What Happened After Vegas? (Unexpected Love #2)

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What Happened After Vegas? (Unexpected Love #2) Page 4

by Cummin, Sharon

  "All I want is honesty. That is one of the most important parts to a relationship. How can you say that nobody counts on you? Those kids count on you every single day. Some of them don't have love or guidance at home. Your job is so much more important than mine. You give those children love and understanding. You listen to them. I can tell. When you talk about your class, you are so passionate. You teach them so many things about life. Your ex was an asshole who treated you shitty. I'm not him. I'm nothing like him. You're not starting over because you ran around acting silly. You're starting over because he was a horrible man. He never should have taken your home from you. I can't believe I ever let someone like that work for me. It has definitely made me think about my employees. I will be careful and pay closer attention from now on. That's for sure. I don't care how much money you make. What matters is that you're doing something you love. If you had all the money in the world, would you still teach those kids?"

  "Yes," she answered.

  "That's what matters. I would never ask you to change that. It doesn't matter if you live in a huge house or a one room apartment. Your apartment is not that small. Did I say one thing to make you feel like I was looking down at your home?" he asked.

  "No," she answered.

  "You are a smart, accomplished, caring, sweet, and beautiful woman. I don't consider talking to you or spending time with you a waste of time. I actually look forward to seeing you. I do not ever want to hear you say you have nothing to offer ever again. You are taking me out for lunch on Wednesday. Now, get your shopping done. I'm looking forward to talking to you while I eat dinner tonight," he said with a laugh. "What are you buying?"

  "I was just going to look for something nice to wear this weekend."

  "Don't spend a lot of money. The whole point is for us to spend some time together without one of us having to leave early. I just want to see you. We can stay in the hotel the entire time if you want to. It doesn't matter to me. Do me a favor and be careful. Will you tell me if he contacts you again?"

  "I'll be fine. It's my problem. He's probably just bored with no job and no woman. I'm sure I won't hear from him again."

  "I'm sure you're right. Just promise you'll tell me if he says or does anything else. I'll be worried if you don't."

  "I promise," she said. "I'm going shopping now. Have a great day, Cliff. Thank you for being so understanding about my craziness."

  They hung up the phone, and Rachel spent the next few hours shopping. She got two new outfits and a few intimate items to wear. It had been a while since she had a need to be sexy, and she wanted to look her best.

  Chapter 6

  Rachel talked to Cliff that evening and the next. Everything seemed to be going well between them. She offered to meet him at the restaurant, but he insisted that his driver pick her up for lunch. His firm was in a busy city, and he didn't want her having to fight traffic. She waited outside of her apartment. When the car pulled up, the driver quickly opened the door for her. He was very professional and polite. She sat in silence watching the scenery, as they drove through the streets of the city. They pulled up in front of one of the very tall buildings that filled the downtown area. She was surprised when the driver stood next to her door until Cliff emerged from the building just moments later.

  Rachel's breath caught when she looked at him. In Vegas she had seen him in a suit, but she to nervous to really notice. When he took her out the following weekend, he wore jeans and looked amazing. Seeing him walk out of that huge building in a full suit with a gorgeous blue tie, she couldn't help the warmth that shot through her body. He was so handsome. His hair was just above his collar and he was clean shaven. The thought of running her hands across his sexy jawline sent shivers through her. The driver addressed him with such professionalism as he opened the door for him.

  Cliff got into the car and looked over at her. She knew she had to have been smiling from ear to ear. He leaned in with his beautiful smile and kissed her cheek.

  "So, where are you taking me for lunch?" he asked.

  "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" she asked.

  "Very much," he answered.

  "I don't know many places around here. I don't get to the downtown area much. You look so nice. I was so nervous in Vegas, it was hard to focus. You look really good dressed like that."

  "So, you're not nervous now?" he asked with a laugh. "What are you in the mood for?"

  Rachel couldn't help the snicker that escaped her. Cliff leaned in next to her ear.

  "I'm talking about food. I wouldn't mind you taking advantage of me here, but my driver might feel a little uncomfortable."

  Rachel pulled back and gave him a serious look.

  "I was thinking nothing of the sort. I'm a grown woman. I can control myself."

  Cliff laughed and leaned in to kiss her.

  "You pick where we eat. I just meant we should go someplace nice," she said.

  Cliff directed his driver on where to go, as he reached over and took her hand in his.

  "How's your day going?" she asked.

  "Very good now that I'm here with you," he said. "How about yours?"

  "I did some cleaning. I planned out a few things I found on the internet for my class next year. Then I got ready to see you."

  "Your vacation just started and you're already planning for next year. Take some time to enjoy being off. You should relax by the pool with an ice cold drink. Maybe you shouldn't do that. I'm not sure I like the thought of guys ogling you. We know that happens."

  Rachel laughed as she nudged his arm.

  "What?" he asked. "The second I looked your way, I couldn't take my eyes off of you."

  "It was more like my friends were so loud you couldn't help but look over at us," she said.

  "Not true," he replied. "When I looked up from my laptop and saw you, I knew that I wanted to talk to you. I will admit that I was thrilled when your friends left you there by yourself."

