Thaumatology 02 - Demon's Moon

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Thaumatology 02 - Demon's Moon Page 9

by Teasdale, Niall

  Slowly, Ceri turned her back on Michael and waited. A second later he was standing behind her, his hands on her hips, pushing down. She could feel his breath on her neck, hot and urgent, and she sank to her knees, and then all fours. Werewolves were not big on foreplay. Ceri felt his tongue lap between her legs, confirming her readiness, and she pushed her knees apart. Then he was entering her, forcing a grunt from her throat. He was big and forceful, and he seemed to care little for her thoughts on what was happening. She pushed her muzzle into the grass, covering it with her clawed hands. Her breasts bounced as he thrust and she felt her climax swelling. She clenched her jaws tight to avoid howling as she felt him come and her own orgasm exploded through her.

  His breath, panting now, was hot on her neck again for a second or two while he recovered. Then she felt one hand stroke along her spine before he pulled out of her. She knew he was gone; his scent, musky and strong, was dying around her. Still, Ceri just lay there, her nose in the grass and her butt sticking up in the air as though waiting for Michael to return or another to take his place. She felt… wanton, and very aroused.

  Struggling to her feet, she pulled her clothes out of her bag before changing back. It was early and the air was cold, but it did nothing to cool her ardour. Checking the time, she realised that she would have some explaining to do to Lily before she could get down to what she wanted from her succubus. She giggled as she started for home. It was going to take quite some explaining.


  ‘You’re completely insane you know?’ Lily said. Ceri had been wrong; Lily had taken one look at her and taken her straight to bed, quite willing to indulge her Mistress’ desires before asking why Ceri was coming in later than she had. It was now almost dawn and they were cuddled together under the sheets and Ceri was quite exhausted.

  ‘I knew more or less what I was doing,’ Ceri replied. Lily was actually taking it far better than she had expected.

  ‘You walked right into the middle of a pack’s territory,’ Lily said, ‘and just hoped they wouldn’t rip your throat out. I’d say that was pretty crazy. Unless this Michael is feeling kind and claims you while you’re doing your research you’re going to spend most of the time being passed around between every unmated male in the pack. That’s pretty crazy too.’

  ‘Then how come you’re not yelling at me?’

  ‘Well,’ Lily said, ‘they didn’t rip your throat out, and if you’re going to come home horny as hell every night I can hardly complain. What’ve you told Cheryl?’

  ‘I said I’d be out of the office for a couple of days doing some research on other packs,’ Ceri replied. ‘Don’t mention this to Carter or Alec. Especially Alec.’

  ‘I’m not stupid,’ Lily replied. ‘He obviously lied about knowing Alexandra, and the only reason I can think of for that is that he didn’t want you to meet her. I doubt he’ll be happy to know you have.’ She paused for a second and then added, ‘Are you sure you should have told me everything she told you?’

  Ceri frowned, considering. ‘Let me ask you something first. Would you have let me go ahead with this if I’d told you about it before I went?’

  Lily responded almost immediately. ‘Yes,’ she said. ‘I’ve never known you do something without thinking it through, given time to do the thinking. I trust you. I’m glad you didn’t tell me, because I’d have been worrying the whole time, and I’d have asked a lot of questions, but I believe in you.’

  ‘Exactly,’ Ceri said. ‘I didn’t tell you because I thought you’d throw a fit. I should trust you more. I will trust you more. You’re my friend…’

  ‘And your pet demon,’ Lily said, grinning.

  ‘And my pet demon,’ Ceri agreed, grinning back. ‘The only reason I should need to keep something from you is because it could harm you.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Lily said and her grip around Ceri’s waist tightened. ‘You’re allowed to not tell me if you’re planning to do something nuts too. Save me worrying. Though a note would have been nice.’

  ‘I’ll keep that in mind,’ Ceri said. Her eyes were drifting closed.

  ‘So, you’re on night shift then?’ Lily asked.

  ‘Yeah… guess you could say that.’

  Lily pulled Ceri closers still, snuggling against her, warm and soft. ‘Good,’ she said, ‘no need to get up early.’

