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Splinters Page 17

by M R Field

  “That we can do later. Now, if you don’t mind. Get cracking, lover boy. Pants off.”

  “For such a tender moment, we really are just two horny souls.”

  “Who are deeply in love, Tesoro.”

  “Who taught you that?” I nip at her lip, swiping my tongue to soothe the burn.

  “Google. Looked it up in my phone, which I can’t do anymore seeing as I smashed it today after calling my father.”

  For a moment, her eyes become harder, but I lean forward and kiss her quickly to distract her. “We’ll replace it tomorrow. You can fill it with pictures of me.”

  “I’ll snap your butt for my home screen.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  She nuzzles closer and I clutch her to me, making my way over to the piano, all the while enjoying her nips against my lips. This playful Hazel is one of my favourites, but I’m not gonna lie, I’ll take her any which way she’ll have me. I place her on the piano seat to shuffle back slightly and kick my boots off.

  I rip my shirt off over my head and she squirms on the seat, licking her lips as she stares at my ripped chest. My muscles rise and fall with my deep breaths. All I want now is what her look is giving me. Carnal. Lust. Sex.

  She reaches to the floor and flicks off her sandals, giving me a quick glance down the front of her dress, her breasts full and lush, causing my fingers to fumble for a moment. All coherent thoughts disappear from my head as I begin undoing my belt. No other woman has ever got me off guard, out of control, but with her every time seems like our first. The need to pound into her intensifies as she clasps the fabric of her dress between her fingers and tugs it up her body, leaning slightly to ease it up her back. She rips it over her head and sits there in just her white lace panties.

  My jeans are off my legs and her eyes gleam as my erection stands proudly in front of her.

  “Commando?” Her eyebrow quirks.

  “Thought you’d appreciate the gesture.” She shows her appreciation, alright, by leaning forward and licking the head of my cock, moaning as her lips vibrate along my shaft when each inch enters her warm and wet mouth.

  “Fuck,” I groan as my balls tighten underneath her perusing fingers. She curls her fingers beneath my needy sacks while rubbing her thumb across them, massaging causing ripples of pleasure to build within my cock. Her devilish mouth moves up and down my shaft and I look down at her lips and watch myself entering and re-entering her mouth. She sucks harder and pumps her fist around me and I am on the brink before I gently touch her face to cease her movements.

  “Stand, Farfalla.” My voice croaks. Her lips pop as she releases me and she stands, her cheeks flushed from working me. I kiss her lips softly and move her back until her legs hit the piano stool, and I lift her up to wrap her legs around my hips. My cock is desperate to be inside of her. But not yet. My left leg moves the piano stool to the side and I lean forward and sit her on top of the piano lid. She lies down and arches her back, her legs resting on to the piano keys, breaking the silence in the room with the crash of garbled notes. I stare down at her body as she moves in anticipation and my hands move her knees apart, ready to feast on her, but she stops me with her desperate plea.

  “Robbie, I need you now.” She pants as she lies against the smooth piano top. I step forward and move her legs towards me until the head of my cock is at her entrance.

  “Hazel, baby,” I coax. “Look at me.”

  Her head lifts up and as I inch slowly into her, her mouth opens in a gasp and I thrust the rest of the way inside her. Her soft flesh moulds into my fingers as I thrust, grinding into her wet heat.

  “Oh my God,” she pants. “Faster, baby, I need to go faster.” Her hands move against the cool surface, leaving hot fingerprints against the wooden edge. She pushes up against the piano lid to grip her arm around my shoulder and I draw her closer to me, pounding into her, each thrust sending me closer and closer to the edge.

  Our hips grind in sync and our eyes lock, her gaze ensnaring me. I watch her pupils dilate as her breathing picks up and her jaw tightens. Her body is so well mapped by my own and I know that she is close, and that in itself brings me along with her.

  “Come, Farfalla, come.” I continue to grind into her and watch enthralled as her mouth opens and a euphoric smile breaks out across her face.

