Zodiac Academy: Fated Throne

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Zodiac Academy: Fated Throne Page 15

by Caroline Peckham

  I ended up standing next to Seth and he leaned in close to me, casting a silencing bubble so that our conversation was kept private.

  "Are you gonna kiss me again if we have a three way with her, Cal?" he teased, knocking his shoulder against mine and grinning wolfishly.

  "Please. You fucking wish I'd kiss you," I teased him. "You bring that shit up so often that I just know you've been fantasising about it."

  Seth glanced away from me, half coughing and half laughing as he shrugged. "Yeah, well, I guess my tits aren't big enough for you, so there goes that plan."

  "I'm really more of an ass man," I replied, knocking my elbow against his and smirking as he chuckled.

  "Well I've got a damn nice ass," he pointed out. "So maybe my luck is in with you after all. What do you say then? Wanna take my key and shoot up to my room to wait for us? Let's see if the pretty Alpha Wolf really can handle two Heirs."

  I shrugged, though my dick was already hardening at the mere thought of it. The last time I'd shared a girl it had been really fucking hot and I seriously needed to get laid soon or my cock was going to fall off from lack of use. Not to mention the fact that Rosalie Oscura was fucking gorgeous and I got the impression that she'd be more than up to the task of scratching that itch in both me and Seth.

  "So you're gonna sneak me in there like your dirty little secret?" I teased.

  "Yeah. Imagine the shame it would bring on my family if they knew I'd philandered with a dirty Vampire," he said with an exaggerated shudder.

  "Well I can't argue against the dirty part," I muttered, glancing at him with a smirk.

  "By the stars, don't bullshit me right now, Cal, because the idea of this actually happening is getting me all kinds of hard and if you're just winding me up I don't think I can take it," Seth groaned and I chuckled as my gaze instantly tracked down to his crotch. Sure enough I could see his cock bulging through his pants and my pulse spiked as I let my gaze linger there.

  When I looked back up at him, I found his gaze had fallen to the swell in my pants too and I snorted a laugh. "Did we just check each other’s dicks out?"

  Seth's earthy brown gaze snapped back up to meet mine and he grinned like a predator. "This is fucking on, isn't it?"

  At that moment Nova stepped in front of me and placed a medal around my neck and I was forced to disband the silencing bubble as I thanked her and tried to will my hard on away. But the fucker was here to stay and as I looked down the row of players to seek out Rosalie's pretty face, my fangs snapped out too. Yeah, this was fucking on.

  The crowd all cheered as Rosalie was awarded player of the match and everyone moved towards the crowd to accept their congratulations.

  I caught Seth's arm as he made a move to walk away and leaned close to speak in his ear. "Where's your key then?" I asked, his bicep flexing in my grip as he gave me a heated look.

  "Shit, this is going to be even better than that time when I was on the moon and I stuck my dick in that crater," he murmured. "It's in the bottom of my bag. Make sure no one sees your Vampire ass sneaking in or the shame it will bring on me will make me die."

  "Please. As if I'd be seen dead sneaking in to fuck a pair of dirty Wolves," I joked, running my tongue over my fangs before forcing myself to release him and shooting away.

  Fuck, I was thirsty. The match had made my magic reserves dwindle down to almost nothing and I needed the taste of blood on my tongue, but I was going to give my cock priority tonight. The poor thing had been left on the side lines for fucking months and it was time he got some front row action.

  I shot into the changing rooms before anyone else could manage it, grabbed Seth's bag and found his key lurking between some socks at the bottom of it before tossing my own bag over my shoulder and zipping back out of the room again.

  I spotted my little brother hanging out at the edge of the stands, waiting to congratulate me and forced myself to stop and talk to him even though I seriously wanted to get the fuck out of here. But it would take Seth and Rosalie a lot longer to walk back to Aer Tower than me anyway, so I guessed I had the time to not be a dick to my kid brother.

  "Hey Hadley, did you enjoy the game?" I asked him, tossing a grin at the group of girls who were grouped around him and ignoring the gasps and squeals of excitement that came from them as I gave him my full attention.

