Shady: Ops Warriors MC

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Shady: Ops Warriors MC Page 5

by Harley McRide

  “So how does this work?” Cajun grumbled.

  Shady sighed and turned toward him and said, “What?”

  “Well, I thought you all lived in the clubhouse,” Cajun commented with a shrug.

  “We did, then the guys claimed their old ladies, and suddenly they wanted privacy. So they decided to use the houses we had for visitors and build more as well.” Shady shrugged.

  “So you are waiting for your house?” Cajun asked.

  “Nope, Creed, Fork, and Harmony asked me to move in here. They said the house was too big with so many bedrooms. They have the floor above for their rooms, this is my floor and then the main floor we share,” Shady said.

  “What about when you are claimed?” Cajun asked with a frown. “I mean there are three rooms on this floor, this one and two others plus a bathroom.”

  “Don’t know, and really don’t care, I am not going to be claimed so it's not a problem,” Shady said and turned back to her computer and worked again dismissing him. With a grin, Cajun walked and planted his ass on the side of the desk.

  “Really? I thought all chicks want to be claimed,” Cajun asked with a laugh.

  Shady turned to glare at him, “I don’t need any fucking male to know who I am.”

  “Huh,” Cajun teased. “I thought chicks like that shit. You know, having a man to take care of.”

  Shady’s face went red and her eyes stormy, he wondered if she knew how appealing that made her. “Yeah, well you are fucking wrong, I do not need anyone with a dick hanging telling me how the fuck I should live my life. I make my own decisions and I deal with my own shit.”

  “Doesn’t seem like you are doing a good job of that, babe,” Cajun drawled.

  “What the fuck are you talking about, you don’t know me, and you don’t know the situation. If I wanted to, I could finish this shit in the blink of an eye. But killing my fuckhead stepbrother is not going to be the only one we have to kill. Trust me, nothing, and I mean nothing, will change if he is gone, it will only get worse. Dom is the only son of my stepfucktard and he will hunt until the end of time for anyone who hurts his baby boy. They have some grand plan that when my stepfuck retires, he will turn over everything to his only son, and he wants me right by his side. Which is why he hasn’t retired yet.”

  “Why is he so fucking hot and bothered about that. I mean there are a bunch of women who would probably love to be in that position,” Cajun asked and saw Shady close her eyes at the question. He knew there was something more to the story, and he wasn’t sure if she was going to answer. When she finally spoke, he knew it was not the whole truth, but at least it was something.

  “Because it is me. I was the one who escaped and left the family, and to my stepfather, that was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. He doesn’t handle losing well. And me leaving and not going along with his plan, is to him like a loss.” Shady shrugged and Cajun looked at her, yeah there was more to the story but she wasn’t ready to tell.

  “Okay,” he said and then stood and looked around. “What is on the schedule for today?”

  “I gotta work in a few hours, and I have to drop off my bike at the garage in town. Maxi is going to check the carburetors, she was sputtering earlier,” Shady said gruffly and Cajun nodded.

  “Cool, what better detail than to sit at a strip club and guard the hottest dancer there,” he teased and Shady snorted.

  “Whatever,” she said. “I am gonna get a shower and then we can go.”

  Cajun grinned because he actually saw a tinge of red on the tough-as-nails woman when she realized he would be seeing her strip. Hell, his dick got hard at the thought of seeing her strip, it was gonna be a long evening.

  Shady got up and started to go to the bathroom, “Leave the door open.”

  She froze, turned, and glared at him. “I am fucking safe in my own bathroom.”

  “Well, there is a big window in there and a sniper could get a bead on you,” Cajun said and Shady rolled her eyes.

  “Curtains,” she growled.

  “Heat sensors,” was all he said. The shower wouldn’t allow them to get an exact location because it would put off heat. However, he didn’t want to take that chance just in case.