  “I love you,” I chant and watch her eyes brighten even more as she pants, “I love you too … so, so much.” She tilts her head back and comes, her walls tightening around my hardened cock and milking me to my own orgasm. I push farther into her, coating her in my come, branding her mine, again.

  The rapid thrashing of our chests slowly subsides as she leans forward and crushes her lips against mine. This moment feels different, a wave of calm binding us together. I brush the sweaty strands of hair from the side of her face and kiss her cheek.

  She giggles from my lips tickling her and asks, “What do you think about me getting my nose pierced?”

  I stop nuzzling into her neck for a moment and lift my eyes to inspect her nose. “If you want it, go for it. Maybe I’ll get a piercing too. My nipple?”

  Her eyes lower as she glances down at my chest.

  “My nipple,” I agree for her.

  We dress quickly to head to her place for dinner. On the way home, I get her to hold my phone on speaker as I dial my parents.

  “Hello?” my mamma answers, the rustling of pots sounding in the background.

  “Hey Mamma,” I greet.

  “Robbie!” Her voice raises excitedly. She then continues to assault me in rapid Italian. “Why haven’t you called? I haven’t heard from you in a long time. Beatrice tells me that you’re busy. Too busy to call your mother?”

  I laugh as I pull up to a traffic light. I use my hand to gesture to Hazel that I’ll translate later. “Sorry, Mamma, I have been a bit busy. The club hasn’t been open long, but seems to be doing well. You must come and see. Bring Nonna; she’ll get a kick out of it.”

  “You better speak to her too, otherwise she’ll kick you,” she grumbles. We continue driving down the street as Mamma continues to fill me in about Nonna’s recuperation after her hip surgery. All the way, she drops hints like You’d know if you called. My mamma is strong-willed, but I know the quickest way to get her out of being in a bad mood.

  “So, Mamma,” I begin, pulling into park at Hazel’s place. “There’s another reason why I have been busy. I promise you won’t be mad at me anymore.”

  My mamma will tell you she doesn’t want to hear gossip, but secretly she thrives on it, and she grunts for me to continue. “I have a girlfriend.”

  I reach over and put my arm around Hazel, pulling her closer to me so our faces are above the speaker. Mamma gasps. I can hear her footsteps stomping along the wooden floorboards. In an excited voice, she says, “Roberto has a girlfriend!” to which my nonna’s and father’s voice chime in loudly.

  “A real one?” Pa chuckles at his own joke as I shake my head.

  “La rosetta?” my Nonna asks.

  Hazel looks up at me and I smile. “Yes, Nonna. The redhead.”

  “Who?” mamma asks. I look at Hazel and flick my eyes to the phone.

  “Hear for yourself.”

  Tapping her shoulder with my fingers she opens her mouth and husks, “It’s me, Hazel.”

  “Oh my God!” my mamma gasps, chuckling like a loon. “Hazel! The beautiful Hazel! My boy is so lucky!”

  Muffled shuffling noises are all I hear until Nonna’s voice comes through the speaker clearly. “You make sure he treats you properly, otherwise I will—”

  “Oi!” I interject. “Why are you threatening me? I’m not going to hurt her.”

  “And why is that?” my nonna prods.

  “I love her. That’s why.”

  Hazel’s eyes flick to mine, and reflect my own affection. Her hand relaxes against my leg as she leans on my shoulder. She sighs contently as my nonna continues to talk. Hazel has already exceeded their expectations and they
love her like their own. It’s no wonder she is so content listening to them. They love her for being her. No one else.

  “Bravo,” Nonna concedes, and then she adds sharply in Italian. “If you make me a great-grandmother without making her your wife …”

  “Yeah, yeah, Nonna. We’ll get there.”

  “Huh?” Hazel looks confused.

  “Nothing to worry about now,” I whisper in her ear. Moving back to the phone, we continue chatting for a while until, I tell my family that we will visit soon and end the conversation shortly after that.

  “I love your family,” Hazel sighs. “They are just so adorable.”

  “Trust me, Farfalla. They love you too. My nonna used to drop hints about us all the time. Every time you came around. I just thought it was nonna just trying to set me up with the nearest female.”

