Beginning to Breathe, Again (Feral Steel MC Book 2)

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Beginning to Breathe, Again (Feral Steel MC Book 2) Page 11

by Vera Quinn

  “We’ll be in the waiting room, Tito.” Devil tells him. They take off with him. Devil and I start back into the door to the waiting room. “I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop and I think it just did. Things have been going too damn good for us lately.”

  “I’m going to go and see if Tara has come around yet. Bud sounded pissed earlier and I am not sure he will keep us updated.” I am turning to leave and a big man approaches us. He is tall and his chest is broad and he is built like a damn tank. I wait to make sure he is not here to cause trouble and I notice he looks young. Not much older than a teenager. He approaches Devil. Devil takes him in but he isn’t intimidated.

  “Are you Devil with the Feral steel MC?” The young man asks looking at Devil.

  “Who wants to know?” I ask him.

  “I’m Brodeaux George, Bo for short, my dad owns the convenience store across the street from the gym. My dad said for me to bring this memory card to you. It came out of a surveillance camera in our parking lot. He thought it might help with whoever started that fire today at your gym.” Devil and I both look at him.

  “What would you do if I wasn’t Devil, just hand it over to a stranger? Why does your dad want to help us anyway?” They big man smiles.

  “I can read. The question was so you would know I was looking for you.” I look at him closer. He points to Devil’s cut. “Your name on your vest. It’s says Devil and it says President. My dad wants the trouble in the neighborhood to stop. Sooner or later it will spill over into his business and he knows that. The Feral Steel MC has strength. Your reputation is known around town and if you can stop this trouble it is better for business, especially if we aren’t involved.” Makes sense.

  “And what does he want in exchange for this information?” Devil asked the man.

  “Hell, if I know. Good karma maybe. He just told me to bring it.” Devil takes the memory card and the man turns to leave.

  “How old are you, kid?” This straightens the man’s back and stops him in his tracks.

  “I’m not a kid.” The man says with an attitude. Devil stares him down and I don’t know what relaxes the man but he does relax. “I’m nineteen.”

  “You ever ride a motorcycle?” I don’t know what Devil is thinking but the man smiles.

  “It’s all I ever ride. My dad gave me my Gramp’s old 1972 Super Glide when I graduated from high school and I have been working out the kinks ever since.” Devil nods at him.

  “That can be a sweet ride and this vest is called a cut. Why don’t you come by the clubhouse and talk to me sometime this week? We may be needing a new prospect. We’d want you to do some hang around time first but we can talk about it.” Devil must get a good feeling for the man. He’s damn big that’s for sure and we are looking for some new recruits, we are just selective. “Do you know where the clubhouse is located?”

  “Everyone knows where the Feral Steel clubhouse is that has been here more than a day. I’ll be there. Thanks.” The man turns and leaves. I make sure Bo is out of hearing distance and I ask Devil.

  “Do you think he is on the level?” I didn’t see any signs of deception but not knowing the man it is hard to tell.

  “All we can do is proceed with caution but if he is who he says he may be an asset to us.” Devil has changed over the last year. He has evolved into his position as a president of a motorcycle club. He doesn’t approach people as just friends and foes but how they can be assets or hindrances to the club. It may sound cold but all good leaders hold this ability. The club works like a chain, meaning we are only as strong as our weakest link. That doesn’t mean we don’t have members who have weaknesses but it means we are aware of these weaknesses and we put into motion ways to strengthen the weakness. Honestly, who doesn’t have some weaknesses? I do. Devil does. We work with it. I agree with Devil. Bo may be good prospect material. I am brought out of thoughts by Bud approaching us.

  “The nurse said Tara is conscious. The doctors are still with her but they said as soon as the doctors have examined her then two of us can go back and sit with her. Everything alright with your man?” Bud asks but he is trying to keep his voice down.

  “Smoke inhalation but they haven’t examined him yet. Rome, go in with Bud and when she is able, ask her the questions. The other brothers should be here soon and I am sending Callie home with an escort. I don’t want to jump to conclusions but I want to be cautious.” Devil is talking more to me then Bud. “Keep me updated.”