  He knew as well as I did that these fangirl types were mainly here because of our surname and their dream to suck on some powerful cock. No doubt he was making full use of them while keeping his emotions firmly out of the equation. But fangirl pussy lost its appeal pretty fast in my opinion and I’d found myself wanting something more than that since I'd ended things with Tory. Which was why I hadn't buried my dick in any of these types since it had happened. And no, I didn't imagine I was about to embark on some great romance with Rosalie Oscura, but at least she had something about her and wasn't just begging for my dick while hoping to claim herself a powerful husband.

  "Yeah, man, you did good out there. I saw that Wolf chick put you on your ass though," Hadley teased and I grinned at him.

  "What can I say? We still won the match, so I'm not too butt hurt over it. You still making sure you feed regularly?" I asked him, knowing I was sounding like Mom but I'd also more than learned my lesson over letting the bloodlust get too much of a hold on me and I didn't want him to end up hurting anyone the way I had. I still got nightmares about that shit from time to time.

  "Yeah..." He trailed off, glancing at the gaggle of girls surrounding us and I frowned as I wound an arm around his shoulder and tugged him along with me.

  I made sure my grip on him was tight enough then gave him a sharp tug as I forced him into motion at top speed.

  Hadley laughed as he started running at my side and we made it out of the stadium, into the dim light of the setting sun and I released him, turning for the path. "I'll race you to Aer Tower," I called, not giving him the chance to refuse as I shot off into the trees.

  Hadley's laughter followed me into the woods as he used his gifts to chase me down and I grinned broadly as we ran together. We'd done this more than once since his Order had been unleashed and I had to admit I was loving having someone who could move at my speed to run with.

  We shot through The Wailing Wood at top speed and I charged up the cliffside towards Aer Tower with him right on my heels.

  I beat him of course and he cursed me as I came to a halt beside the entrance, leaning my back against the wall and tossing a concealment spell up over us as well as a silencing bubble to hide our presence within the shadows.

  "Who are we hiding from?" he asked curiously, panting a little as his eyes glittered with the fun of the game.

  "I'm here to hang out with a few Wolves, so naturally I have to cover it up," I replied, rolling my eyes at the absurdity of that new rule and he sighed as he nodded in understanding. "Anyway. We didn't come here to discuss that, I wanna know why you don't seem thrilled about drinking blood when it's pretty much the best fucking thing in the world."

  "I dunno how to explain it. But it's like, all these girls keep letting me bite them and it seems like I should be loving that, but something about it just leaves me wanting, even when my power reserves are fully topped up." Hadley shrugged and I grinned, knowing exactly what the problem was.

  "Yeah, blood whores aren't much fun," I teased. "Especially low powered ones. What you need to do is refine your tastes. You gotta pick the most powerful target you can and then overpower them for their blood. You don't want it offered up willingly and you don't want it unless it's good and potent."

  "Got any suggestions for who I should be aiming to drink from then?" he asked, seeming intrigued by that idea.

  "A Vega," I joked. "But unfortunately for you, there's no chance of you overpowering one of them now. So I'd have to say one of the other Heirs' siblings. I mean, if you wanna go top shelf that is. Or someone with power as close to matching yours as possible if you can't overpower them - or if they get too pissy about it a
nd you wanna maintain your friendship more than you wanna taste their sweet blood."

  "Like Athena?" Hadley suggested, his eyes sparkling as he spoke about Seth's younger sister and I laughed.

  "Yeah. Capella blood tastes seriously good. But if she's anything like her brother, you're gonna have a fight on your hands to get your teeth into her. Of course, that's half the fun."

  He grinned way too widely at that and I had to wonder if my little brother was crushing on Seth's sister. Probably best not to mention that to Seth though or he might go all protective Alpha over his baby sister and ruin Hadley's chances.

  "Alright then. I'll give that a go," he said, smirking at me conspiratorially.

  "Sounds like a good plan. Now fuck off and leave me to break the law."