  They pulled up in front of a place that looked like a diner.

  "We are going in there?" she asked.

  Cliff nodded. His driver hurried around to open the door.

  "No," she said, as Cliff got out and reached for her hand. "I want to go someplace nice. You look to good to be sitting in a tiny booth in there. You picked this place because I'm paying."

  He took her hand and helped her out of the car. His driver said something to him before getting back in the car and driving away.

  "I like it here. The food is really good. They see men in suits all the time. I'm glad to hear you think I look good."

  Cliff held the door for her to walk in before him. They sat next to each other in a corner booth. The waitress walked up with two menus. Rachel couldn't help but notice the way the woman looked at Cliff. She also couldn't deny the feelings that consumed her as she watched the woman checking him out.

  "So nice to see you, Mr. Martin. I hope you're having a wonderful day."

  Rachel cleared her throat and asked the woman for water.

  "Do you two know each other?" Rachel asked when the woman walked away.

  Cliff laughed and shook his head.

  "No," he said. "Maybe it's the suit."

  "Very funny," she said.

  "I eat here every couple of weeks. I really do like it. It has nothing to do with who's paying the bill. What are you doing this afternoon?"

  Rachel was thinking about her day when the waitress walked up with two waters and continued to give Cliff flirty eyes. They both ordered sandwiches and soup. Rachel knew she had no claim on Cliff, but it didn't stop her irritation towards the waitress.

  "This afternoon," Cliff said with a smile.

  Rachel pretended to be deep in thought over what she was going to be doing.

  "I think I'll take your advice," she said.

  "What advice is that?" he asked.

  "I think I'll relax out at the pool with an ice cold drink."

  Cliff reached over and squeezed her leg, as she laughed.

I can't help it if I'm a chic magnet," he said.

  "Did you seriously just say that?" she said with a laugh.

  "I did," he answered.

  "You are something else. I don't even know what to say to that," she said.

  Rachel's sandwich looked so good. Maybe he was right about how good it was, she thought. When she bit into it, she let out a tiny moan. Cliff looked at her and smiled.

  "Is it that good?" he asked.

  She shook her head and took another bite.

  "Now when I hear that sound come from you, I'll think you're comparing me to a sandwich," he joked.

  "Two very different levels of good," she joked back.

  "Come see my office," he said. "I don't have any meetings this afternoon. I want to show you where I spend my day."

  "I don't know if that's a good idea."

  "I'll expect to see where you spend your days once school starts," he said. "Come on."

  Rachel looked over at him.

  "That's almost three months away. What makes you think you won't be tired of me by then?" she asked.

  "Not possible," he said. "You keep me smiling and on my toes."

  "Won't all the ladies in the office be jealous when I walk in with their chic magnet?" she asked.

  "No," he said. "They will all wonder how the old man snagged such a young hottie."

  Rachel burst into laughter.

  "You are far from old," she said. "I very much doubt that's what they say about you when you walk by. You have looked in a mirror before. Do you ever take your jacket off at work?"

  "Of course," he said. "I have it off most of the time."

  "Then they definitely aren't calling you old," she joked.

  Rachel's phone buzzed. She reached to check her message.

  "It's probably Tina asking where we went to lunch. I'm sure that's not all she'll ask," Rachel joked.

  When she opened her message, she gasped.

  "What?" Cliff asked. "Is she asking if I've taken my jacket off yet?"

  Rachel's mouth dropped open, and she felt the blood leave her face. What the hell was going on, she wondered?

  "Are you okay? Who was it?" he asked with concern.

  She sat silent.

  "Talk to me, Rachel," he said.

  "I don't know this number," she said, as she turned the phone to face him.

  Unknown: I love you.

  "What the hell," he said. "You don't know that number. Are you sure?"

  His tone was serious. She could tell he was upset. There was no way she wanted him to think badly of her. She hadn't talked to another man since she walked away from Jake. Why now, she thought? Why fuck with her now? Did he know about Cliff? Was he just lonely without his girlfriend? Who else could it be? Question after question popped into her mind.

  "I promise you," she said. "I do not know that number."

  "I don't like this," he said.

  "I need to go home. This is not your problem. I'll figure it out. I'm not leaving this weekend. I'm not bringing this crap around you. I'm so sorry. I don't understand why someone wants to mess with me."

  "Do you think it's Jake?" he asked.

  "You are the first man I have talked to since I ended it with him. I can't imagine who else it could be. I just don't understand. He was an asshole through the entire divorce. I mean a huge one. You have no idea how hard he fought every single detail until I finally gave up and walked away with nothing. Not one single thing. I gave him our entire bank account, our house, and our nicer car. Everything I have is mine. I don't get it. It's freaking me out. I'll admit that. He needs to get out of my life and stop torturing me. I can't even move on. I just want to move on."

  Cliff wrapped his arms around her.

  "We'll figure it out. If it's him, that fucker better watch out."

  "No," she said. "This is not your problem, Cliff. You have a business to run and a life to live. I'll take care of it."

