Shady: Ops Warriors MC

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Shady: Ops Warriors MC Page 9

by Harley McRide

  “Rave?” Shady said sweetly into the phone. “Yeah, have a question for you, when we sleep together do I cuddle?” there was a pause and then she smiled like a cat who ate the canary. “I thought so.”

  Shady hung up the phone and then went to open her mouth when Slider’s phone rang. He grinned and pushed the button.

  “You,” Raven said, “I assume you are trying to make a point, and I also assume she is not telling you the whole truth and gonna try to get me killed so I called. No she doesn’t like to have anyone touch her when she sleeps.”

  “Thanks, brother,” Slider laughed and hung up. “Doesn’t matter how many people you fucking call, babe, I know exactly what you do when we sleep together.”

  Shady glared at him and then turned to Cajun, “My sleeping habits are not the issue.”

  “I beg to differ, babe. Sleeping issues are just one of the problems,” Cajun said smoothly and leaned back when the waitress brought their drinks.

  Shady drank a few sips, “Okay, so I have nightmares, all this shit has brought up a lot of memories. It is normal.”

  “It is,” Cajun agreed. “However, how you deal with them is what I am worried about. I can tell you, shutting yourself off and thinking you can bury shit is not the way this is going to work. I know, tried that for a long time.”

  “What happened?” Shady asked.

  Cajun leaned back, he didn’t talk about this with his closest friends, how in the hell was he going to talk about this to her?

  “I was a prisoner of war,” he said without emotion.

  Shady looked at him closely and then leaned forward. “Yeah, I got that.”

  Cajun sighed and looked over her shoulder. “Well, they fucked me up pretty good. I have burns over some of my body, which took a lot to heal, and my leg was broken and not set, which basically caused damage when they had to re-break it, so now when I get tired or the weather is changing it hurts like a son of a bitch.”

  Shady sat back and looked at Cajun, she could tell he was holding something back but she wasn’t going to call him on it. Slowly she pulled her shirt aside and showed him the bullet hole on her chest from Dom.

  “This is just the latest. I swear to God, sometimes I can still feel the slice of the bullet as it entered,” Shady whispered.

  “Yeah, me too, but it's a knife,” Cajun replied.

  “I don’t want to keep reliving that fucking nightmare, but I don’t know how to make it stop.” Shady shrugged.

  They were all quiet while they drank and thought. The food was delivered and it was as if something clicked in all of them that torture and abuse was not acceptable conversations to have while eating amazing Mexican food. So they made small talk. Shady wanted to laugh her ass off, because small talk for a group of roughneck bikers is about bikes.

  The guys kept ordering Margaritas and Shady knew what they were doing but she wanted to see how this was going to play out so she kept drinking. If nothing else, she would sit here until she was sober, but she had a feeling they had something else planned just by the way they were looking at each other and grinning like she was dumb.

  When they finished their meal and she had a nice comfortable buzz, she finally pushed her plate away and decided to stop pussy footing around.

  “So, what is all this really about? I mean you could have asked me how my head was back at the clubhouse, and we could have had a few drinks and still got to the place where I wanted you to fuck me. This seems a bit overboard,” Shady laughed to herself.

  “We could have, but that isn't the way we want to start this out, Shay. I know I fucked up by leaving last year, I know I should have ballsed up and actually talked to you about what was going on. But honestly, my head wasn’t screwed on. You know about my family, you know how I don’t do relationships. Mostly it is because I didn’t want to fuck up something that was so good, so I fucking took off. I knew as soon as I hit the fucking city line that I screwed up. Call it pride, 'cause I kept on going. And no matter the hurt I caused you, I am actually glad I did, because Cajun needed me, and it also gave us the chance to reconnect. It also gave me the chance to pull my head out of my ass and think about what I wanted in life. Being a Nomad sucks. I am done with it. You felt the connection between all of us when we arrived so you know what this is but I will lay it out for you. Cajun and I want to see where this connection is going. If it goes where I think it will, then we are claiming you and settling in.”

  “Well that is a pretty and nice speech, Slider. There is only one thing you missed,” Shady snorted. She knew she shouldn’t poke this particular bear but damn, what fucking arrogant assholes.

