Mine (Winterburg Book 1)

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Mine (Winterburg Book 1) Page 12

by Linz VonC

  “There's OJ in the fridge, help yourself,” he nodded at the fridge and I dutifully took the juice out and looked in the cupboards for the glasses. The first cupboard had nothing in at all, the second one had three plates and some mugs. I frowned and went to open the third and final cupboard.

  “Yeah, it’s right at the back baby, whatever you are looking for.”

  I turned to see Cal watching me hungrily, the t shirt raising up to give him a wonderful view of my naked self. I rolled my eyes and instructed him to find the glasses himself, making my way to one of the stools by the kitchen bar. I wondered how he had this house, who did it belong to? I gazed around it, imagining that it was ours. I remembered my phone on the side and leant over to grab it. My parents had texted me asking how I was today and if I had fun. Oh if they knew, I smiled wickedly to myself. Cal slid a bacon sandwich over to me and I thanked him, taking a bite.

  “So do you have any plans today?” He leant on the counter before taking a bite of his sandwich.

  “No, you?” As I spoke crumbs of bread fell out of my mouth and he laughed in amusement, shaking his head.

  “I wondered if you wanted to go to LA?” He said it so casually, whilst my mouth dropped open. LA? That was over two thousand miles away.

  “How exactly are we going to do that?” I asked, staring at him.

  He smiled and winked at me.

  “Do you think we could get a night away, or not?”

  I laughed nervously. “Are you serious? First of all, that’s a FLIGHT away from here, the nearest airport is like, Minnesota. What would I tell my parents?!”

  He nodded. “Yes, we could do it another time, maybe for your birthday?” His eyes met mine.

  “My birthday?” I squealed. “Oh I would love that,” my face fell as I remembered something, “but I really need my parents to be okay with us.” I stared at the remnants of my sandwich. He walked around the table, swivelling my stool around so that he was in between my legs.

  “Hey,” He said softly, lifting my head back. “I would love that. I want to be with you. Properly. Whatever I have to do, I'll do.”

  He was thinking of my birthday, which was six months away. He was willing to do anything to be with me. Tears threatened to spill down my face as our mouths met. It wasn't a long walk back to the sofa...


  I couldn't bear to be away from Cal, but I knew I had to return home or my parents would start to become suspicious. He drove me home, our fingers laced together as much as we could.

  'When will I see you next?” I asked as he pulled up near my house. “It’s not like you are near me anymore.” I cast a sad look in the direction of the home he used to be in.

  He turned towards me, kissing my hand.

  “I will take you for dinner later.” He said simply.

  “But Cal, what will I tell my parents? I can't keep lying.” I put my head down, frustrated. Why was everything so difficult?

  He watched me for a moment, biting on his lip. “Right, come with me. Let’s do this.”

  He got out of the car and walked around to open my door. I stayed seated, confused.

  “I'm sorry, do what?”

  He smiled at me.

  “Come on. If this goes completely wrong, I promise you, I won't leave you. Ok?”

  I stared at him open mouthed. He leaned on the car door, a smile playing at his sexy lips.

  “Baby, if I have learnt anything at all, it’s that life is too short. I love you. Let me meet your parents.”

  I finally slid my legs out of the car, and struggled to stand as they felt like jelly.

  “Cal-“ He put his finger to my lips, and shut the car door behind me. He leaned against me and kissed me hungrily.

  “Let’s go.” I felt breathless from his kiss, his touch, damn even his presence. He laced his fingers through mine and led the way up my drive, towards my house.

  “They thought I was at Rosie’s,” I hissed as he smiled at me, ringing the doorbell.

  “Cal I don't need to ring the doorbell at my own home.” I rolled my eyes. The door swung open and my mother stood in front of us, her eyes creased with confusion as she saw Cal, then me. She looked back at Cal and widened her eyes.

  “Gretchen?” She said questionably.

  Cal stepped forward, moving his hair out of his eyes.

  “Hi Mrs Red. I think it’s time we met. I'm Cal.”

  Their eyes met and I watched as my mom went through about a million different emotions. She frowned, then looked back at me, my cheeks flushed with happiness and eyes shining with love and adoration.

  “I thought you stayed at Rosie’s last night Gretchen?”

  She was looking back at Cal, who hadn't missed a beat.

  “She did, I gave her a ride home this morning as I didn't want her walking home alone.”

  He smiled at her then and I saw her face relax slightly.

  “I see. So, are you going to come in Cal?”

  I nearly fell over when she said this, whilst Cal nodded and held his hand out for me to go first. I walked in, staring at my mom whilst she closed the door.

  “So Cal. It’s good to finally meet you, but I have to say I thought you and Gretchen had cooled it off somewhat lately?”

  She sounded hopeful until he laughed.

  “Certainly not. I decided to give Gretchen some space to concentrate on her studies. I know how much she wants to be a therapist.”