  Hadley laughed, giving me a playful shove with his enhanced strength that pulled a growl from my lips before he shot away from me.

  I didn't have to wait long for a member of Aer House to open the door to the tower and the moment it swung wide, I ran at full speed in a blur of motion and slipped through it before it could fall shut.

  I didn't stop as I raced up the stairs, speeding all the way to Seth's room so fast that no one laid eyes on me before turning the key in the lock and letting myself in.

  I glanced around his huge room, smirking at the sight of the bed big enough for ten to sleep in and moving over to the window where I opened the shutters to look out at the full moon hanging low in the sky. If there was one way to turn Wolves on even more than usual then it was by fucking them with the moon watching, and I was more than okay with letting the celestial being watch us. So long as Seth didn't take it as an excuse to start talking about his fucking trip there again.

  Seriously, I had half a mind to regret getting him that damn ticket. Aside from the fact that it had put a big fucking smile on his face of course. I couldn't really bring myself to regret that. That said, I was probably going to have to sucker punch him if he brought the moon up one more time this week in my company.

  I moved away from the window, grinning like a cocky asshole who knew he was about to get laid as I strode through Seth's room to his en-suite. I tugged off my Pitball uniform as I went and set the shower running so I could wash off the mud and sweat from the game while I waited for him and Rosalie to arrive.

  The huge metal showerhead poured down on me like a heated thunderstorm in the open wet room and I stole some of Seth's shower gel to wash with as I stood on the white tiles.

  I closed my eyes as I rubbed my hands over my body, inhaling the familiar scent of Seth's wash products as my cock grew hard again while I imagined the things we were going to do as soon as they got here. Which I hoped was going to be really fucking soon because I was already done with waiting.

  Before long - and yet still too fucking long as far as I was concerned - the sound of the door opening out in Seth's room reached my ears and Rosalie's throaty laughter filled the air.

  "You're not serious?" she purred.

  "I swear on all the stars in the sky," Seth replied. "The moon actually spoke to me while I was up there. Like her soul connected with mine."

  I groaned internally as I realised he'd just found himself a new poor soul to flood with stories of the fucking moon, though I had to admit that Rosalie didn't sound the least bit bored by the subject.

  "I'd give anything in the world to go to the moon," she moaned, her voice all sex which had my hand sliding around the thick length of my cock as I picked up the quickening pace of her heartbeat with my gifted hearing.

  "Well, I can't take you to the moon," Seth purred. "But how about me and Cal make you see stars?"

  Rosalie laughed again but the sound was cut off a moment later when the two of them appeared in the doorway as Seth pushed her into the bathroom with his mouth against hers.

  I watched them hungrily as my heart began to pound and Seth opened his eyes, looking at me over her shoulder as he kissed her and his hands moved down her body.

  I stayed under the flow of water as Rosalie broke their kiss and looked at me with a lust filled expression. She was seriously fucking beautiful and I watched hungrily as she pulled her own shirt off before quickly following it with the rest of her clothes, leaving her naked body for me to drool over.

  Seth stripped off behind her and the two of them moved into the shower with me, making my pulse race with the anticipation of what we were about to do.

  "Come here," I commanded, tugging Rosalie closer and lathering up the sponge again as I began to wash the mud from her body and she moaned with pleasure as my hands explored her flesh.

  Seth took the sponge from me, but I didn't stop cleaning her, using the suds on my hands as I palmed her breasts, drawing another moan from her lips that had my cock hardening against her ass in a clear demand. Seth made quick work of cleaning himself then started to help me with her, taking another kiss from her lips as I watched them and I moved my hand between her thighs.

  Rosalie moaned as I pushed my fingers inside her, leaning her head back against my shoulder and parting her thighs wider.

  "You too, Alpha Wolf," she commanded, taking Seth's wrist and moving his hand down to meet with mine at her core.

  I chuckled darkly at the little she-Wolf bossing two of the most powerful Fae in the kingdom around like we were her sex slaves and Seth grinned at me, clearly knowing what I was thinking.