  Battersea, December 4th

  Michael was waiting by the tree where Ceri was once again planning to hide her clothes. He had been there the night before as well, ready to take her to meet a group of around twenty pack members, two couples, and a lot of single males. She had then spent the night, as Lily had suggested, being passed around between wolves as they “sampled the goods.” However, the two females seemed to be on hand to make sure she was okay and take care of her when she was given a break, and their mates along with Michael, were on hand to ensure that no one got too rough. Ceri got the distinct impression that, since this was what would happen to a new female entering the pack, she was being given the experience, but the end result had already been decided.

  Still, as she completed her transformation, Ceri was wondering what was on the agenda tonight. She was not aware that any of the males had claimed her. For all she knew she was about to be taken to yet another group to repeat the experience. Alec had said that they were not a large pack so it seemed unlikely that she had not met, intimately, all the unmated males, but then Alec had lied about knowing Alexandra.

  Michael waited for her to become a she-wolf before moving closer. Almost immediately she spotted the change in behaviour. He moved in close, his muzzle caressing hers. She had seen the same sort of behaviour among the North Hills couples. She could hear him sniffing at her face and neck, and she returned the gesture. He smelled of fresh air and grass; she guessed that she probably smelled of Lily. Sure enough, when he pulled back and looked at her there was something of a quizzical look on his face.

  Ceri was starting to get the hang of werewolf communication, but there was simply no way to explain Lily to him without reverting back to being a human. Instead she bowed her head, seeking his acceptance of her peculiar ways. He reached out a hand to lift her chin, his own head bobbing upward. She should not be so silly, of course it was okay. Ceri moved closer and rubbed his muzzle with her own in thanks.

  Turning, Michael took off across the park. He made no indication that she should follow, but she knew it was what he intended. Sure enough, he held back his speed until she had made up the gap and was running at his right flank, and then they were rushing across the grass at full pelt.

  After a minute or so she began to realise that they were not really going anywhere. He was simply taking her for a run. She was not entirely surprised when another couple joined them, coming out of some trees as they passed and falling in step to Michael’s left. The new male let out a bark of glee and Michael howled a reply. It was a rush; Ceri, a human girl, was running wild with the wolves.

  Eventually all four of them collapsed into a breathless pile of fur in a group of trees near Fountain Lake. There was gentle touching and light caresses. Muzzles were rubbed, even between the two males. What Ceri’s human brain interpreted as intimacy was really more to do with pack bonding, though she noticed that the contact here was not as prolonged as when Michael had greeted her earlier. She was going to have to reassess her views on what physical contact meant because right now she was getting turned on, and she could sense that it was normal to them. Worse, she knew full well that they could smell the effect it was having on her.

  The little party disbanded with the other wolves looking at her with amusement showing in their eyes. The other male tilted his head slightly at Michael and licked his lips, but Michael shook his head. The female looked a little disappointed. Ceri dipped her head in embarrassment, but she was not surprised at the reactions. Michael seemed like a good catch; Ceri could not really understand why he was single.

  Michael nodded in the direction of the river and started away, Ceri loping a
long behind him. He crossed the park to the edge and then, ignoring the few people walking along the river’s edge at this time of night, crossed to the wall and leant against it. Feeling self-conscious, Ceri joined him. Michael reached out, looping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer. They were a couple standing by the river’s edge, like many others did every day. The only difference was that they were naked aside from their fur, and they had wolf heads.

  He was making a point and she could see it well after a bare few minutes. There were three basic reactions from the passers-by. Some ignored them, or seemed to. Some were fascinated, and in one case even aroused. Ceri watched the look on the man’s face as he eyed her body in passing; the girl on his arm had to nudge him to get his attention back. The majority, however, walked as far from the werewolves as they could, their steps quickening once they were past. Ceri could smell the fear and after a few minutes of it she turned toward the water so she no longer had to see the people.

