Love, Inc

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Love, Inc Page 10

by Lily Zante

  Lexi braced herself for the next message, waiting to hear Wayne’s voice but instead she heard the loud and highly excitable voice of her friend Rita. “Lexi, where are you? Anyway, we thought we’d meet up at Peaches today instead of tomorrow. Let me know if you can make it. Hope to see you there around two? Hope you can come. Mwah.” She forwarded to the next message and eagerly awaited Wayne’s husky voice.

  Surely he would have called and left her a message?

  “Lexi, James here.” Her heart sunk and she deleted it immediately. She listened carefully but there were no more voicemail messages. She stared despondently at her phone and checked for text messages. None. Wayne couldn’t even be bothered to leave her a message or give her any kind of reaction. She was probably just something else in his to-do in-tray to be dealt with on Monday.

  And on Monday, she was sure, he would call the agency and get another replacement for her. That’s how much she meant to him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The sound of the buzzer awoke her and she realised that she had fallen into a light sleep. Groggily she got up and pressed the intercom. “Hello?”

  “Lexi?” It was Greta. She was on her doorstep.


  “Hi Lexi. Yes, it’s me. I wanted to see you. May I come in?” The sound of Greta’s voice inspired a happier feeling in Lexi.

  She’d worked hard all morning and the emotional rollercoaster ride of making her decisions had all made her go to sleep. She let Greta in and closed the door behind her before hugging her tightly, not wanting to let go of her.

  “I’m sorry to intrude on you like this,” said Greta, watching Lexi carefully. “But I got your message and I had to see you.”

  She sat down one of the two single sofas that were placed next to the printer, with a coffee table in between them, opposite the bed. Lexi sat on the other one.

  “What a lovely place you have here,” she said warmly, looking all around her. “It is so, very, you.” She took Lexi’s hand and squeezed it gently. “I won’t be staying long Lexi, but I was worried about you after I got your message.”

  Lexi smiled at her. “Thanks for coming Greta, I didn’t expect you to. I would have met up with you during the week. I know the way I announced my leaving was wrong, especially for you.”

  “Why are you leaving?” Greta asked, loosening the silk scarf she wore around her neck.

  “There’s……too much going on. I -I - it was getting so ………..painful being there. Not the work-” she wasn’t sure how to explain it.

  Where shall I begin? How could she tell Greta that the physical work she could handle but the other stuff, stuff that involved Wayne, was the very thing she could not. She started to open her mouth, but Greta was looking at her oddly, with a mixture of empathy and bemusement.

  “I know.” she said, “I know what you’re going through. I can see it on your face every time I look at you, lately. You don’t need to say a word.”

  Lexi peered at her, unsure whether Greta did understand. But Greta had gotten up and grabbed her handbag.

  “Is that it?” gasped Lexi, “you’re leaving now?”

  “There’s someone here who wants to see you,” she threw Lexi a reassuring look as she went over to the door. Curiosity got the better of her and Lexi followed Greta as she opened.

  Her heart jumped at the sight of Wayne standing outside.

  He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt and faded jeans and he was standing outside her door looking downcast. She blinked in confusion at the same time that a warm feeling enveloped her insides.

  “Hi Lexi,” he said quietly, still standing near the door and not taking a step further in case he invaded her personal space. “Mind if I come in?” he asked, sheepishly.

  She nodded her head and remembered to find her voice, “Sure. I mean I don’t mind. Come in.” Lexi fought for composure. This was the last thing she expected to see.

  She glanced at Greta, wondering if she had had anything to do with this. But Greta simply said, “I’ll leave you both to finish that conversation you started last night,” and she pecked Lexi on the cheek and left.

  The two of them stood silently in the middle of her apartment. Lexi thanked her lucky stars that she had been so full of energy this morning and had tidied the room up. Above all, she was blissfully happy to have made her bed.

  “Come in,” she said, noting that Wayne’s eyes seemed to take in her room in one glance. He stared for a moment at the neat little rows of packaged brown parcels that were stacked up along the wall. She led him over to the far end, to the two sofa seats and they both sat down.

  “Sorry to intrude on you like this,” he started. He felt shy, she could tell. He wasn’t his usual confident self. Maybe it was being in her apartment that made him feel less in charge and less sure of himself.

  When she didn’t say anything he carried on. “Greta said you were leaving us?” his piercing green eyes scanned her face for clues. A part of him wondered if James had been here and another part of him pushed that thought away.

  “I, I thought it might be the best thing - for me.” Lexi said softly.

  “Don’t you like the work Lexi?” It was a simple enough question.

  “I love the company and I love working there.”

  “Then tell me why you’re leaving and why all of a sudden?”

  She shrugged her shoulders and then when he remained silent, she explained, “It’s been a busy week, I’ve been real busy at home,” without meaning to, she glanced at the parcels on the floor.