  “What is that?” Slider said warily.

  “The part where I get a say in what the fuck is going on. I may feel something toward you two, but I feel something toward quite a few of the Warriors. Not sure what I am feeling is worth the effort, when I could get the same thing from somewhere else. Seems like a fucking hassle to me, and honestly, I never really thought about settling down much,” Shady said, grinned, and leaned back.

  Cajun leaned forward and looked at her with an intensity that almost took her breath away, “Baby, you will not be able to resist once we show you how good we will be. With me in your sweet cunt and Slider in your ass, you will come so fucking hard you won’t know which end is up.”

  Shady licked her lips and Slider leaned forward. “We are gonna show no mercy, we are playing for keeps, sweetheart, and trust me, when we are done with you, you won’t want to go anywhere. I remember every single fucking thing you like.”

  Shady looked at him then and he could see the heat in her eyes, damn, they were a sight. He got hard just fucking thinking about her moans and whispers.

  “Well,” Shady said breathlessly after a few minutes. “When we get back to the house maybe we can test that out.”

  Cajun grinned and shook his head. “Won’t make it back to the house with my fucking dick so hard I could pound nails, baby. Pretty sure our plans will work out better.”

  “Your plans?” she asked.

  “Yep,” Slider said, “come on.”

  Shady finished her third drink with a gulp, slammed down the glass, and held out her hand for her keys. Slider made a show of pocketing them, took her hand, and led her to the back of the restaurant. She frowned and followed looking over her shoulder to see if Cajun was following, which he was.

  They walked through the hallway that suddenly opened into an empty lobby area Shady had never seen before. She looked around in shock, she had no clue the cantina had this area.

  Slider led her to the small elevator in the corner and guided her inside. Cajun followed and winked at her as he pushed the third button on the panel along with entering in a code too. Instead of getting the surge from a regular elevator, Shady felt her stomach drop. They were going down.

  “What the hell?” Shady said and Cajun and Slider laughed.

  “Sorry, babe, exclusive members only,” Cajun said cryptically.

  She frowned, exclusive members? Why the hell didn’t the Warriors know about this place? The doors slid open and her mouth dropped. Holy shit, the place was fucking amazing. It was underground up to a point but when you exited the elevator, you entered into another lobby area with a desk, which was manned by an extremely handsome young man. He was standing behind the counter smiling at Slider and Cajun as they walked closer.

  “Gentlemen, welcome back. I have your room ready for you,” he said and handed Slider an envelope.

  Shady shook her head, frowned, and whispered to Cajun who was still standing behind her.

  “What the fuck is going on?” she said.

  “Just wait, we will answer all your questions in a few minutes when we are alone,” Cajun laughed.

  Slider took her hand again and pulled her behind him. Cajun just grinned and followed. The two men had been here before, but it wasn’t what she thought. They had come out here with one of the brothers who told them about the place. Shady would probably be surprised at th
e places the brothers actually knew about and didn’t share with the chicks. The club had a tab here; Creed and Fork told them they were welcome to use it for the night.

  “Hey, how did he know you guys?” Shady demanded as they walked down the hallway to their room. The place was a fantasy hotel, exclusively designed for people who didn’t want to attract attention to themselves, and wanted to have a romantic evening together without being interrupted.

  The hotel was all about the pleasure. Their rooms were designed for the customers to pick their fantasies. One of them held an Arabian theme, while another a moon. They had western, Egyptian, a cave, a jungle, a hippie, and so on. There were thirty rooms in all and it had taken the guys less than five minutes to choose the pirate room.

  They stopped at the door, Shady looked around and frowned and then waited. Slider was grinning and Cajun stepped forward and held out his hand. No one else was in the hallway and they were guaranteed privacy as checkin times were staggered for each guest so they would never run into anyone else. The employees were not to be seen unless called.

