Gone - Part One

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Gone - Part One Page 4

by Deborah Bladon

  Chapter 8

  Note to self: don't piss off Clive Parker or your ass will be shipped off to a remote location for the foreseeable future.

  "Rowan said that you'd be available to start working for us next week." His eyes don't leave the screen of his smartphone. "Does that still work for you?"

  "You want me to work for you?" I ask because I need to fully grasp what he's saying. In a span of a little more than twenty-four hours I've gone from burying any hope I might have had of working for his company to hearing him asking me if I'm ready, willing and able to take on the task.

  "You've already signed all the necessary paperwork." His eyes flit over my face at a rapid pace. I can tell that he's not eager to dredge up what happened in his office yesterday.

  "I just assumed after our discussion yesterday that it wasn't going to happen."

  He rests his phone on his thigh, his eyes jutting up to meet mine. "I want to apologize for what happened in my office. I work in a cutthroat industry, Lilly. We've had several issues in the past of employees sharing sensitive information with our competition."

  I know it happens. It only makes sense given the drive to always have the upper hand in the field of technology and gadgets. There had been several stories on the news about lawsuits leveled against employees of Corteck. I assumed that's why I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement in Rowan's office yesterday. I had done so without question. "I understand, Mr. Parker."

  He leans forward, pulling his phone into his palm. "Do you have a place to live in New York?"

  I don't. My intention was to hit the ground running on that today. I was going to look into an extended stay hotel until I could find a more permanent solution. "Not yet. I can start figuring that out today."

  "A friend of mine is looking for a roommate." He stares directly at me, his blue eyes looking even more vibrant in the natural sunlight that is streaming in through the window on the wall directly behind me. "You'll be able to easily afford it on your salary and it's only a short subway ride from there to the office."

  "That sounds great," I offer back trying not to sound as utterly shocked as I feel. "That would help me out a lot."

  "I'll have her contact you." The edges of his mouth soften.

  "Thank you." I smooth my hands over the legs of my jeans. "I'm excited to start working for you."

  "I want to clarify something, Lilly." He scrubs his hand over his forehead. "This is uncomfortable, but necessary."

  I flinch not only from the words, but also from the expression on his face. "What is it?"

  "You're a very attractive young woman." He tilts his chin upward so his eyes catch mine. "You're obviously very comfortable with who you are."

  I swallow hard. I can't tell if he's waiting for me to confirm that or not. "Yes," I say quietly because I can't think of anything else to fill in the silence that is now enveloping the room.

  He blows a puff of air out between his lips. "I need you to understand that I prefer if my employees keep their personal lives out of the office."

  I feel my shoulders heave forward involuntarily. Why wasn't I expecting this lecture? The man sees me as a nothing but a horny, half-naked fool. I cast my eyes down. It's a label I'm never going to be able to drop. He'll always view me as the redhead who showed her tits off to his brother. "I think I understand."

  "You're going to be working in a division that is primarily men." He taps his finger on the arm of the chair. "You’re going to be propositioned a lot."

  I raise a brow. "I can handle myself."

  He counters with a cock of his own brow. "I have no idea that you can handle a lot, Lilly."

  "I'll keep things professional, Mr. Parker." I dart my tongue over my bottom lip.

  His eyes lock on my mouth before his own tongue traces a slow path over his top lip. "Keep it professional in the office. What you do after five o'clock is up to you."


  "It's almost five o'clock. You need to live a little." He's trying to coax me to give in.

  "A cocktail party in the office?" I turn my head to look at Dan, one of the men I met four days ago when I started working at Corteck. "Does that happen a lot?"

  "A few times a year." He crosses his arms over his chest. "It's a mixer so new employees can meet us lifers."

  I laugh at the inference that Dan is a lifer. He's the one person I've spent the most time with since I walked through the door of the building earlier this week. He's helped me set up my computer, he's shown me around the offices and I've heard countless stories about how blessed he is to have the most amazing wife, children and grandchildren in the world. In a very short period of time, he's become someone I can count on to help guide me through the maze of my new job.

  "You're going to be there, right?" He taps the face of his watch. "It starts in a few minutes in the conference room on the twenty-eighth floor."

  I want to ask if Clive will be there. I haven't spoken to him since he walked out of my apartment last week after telling me I had free rein to fuck whoever I wanted after work each night. He might not have used those exact words, but there was no mistaking his body language. I saw the same glint of desire in his eye when he first walked into the bistro. The problem is that he's my boss now, and judging by the murmurs that I've heard floating through the air at the coffee station and in the lunch room, the man has a type and that's anything that struts down a runaway and is near six feet tall. I'm ten inches too short and I program computers all day. I'm beginning to think that what I saw in his eyes was nothing more than amusement.

  "Do you think I have to go?" I tap a few keys on my keyboard. "I'd rather stay here and work."

  "Working late isn't going to get you anywhere, Lil." Dan walks over to my desk. "You need to mingle. Most of the division managers are going to be there. "

  I suppose that should mean something to me. "I don't see how that matters. I'm here for three months."

  He pushes on the corner of a piece of paper on my desk. "Division managers can make whatever changes they want. If you hit it off with one, you might get something long term."