  Shady glared and stomped into the bathroom but left the door open. Cajun looked out the window, which was on the same side as the window in the bathroom. He didn’t know what he expected to see, maybe the flask of a scope or something, but there was nothing. He heard the shower turn on and he almost groaned at the thought of her being in the next room naked.

  The pull he felt toward her got stronger the more time he spent with her. He didn’t know what to make of it. He had no idea what to do with the foreign emotion. Scanning the landscape for a threat, he allowed himself to go to the one place he really didn’t want to go. His time in captivity.

  It was supposed to be a normal mission, in and out, saving the day because that is what he and his unit did. They extracted people who needed it without any muss or fuss. Right, in the entire time he was in the Middle East doing his thing with the military, rarely had their missions gone exactly like they planned. Usually it was something minor that was thrown into the mix, a civilian or an insurgent in the wrong place at the wrong time. Whatever, most of the time they maneuvered and adapted as they went but this mission was a complete FUBAR.

  Cajun grimaced as he thought about the men who lost their lives because of the ambush they walked into. Creed and Fork hadn’t been his leaders during this mission; he had been pulled into another team to help for just one mission. It should have been obvious from the first contact with the woman they were supposed to be extracting that she had been a ruse. They should have aborted the mission when they walked into the building.

  Of course, it hadn’t been that simple, aborting would have cost so many more lives, and it was only because the guy who was brave enough to throw himself at the man who planned to blow them all up was fast. He had killed the insurgent quickly but the man had backup, lots of backup. A firefight ensued and Cajun and two other men were taken hostage.

  During the time in captivity, they had fucked with his head. The men who he knew well enough to actually know their names had been murdered as an example of how serious the insurgents were. They tried to break him, and they almost succeeded.

  He could still hear the begging of the many women they brought in to him. They forced them to do things to him they obviously didn’t want to do and all the while they laughed.

  One particular woman stood out, she cried the entire time they ordered her to undress him. Then they ordered her to wash him with bleach and a brillo pad, it had been excruciatingly painful. The small cuts that filled with bleach stung, but he had only stared at the wall. When she was done, and tiny spots of blood covered his body, they had her try to give him a hand job, like he could even get hard when he was in pain. But they made her try for over three hours, and during that time, Cajun had fought his body. In the end though, he had cum, and as he was still pumping his seed onto the dirty concrete floor, they shot her in the head and laughed.

  There were more women and in the end, the women were killed right in front of him to show him how they were in control of every aspect of his life. The fed him when they wanted, let him piss when they wanted him to, and yes that meant a painful contraption was placed on his cock preventing him from pissing when he had the urge. They offered to let him go if he would make a video renouncing his country. He refused and they fucked with his head major. Most of what they made the women do he couldn’t even think about. He could still sometimes feel the pain he endured during the ‘sessions’ as the captures liked to call it.

  When he returned from overseas, Cajun never thought he would be able to fuck a woman again. Every time he even thought about it, he would get sick. Then he asked Slider for help, it had been the fucking hardest thing he had ever done, embarrassing. But Slider had understood and so they struck a bargain, one Cajun thanked God for every day.

  He heard
the shower turn off and he almost groaned again, this was going to be hell being with her. Tonight would truly test his skill for patience.


  Slider opened the door to the club's offices. He knew Creed and Fork would be there waiting for him. And he was right, but it wasn’t just Creed and Fork, it was Easy, Poke, Shark, and Raven as well. When he entered they were all leaning back in chairs not speaking, just waiting. Fuck, this was gonna be one of those meetings.

  “Come on in and sit down, man,” Fork said gruffly and he nodded. Slowly he made his way over to the group, hell, he wouldn’t have been surprised to see a chair in the middle of the group at this point. Kinda like an interrogation scene from the movies, Slider thought and then wanted to chuckle to himself, but contained it. He didn't think his brothers would appreciate it.

  “What’s up?” Slider said and sat down.

  “You tell us, we called you in as our cleaner and then you announce you are staying. Tell us what is going on?” Creed said smoothly.

