other two are all about themselves. If it wasn’t for Tara, Joey wouldn’t have had food half the time.”

  “I still need a complete background check on her. I don’t see how a woman her age doesn’t have a damn cell phone. It’s not safe if she’s walking everywhere she goes.” Devil’s right and there is something about Tara. I admit I was watching her the entire time she was in here. She seems honest and she’s not afraid to work but what struck me most about her, she is loyal. Tara didn’t want us to think Sal was shirking on his job.

  “Tara is probably working her ass off trying to get away from Lena and Sheila. If they don’t have men paying their bills, you can damn well bet they are sucking her dry of anything she has.” Oz adds.

  “Damn, I am going to need to keep Callie away from here. She’ll be packing Tara up and moving her in with Felix, Hanna, and Sarah. That house isn’t going to hold many more people without adding on. I didn’t know when I married Callie that she came with a house full of people she just keeps adding on to. She would take in every person she meets with family problems if it was up to her.” Devil is running off at the mouth and I should call him on it. He would take that women any way he could get her.

  “I thought you and Felix were good now?” Oz asks.

  “Felix and I are good. He’s a good friend to us. I don’t have anything against Hanna and Sarah. Sometimes it’s hard getting my woman by herself long enough to fuck her. If it’s not the boys cock blocking me then it is her friends or even you assholes.” Devil laughs.

  “Well those kids she keeps popping out are coming from somewhere. Give the woman a rest.” I laugh as it comes out of my mouth.

  “I can’t help it if my woman is the sexiest damn pregnant woman. There’s something about seeing the woman you love round with your child.” You can see the love in Devil’s eyes as he talks about Callie.

  “I will take your word on it. I prefer to have a wide variety of pussy.” Devil swivels his head to Oz and Oz knows he has said the wrong thing.

  “One day, all of you assholes will know the difference between easy pussy and the woman you love. If you don’t ever know it, then you are missing out.” Devil means every word he says. There’s a knock on the office door and a man is standing there.

  “I was told to come in and talk to a man named Devil today. Sal told me to come in.” The man seems unsure if he is in the right place. I guess I can see that. Walking into an office with three big men wearing Feral Steel MC cuts could be intimidating.

  “Rome, since you know what is and isn’t supposed to be asked in a job interview you can handle this. I am going to find Sal and Hacksaw.” Devil gets up and walks towards the door. The guy walks in and stands out of Devil’s way. He’s waiting for me to tell him where I want him. I point towards
the couch and he sits down. Devil stops at the door. “Oz, stay and help Rome. Don’t forget to explain about the background check and drug test.” Devil reminds me before he leaves. It’s going to be a long day.

  Chapter 4


  As soon as I left the gym I drove to the gas station and put my last twenty into Sheila’s tank. I stopped by the diner and Bud’s daughter agreed to let me work until closing. I made the quick trip home and dropped Sheila’s car off but she wouldn’t give me a ride back to the diner. I grabbed a clean t-shirt and took my hoodie off and stuffed them both into my back pack. I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge that I keep refilling from the tap and stuffed it in there too. I added my brush and then put it on my back and did the only thing I could. I ran to work. I was a bit winded when I got to work and a bit sweaty but a quick trip to the ladies’ room to brush my hair out and put back up and a cool wash up and I was ready to work for the next six hours.

  Bud’s Diner looks like nothing fancy on the outside and the inside could use a definite update but the food is the best. It’s not where you get fancy food but I have never tasted a better meatloaf and the burgers and fries are to die for. This also helps explain my wide ass. When I work, I get a free meal. A perk of the job and one I need right now.

  Since I have had nothing to eat today I am looking forward to my break and so is my empty stomach. We’ve had a steady flow of customers and the tips have been good for the hours I have worked so maybe I will make it through another week. My life has become a crap shoot at best.

  “Tara, go ahead and take your break and eat. We’ll have another rush when the late afternoon movies let out around five thirty so we’ll need everyone ready.” Bud tells me. I don’t work many Saturdays anymore but I remember these rushes. It’s full of parents with children. Don’t get me wrong, I love children but after they have had to sit still and quiet inside a movie theatre, it means they have energy saved up and the babies are cranky. Let me tell you, my hat is off to the moms and dads dealing with them. I want children one day but that day is way off in the future. Maybe in my forties. I laugh at that thought. Me with a child. I need to get my life together first. “What can I fix you today, Tara?” Bud is always trying to feed me.


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