  It wasn’t until the door clicked behind them that Cajun hit the light, showing off their selection and shocking the ever-loving fuck out of Shady. Her eyes darted around the room, her mouth hitting the floor. The first thing she saw was a huge wooden ship-shaped bed dominating the middle of the room. Bright silk scarves hung all around the sides along with fake portholes. The brightly covered bedding set was somewhat rumpled, giving away that it wasn’t an ordinary bed, but an extra-large, custom made waterbed. Along the headboard were multiple rivets with strips of leather hooped and attached. As her gaze wandered farther, so did the stockades. Slider glanced over at her and walked toward the anchor armoire, lifting his chin at Cajun with a grin. Shady’s eyes cut back and forth between the two, her amusement of the room paused. Both men sported a shit-eating grin and her heart flipped in her chest. “Pirates?”

  “Aye, m'lady. Take her to the gallows and get her ready,” he said with a little more enthusiasm than she cared to elaborate on. Cajun nodded, gripping her wrist and tugging her forward.

  “Walk the plank, wench,” he laughed, taking her across the wooden slats in a faux plank that led to the bed. Shady’s gaze drew wider if that were possible.

  “You’ve got to be shitting me,” she laughed. Two badass bikers, falling in to the roll of Captain Jack Sparrow in front of her was a little too much for her brain to process. The brightly colored accents around the walls were enough to give a damn seizure. Neither man spoke, both communicating with simple glances and subtle nods. It took a moment longer than it should have for her to get the jest of their plan and by the time she did, Cajun had her by the wrist, pushing her down on to the bed. She yanked back, her eyebrows narrowing. “Oh hell fuck no you ain’t. You two wanna play pirates, go for it. I’m leaving.” With her attitude in full force she swung, her heels silent against the thick blue multi-toned shag rug. This ridiculous ocean, which might she add, had been played out well considering the material. Cajun grinned, his palm going flat against the center of her chest.

  “I’d hoped you’d say something stupid like that,” he pushed her backwards, causing enough wake it felt like she was floating on the seven seas. She fought to get up, only making it worse. A tidal wave hit around her and jostled her in different directions, rendering her helpless just long enough strong fingers gripped around her wrists and her arms were bound and raised above her head.

  “That should do it. Get her ready while I go get a few things,” Cajun said, his gaze never breaking Shady’s. Even with her head bobbing, the intensity he cast kept her locked in on him. He stepped backwards a few steps before he turned, disappearing behind the bright red and blue scarfs.

  When the bed moved again Shady’s head turned, seeing a glaring Slider climbing up over her body on his knees. The flash of something shiny caught in the corner of her eye just moments before cold steel touched the bare flesh of her stomach. She sucked in a breath through her teeth. “What are—“

  “Hold still,” he growled. That, of course, made her do the opposite. Her body twisted, and with a tearing sound ripped around her, a cold gust pebbling her flesh.

  Her eyes saw what was left of her shirt dangling from the tip of an oversized blade and her temper flared. “Fuck! What the hell are you trying to do, Slider, gut my ass?”

  He grinned at her, subconsciously licking his lips. “Oh, we are gonna be rearranging those pretty guts when we pound in to that sweet pussy and ass, babe,” Slider grinned.

  Footsteps approached, and Cajun’s upside down face lowered to hers. “But first, we have a point to make,” he grinned. He closed the distance and licked the seam of her lips with the tip of his tongue, the contact distracting her while Slider slit up the inside of her thigh, the razor sharp edge cutting through the material like butter. When Shady turned her head to the side, her temper flared. “Damn it, asshole! These are my favorite jeans!” Slider didn’t say a word, just subdued her legs with his knees, and did the same treatment to the other side. When there was nothing holding them together but the thick seam that grazed against her crotch, he reached up and slid his fingers in both sides, touching her aching cunt. He wiggled his index finger along her crease through the little silk panties she had, groaning when the material grew hot and damp. With one hard jerk, he pulled the remaining material free.

  “Mmm. Now they’re my favorite too.” Cajun moved away, chuckling, then the sound of clothing rustled from behind the scarves. The bed pulsed around her as he crawled up to join her, his knees straddling across her chest. Shady tried to move her body to escape being immobilized again but Slider pulled the thin red silk off her hips about the same time and his mouth zoned in straight on her clit. The shock made her buck under them, but Slider hooked his arms around her thighs and kept them spread wide open, his tongue lapping and sucking every inch from her ass to her clit.