  "Nope," he said. "I care about you. We will take care of it together. He better hope he doesn't touch you. I don't think he realizes what he's doing. He thinks you're alone and vulnerable. He doesn't have a job or a girlfriend. He's probably thinking he can beg you to take him back and take care of him. He's not going to know what hit him if he doesn't knock his shit off. We're going back to my office."

  Cliff left money on the table, stood up, and reached for Rachel's hand. He opened the door for her and led her to his car. The driver was immediately there with the door open and waiting. She got in, and Cliff got in next to her. He let his driver know to take them back to the office.

  "I'm not going in," she said, as she nodded her head.

  "You are," he said. "It's not negotiable. I'm not having this. Look at me."

  Rachel quietly looked into his eyes.

  "He will not do this to you. I will not have you living in fear or being uncomfortable. I need to know that you're safe. When I'm at work, I need to know that everything is okay with you. I will worry about you if I don't. I'll take care of you. Do you hear me?"

  "He's harmless. I know he's all talk. I can't let you put anything on the line for me. You've done so much with your life."

  "Stop," he demanded. "Don't say one more word. I care about you, probably much more than I should for only a week and a half. That fucker's done with his games. He will not hurt you. I will never give him that chance. I want to take care of you. I want to be there for you. Stop trying to do it all alone. You're worth so much more than that asshole ever gave you. You.Are.Mine."

  Cliff took a deep breath.

  "I want to be here for you, Rachel. Stop pushing me away. Give us a damn chance. I'm done with you finding reasons I shouldn't want you. They are all bullshit. I want you, and there's nothing you can do to make me feel different. I'm not going to hurt you. I will never cheat on you. I'm not perfect, but I am here one hundred percent. Stop trying to find a reason we don't work. Do you care about me?"

  "Yes," she said. "More than I should."

  "Then let me deal with this. Let me protect and care for you. Can you do that for me?"

  Rachel nodded, and he pulled her closer to him.

  Chapter 7

  When they pulled up in front of the building, he helped her out of the car and looked into her eyes.

  "Let's show those ladies how lucky I am," he said with a laugh.

  Rachel felt her stomach begin to untwist. She let herself smile.

  "As long as you leave the jacket on," she joked.

  Cliff held the door open and walked in behind her. The guard nodded to Cliff on his way by. When they got into the elevator, Cliff pushed the button for the top floor.

  "I have several floors of the building, but my office is on the top floor," he said.

  The elevator doors opened, and Rachel took a deep breath.

  "Relax," he said. "You're with the boss. They will all love you. If they don't, they'll never let it show. That's how it is with me."

  He laughed, and she laughed with him. How did he do it, she wondered? How did he make her feel comfortable in the most uncomfortable situations?

  "Mr. Martin," the woman just in front of the elevator spoke.

  Cliff nodded, as he walked by with Rachel's hand in his. Rachel looked around her surroundings. Everything was decorated in contemporary furnishings. There was art on each wall. It looked like a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. She was surprised. He looked over with a smile.

  "Did you expect it to be all stuffy?" he asked.

  "I did," she answered. "Will you ever not surprise me?"

  "I hope not," he answered, as he opened a door and walked her through it.

  There was a very nice reception area with a woman at a desk on one side. There were seats and tables around the room. The woman looked up and stood as soon as she saw Cliff.

  "Mr. Martin," she said. "How was lunch?"

  "Very nice," he answered. "This is Rachel. Rachel, this is Carol."

  "It's nice to meet you Carol," Rachel said.

  "It's nic
e to meet you too, Rachel," Carol said with a grin.

  "My office is through here," Cliff said, as he opened a door.

  Rachel was again surprised at how comfortable his office was. He had a couch, chairs, a television, a bathroom, bookshelves, a bar, and a beautiful wooden desk. She was amazed at his view of the city. The windows were floor to ceiling and the beautiful sun lit the entire room.

  "No wonder you work so late," she joked. "It's the size of a house in here. You even have a television. Is there a bed here somewhere?"

  "I've used the couch a few times," he said with a laugh.

  "This is amazing, Cliff," she said. "I knew it would be impressive, but I wasn't prepared for this."

  They sat down at his desk. Rachel gave him the number that had left the message. She also remembered the name of the flower shop the flowers had been delivered from earlier in the week. He made a few calls and messed around on the internet. Within the hour, he had confirmed Jake had sent the flowers and been the one to text her.

  She let him know that she didn't think Jake was dangerous and that she wouldn't text him or answer any calls from that number. Rachel was sure he would move on and not bother her again. Cliff wasn't as convinced as she was, but he knew they couldn't get a restraining order just from what he had done. He wanted to talk to Jake, but she made him promise he wouldn't unless something else happened. Rachel felt it would be worse if Jake knew they were talking. Cliff confirmed with his sister that Jake had quit talking to her all together.

  Rachel asked Cliff about his meeting in Detroit to try and change the subject. Before long, she had him looking up things for them to do while they were there. She found herself getting more excited about the weekend. The more she thought about things, she was sure the only reason Cliff was letting her drop the subject of the text was that they were going out of town the next night and she wouldn't be around.

  "I should get home and start packing," she said. "We're leaving tomorrow."

  Cliff laughed and shook his head.


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