Down & Dirty_Zak

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Down & Dirty_Zak Page 18

by Jeanne St. James

  He ignored her, giving the guy a solid punch in the jaw. The guy’s head flopped to the side. He was out. No longer a threat. He needed to stop.

  “Zak!” she screamed, running to where Zak straddled the unconscious man. “Don’t kill him! Jesus! You’ll end up back in prison!”

  Zak froze, his fist cocked back, the skin on his knuckles broken and bleeding. He twisted his head to look at her, his eyes wild, chest heaving. “Sophie,” he said almost in a trance.

  “Is he out?” Of course, the guy was out. She just wanted him to recognize that fact.

  He dropped his gaze to the man beneath him. “Yeah.”

  “Let him be.” Her eyes flicked to the gun still in the street across from them. “Get the gun.”

  There was no way she was picking it up. She knew nothing about weapons, and the last thing she needed was to accidentally shoot someone by handling it.

  Zak pushed to his feet, then gave the Warrior a boot to the ribs for good measure. “Can’t touch the gun, Sophie. They’ll throw me back into that hell quicker than shit if I do.”

  They couldn’t just leave it there lying in the street. There was a crowd gathering, and the cars were skirting around them since they were blocking one lane of the street.

  “Bella!” she screamed, and the woman rushed back out of the bakery, pulling her phone from her ear and disconnecting. She pointed. “Gun.”

  Bella’s eyes flew to where she pointed. “Fuck,” she muttered. “Don’t touch it. Could be stolen.”

  Well, then it was just going to remain where it was until law enforcement arrived. Her attention went back to her man. “Zak… Come here, baby,” she pleaded, a hand outstretched, wanting to get him away from the biker before he decided to change his mind and do more damage. His gaze bounced from her to the downed biker back to her.

  He approached the Warrior’s bike which laid on its side against the curb and turned the key, cutting the engine. He jerked the keys out and whipped them down the street as hard as he could. As he approached where she and Bella now stood on the sidewalk, he asked Bella, “Five-oh comin’?”

  Bella only nodded, her expression worried.

  “Fuck,” he muttered. He turned to Sophie, his expression strangely void of any emotion. “Maybe you should go back to Philly. Club will help you with your expenses since it’s club business that caused all this.”

  Her heart seized in her chest. “What? You convinced me to stay. I don’t want to leave now. I’m not letting them,” she jabbed a finger toward the downed biker, “run me out of my business.”


  “No, Zak. No more about that right now.” Her eyes flicked toward the people gathering. “You need to get out of here?”

  “Can’t run, babe.” He lifted his chin towards the crowd. “Too many eyes. Need to stay an’ face whatever happens.”

  “You had a good reason.”

  “Right,” he answered, then looked up the street.

  She heard what he saw. Sirens, racing engines. Then they were there, parking at an angle to block the street, lights flashing.

  Sophie lost her breath and her stomach dropped as doors flew open, guns were drawn. She watched in horror as Zak automatically dropped to his knees and laced his fingers behind his head.


  “Cross your ankles,” one of the officers barked, pointing his gun at Zak. He complied immediately, his jaw tight, his eyes avoiding Sophie. The other officer, also a gun in hand, went to check on the unmoving Warrior.

  Sophie was unsure what to do, unsure what to say.

  The cop squatting by the injured biker, reached up to the radio mic on his shoulder. “Dispatch, get a bus en route. Code three. We got one subject down, one in custody.”

  As the first officer closed in on Zak, Sophie shouted, “He was only protecting me. The guy tried to grab me. He had a gun.”

  The cop ignored her, slapping cuffs on Zak’s wrists. “Get up.” He yanked Zak up by his arms. Zak got to his feet and twisted his neck toward Bella.

  “Bella, this is what happens when you call Axel. Call Diesel. Take Sophie to church and keep her there until you hear otherwise. Do as I say this time.”

  Bella, pale, nodded.

  “That’s enough.” The cop barked, walking Zak to the car and with a hand to the top of his head shoved him into the back, slamming the door shut. Then he approached Sophie with a notebook and pen in hand.

  “That’s Mitch Jamison’s son. He was only trying to protect me.”