  Slider nodded and then looked at his leader, “Tired of riding around, decided I wanted to settle. You know I told you when the time came for that I was coming here. The Cali crew knew it as well, called them, explained my reasons, and they agreed you could use the help.” Slider shrugged.

  Creed stared at him intently, as if he was trying to tell if he was lying or not, he wasn’t, but he also didn’t share with him his intentions about Shady yet. “Not sure that is the only reason.”

  Slider sighed, yep, he was going to have to come out with it, “Cajun hooked up with me a year ago, he had already been in the club in Cali, which you know and he did time. Then decided to ride with me off and on.”

  “And you decided to keep this a secret, why?” Fork asked calmly.

  “Not my story to tell, let’s just say he needed time to figure some stuff out. If you want to know more, you need to ask him,” Slider said and then leaned back and crossed his arms letting them know that he wouldn’t say anything else about his friend. There was some stuff Cajun needed to tell them, it would upset the guys knowing what their military teammate went through while in captivity, and he wasn’t going to betray the confidence.

  Creed stared for a minute and then nodded, “Cool, we will wait. Now we want to know where your head is about Shay. 'Cause, brother, I gotta tell you, when you left the last time, it messed her up.”

  Slider frowned and leaned forward, “She ended it with me, not the other way around.”

  Shark laughed loudly, “Brother, do you know her at all?”

  “Yeah,” Slider ground out. He knew when he saw her this morning things weren’t as he always thought with Shady. She wasn’t the tough-as-nails bitch she claimed to be and he was an asshole for not digging deeper. He had no excuse other than the fact he was actually surprised she hadn’t been as demanding as the other women he’d been involved with. He was a selfish bastard who was just too lazy to dig deeper. For that, he would always feel like shit. Faced with the facts though about the situation, he knew he was going to have to work to gain her trust. She didn’t let shit go easy.

  Shark shook his head and then leaned back, “No, you only knew the Shady she wanted you to see. When you left she was devastated, she locked herself off from everyone for months. Then when she came out of it, she refused to talk about it, only to say that she sucked at relationships.”

  Slider took this in and then Raven started talking and he felt the rage beginning to build at his first words. “Shay and I have been off and on together for the last year. If you are not going to claim her, I am asking you to stand back because Kink and I are planning on talking to her about it.”

  His chair flew back as he stood ready to go after his brother for even fucking thinking about claiming her. Fuck, hearing she had been with him and Kink made him see red. In his head he knew she was a free agent, he left and she was free to do what she wanted, but it still stung. Her moans and cries were to be theirs, him and Cajun had decided. He was not going to be in competition for their woman.

  Creed and Fork stood between the two of them and Raven was grinning like a mad man, but Slider didn’t acknowledge that fact at all. He glared at the man and then ground out. “She is ours. Cajun and I have plans to claim her.”

  The men chuckled around him and Slider stepped back and growled at them, he didn’t get the fucking joke. Poke threw his arm around his shoulders, then looked at the others, “See I told you we wouldn’t have to actually beat any sense into him.”

  “Thank God, I really didn’t want to kick his ass.” Shark grinned and then Raven laughed loudly.

  “I totally would have kicked his ass, still may.”

  Slider frowned and looked at his leader and barked, “What the fuck?”

  “Man, I hate being all girly and shit, but Harmony made me fucking do this,” Creed grimaced.

  “Yeah,” Fork laughed. “Told us to have a hug in and shit and get this sorted 'cause Shady is her new BFF and shit, and she is worried. Apparently, they have talked about your ass and because of that, it is our fucking problem somehow. So we were told to sort this shit and now.”

  “Jesus,” Slider shook his head, “turning into a fuck soap opera.”

  “Don’t have to tell me that,” Easy groaned.

  “Uh yeah,” Poke laughed. “Easy is in the dog house because Free was pissed she didn’t get to get in on the torture of the Diablos. Said ruining fucking Starbucks experience or some shit like that was a felony of humanity. I have no idea what she is talking about. But Easy didn’t get his morning blowjob and I did because I was sympathetic to her argument and he wasn’t.”