  Wayne looked over to the neat piles of parcels, at the computer and printer, at the various boxes on her bed and said, “Aaaah, I knew it!” He gave her a triumphant look, “I knew there was more to you than just the temporary jobs.”

  “I’ve been trying one thing after another for years now.”

  “Kind of like me.”

  “Yes, like you. And finally, this seems to be taking off.” She waved her hand towards the parcels. “My orders are increasing every day.” She beamed proudly in spite of herself.

  Wayne sat back in his seat, letting the hard back of the chair hug his back. He looked happy, pleased more like it. “I knew you were too smart for the work you were doing, Alexis Stanning.” He used her name in full, nobody ever did that. “Alexis Stanning Lingerie, that’s you right?” He had a proud look on his face. “I have to hand it to you, great lingerie. And kudos to you for creating something like that and working a day job too.” Lexi felt her face flush.

  Wayne’s eyes glowed with pride when he saw how hard Lexi had been working, not just at WB Enterprises. “I’m really happy for you Lexi, you deserve all the success you get and more. Becoming successful isn’t easy and many people don’t get there. Most give up enroute.”

  “It’s taken me six years to get to this stage,” said Lexi slowly, thinking back to all her failures and low points, “overnight it certainly wasn’t.”

  “I know,” Wayne replied softly. “That’s why I admire you for sticking with it and holding down other jobs as well.” His eyes were so shiny and clear. He hadn’t shaved since yesterday and she could see a faint line of hair starting to come through. It gave him a rough, sexy appearance. This wasn’t the sharply dressed businessman she had seen all week. This before her, in his jeans and t-shirt with the customary five o’clock shadow was the Wayne she was more used to. Not that she minded businessman Wayne either.

  “But you’re not leaving just because of your business success, are you?” he said it so softly, that she leaned in a little to catch the last few words. He leaned forward slowly too. She shook her head. He was so close now, sitting across from her but they both leant forward. Any closer and they would be touching. She caught the merest hint of his cool aftershave.

  “So, why are you leaving, Lexi?” he asked once more. Filling the silence the followed, he asked, “Is it James?” he said this in jest and the mere thought of i
t made her laugh.

  She rolled her eyes in mock desperation. “Urgh, no!” she denied vehemently.

  Wayne’s face was suddenly serious, “He looked pretty taken by you last night.”

  “As Susannah was with you,” Lexi shot back. She moved back slightly, tucking one leg underneath her and leaving the other leg dangling on the floor. She could feel a hot sensation coming over her, now that Wayne was so close.

  “Susannah means nothing. Women like her drape themselves around every man they think might prove useful.”

  “No, I think there’s more to it than that.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Oh, and what might that be?” he asked pretending to be totally ignorant.

  “Let’s put it this way, I don’t think she’s interested in your Powerpoint skills,” Lexi countered.

  “I’m interested in your Powerpoint skills though,” he retorted, the faintest of smiles playing on his lips.

  “But of course,” she replied, returning his smile, “Why shouldn’t you be?” She remembered how much work she had put into getting that presentation perfectly formatted and produced.

  Wayne watched her and couldn’t stop staring at her. He couldn’t believe he was here so close to her. Last night, he had wanted to tell her his feelings for her, until that buffoon James had come by and attached himself to her side. He had gone home in a state. And then this morning Greta had woken him with a message from Lexi. It had been the final nail in the coffin. When Greta had mentioned she was going to look in on Lexi, who hadn’t returned her calls, Wayne had jumped at the chance to come along. He wasn’t going to let anything get in the way now.

  “You don’t get it do you?” he moved in closer and took one of her hands in both of his. His hands were warm and soft and his holding them sent a shiver down her spine.

  Lexi’s mouth went dry and she dared not breathe. She wanted to hear what he had to say. But nothing could have prepared her for the words that came out of his mouth.

  “I am crazy about you Lexi. I’ve tried to find the right moment to tell you but you always run away.”

  Lexi gently pulled her hand out from his.

  “You sure have a funny way of showing it.” She felt lighter inside but she wasn’t going to give in this easily.

  He remembered the half-finished conversation about Terri last night, before James had barged in and claimed his hold over her.

  “Aaah, yes, Terri. I wanted to clear the misunderstanding with her. It was my fault. She likes me but I don’t feel that way about her. I couldn’t let it carry on, leading her like that. I bumped into her as I left work early on Friday, and asked if we could talk. Then I told her, that I didn’t feel the same way. I apologized. I never took advantage of her. It was something that happened once. She had the idea that it would carry on and develop into something else more along the lines of what she wanted.” Lexi listened carefully, digesting each word he said. She moved her leg from underneath her and placed both feet on the floor. Wayne carried on, “I haven’t had time for a relationship, a proper relationship. I’ve been too busy building my business. But, more than that, the right person never came along.”

  Lexi understood exactly where he was coming from because she had experienced the same thing herself.