  “Ma’am, I know who he is. I need your information. And yours, too,” he said to Bella.

  “Are you going to arrest him?”

  “He’s in custody right now until we get this all sorted out.”

  “I want to talk to Mitch or Axel,” Sophie demanded.

  The officer, whose name tag said Miller, nodded. “I’ll let them know.”

  That didn’t make Sophie feel any better. But she cooperated and gave him all her info and Bella did, too.

  Sophie fought back the tears as the cop drove away with Zak in the back. It was made worse when Zak didn’t look back at her, instead keeping his face forward.

  “Will he go back to prison because of this?” she asked Bella as the ambulance arrived. As did Mitch in another cruiser. Followed quickly by Axel in his personal vehicle.

  “I don’t know,” Bella whispered, her voice sounding as shaky as hers. “Fucking hope not.”

  She squeezed Bella’s arm. “You did the right thing.”

  “No, I just got your old man arrested. Fuck.” Bella turned and headed back toward the bakery. When Axel rushed after her, she spun around, had some low, angry words with him that Sophie couldn’t hear, then Bella slammed both palms into his chest, shoving him off the stoop of the bakery.

  Oh shit.

  He caught his balance, grabbed her arm and yanked her inside, slamming the front door behind them, hard enough that the large picture window even rattled.

  Sophie thought it might be better to stay outside and talk to Mitch, who stood watching everything that just transpired also, eyebrows knitted and a deep frown on his face.


  She turned to Mitch and began to plead Zak’s case.

  “Was only protecting my woman,” Zak mumbled as his father stepped into the room where he was being held. Mitch’s eyes were hard, and he looked pissed.

  Couldn’t be more pissed than Zak, though. He’d been sitting here for hours, unable to leave even after giving his statement. Being treated like the criminal everyone at the station thought he was. Including his own father.


  “Sophie already went to bat for you. Explained everything. Axel heard the same story from Bella. Once we finish getting statements from witnesses who’d have no reason to lie, we’ll get this all sorted out.”

  They needed to hurry up and get it sorted. He needed to check on Sophie. Bella had better have listened and taken her back to church where she’d be protected until they figured out what the fuck was going on with the Warriors.

  “They didn’t lie. He fuckin’ tried to grab Sophie and I kicked his ass. Had a damn gun.”

  “We recovered the gun.”

  “Stolen, wasn’t it?” Zak asked, narrowing his eyes at Mitch. When his father didn’t answer, he said, “Knew it would be. Serial numbers probably wiped. He coulda killed her. Killed me. Maybe even Bella. Drove right outta town. An’ all you blue avengers woulda been scramblin’ to find who did it. Buncha bumbling boys in blue,” he spat, trying to get a rise out of the man who sired him. “Can’t figure out who done the real crime.” He wanted to remind his own flesh and blood that he’d been wrongly convicted. Not that the man probably cared.

  Mitch’s jaw hardened, his blue eyes turned a shade of steel, but he ignored the taunting, to Zak’s disappointment.

  The older man pointed a finger at Zak. “You need to leave her be, boy. But you won’t listen. You never do, never had. Maybe if you had, you wouldn’t have a
felony conviction on your record right now. Plus, wouldn’t be sitting here now secured to the wall like a dog.”

  A muscle ticked in Zak’s jaw and he ground his teeth before grumbling, “Shit happens.”

  “Shit happens,” Mitch repeated, shaking his head. He jammed his hands on his hips, his mouth tight. “Your mother loves you and it killed her when you went to Fayette.”

  “Why didn’t she visit then?”

  His father’s chest expanded when he sucked in a deep breath. “Because I wasn’t going to let her see her son like that.”

  “What about you, Mitch?”

  He winced when Zak called him by his first name. “What about me?”

  “You still feelin’ the fatherly love? Didn’t see your ass during visiting hours. Hell, you’re law, you could’ve come any hour.”

  His father’s lips flattened and his mouth got tight again.

  “Right,” Zak continued, “I get not bringin’ Jayde. But you, Axel, Mom.” He shook his head. “You believe I did that shit? Had that shit?”