  Devil is typing a text into his phone but I hear bikes in the parking lot already. Bud and I walk back the way Bud came. I’m glad Devil wants me to check on Tara. Something inside me is dying to be with her. It’s not something I want to examine too closely right now but I know I am going to need to sooner rather than later.

  Chapter 14


  I try to open my eyes and I can’t seem to get them to cooperate. I hear people around me and the sound is like a megaphone going off in my head. I smell an antiseptic smell that burns my nose. Iodine and alcohol. My head feels like it is going to split open and I feel like I am going to throw up. I try to sit up but hands hold me down. I try to talk but my mouth is dry.

  “Ms. Blount, stay still for us please. It’s very important.” I hear something click and it is close to my ears. My head is hurting but it’s like the back of my head is numb.

  What’s happening to me? I think I am in a hospital or doctor’s office but why? What happened? I try to remember but the last thing I can recall is being at work.

  “Ms. Blount can you tell us where you are?” I try to say something but it won’t come out. “It’s alright Ms. Blount, you are in the hospital. We are going to help you remember.” As bad as I feel I don’t know if I want to remember. It hurts really bad so I know it can’t be good.

  I keep trying to remember and I remember talking to Rome but he left. I keep reaching into my memory. It’s playing out in my mind. Mom, Sheila, and Liam came in and I remember talking to mom and her being upset because I moved out. I agreed to pay for her lunch and then…and then she sat back down. Liam pushed me outside the diner, oh shit.

  He’s the one that did this to me. I try to remember it all. There’s something there that is not coming back to me…something I need to remember. It’s important, I know it is.

  “Ms. Blount, I am Dr. Cornell and Dr. Timmons is also working on you. We thought you might have a skull fracture but the MRI showed no proof of it. You have some open contusions on the back of your head and a subdural hematoma. This can be a serious injury in itself. You also have a concussion and your oxygen was cut off for a period. You have some swelling in your throat that we are keeping an eye on. We put three staples in the back of your head to close the wounds. The back of your head is numbed right now but when it wears off you are going to feel it. It is also going to itch, try not to scratch it. We do not want you to reopen the wounds and we want to keep infection out. Can you open your eyes for me now?”

  I try and I see the first glimmers of bright light. The light brings a whole new wave of pain. I close my eyes tight and then flick them back open as fast as I can. Everything is blurry. It’s hard to focus but as I blink and shut my eyes and then do it over again they finally focus. I can see with a slight blur. “Can you see me now, Ms. Blount?” I try to answer but my throat feels like a desert and then I try to nod my head, that’s a bad idea, too.

  “Wa…water.” I finally get out.

  “Not yet, Ms. Blount.” The doctor looks at the nurse. “Swab her mouth.” I open my mouth and the nurse runs a nasty tasting swab in my mouth. “Is that better?”

  “Yes.” I get out.

  “Can you tell me your name?” The doctor asks.

  “Tara Blount.” I get it out, finally.

  “Do you know where you are Ms. Blount?” They just told me this.

  “Hospital.” I croak out.

  “You are doing great. Can you tell me how old you are?” Dr. Cornell asks.

twenty-two.” I answer.

  “Do you know what day it is?” I try to think but it doesn’t come to me. The doctor must see my distress over not being to answer this.

  “It’s alright, Ms. Blount. It’ll come to you. I am just about finished here. The nurses are going to be keeping an eye on you in here for a little while and then you’ll be moved. We need to watch the swelling but it looks like you were a lucky lady today.” He pats my hand and walks away.

  A young nurse approaches my bed. She has a friendly smile. I look for her badge but I don’t see it.

  “If the doctors only realized how that sounds but they all say it. I bet you don’t feel lucky today.” The nurse is chipper, a little too happy for my tastes but she’s not the one laying in this bed.

  “What’s your name?” I ask just from curiosity.

  “Oh” She pulls her name tag out of her scrub smock. It had worked its way between the snaps. “I’m Eloise. I’ll be your nurse until you are moved either up to the floor or back into the triage area.”