  He sat down in the chair beside him. I stared at him, this smooth talker who seemed to have the answers to everything. He glanced over at my mother who was watching him suspiciously.

  She cleared her throat and fixed him with her fierce gaze.

  “So, it is graduation soon. What are your plans Cal?”

  He frowned as he seemed to be deep in thought.

  “Well to be honest, I am not entirely sure which path is best to take. I could follow my father down the acting route, or I could stick with sports therapy, which I am better at, to be honest.”

  He laughed at that point. I couldn't hide my surprise as I took this information in. He was interested in sports therapy? His dad was an actor?! His eyes met mine and he tilted his head to the side, acknowledging my confusion.

  “So I assume you won't be keeping my daughter out overnight anymore without letting us know first, right?”

  My mom’s voice had softened slightly, but she still made it clear she meant business. Cal held his hands up, eyes wide.

  “Ma’am, I can only apologise about that. It will not happen again.”

  We were all quiet for a moment until Cal rose from his chair, smiling at my mom as he did.

  “It was a pleasure to meet you, but I have to head home. I have so much to be getting on with. Oh, Gretchen, I didn't know if you were free this evening but I wondered if you would like to come out for dinner with me?”

  My mom folded her arms, and looked at me, her eyes wide. I actually couldn't have loved him any more than I did at that point.

  “I would love to. Mom, I will be back home after.”

  My mother pursed her lips and nodded.

  “Does Cal know you will be going to Hayville?”

  She said this part proudly, beaming at me as my eyes met Cal’s. The colour drained from his face as he recognised the name, and more importantly, the location. He recovered quickly, nodding enthusiastically.

  “It’s great news, I am so proud of her. That’s what tonight is about; celebrating.”

  His voice hadn't changed at all. Wow, an expert liar. I needed to take note of this.

  My mother nodded her approval.

  “We are so proud of her, I have no doubt she will excel at everything she does.”

  I walked Cal to the door as he said goodbye to my mother. I pulled the door closed behind me and leant against it, my eyes closed.

  “I'm sorry I didn't tell you...” I mumbled, refusing to meet his gaze.

  “You weren't around, I didn't know…”

  He nodded slowly
. “New York huh?”

  I gulped, unable to take the pain in his voice. He stood up straight then and leant over to kiss me lightly on the lips.

  “I'll pick you up later, about 7?”

  He skipped down the steps from the porch, walking backwards. I couldn't stop staring at his beautiful face, his hair in his eyes.

  “So the beard- are you gonna lose it?”

  He laughed then, running his hand over it slowly.

  “Hmm, you seemed to like it this morning?”

  He smirked and walked round to his car. I watched him longingly as he swept his hair back, pulling on his aviators to avoid the glare of the bright sun. He looked at me one last time, his lips curling into a smile before he pulled off back in the direction we had come. I sighed, not entirely sure what to think. There was so much to consider. What had happened to him in New York? What would happen when I moved to New York? How did he feel about it? My mind buzzed with questions as I made my way back to the house. My mother sat on the kitchen table, coffee in hand. Her sapphire eyes locked on mine when I walked in, a small smile playing on her lips.

  “He was...Interesting. I can't think what you see in him.”

  We both laughed, thawing the ice between us. I took a seat in front of my mom who watched me quizzically.

  “Everything ok honey?” she asked quietly, watching me.

  “It’s really complicated Mom....I am so in love with him.”

  She didn't blink, instead she sipped her coffee silently.

  “He is all I think about. I know me moving to New York is going to be a big thing for him... but I also know he supports me entirely.”

  I sighed, absentmindedly playing with one of my dark spirals.

  “I don't doubt you are in love with him. I think it is quite clear you are in love. Both of you. But I know long distance is hard, really hard. Where will he be able to study sports therapy?” She cocked her head to the side as she gave it some thought.

  I looked at her, answering her honestly. “I have absolutely no idea.”

  She shrugged then, reaching for my hand.

  “If it’s meant to work it will. Now why don't you go and have a relaxing day before your date tonight? I have to go to the supermarket if you want a ride to the mall?”

  I wanted to pinch myself. My mom actually understood? Since When?! I smiled and grabbed my phone, dialling Rosie’s number. She answered yawning, asking what time I called this.

  “Rosie, I need to see you. I need your help.”

  Chapter 14

  I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I didn't recognise the woman staring back at me. I had met Rosie at the mall earlier that day, begging her to help me get sensational for my date.

  After Rosie had squealed and danced at the news Cal was back, she immediately went into Diva mode, dragging me to the hair salon. I wasn't holding out much hope they could fit me in, it WAS a Saturday after all. A petite blonde girl called Molli (yes with an I!) had a cancellation and was all too excited to get her hands on my unruly mop. She had scrubbed, snipped and blow dried to within an inch of her life. I was astounded someone so small and slight could have such strength! She teased my hair into silky curls that tumbled down my shoulders, complete with caramel highlights. Molli ran some 'product' through my hair and some three hours later from walking in I was 'done.' Rosie stared at me agape as I paid Molli, making sure to give her a heavy tip. Wow. I felt awkward, not wanting to mess up the curls. Rosie walked over whistling.

