Elephant Small Vol 4

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Elephant Small Vol 4 Page 3

by Stanski

  35. Aphrodisiac Eyes

  Beautiful vision

  Golden sunbeams backlight hair

  Soft halo framing face

  Enchanting me

  She’s looking my way

  Through aphrodisiac eyes

  Subliminal signals

  Arousing me

  Closer to me now

  Stimulating sweet desires

  Exploiting weaknesses

  Seducing me

  Hers, a love supreme

  Heaven sent; a Greek Goddess

  On a divine mission

  To fulfil me

  Passion fruit princess

  Leads me to the Promised Land

  Lifelong summer of love

  To complete me

  36. Overstating The Terroir

  ‘The Dresden clock continued ticking on the mantelpiece

  And the footman sat upon the dining-table

  Holding the second housemaid on his knees--

  Who had always been so careful while her mistress lived’

  From ‘Aunt Helen’ by T.S. Eliot

  Uncork me a fine wine of elegant nose

  Releasing English liquorice and roast herbes de Provence

  Thick, harsh, and powerful, Chậteauneuf du Pape

  Vibrantly coloured, rich mahogany red

  Virile and masculine, with muscular tannins

  Ground pepper, lavender, loamy soil undertones

  Exotic essence, suggesting cloves awash with fruits

  Cassis… sweet framboise… smoky fried cherry notes

  To complement a bouquet of spice and old leather

  Themes that transport me to grandfather’s drawing room

  Cuban cigar smoke clouding the atmosphere

  The Dresden clock… ticking on the mantelpiece

  Inside that big old ancestral mansion house

  …And the footman, sat upon the dining table

  Glaring acetone; volatile acidity

  Deep and dense, with a complexity of balance

  Holding the second housemaid on his knees

  An impressive structure, not lacking in finesse

  A beautiful, perfectly rounded body

  Exhibiting her own fruitiness and fatness

  Mischievous, tantalising characteristics

  That dance on the palate. A command performance

  Leading to a long silky finish from the girl

  Who had always been so careful while her mistress lived

  37. Dog Eat Dog

  Don’t tell me I’m over-reacting.

  I’ll give you thirty two good reasons;

  Better still, thirty two good hidings

  One for each stitch the physician sewed.

  I’ll give you thirty two good reasons

  - Lessons in responsibility

  One for each stitch the physician sewed -

  Why my reaction is justified.

  Lessons in responsibility;

  Barely adequate compensation.

  While my reaction is justified,

  There’s still an outstanding bill to pay.

  Barely adequate compensation

  To show me the money; call it quits.

  There’s still an outstanding bill to pay,

  Although cash sounds reasonable… just.

  Show me the money; we’ll call it quits?

  I’d like to take my own pound of flesh,

  Although cash sounds reasonable. Just

  Don’t tell me I’m over-reacting.

  I’d like to take my own pound of flesh.

  Today, dark clouds dominate.

  Don’t tell me I’m over-reacting;

  Precipitation likely.

  Today, dark clouds dominate;

  Low pressure system develops;

  Precipitation likely.

  Long-term forecast, more promising.

  Low pressure system develops.

  Overcast conditions apply.

  Long-term forecast, more promising;

  Horizon coming into view.

  Overcast conditions apply.

  Sunny intervals later;

  Horizon coming into view.

  Perspective adjustment follows.

  Sunny intervals later.

  Tomorrow, a clear blue sky.

  Perspective adjustment follows.

  Today, dark clouds dominate.

  Tomorrow, a clear blue sky;

  The calm comes after the storm.

  Today, dark clouds dominate.

  Don’t tell me I’m over-reacting.

  38. Dad

  Thinking a lot


  about my Dad

  He would have been

  ninety years old

  on the first of June

  Twenty Ten

  He didn’t do



  Metaphorical Milestones

  ‘Unnecessary fuss’

  I think that’s because

  they served as reminders

  of things he’d rather

  have chosen to forget

  Terrible things

  Unspeakable things

  He’d survived the War

  Nazi and Communist



  leading to allied conscription

  One of just a few

  who came down the hill

  Monte Cassino

  Bloody Battlefield

  to Bloody Battlefield

  to Palestine

  before England

  where he spent

  the next sixty years

  struggling long and hard

  to survive the peace

  At home

  Dad was one of those guys

  you only needed to ask once

  He didn’t forget or ignore

  Ask him three months in advance

  He’d remember

  Every detail

  He just had a gift for it

  I once made the mistake

  of reminding him

  two weeks after first asking

  You know what he said?