  “Doesn’t matter what I believe. You were convicted, Zakary. You were found guilty. Guilty or not, you put yourself in that position the moment you patched into that fucking club. I told you not to do it. I told you it would fuck up your life. You did it anyhow. I only ever wanted what was best for you and you fucking spit in my face. That’s what you did.”

  Zak’s head jerked back, and he pushed to his feet, the metal ring he was cuffed to clanging against the steel bracelet. Chained like a damned, dangerous animal.

  By his own blood, too.

  “Unless you’re here to set me free, cop, get the fuck outta my face.”


  Zak tightened his jaw and looked away, shaking his head.

  He heard a strangled noise and when he looked up, his blood was leaving him still restrained to the wall.

  “Fuck you, Dad,” Zak yelled down the hallway at his father’s retreating back. He sank back onto the metal bench, and dragged his free hand through his hair and down over his face, finally covering his mouth so he wouldn’t beg his father to come back.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Fucker’s got to report to his parole officer first thing tomorrow, but he’s out!” Diesel bellowed as the back door whipped open so hard that it slammed the wall. A bunch of stomping, hooting and hollering followed that announcement.

  Sophie spun on the bar stool where she sat with Bella, Jag, Crash, and Hawk, then jumped to her feet.

  He had been released? She breathed with relief.

  Once Diesel’s large body veered off, she couldn’t miss Zak coming in behind him, a grin on his face. He raised his hands and shrugged like there had been no doubt he’d be set free.

  Right. Cocky.

  She hadn’t been the only one worried that he’d end up back behind bars. Everyone else who sat with her for the past few hours had worried about that, too.

  Diesel made his way over to Pierce, who was shooting pool in the far corner, and bumped shoulders with him, dipping his head and talking low. Pierce nodded his head, whacked Diesel on the back and then took his shot, sending one of the balls careening across the table into the corner pocket.

  Sophie wondered what that was about. Maybe she didn’t want to know.

  Her eyes shot back to Zak who had stopped in the middle of the large room, just standing there staring at her.

  What was he waiting for?

  “Waitin’ on you, babe,” he yelled, his grin getting bigger, his arms open in invitation.


  Hawk chuckled next to her. “Your man’s waitin’ on you. Go.”


  What started as a fast walk turned into a fast jog and she didn’t stop until her body hit his and he wrapped his arms around her, grabbing her ass and lifting her off her feet before shoving his face into her hair, breathing her in. “Fuck,” he murmured near her ear.

  He felt good in her arms, solid, safe. She swiped at her cheeks. “I was scared.”

  “Yeah,” he whispered against her lips before kissing her. She slid back to her feet, but neither wanted to let go. “You don’t go anywhere without me, without one of the prospects, or one of D’s guys. At least until we find out what’s goin’ down. Got me?”

  “Yeah,” she said softly. “The bakery?”

  “There, too. For now. Need to find out what the fuck’s goin’ on.”

  She nodded. She didn’t like it but she realized it was for the best.

  And she’d allow it. For now.

  But she wasn’t going to live like this forever, constantly worrying that someone was out to get her or Zak.

  He hung his arm around her shoulders and guided her back to the bar where he clasped arms and bumped shoulders with Hawk, Crash, and his cousin, Jag.

  Murmurs of “Good to see you out, brother,” “Good job kickin’ that fucker’s ass,” and more, rose around them and Bella poured him a draft, sliding the pint glass in front of him.

  Their eyes met, and Bella murmured, “Sorry.”

  Zak shook his head. “You did right.”

  “Got you in a jam.”

  “Got out of it, thanks to your statement…” He squeezed Sophie’s shoulders. “And Sophie’s.”

  “Axel help?” Bella asked.

  The corner of Zak’s mouth twitched. “He did what he could.”

  “Meaning nothing.”

  Zak took a sip of his beer, then sighed. “Let it go.”

  Bella nodded her head, her eyes troubled, and said softly, “Love you, Zakary.”

  “Love you, too, Isabella.”

  She nodded again, managing a small but sad smile. Sophie knew she felt guilty and wished she could ensure her that it wasn’t her fault.