  I scratch my ear. "I hadn't thought of that."

  "You need to start seeing the big picture." He holds out his hand. "We'll go together for an hour tops and then we can both take off."

  I study his palm. "Just an hour?"

  "I'm taking my wife out for dinner." He fumbles with the one button on his dress shirt that always pops open over his stomach. "I can't disappoint that woman so I have to leave in an hour."

  "I can do an hour." I push my hands against my desk and pull myself up. "I'm ready if you are."

  Chapter 9

  "Everyone has rules when it comes to who they'll fuck." An obviously excited man's voice carries over my shoulder.

  I've never been at an office cocktail party. We didn’t even have a holiday party at Star Bistro so this is a new universe for me. Who knew that the uptight people I work alongside all day would become so open and willing to discuss their sex lives once they had a glass or two of wine? I glance down at the half full goblet of red in my hand and decide that I've reached my limit. If I keep up the pace with my co-workers I'm going to start sharing details about what I like to do in bed.

  "What are your rules, Lilly?" Kathryn, a woman I met mere moments ago breathes down my neck. "It's different nowadays, isn't it?"

  All eyes in the tight group of seven I'm standing in are locked on me. I'm not a prude. The renowned Clive Parker himself can attest to that. I'm just not that willing to share intimate parts of my life with these people. I have to come back to the office on Monday morning and I want to be able to do that without any stigma attached to my face.

  "When I was your age, we waited until we were married before we did a man." Kathryn is on a roll and I'm right in the path of that. "You've probably done more guys this month than I've ever done."

  Way to throw me under the whore bus, Kathy. "I doubt that," I say back because, seriously, what else is there?

Just tell us your rules." She taps her hand on my shoulder. "Do you like them younger, or older?"

  I'm not getting out of this without at least a few questions answered and this one is easy so I'll go for it. "I don't have a preference when it comes to age."

  "That's great news for me." Bernie, who I'd venture to guess is nearing retirement age, adjusts the bow tie around his neck. "We could take this party to my place, Lilly."

  Or I could hide under the table near the entrance where two women are happily pouring drinks. I laugh only because I can't think of a retort that wouldn't be biting. I'm trying to establish more business relationships here, not land myself in the bed of a man old enough to be my grandfather.

  "Clive has a thing about age." Kathryn's voice is back in the mix. "I've heard rumors about it."

  I actually wonder for a brief moment whether the back of my ears perked up at the mention of his name. I've taken extra time in the lobby and in the hallways all week hoping to run into him. I've never met a more attractive man and as of right now, his face and body are what I'm imagining when I'm standing in the shower of my new apartment every morning making myself orgasm.

  "What rumors?" Bernie leans closer to me as if I'm the holder of that secret. "Does he like them as young as Lilly?"

  I shouldn't be as invested in the answer to his question as I am. I wait for Kathryn to pipe up and spill the goods but there's only silence in our corner of the room.

  I fidget on my feet before I realize that everyone's eyes have shifted to a space near the entrance to the conference room. I turn to follow the line of their gaze and there he is. Standing at ease in a dark suit, blue shirt and a small grin on his face is Clive Parker.

  "He's so fucking hot," Kathryn whispers into the air. "I'd cheat on my husband for that."

  I lift my hand to my mouth to stifle the laugh I can't contain. It's what every woman in the room must be thinking judging by the way all female eyes are following every step he's taking.

  "He's coming over here," Bernie announces even though no one has stopped staring. The entire room has gone quiet.

  I pull the wineglass up to my mouth. I don't give it a second thought as I push it against my lips and down it in one quick swallow just as he stops next to Kathryn.

  "Is everyone having a good time?" His voice is cultured and refined. There's a playful lilt in his tone that I haven't heard before.

  "Your parties are always the best, Mr. Parker." Bernie tips the short glass of amber liquid in his hand towards Clive.

  "I'm glad you're having fun, Bernie," Clive says the words through a smile although his gaze is locked on me. "How about you, Lilly? Are you enjoying your first mixer?"

  I nod slowly. "I am."

  His eyes sweep over my body, soaking in the green shift dress I'm wearing along with black heels. "I'd like to see you in my office."

  My heart stops. I literally feel it stall within the confines of my chest. "Now?"

  "If I can tear you away from this, now is perfect."

  Chapter 10

  It's almost seven o'clock. That means that I'm free to do what I want according to Clive Parker's rules. That would be more exciting if I wasn't stuck in the middle of a meeting I don't belong in.

  My eyes travel slowly over the handsome face of Clive's assistant, Bruce. He's slightly older than I am. By first glance one would think that he's happy to be here late on a Friday but the scowl that took over his expression when Clive turned his back to him made it clear there's more than a small bit of hostility there. I haven't heard much about Bruce since I started here, other than the fact that he worked his way up in the company to become Clive's right hand man.

  He was gracious to me the moment I walked through the office door on Clive's heel. He'd offered me something to drink almost immediately and the tender way he said my name helped volley my mood.