  ‘I heard you the first time’

  I’m kinda like him

  I don’t forget

  If I can help it

  I’ll never forget Dad

  I can’t help it

  39. Non Ci Resta Che Piangere


  or should I have said

  Boungiorno Notte…?

  The Sun Also shines at night, don’t you know?

  Yesterday, I was drunk

  Seven kilometres from Jerusalem

  talking to The Caiman

  Was I seeing double?

  He appeared to be

  Come due coccodrilli

  and they were telling me

  Tales of Ordinary Madness

  ‘You know what?’ they say

  ‘La vita è bella

  ...La seconda volta

  Volere volare

  Tutta la vita davanti


  La tragedia di un uomo ridicolo

  Fuori dal mondo

  …Come te nessuno mai’

  There were no sub-titles for me

  so, in broken English, they explained

  ‘Don’t move

  Once you’re born you can no longer hide

  The keys to the house’

  Translations And Films

  NON CI RESTA CHE PIANGERE - Nothing left to do but cry 1985

  Buongiorno - Good morning

  Boungiorno Notte – Good morning night 2003

  The Sun Also shines at night 1990

  Seven kilometres from Jerusalem 2007

  The Caiman 2006

  Come due coccodrilli – Like two crocodiles 1994

  Tales of Ordinary Madness 1981- also a Charles Bukowski title

  La vita è bella – Life is beautiful 1997

  La seconda volta –The second time 1995

  Volere volare – To want
to fly - 1991

  Tutta la vita davanti - All your life ahead of you 2008

  è - is

  La tragedia di un uomo ridicolo – The tragedy of a ridiculous man 1981

  Fuori dal mondo – Not of this world 1999

  Come te nessuno mai – But forever in my mind 1999

  Don’t move 2004

  Once you’re born you can no longer hide 2005

  The keys to the house 2004

  40. Buon Appetito

  Bruno’s got his work cut out stasera

  dealing with a new age breed

  of teppisti malavitosi

  who think that Antipasti

  is the name of a rock ‘n’ roll band

  It’s not just their arrogant college grad tones

  that Bruno finds so seccante

  They’re all wearing suits from Milano

  that shout in voices louder still

  And so they come to his house

  and they ask him to commit murder…

  (They’ve ordered a bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau

  Apparently, the new Valpolicella)

  …by passing on a cooking tip or two

  Somebody do him a favour

  Un favore, per favore

  The day will never come

  when Bruno cooks with rapeseed oil

  rather than olio d’oliva

  serves glasses of Beaujolais

  in place of Valpolicella

  melts chunks of Swiss Gruyère

  …the new Mozarella, don’t you know?

  He could be forgiven

  if, at this preciso momento

  he’s feeling rather proud

  to call himself Italiano

  Unlike someone else he could mention

  like that trendy TV gourmet chef

  who goes by his alter ego

  of Capo Di Tutti Capi

  …Un duro periodo di miseria elapses

  Thinks: Il capo… egli diventa

  an overnight sensation

  disgracing his famiglia

  in the process of growing rich

  A complete embarrassment

  to the Italian nation

  This man has surely incurred the wrath

  of paesani Siciliano


  BUON APPETITO – Enjoy Your Meal

  stasera – tonight/this evening

  teppisti malavitosi – underworld thugs

  Antipasti – (literally) before the meal

  seccante – irritating/tiresome

  Milano - Milan

  Valpolicella – Italian wine (similar characteristics to Beaujolais)

  Un favore, per favore – a favour, please

  olio d’oliva – olive oil

  Mozarella – Italian cheese (similar characteristics to Swiss Gruyère

  preciso momento – precise moment

  Italiano – Italian

  Capo Di Tutti Capi – Boss of Bosses

  Un duro periodo di miseria – a hard time of misery

  Il capo… egli diventa – the boss… he became

  famiglia - family

  paesani Siciliano – Sicilian people

  41. Dreamtime

  Thirty four year trophy drought

  Devils, Potters would not quench

  Silverware in short supply

  Dream on hold for one more year?

  Last night – Fantasy Football

  Pensioners given The Blues

  And those two Reds played their part

  Minds more on Bridge than Stamford?

  Double double re-ignites

  Dream of City Glory Days

  One step closer to Big Dream

  European Champions!