  “Fuck-k-k!” she screamed, the anger subsiding and arousal taking over.

  Cajun’s dick came into view and he traced it against her mouth, coating the tip in saliva.

  “You have a fuckin’ unbelievable mouth, babe,” he growled and shoved the tip in, swirling it over her tongue. She didn’t argue. Her mouth opened wide, her neck craning up off the bed slightly demanding more of him. “Fuck yes,” he whispered in a grunt. “Swallow me, babe. I wanna watch tears streamin’ out of those big blue eyes,” he said, one hand threading in her hair. He fed her his cock inch by inch, pulling back just in time for her to suck in a breath before pushing past more until the head of his cock pushed past the tightness of her throat, sliding until his balls slapped against her chin. “Look at this shit, man. Have you ever seen anything more fuckin’ sexy in your life?” He pulled out, thrusting slowly. Slider pulled his mouth away from her pussy, glancing around Cajun.

  “Hell yeah it is,” Slider said, his voice gravely. Shady hummed around Cajun’s cock in protest.

  “Mmm. Juice me up, babe. Coat my dick.”

  Shady wanted to demand Slider’s mouth back on her but she couldn’t. They had her totally at their mercy, totally helpless, and totally out of control which both freaked her shit and awakened something deep inside. It sent panic coursing through her veins. Instead of Slider’s mouth against her again like she’d expected, he pushed two fingers in her pussy, digging deep until he bumped her G-spot and his thumb swirled her clit. There was no working up to it or starting slow. “Fuck she’s so wet,” Slider said, his tongue circling the inside of her thigh. He put one palm just above her pelvic bone and pressed down, slamming his fingers hard and unrelenting until she felt her stomach start to tingle. As they both fucked her from each end, her orgasm snuck up on her. When it hit, it crashed through her muscles and jerked through her system with a shocking jolt that had her eyes rolling up in the back of her head. Cajun shoved in one last time and pulled out, releasing her screams.

  Shady’s lungs burned for oxygen, the only thing she comprehended was wave after glorious w
ave of ecstasy. Even as the men moved around her, she continued lost in each wake until nothing was left but a low hum.

  Cajun set her hands free, rubbing against her wrists to bring blood flow back before flipping her to her belly. He scooted under her, both men positioning her to straddle atop him. Hands raked down the length of her body at the same time Cajun’s fingers rubbed over both nipples at the same time. “Now. Quit toying with me and fuck me, damn it!” Cajun’s lips twitched up into a wicked grin and he tangled his hand in her hair, tugging her mouth to his. There was nothing soft or sensual about it. He worked his tongue around every inch of her mouth, licking and nipping with just enough sting she faded back into the sex drunk.

  “Sit on his dick, babe. Take all of him,” Slider instructed, his hands guiding her hips down on Cajun’s shaft. Instead of lowering her slowly, he slammed her down, her pussy clenching around Cajun in a wet vise grip. Cajun’s response was to moan into her mouth, tugging her hair enough to deliver just enough sting she creamed down his cock. He jerked his hips up a few times, reveling in the tight heat that encased him. “Fuck yeah. That’s so fuckin’ hot,” Slider grumbled. He squirted a generous amount of lube on his fingers and slicked up her ass, pressing against her bud while Cajun fucked her from beneath. With his free hand he guided her ass up to where she rested with just the tip of his cock, then inserted and twisted his finger past the tight ring of her ass. As he shoved her body down, his finger buried knuckle deep in her ass.

  Shady managed to break her mouth free enough to release a scream and fought against the guys who held firm, desperate to take what she wanted. Her brain screamed for dominance. “More!” she gasped, her voice low and husky.

  “Beg, Shady. Beg for me to fill this sweet little ass,” Slider said through clenched teeth. Just watching his buddy buried in her body, her ass arched up in the air had his dick throbbing painfully. “No!” she growled. Shady didn’t beg. She took. The position they had her in took that ability away and made her senses go wild. What little reserves she had left faded out the window. The harder Cajun fucked her pussy, the faster Slider fingered her and the last bit of self-control slipped. With her bottom lip between Cajun’s teeth, she folded.


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