  ‘Shouldn’t be allowed.’ Ceri heard the woman’s voice clearly though it was meant to be a whisper. ‘Things like that on the streets. Shouldn’t be allowed around decent people.’ Ceri’s body stiffened and she felt her anger rising. Michael’s arm tightened around her waist, pulling her against him. His muzzle brushed hers.

  ‘Shush, Vera,’ the woman’s partner, likely her husband, hissed at her. ‘They’ll hear you.’

  Michael held on to Ceri until the couple were well past, constantly comforting her, rubbing muzzles and hands stroking her back. As she settled, he released her and nodded toward the park. She felt sick and nodded back. She wanted to be among wolves; she had never before been ashamed of her own race.


  They were busy chasing rabbits through the park when Ceri began feeling odd. At first the joy of simply running alongside Michael blocked out the sensation she was feeling, but slowly she began to recognise a tightening in the skin at the back of her skull. There was magic at work; a lot of magic. She came to a stop, looking around for the source.

  Michael slid to a stop after a few seconds, wheeling around. He had caught her distress and he dropped into a crouch, searching for whatever had caused it. Catching no scents, or anything else which seemed troublesome, he padded over to her, his head tilted in question.

  There seemed no source for what Ceri was feeling. She should have been able to smell a vampire, or a human mage. She was not so sure about a demon or a fae, but if neither she nor Michael could sense anything then she found it hard to believe that there was something there. She blinked, bringing her Sight up, and her eyes widened. There seemed to be magic all around her, a sea of thaumic energy swelling out from her.

  Ceri staggered and dropped onto the grass, and the next thing she knew she was being lifted in muscular arms. The world sped past as Michael carried her toward the boating lake, but he had not made it to the shore before a half-dozen wolves led by a female with black fur intercepted him.

  Alexandra shifted back into human form on the run, her face full of concern. ‘Don’t shift back,’ she said to Ceri. ‘Put her down, Michael, and step back.’ Michael laid Ceri carefully down on the grass and, reluctantly, moved away.

  Ceri looked up at Alexandra, unable to communicate much more than her distress to the Alpha. Alexandra moved closer, pressing a cool hand to Ceri’s forehead. Her brow wrinkled and she drew her hand away, clenching her fist. ‘You’re giving off huge amounts of magical energy, child,’ Alexandra said. ‘Your aura is raging. There’s… I’ve never seen anything like it. Your body is suffused with magic.’

  Starting to panic, Ceri tried to stand and Alexandra pushed her back down. Something happened; Ceri was not entirely sure what, but suddenly she felt calmer. She had sensed no magic building in Alexandra, but she was convinced the woman had cast a spell. She heard Alexandra say, ‘Michael, bring her clothes here,’ and then she found herself drifting. She blinked, seeing Alexandra’s face floating before her, and then even that image dissolved away.

  Kennington, December 5th

  Ceri awoke in a cage. There was candle light to see by, and by the candle light Ceri could see Lily sitting on the floor outside the cage. ‘Clever move,’ she said quietly. The cage bars were designed to contain Lily’s auras if necessary; silver-iron cores with earth wires would drain away the energy. Of course, they would also work perfectly well to neutralise the field Ceri had been generating.

  Lily bounced up onto her feet. ‘You had me worried,’ she said. ‘When I got home there was a werewolf and an old lady in the hall with you, and Twill was buzzing around like a demented firefly.’ She picked up an inlaid wooden box and pushed it through the bars. ‘Care to see if you’re done yet?’ she asked.

  Ceri opened the box. It was one of her father’s thaumometers; a mid-range one with a scale which stopped at twenty thaums. The needle did not even twitch. ‘Looks like I’m safe,’ she said. ‘I want to go into the lab later and run the scanning system over me.’ She closed the box again. ‘Was it your idea to put me in here?’

  Lily nodded. ‘The door’s not locked. I figured if it would stop my aura, it would keep any odd effects from you in check. The lady said that you were just generating magical energy, like you were a walking magic source. Not dangerous at that level, but much higher and it could have been. Was that Alexandra?’

  ‘Well, I was asleep, but probably,’ Ceri replied. ‘The wolf was probably Michael. Was I human when you got home?’