  “Really?” She smiles and kisses my chin. “Well, she must’ve known it was going to happen.”

  “Yeah, she sure did.”

  I follow Hazel up in the elevator, kissing her the whole way, much to the annoyance of the other passengers, those lame arses. As we approach her apartment door, I’m eager to get dinner ready so we can spend the night together. A rich aroma fills the air as we approach her door, and for a moment we are confused. Hazel slides her key into the lock and opens her door to find the aroma is definitely in her apartment.

  “Have you got the slow cooker on?” I ask.

  “Nope.” Her eyes glide across the room and she stiffens. I follow her gaze to the kitchen table to find it set up with a red tablecloth, with two candles lit, and place settings out for two people. She flinches beside me, and before I can turn to her, movement from the kitchen catches my eye. Standing by the doorway is a tall guy in dress shoes, chinos and a shirt rolled up his forearms, with a tea towel over his shoulder. His blond hair is slicked into a preppy boy’s coif and I don’t need any introductions. I know who this fucker is. He steps out towards the dining area and stares at Hazel with a stern look upon his face.

  “I thought at least when I finally saw you, you’d be alone.” He frowns, gesturing with his chin towards me. “He doesn’t need to be here.”

  The blood roars between my ears. Without hesitation, I stride over to him and watch the colour drain from his face as I grab him by the throat and slam him into the side wall.

  “How the fuck did you get in here?” I roar. His face reddens from my tight grip, but I don’t relent. If he passes out, I’ll just throw him out the window. His hand shuffles in his pocket, while he gasps, retrieving a key in his grasp.

  “Her father …” he wheezes. “Posted it to me.”I narrow my eyes at him and loosen my grip slowly, but not enough to release him.

  “Explain,” I demand.

  “He sent it to the hotel I’m staying at.”

  Hazel audibly gasps behind me and my glare intensifies. I tilt my head towards the front door and hiss. “Drop the key. You have five seconds to be out that door.”

  I release him and watch him topple slightly, gasping for air.

  “You’ll regret not talking to me …” he pants. “Even her mother is going to be disappointed if we don’t get back together. You’re not right for her. I am. Hazel is meant to be with me.”

  “Never,” Hazel sneers behind me. “Get out of my apartment.”

  He stands and steps towards the door, all the while looking at Hazel from top to toe.

  “Seems you have forgotten who you were before you indulged in the lifestyle here,” he jabs. “After all, what would your father say if he saw the frilly slutty garments in your wardrobe? Hmm?”

  “Get out of my apartment, jerk. I love what I do and neither you or my family will have a say in it.” Hazel wraps her arm around my waist, drawing herself closer to me.

  His eyes narrow on her movements as his jaw locks in anger. “Fine for now, petal, but—”

  I tense at her nickname and clench my fists.

  “One,” my voice rumbles.

  He continues to stand there and I hold Hazel tighter to my side.


  He rubs his throat and huffs. “Nice,” his voice drawls. “Seems you really have stepped up from me to this Neanderthal.”


  “I will report you to the authorities if you touch me,” he threatens.

  “That’s fine,” Hazel replies. “I’ll happily add stalking charges against you while I’m there.”

  He flinches but turns and opens the door. We’re left with his parting shot.

  “I’ll see you soon, petal.”

  His eyes flick to me as a satisfied smile lingers across his lips.

  “Stay the fuck away from her,” I threaten.

  He ignores me and slams the door, his heavy footsteps echoing in the outside corridor. I stare at the door and squeeze Hazel to my side.

  “We don’t have to wait for your dad to try and push you out. Pack your stuff; I don’t trust that fucker. Let’s go to my house.” I look down and find her standing quietly at my side, her brows deepening in concern. “You alright, Farfalla?”

  She relaxes slightly and nods. “Yeah, I’m just worried.” She tilts her head back to look at me. “Who flies across the world to woo an ex who obviously isn’t interested?”

  “He’s unhinged, love. He also can’t take rejection.”

  “He went into my bedroom,” she whispers. My arm tightens around her and I turn her with me to walk towards it. The urge to disinfect every surface of this place makes me want to grind my teeth.