  Easy frowned and then hit Poke on the shoulder. “Fucker, that is because you said you were taking her to the shooting range so she could learn how to protect herself in case she was at Starbucks and someone fucked with her. I swear to God if she is packing when going to get coffee, that shit is on you not me, man. I am not bailing her out.”

  Fork grinned, “Not a problem. I plan to make sure the manager of Starbucks is aware of the facts of the situation. No more Diablos will be welcome in the coffee shop.”

  Creed shook his head. “Can we move on from this shit?”

  Slider had been listening to the conversation and still couldn’t make heads or tails of it. Finally, as the men started moving the chairs back to the desk, he asked, “Seriously, what the fuck?”

  “Oh yeah, we made a circle, 'cause Harmony and Freedom said that was a safe and productive way to have an invention or some shit like that,” Fork said.

  “Intervention, dumbass,” Creed laughed.

  “We good?” Raven said to Slider, holding out his hand.

  “Okay, wait, so you and Kink aren’t gonna claim Shay?” Slider asked, confused a little.

  “Dude, I knew right when you rolled back into town that shit was over for us. I love her like a friend with benefits and yeah those benefits ended. I get it.” Raven shrugged.

  “Just so we are clear,” Slider said gruffly and then took Raven's hand.

  “Now,” Shark said, “just so we are clear, hurt her again and I will kick your ass.”

  Slider grinned and shook his head. “Soap operas.”

  “What the fuck ever,” Shark said and turned, “let’s get this shit sorted.”


  Dominic glared at the wall as he listened to his father screaming.

  “First you shoot her, and don’t kill her, you tell me it was to make a statement. She is walking around right now, so I don’t think she got the statement you wanted to make. You were supposed to have her back in the fold by now. You know as well as I do that if she actually finds what she took, we are all in danger. What the hell are you doing? Some little biker group should be no match for our men.”

  “Sir, I understand but when I arrived I realized it was not as easy as it seemed. The compound for the bikers is fortified and she doesn’t leave the fucking place without having at least five guys with her,” Dominic tried to explain
calmly. “The town people are already looking at us for the last incident. We can’t afford to make any more waves if we want this pipeline.”

  “I don’t give a shit about the fucking people of that pissant place. Run them all out, the ones who won’t leave kill, then we can just take over the damn town. I need the information on the fucking drive and I need it now. It contains all of the bank codes. I haven’t been able to get into them for years. We are running out of time goddammit. I don’t care what the problem is. Fucking fix it. She comes back into the fold and marries you so we can control the bitch or she dies. It is that simple. It took me enough money to track the bitch. I don’t want her to suddenly figure out what she has,” Dom’s father yelled.

  Dom looked up at the ceiling trying to keep his temper in line. His father would pull him back home in a heartbeat if he thought he was failing. Dom learned his lesson when he was young not to argue with his father. He was a sadist who enjoyed displaying his power.

  When he shot Francesca and the other woman, he had hoped it would scare his future wife enough to come to him, obviously he had miscalculated. He didn’t need a reminder of that.

  “We are planning to infiltrate the club, it has the least security, especially in the back rooms where the dancers change. We sent someone in already to lay the groundwork. I should have her by the end of the week,” Dom said.

  “You had better, because the more time that goes by, the more danger we are all in. Not only does it hold the bank records but a list of our clients that we do not need to get out,” his father said sourly and hung up on him.

  Fuck, he needed to make a statement. One the bikers would understand. They protected her, but they had no idea what they were up against. Their precious clubhouse would make the perfect statement. Taking it out would go a long way to weakening the security they had on the club. Not that his little worker bee wouldn’t come through but he needed a plan to make sure that happened when he wanted it to. Another failure and his father would send someone to take over. That was not going to happen. Francesca was his, and only his. It was time she got a little reminder of that.


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