  Are they not finished with me? I must look confused because Eloise answers me. “We use the triage area as a holding area if you still need to be monitored but there are no beds available upstairs yet. Sometimes it takes a while to get your room prepared for what is needed for you.” This sounds expensive and I don’t have insurance. They must not know this yet.

  “How long am I going to need to stay? I don’t have insurance and I have no way to pay for all this.” Eloise doesn’t look concerned but she lowers her voice when she speaks to me.

  “You have an emergency right now so don’t worry yourself. This is a county hospital so they have ways to get things paid for and if nothing else they can set up a payment plan. You just concentrate on getting well right now. Only positive thoughts and please don’t share this conversation with anyone, I could lose my job. Mums the word.” Eloise pats my hand and gives me a warm smile and walks out the sliding door but she doesn’t close the curtain over it all the way and she doesn’t shut the door completely. She isn’t gone long and I feel the pain going away and I feel like I am drunk. I want to stay awake but my eyes are getting heavy. Eloise is back by my bed and I hear her talking but it feels like it is a dream.

  “I see those meds are kicking in. They gave you the good stuff.” She laughs. She places something beside me and then puts something in my hand. “The device in your hand goes to your pain pump. If you feel a lot of pain, hit it and it will send your pain meds but it won’t let you overdose. The nurse call button is beside you. We will be keeping an eye on you but if you need someone just hit that button. There are some people in the waiting room that want to see you. The doctor said they can come sit with you. Two at a time. Is that alright with you?”

  “Not my mom or sister or my sister’s boyfriend. He is the one that did this to me.” I am freaking out. I can’t move. What if Liam comes after me again?

  “Calm down, Ms. Blount. What are your mom and sister’s names and the name of the man who did this? I am sure the police will be here to talk to you and they may already have the man in custody. Only the people you want will come back here.” I look at Eloise. I think I can trust her but I am not sure.

  “Lena and Sheila Blount are my mom and sister. Liam Davis is the man that did this. I guess Bud and Mildred may be here. I work with them and maybe Sal if he hears about it.” I am going over who may be waiting to see me. My mind goes to Rome but he has no reason to be here. I don’t even know why my mind went to Rome. It has been doing that ever since I first met him. I have no time to be getting distracted by a man, especially a man that is obviously out of my league.

  Who am I kidding? No man would be interested in me. Eloise is writing down the names I gave her but then it comes to me. The things Liam was saying to me as he choked me, Rome and Devil. I need to get them a message.

  “Can you let whoever is waiting to see me in? I need to get a message to some friends.” Eloise looks at my face and knows I am distress.

  “Everything in here is looking good so I will make sure the doctor has given the all clear and then I will bring them back.” Eloise checks me over again and walks out.

  I am trying to bring the memories back. I remember Liam being so angry and he was choking me with his forearm and banging my head on the wall but he kept spewing garbage out of his mouth. He was talking about using me the way he used mom and Sheila. Sheila, I understand but mom. Then I think mom had me at the front of the diner but she left and then Liam was there pulling me outside.

  Liam also was saying he was going after Rome, Devil, and the Feral Steel MC. Why? It makes no sense. I can’t make the pieces fall into place. I just know my mom and sister were sitting inside the diner while Liam was assaulting me. I also know that there is something going on between not only my sister and Liam but it involves my mom.

  I can’t go back to the apartment again. I’m not safe. I know I moved out and I needed distance between myself and my family but I didn’t think I would be away from them forever. How do I forgive this? Did they know what was going on? Did they know what Liam had planned? I have so many questions and no answers.

  I see Bud coming into my room. I am drowsy and my mind is not working properly but I know I need to warn Rome. Then I see him behind Bud and I am happy. I don’t know if I can keep my eyes open to tell him but I need to try. Bud walks on one side of my bed and Rome on the other.

  “Look at you trying to get a day off. I think if I was you I could have found a better place to vacation.” Bud is trying to lighten the mood. That’s Bud. He pats my hand and I grab his hand and squeeze it. I feel the tears running down my face. “I would have stopped him if I had known.”