  Sophie snaked her arm under Zak’s cut and around his waist, giving him a squeeze. His eyes dropped to her.

  “Sorry for all the shit, babe.”

  She didn’t know what to say to that. She couldn’t answer, “It’s okay,” because it wasn’t. None of it was okay.

  But when she finally made the decision a few weeks ago to be with him, really with him, she knew she might be stepping into some of the club’s shit. Zak had never hidden that possibility.

  “Can we go home now?”

  “My bike here?” Zak asked Hawk.

  “Rig flat-bedded it back,” Crash said from two stools down. “Lucky that asshole’s sled didn’t take yours out.”

  “Yeah,” Zak murmured, rubbing the back of his neck.

  Sophie’s eyes followed his movement, and she gasped. “Let me see your wrist.”

  Zak stilled, but Sophie reached up and snagged his arm, pulling it down so she could take a good look at the marks left behind from the cuffs. They had tightened them to the point of rubbing the skin raw.

  “Ain’t nothin’, babe.”

  “That isn’t nothing! They hurt you.” She flipped his hand over and looked at his bruised, swollen knuckles that still had dried blood stuck to them in spots. She swallowed hard. “Damn it.”

  Zak tugged his hand from her and grumbled, “Ain’t nothin’. Stop fussin’,” then took another sip of beer.

  Stop fussing? Sophie’s brows rose then dropped as her eyes narrowed. Oh, no. He did not just say that. “We going?’

  “Might be better if we crash here tonight.”

  “I’m not staying here. You want to stay here, you stay. I’m heading home. You want to come, fine. You want to send someone else with me, fine. They can sleep on the couch.”

  Now Zak’s eyes narrowed. “No other man’s sleepin’ on your couch, woman.”

  Woman? “Then say your goodbyes and let’s go,” she said firmly.

  Hawk snorted, Crash chuckled, and Jag blew out a loud breath in an attempt not to laugh.

  “Sounds just like an ol’ lady, brother,” Pierce said coming up behind Zak and slapping him on the back. “Got your balls in a grip already.”

  His comment made her realize that she just cut Zak off at the knees in
front of his brothers. Which was not good. He had talked to her many a night about how he wanted to take the president’s spot back, and her emasculating him in front of the other members would not help his cause.

  She bit her bottom lip recognizing her error. Shit.

  Not putting up with his misogynist bullshit behind closed doors was one thing. Doing it in front of everyone else was another. She needed to back pedal and fast.

  She forced her body to relax and her expression to soften. “Sorry, baby, I’m a little uptight about you getting arrested. Can we go home now?”

  Zak’s head swung back to her and his eyebrows lowered, clearly wondering about the sudden change in attitude.

  She slid a hand up his chest and leaned into his hip. “I need some loving.”

  His eyebrows suddenly shot to the moon.

  Pierce laughed and pounded him on the back again. “Go. Take care of your woman’s needs. Meeting tomorrow right after you meet with your PO. Be here. I’ll send Abe over in the morning so someone’s with Bella and her.”

  Zak nodded, grabbed her arm firmly and tugged her toward the door. “Let’s go.”

  When they got outside, he loosened his grip, pulled her into his arms, dropped his mouth to hers and said, “Someone’s getting’ a fuckin’ spankin’. Guaranteed.”

  Sophie smiled. “Can’t wait.”

  Zak laughed, intertwining his fingers with hers as they walked to her car. “Me, neither.”

  Zak dug his fingers into her hips as Sophie rose and fell on him. He was splayed out on his back and she straddled him, her pussy that he swore was lined with hot silk squeezed him tight.

  He couldn’t help but watch her face as she rode him, her mouth slightly open as little mews escaped, her eyes unfocused, her hair swinging, her full tits bouncing. Her dusky nipples hard as diamonds under his thumbs.

  Fucking heaven.

  Suddenly, she grabbed his wrists and slammed them to the mattress over his head and ground her hips in circles. She dropped her head, snagging one of his nipples between her teeth and he jerked in surprise.

  “My fuckin’ woman’s wild,” he said between gritted teeth, his balls tight, his brain about to explode from the torturous pleasure she was putting him through.


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