  “Let’s pack up as much as we can, and come back for the rest tomorrow.” We reach the doorway and an eerie feeling passes over us. Who the fuck knows what that sick fuck did in here? Hazel quickly heads to her wardrobe and pulls out two suitcases. I chuck them both on her bed and unzip them as she hastily empties out her wardrobe, dragging handfuls of clothes and haphazardly throwing them into the cases.

  “There’s not much that means anything to me, except my great-aunt’s jewellery. I don’t want to think about what he was touching in here. I just want to get out. Let’s get my clothes as I’ll need them, and I’ll grab a few other things.”

  I watch her throw things in her case as a sordid heat flushes through my body. My skin feels thick with rage. If I wasn’t here, who knows what he would’ve tried? My nostrils flare at the thought of him attempting to touch her. No way was she coming back here. She reaches into the drawer of her bedside table and removes a small jewellery box. Her lips press tightly, until she sighs. Her fingers grip the pewter and gently raise it. A creak sounds as the lid fully extends.

  “This.” She takes a moment, as her finger runs along the contents inside. “Used to be my Great-aunt Cynthia’s. She was the closest thing I had to a mother. I used to call her Thea.” Her finger and thumb curl to pick up a piece. She raises her finger to show me a pear-shaped emerald stone ring, surrounded in diamonds that is between her fingers. “This was her ring that her mother gave her when she married. She wore it until the day she died.” Her voice wavers slightly but she continues. “It was a set.”

  Reaching back into the box, she gently pulls out a three chained necklace that has diamonds connected as the chain itself, each in different layers, in an art deco setting. The chains have three points where they meet, held together by a three-leaf diamond. The centre leaf is substantially bigger, with a pear-shaped emerald hanging from the centre. She gently places both into the box and closes the lid. “I also have a few other things, but I used to have the earrings with that set.” Her eyes raise to mine. “One trip, when I flew back, I discovered that Chantal had pawned the earrings to buy more meth. Apparently she had already pawned her ruby ones that our aunt left her. She did it to get meth, but mostly, to hurt me, and it worked. I took the rest of the jewellery away with me.” Her eyes roll at the memory. “Our rich parents support her, still she pawns the jewellery that was left to me. She was just so bitter. They all were.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, “I know your sis
ters were bitches, but why were they like that?”

  “To be honest,” she sighs. “We never got along. As kids, they tolerated me. I spent most of my childhood around Thea. She taught me to sing. She was a cabaret performer. I would go to her house after school and listen to her play the piano while I stared at the beautiful black and white photograph of her on stage.” She breaks eye contact for a moment and stares in the distance. “Behind her stood an enormous star with a few lights hanging on it. The sign seemed so bright in the photo, whereas she was almost a mystery, a near silhouette.” A faint smile appears on her face as she continues, “Her eyes stared at the ground, while her hand reached out and clutched an Unidyne microphone. I remember her hair being pinned to the top of her hair in curls while she wore a one-piece corset, with ruffled French-cut underwear and a long tail made with ruffled tulle that was visible as a shadow, hanging by only one side of her waist. She was beautiful.”

  “I bet she was.” I stared at her face, the longing for her great-aunt clearly shown across her sad smile.

  “That picture resonates with me still. Imagine being on that stage, having the lights off and then ‘Boom’!” She gestures with the hands. “Suddenly, the performer is all you see … amazing. “Those times with her made me who I am today. There’s no way that anyone is going to change my mind. No matter where I am or what I am doing.”

  She gently tucks the jewellery box into her handbag. “Thea guided me to choose acting and singing. She was so fond of me and I loved her. When she died, she left us some of her inheritance, but she left me the most. It caused a rift between my mother and sisters and increased the bitterness they already had against me. My drive to leave for the UK intensified.”

  She grabs another shirt and throws it in her bag. “Do you know Calista pinned me down one day and slapped my face silly to try to get me to hand over my share to her? You know what my mother did? Told her to get off but walked out of the room. She didn’t even care. There’s no excuse for being mean when I didn’t deserve it.


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