  But let’s not forget the past

  Dreamtime era – Eighty One

  Back in the day we promised

  To pay our respects in full

  When the dream we share comes true

  We’ll look behind us, and say

  “There’s no one quite like John Bond

  He has helped us on our way”

  42. The Future

  When twilight’s veil announces sun’s retreat

  Those holier than thou shall say ‘Repent’

  Will you be ready to admit defeat?

  They’ll speak in voices they think heaven sent

  That overturn the order of the soul

  You’ve paid your dues up front - you owe no rent

  Still they’ll persist; your dignity their goal

  Not Christ, nor Hiroshima; loaded gun

  Could influence this mind they would control

  So things are gonna slide; it won’t be fun

  You know… it’s not your first night on this Earth

  You’ve seen the future… seen the setting sun

  The Present

  Salute Cicada sunset serenade

  Propose a toast to evening’s golden glow

  Watch twilight fall as light transforms to shade

  The solstice sun sure likes to go down slow

  …To match the mood of hope for summer love?

  Caged birds fly free not wishing to forego

  This gentle glimpse of goodness from above

  For things unknown but longed for still they yearn

  Like unrequited passion; hand in glove

  Though bathed in evening’s glory, they too learn

  That freedom is a dream that won’t come true

  Their hopes are dashed; and to their cage return

  The Past (Reprise)

  Harmonium, distorted Tabla beat

  Keyboard, Soprano Sax; ethereal

  Paid homage to the summer twilight heat

  The evening air with tones imperial

  And watched the sunset stain the sky blood-red

  As sundown sang its nightly serial

  Crescendo built in waves of words unsaid

  As darkness overcame the sinking sun

  And fleeting signals echoed in my head

  While dreams proclaimed ‘goodnight the day is done’

  The music faded - Tabla tones beat on

  The mellow tune retired; its course was run




  overturn the order of the soul



  things are gonna slide

  seen the future

  All from the song ‘The Future’ by Leonard Cohen


  things unknown but longed for still

  From the poem ‘I know why the caged bird sings’ by Maya Angelou

  Set to music by Branford Marsalis


  Based on ‘Jewels of love’ by Pharaoh Sanders

  43. bad day

  you must be mad if you think

  i’ll have a happy birthday

  when i’m feeling so nervous

  i could drown in my own sweat

  as if things weren’t bad enough

  the party you planned for me

  is all you talk of lately

  why do you obsess yourself

  with such trivial matters

  what with carbon emissions

  glacial meltdown caused by drought

  warming the arctic circle

  raising global sea levels

  all adding to my sorrow

  44. Joined At The Hip

  When Angels say “Good Morning!”

  It’s like sixty minutes on acid

  It is either good or bad

  You know... it makes my head look smaller

  Makes me desire things repulsive

  Things with hairless armpits, but full of hatred

  With no possibility of cheating

  I notice all the little details

  The way things really, honestly are

  Freedom is the worst thing

  And young achievers need difficulties

  ...Or have I stopped making sense?

  That I don’
t notice these things anymore

  Helps me remember to forget

  Poets compare; idiots repeat

  I really do enjoy forgetting

  The best thing in life is me

  ...I’ve written it down somewhere







  It’s like sixty minutes on acid

  You know... it makes my head look smaller

  I notice all the little details

  The way things really, honestly are

  Or have I stopped making sense?

  That I don’t notice these things anymore

  Helps me remember to forget

  I really do enjoy forgetting

  ...I’ve written it down somewhere


  When Angels say “Good Morning!”

  It is either good or bad

  Makes me desire things repulsive

  Things with hairless armpits, but full of hatred

  With no possibility of cheating

  Freedom is the worst thing

  And young achievers need difficulties

  Poets compare; idiots repeat

  The best thing in life is me


  Here’s the full quotations:

  It's like 60 Minutes on acid.

  I like it, murder, because this is courage. It is anti-bourgeois. Murder is closer to heaven, because after becoming remords de conscience, one prays, one opens the sky, and the angels say, “Good morning!”

  I wanted my head to appear smaller and the easiest way to do that was to make my body bigger. ...

  In the subconscious you fuck ugly people, never beautiful, because the libido always desires something repulsive.

  What is an elegant woman? An elegant woman is a woman who despises you and who has no hair under her arms.

  Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad.

  I really enjoy forgetting. When I first come to a place, I notice all the little details. I notice the way the sky looks. The color of white paper. The way people walk. Doorknobs. Everything. Then I get used to the place and I don't notice those things anymore. So only by forgetting can I see the place again as it really is.


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