  Lily nodded again. ‘Alexandra said she had dismissed your spell. She said it was easy, there was so much magic around you that she didn’t have to draw on her own power.’

  Getting up, Ceri opened the cage door and stepped out. ‘I really need to get myself scanned,’ she said. ‘I’ll call Cheryl later.’ Suddenly she was wrapped in a hug.

  ‘Don’t do that again,’ Lily told her. ‘That was scary.’

  ‘Yeah… It scared me too.’ Ceri wrapped her arms around Lily and held on.

  ‘So that was Michael, huh?’ Lily asked.

  ‘Well, probably, yes.’

  ‘I can see why you like him,’ Lily said. ‘I wouldn’t mind a bit of that myself.’

  Ceri giggled.


  ‘Well,’ Cheryl said, ‘there’s no doubt about it. Your body has a residual charge of thaumic energy stored in it.’

  Ceri walked out of the circle of instruments to look at the image on the scanner’s screen and frowned. ‘I’ve been using a lot of power for a couple of nights in a row,’ she said.

  Cheryl nodded. ‘It seems that we have discovered the limiting factor on your abilities.’ She looked around at Lily who was standing at the side of the room looking concerned. ‘What did you say she was reading last night?’

  ‘Not sure,’ Lily replied. ‘Over twenty thaums.’

  The thaumatologist sucked on her teeth thoughtfully. ‘There must be a threshold effect,’ she said. ‘Your body is able to contain the energy up to some limit and after that it leaks out. Up to about thirty thaums isn’t dangerous, per se, but after that things start getting interesting.’

  ‘Interesting?’ Lily asked.

  ‘Random magical events,’ Ceri said. ‘Weird lights, illusions, spontaneous creation, random transformations, sudden matter disintegration.’

  ‘Nothing good then.’

  ‘Not really, no.’ Ceri let out a sigh. ‘I was really getting somewhere with the pack too. Now I have to limit the time I can spend with them.’

  Cheryl looked at her. ‘You figured out how to turn into a werewolf?’ she asked. ‘You know transformation magic is practically unknown? Even if people think witches can turn people into toads, that kind of spell was lost centuries ago.’

  ‘It wasn’t that hard,’ Ceri replied. ‘I’ve watched enough of them do it, but it does take a lot of power to turn and then keep the shape up.’

  ‘Hmm…’ Cheryl frowned and considered the screen for a few seconds. ‘Your parents were some of the best enchanters in the country,’ she s
aid, ‘and you haven’t considered making something to do the work for you?’

  Lily giggled. Ceri grinned sheepishly. ‘Well,’ she said, ‘this is why I’m the research assistant and you’re my boss.’

  December 7th

  Ceri sat dejectedly at her desk splitting her attention between two sets of data analysis being run on the lab’s computers and a large book on enchantments she had brought from home. The analyses were going quite well, though she would not know whether she was getting really useful information from them until she had a chance to properly examine the results. The enchantment research was going rather less well.

  She had found several symbolic complexes which could allow her to transform. They required activation, sure, but they would allow her to stay in werewolf form for as long as she wished without expending extra energy. That was the good news. Unfortunately, every single one of them was going to take her years to complete on her own. She was just about ready to toss the book across the room, not an easy thing considering its size, when Cheryl poked her head around the door.

  ‘Uh, Ceri, there’s a young man here to see you.’ Cheryl was looking a little perplexed and Ceri frowned. ‘He says he knows you,’ her boss added, ‘but I’ve never seen him before.’

  Ceri stood and walked around her desk, crossing the room to look out through the door. Cheryl backed up and pointed to a tall man, long in the leg, who was looking rather uncomfortable as he stood near the main door into the lab. He did look young, maybe eighteen, though the long T-shirt, cargo shorts, and basketball boots with laces untied were possibly making him look younger than he was. His tanned face was narrow and a little flat, with a narrow nose, high cheekbones, wide mouth, and a slightly prominent, cleft chin. His hair was almost shoulder length, untidy, and black. As she watched he pushed some dark strands out of his face and looked up. He smiled uncertainly.


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