  He pushed his fingers inside her alongside mine and there was something so fucking hot about the feeling of his hand against mine while we pleasured her as she moaned and panted for us.

  I leaned down to kiss her neck, my fangs brushing along her throat as the scent of her blood called to me and Seth watched us with hooded eyes.

  "No biting, Vampiro," Rosalie growled in warning and I groaned as I forced myself to obey.

  I had no objections to taking another Fae's blood by force when I wanted it, but the only exception I made to that rule was during sex. If I was fucking someone and they didn't want me biting them then I'd accept it. Even if I ached for blood the way I did right now.

  Seth chuckled at my expense then upped the pace of his fingers inside her, urging me to match him as she writhed and panted between us and we worked together to bring her to ruin. Within a few minutes, her pussy clamped down hard around our fingers and she cried out, sagging back against me for a moment while I watched Seth suck on her nipple with a hungry growl.

  Rosalie moved out from between us and turned to look at us with mischief glittering in her big brown eyes before pushing the two of us to stand side by side with our backs to the tiles.

  "Ora voglio conoscere i tuoi cazzi," she purred and I had no fucking idea what that meant but I was pretty sure the word dicks was in there so I was all for it, especially when she dropped to her knees in front of us.

  Her fingers wrapped around the base of my cock and I groaned as she leaned forward to lick the length of my solid shaft before turning and doing the same to Seth's dick beside me.

  "Fuuuck," Seth sighed as she said something else in Faetalian which I swear meant she was going to make us both into her bitches, but I had to agree with her when her hot mouth closed around my cock.

  I tipped my head back with a groan of pleasure, moving my hand to caress the back of her wet hair as she took me all the way to the back of her throat while pumping Seth's cock in her hand right beside us.

  My fangs snapped out and I groaned with the ache to drink blood just as Seth's mouth found my neck and he grazed his teeth across my skin, sending a rush of pleasure coursing down my spine.

  I looked at him through hooded eyes as Rosalie slipped my cock from her mouth before taking Seth's instead and using her hand on me.

  Seth tipped his head back with a growl of pleasure, exposing his throat to me as he panted under the expert skills of Rosalie's mouth. I couldn’t take my eyes off of his pulse as I watched him falling apart for her.

  "Stop staring at my carotid and sink your fucking fangs into it already," Seth growled and my heart leapt
as I realised he knew exactly what I was aching for and clearly wanted it too.

  I didn't need telling twice and I lunged at him, gripping a handful of his dark hair and holding it tight as my fangs sank into his neck. Seth groaned loudly and Rosalie shifted her mouth from his cock to mine again just as the heat of his blood and the deliciously rich power in it flooded through me.

  I growled with desire as I tugged Seth closer and his hands slid down my chest as Rosalie continued to switch her mouth between us, our shafts knocking against each other more than once in the transition and the feeling of that somehow only making me harder.

  As Rosalie drew Seth's dick to the back of her throat again, his body went rigid and he groaned loudly as he came, the sound of his pleasure making my body tense up with anticipation as I knew it wouldn't take much for me to follow him. But I wasn't ready to end this yet.

  I tugged my fangs free of his neck, running my tongue over the puncture wound as I chased the blood that had escaped it and Seth's fingers pushed into my hair as he tugged me closer like he didn’t want me to stop.

  I pulled away though, reaching down for Rosalie and tugging her to her feet before she could finish me too.

  With a shot of motion, I hoisted her off of her feet and ran back into Seth's room before stopping at the foot of his bed and kissing her roughly. The taste of him on her lips had me growling possessively, kissing her deeper and harder, wanting to claim her even more.

  Seth followed us into the room, sending a gust of air magic over all of us to dry us off and making Rosalie shiver in my arms as a surprised gasp escaped her lips. I sat back on the bed, turning her so her back was to my chest and both of us were looking at him. Then I pulled her down to sit on my lap as I drove my cock inside her in a purposefully slow move that made her moan loudly.

  Seth pushed a hand into his hair, growling in the back of his throat as he watched me fuck her and I couldn't help but get off on the way he was looking at us, my eyes finding his again and again.


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