  “Ouch. Cal is going to DIE, you look insanely hot momma!”

  I giggled, linking arms with her as we made our way out of the salon, watched by a smiling Molli. Next stop was all the stores- we trawled through so many- Rosie getting agitated because she didn't know where I was going that evening. In the end I sent a text to Cal asking for a location as I needed to know what to wear, to which he replied with

  Dress however the fuck you like- you won't be wearing it long. We are going somewhere nice, I promise.

  I had butterflies in my tummy as I read it.

  Rosie rolled her eyes.

  “They really do just think with their cocks don’t they?”

  I shrugged, remembering that morning fondly. In the end we settled on a simple yet figure hugging black dress, the back exposed.

  Later that evening, I stared at myself in the mirror again, waiting anxiously for Cal to pick me up. I wore a diamante choker, and I had gone all the way with the makeup. I followed a tutorial on YouTube on 'smoky eyes' and nude lips. I finished the lip liner on my lips as the doorbell rang. I squealed, grabbing my black fur collared jacket. I was careful walking down the stairs in my heels, desperately trying not to slip. My father had answered the door, and was standing at the bottom of the stairs talking with Cal, a relaxed expression on his face. Clearly mom had had a word. I smiled as they broke off their conversation to watch me descend the stairs. My mother walked in from the kitchen, her eyes resting on me. She smiled in delight, her hands flying to her mouth as I saw tears fill her eyes. I felt for them- they didn't get to see me go to prom, this was as good as that to them. It was Cal who took my breath away, as his jaw dropped watching me walk towards him.

  “You look absolutely, beautiful, wow. I am a lucky man.”

  I could tell he was trying to behave in front of my parents, but as his eyes drank me in I could see his thoughts were not that of a behaved man, more likely depraved.

  My father watched him carefully, as did I. He wore a suit, black, with a black tie. His long hair had been cut back to its previous length and slicked back, making me focus on his chiselled jawline which was now devoid of any hairs.

  He raised my hand to his and kissed it softly, eyes on mine.

  My parents stood watching us, my mother coming over to kiss me lightly on both cheeks, whispering,

  “Be safe, and if you aren't coming home, text me.”

  I looked at her in surprise and she winked as she slid an arm around my father’s waist.

  “Have a good night honey and Cal, look after her.”

  My father raised his eyebrows at him as he said this, and Cal nodded his head.

  “Absolutely Mr Red, you have my word.”

  My father crossed his arms and watched us go, his chest puffed out with pride. We left into the chilly evening air, the door closing behind us.

  “Oh Cal, you look amazing, can we just go to yours?!”

  He held my hand and indicated in front of him. “Or the back of this?”

  I followed his gaze to see a sleek black limo stretched out in front of my house. I gaped, standing still as I took it in. 'A limo?!'

  Cal laughed, clearly pleased with my reaction. A driver stood at the door which he now held open for me, holding his hand out as I climbed in. I had never been in a limo before and I couldn't believe my eyes. I slid into a seat which curled its way from the door and around the length of the limo, a bar in front of that complete with champagne on ice. I turned to see a huge bouquet of roses lying next to the champagne there was a note attached. My heart thudded in my chest as Cal slid in the seat next to me, kissing my shoulders.

  “You look and smell good enough to eat.”

  He looked up at me then, following my gaze to the roses. He handed me the bouquet and I reached for the note. I realised the limo was moving and I squealed with excitement. The note slid out and it simply read;


  Chapter 15

  The limo sped through the streets of Winterburg as I sipped champagne in between kissing the most amazing man I had ever met.

  “Where are we going?” I murmured, glad I had gone with the nude lips, considering how much we had kissed.

  He smiled that smile of his and gazed at me adoringly. How had I managed to end up this lucky?! He really was absolutely gorgeous, but also addictive on about a thousand other levels. He leant back against the leather seat and ran a hand through his hair, the other entwined with mine.

  “Somewhere different. You missed prom so…” He sh
rugged, looking down. I rolled my eyes and sipped my champagne. I can't remember feeling this happy, especially when I noticed Cal watching me.

  “What?!” I giggled nervously.

  He ran his finger over my knuckles before raising my hand to kiss with his beautiful mouth. His green eyes met mine and I felt an electric bolt shoot through my body. How did anyone have an effect on anyone just by looking at them? I swear he had some sort of magical power, there was no other explanation. Voodoo maybe? As I pondered this the limo started to slow before coming to halt. I looked at Cal shyly as he smiled.


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