  “I know, Bud. It’s not your fault.” Bud has no reason to feel guilty.

  “You’re just like one of my own and I would have protected you.” I don’t know what to say to make him feel better. I look at Rome and he looks like a little boy that just lost his puppy and it comes back to my mind. I need to tell him. I try to clear my thoughts, they’re so jumbled.

  “Liam is coming after you, Devil, and the Feral Steel MC. I can’t remember why but he said he is. Him, Sheila, and Mom are into something and he wanted me too but I can’t remember what. I thought I was going to die but I know I needed to warn you. He has people with him, please be careful.” That’s all I can say. I hope Rome understood me. I just fade off. I can’t keep my eyes open.

  Chapter 15


  Tara shuts her eyes and I know she is sleeping but I wish she had stayed awake just a little bit longer so I could tell if she is really going to be alright. I know what the doctor told us but she looks bad. Her eyes are swollen and red. I see where they shaved part of her hair and I look closer and see part of a staple. I guess they had to staple the lacerations in her head. That must hurt like a bitch. She has a bruise on her upper chest and then on her throat. Liam must have held Tara while he choked her. How could no one have seen this or stopped it? If I had seen any man attacking any woman in front of a diner I would have stepped in. How could no one have seen it? The question keeps running through my head.

  “Bud, are you staying? I need to step out to talk to Devil but I will be back. I want to go while Tara is sleeping.” I take another step towards Tara’s bed to look at her. I don’t want to leave her, something tells me to stay but I need to inform Devil of what she said.

  “I’ll be here until Mildred gets back. I’ll drive her car home. She went to get her a small bag together and let her husband know she was coming back to stay the night with Tara. I need to contact the police department in the morning to find out when I can open the diner back up. I am hoping they get Tara in a room and I can open back up by tomorrow afternoon. I just don’t know how long these damn things take.” Bud is worried for more than Tara. He has a livelihood he needs to get back open. “I’m letting Mildred off to stay with Tara until she is settled in a room and then we’ll rotate checking in on her until she can come home. We’ll t
ake care of our girl.” Bud sounds more like a dad than an employer. “My wife is not going to be too pleased with me but I’ll deal with her.” Bud looks thoughtful.

  “Does your wife have a problem with Tara?” I can’t imagine anyone not liking Tara.

  “Betty doesn’t dislike Tara but she doesn’t like Tara’s mom, Lena. They went to school together and never got along. Betty just doesn’t like anything or anyone that interferes with money coming her way.” I am shocked Bud would say a thing like this about his wife. He doesn’t seem the type. “Get that look off your face. Nothing wrong with Betty. She’s just high maintenance and maintenance takes money. I always wanted my woman home raising my children so she has no career and our youngest is in high school now and never around. The diner is not something Betty is interested in. Be careful what you ask for out of life sometimes you get it and a woman with time on her hands is dangerous.” Bud laughs as he says it. I nod my head at him.

  “I’ll take your word on that. I don’t think any of that is in the cards for me.” I tell the man.

  “Everyone is not blind, Rome. You and Tara can play that old cat and mouse game all you want but everyone sees the way the two of you are dancing around each other. Tara has had her mind set on getting an education so she can support herself so she doesn’t turn out like Lena and Sheila. I know she isn’t some innocent girl but the girl doesn’t have experience with men. Then there is you, Rome. I haven’t figured your story out yet but I see the way that you look at Tara. It’s a look of a man that is interested but doesn’t know if he can trust the woman. You two just need the right push. Maybe this is it, only time will tell.” Bud is looking at Tara as he says it but then he looks up at me.

  “I just don’t want to see her hurt.” I tell Bud.

  “Like I said, you keep telling yourself that.” I turn to walk out. “Watch over her when I can’t be here. Liam might kill her next time.”

  “I won’t be far away.” I leave to talk to Devil. I walk out the door and down the corridor to the hall that will take me back to the emergency waiting area. I hear Crockett and Cowboy before I even get there. I walk up to them.


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