  It's a stark contrast to Clive who hasn't said more than two words to me since I followed him out of the conference room. I'd spent the entire elevator ride to the floor that houses all of the corporate offices, listening to him talk football scores with a man my age. I honestly was having more fun at the mixer and I'm beginning to feel a bite of resentment for being pulled out of that.

  "I need you to firm up my itinerary for London next month." Clive's eyes don't leave his tablet's screen as he continues with the never-ending list of things he wants Bruce to take care of. "I'll need to have that on my desk on Monday."

  "I'll have it ready by tomorrow." Bruce taps something into his smartphone. "Is there anything else?"

  I've heard him ask it at least three times since we walked through the office door almost thirty minutes ago. I've occupied myself by sitting patiently on one of the chairs near Clive's desk clearing all the old messages out of my phone.

  "I think that's it." Clive finally stands and I'm tempted to do the same. "I'll see you out."

  "I should probably be going too." I toss my phone back into my purse.

  "You'll sit right there until I get back, Lilly."

  "It was nice to meet you." Bruce throws me a look that screams of quiet understanding. "I'll see you around the office."

  I nod as I try and pull a small smile to my face. I lean back, rest my head against the luxurious leather and settle in for whatever Clive has in store for me.


  "It's a beautiful city, don't you think?" His voice is barely more than a whisper as it edges over the back of my neck. "I love New York."

  When he didn't return immediately, I'd walked to the bank of windows that overlook the darkened city. I stood in silence, focused on the many people moving along the sidewalks. I hadn't noticed his reflection in the window as he approached me. Now, he's almost touching my back. "It's a wonderful city."

  I feel him step forward a touch and out of a need to keep my composure I do the same. I look down when I realize that the toes of my shoes are touching the floor length window. I breathe out so heavily that my breath clouds the glass.

  "Are you enjoying your time here, Lilly?"

  My hands shift restlessly in front of me. I have no place to put them. I clench them together tightly as I answer the question in as calm a voice as I can. "This is a wonderful place to work, Mr. Parker."

  I jump slightly as his right hand juts past me to rest against the glass of the window. "You're working here now. You can call me Clive."

  "Clive," I repeat back realizing how misplaced it feels on my tongue. In some abstract way I enjoyed the formality of our exchanges.

  "Say it again, Lilly." The words leave his mouth just as his left hand leaps to the glass, trapping me within.

  "Clive," I say in a breathless whimper. I look up to catch his gaze in the reflection of the window. "I'll call you Clive."

  "What were you talking about in the conference room when I walked in?"

  The question is ripe with hidden innuendo. He must have seen the anxious anticipation on my face when he first spotted me across the room. There's absolutely no way he can know that Kathryn was about to tell me the age of the women he likes to fuck.

  "Nothing." I try to smile. "It was nothing."

  "I've been to those mixers for years." He leans closer to me. "I know what Kathryn likes to talk about."

  I can feel the outline of his erection against me. He's as aroused as I am. The scent of his skin, combined with the position he's trapped me in has me more desirous than I've ever been. I fist my hands at my side to try and avoid the yearning to twist around and wrap them in his hair before I pull him into a deep kiss. "She's very friendly."

  His head roars back with laughter as he briefly grinds himself into me. The motion catches me off guard and I'm certain a small moan escapes my mouth. He stops abruptly and stares at my reflection in the window. "Did Kathryn tell you she'd like to fuck me?"

  My lips part slightly. I run my tongue over them trying to chase away the desperate need I feel to push my body back into his. "I don't want to get her into trouble," I say with no sincerity at all.
I don't care if Kathryn has a job on Monday or not. I do care if I have a job and right now I can't tell if Clive is testing the limits of what I'll do to keep it or not.

  "It's almost eight now, Lilly." His right hand drops from the glass onto my thigh. "Do you remember what I told you about what happens after work?"

  I push my hands against the glass, resting my forehead against them. "Yes, but…"

  "Kathryn told you that she wants to fuck me. Kathryn has told everyone that she wants to fuck me, including me." A deep rumble flows through his chest and into me. "The woman has made it very clear that I have an open invitation."

  I gasp when I feel his hand skim the hem of my dress.

  "I've dated a lot of women." His lips are floating over the tender skin of my neck. "I've fucked most of those women."

  I pull my head away from the window so I can watch his hand in the reflection. My eyes are glued to it as it continues to slide up my thigh. "Mr. Parker…Clive…I" I stammer because any words that might have been ready to come out are now caught on the tip of my tongue.

  "I've never met anyone like you." His fingers run hot over the edge of my lace garter. "You almost had me on my knees when I saw this for the first time."

  My eyes dart down as I feel his hand move higher still. "Please," I say through a moan.

  "Lilly." His lips touch my neck in a soft kiss as his index finger brushes over my inner thigh. "Spread your legs for me."

  I don't hesitate as I push my hands against the glass and edge my feet apart. I want to say something. I should say something but the overwhelming need my body has to feel pleasure from his is silencing everything but my want.

  "I've thought about how beautiful your breasts are since I saw that picture of you." His voice is heavy and measured as he wraps his left hand around my waist, pulling my hips into him. "I haven't stopped thinking about what your cunt looks like. How pretty and pink it must be."


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