  “The right person never came along,” he repeated slowly, “until I met you.” His gaze was so intent, so deep, so probing, that Lexi had the sensation her heart was doing somersaults.

  “And that’s the honest truth. As for women like Susannah, she’s nothing to me, except a woman who signed a contract.”

  He held out his hand and she placed hers back into his, enjoying the soft warmth of it. He tugged her hand gently, bringing her a little bit closer. It was all he could do to stop himself from grabbing her and kissing her passionately.

  Lexi leaned forward a bit more, “I never completely believed that you felt that way about me,” she whispered. She was experiencing a delicious sensation in the lower parts of her body and she savored every moment of it. She murmured, “I thought it was a one-sided thing. Each time I thought you might actually feel something for me, stuff happened.”

  He smiled slightly. Of course, the post-it note, Terri, Susannah. It all made perfect sense now.

  “I’ve been crazy about you for the longest time, Lexi, you just never saw it.” His eyes rested on her lips.

  “That makes both of us then,” she replied, licking her lips. She moved in closer for the kiss she knew was coming. They kissed gently at first, savoring the first real close encounter but then their kisses got hungrier and they moved over to the other side of the room, crashing lazily onto the bed.

  “Lexi, Lexi,” murmured Wayne, stopping briefly to get some air. He ran his fingers through her soft hair, cupping her ear and fanning out his fingers as they gently traced the back of her neck. His touch sent shockwaves through her body and she hungrily grabbed onto him as he kissed her deeply and passionately. They rolled around kissing and touching each other and savoring the closeness after so many weeks of pushing each other away. But they left it at that for now.

  “Let’s take it slow,” whispered Wayne. And Lexi moved in again for another long kiss. Her stomach made a gurgling sound.

  “Was that yours or mine?” Wayne asked, propping himself up on one elbow. He was lying on his side, looking down at Lexi.

  “Mine,” she said, sitting upright fast, “I’m starving. Come on, I know a place you’ll love.” They left her apartment and Lexi led Wayne to her favorite diner, Peaches.

  As she was about to walk inside with Wayne, both of them holding hands tightly, Rita and Kelly burst out of the doors.

  For a quick second a look of utter surprise crossed their faces. Lexi had forgotten their message from earlier that morning, to meet her at two o’clock.

  “I’m sorry!” wailed Lexi, letting go of Wayne’s hand and throwing herself at Rita, who looked completely lost for words and whose only action was to look from Wayne to Lexi and then back to Wayne again.

  Kelly had that knowing, quietly happy expression as she turned to Rita, in an attempt to stop her from staring at Wayne as though he had three heads.

  “We wondered what you might be up to,” she said cryptically, trying to sound as normal as she could.

  “I’ve been busy. Lots going on, I can’t begin to tell you!” gushed Lexi. She felt so completely happy, as though she would float on air if she had a mind to.

  “So, Lexi, are you ever going to introduce us to this gorgeous man?” asked Rita enthusiastically. She moved forward, throwing out her hand towards Wayne, who seemed to take it all in his stride. Rita held onto his hand, unable to let go as she took in Wayne and his rugged good looks.

  “Aw, sorry,” Lexi moved aside, and made the introductions. “Wayne, Rita and Kelly, my best friends from college. Rita, Kelly, this is Wayne, my-my-er, my boss.” She faltered.

  “Your business partner, you mean.” Wayne interjected. Lexi threw him a surprised look. Rita and Kelly exchanged knowing looks with each other.

  “We will see you later, Lexi.” Kelly grabbed Rita’s arm, otherwise Rita would have remained rooted to the floor, and dragged her off.

  “Call me when you’re free,” she winked at Lexi and gave her another big hug. Lexi glowed with happiness. As they stepped inside the diner, she looked at Wayne and asked,

  “Which business partner? Your business or mine?” He kissed her on the lips and said,

  “Why not both?”

  They sat at the table that Rita and Kelly had just vacated.

  Peaches was a popular place, especially for brunch and late, lazy lunches. It was crowded inside but they had their cozy little table by the window. Only this time Lexi was sharing it with a very special someone. They sat and ordered their food and talked for hours, losing all track of time.

  This business of love wasn’t so complicated after all.

  *** The End ***

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  Other books by Lily Zante:

  The Proposal

  Nadine Stefano is a high flying career woman. She has no time for relationships and having been recently promoted at work, she wants to make a good impression with her boss. At her sister’s hen party Nadine meets Ethan who is one of the performers. She finds herself attracted to him and they end up talking that first night.

  A few weeks later, the company Nadine works for are holding their annual convention at a luxury hotel away from home. Not having a date to take with her, and wanting to present the image of a settled and happy woman in a relationship, Nadine resorts to calling Ethan at the escort agency and asking him along. Theirs is a strong attraction, although there are various company politics and characters that stand in their way.

  Will their meeting lead to love, despite seemingly different career choices, or will Nadine dump Ethan in order to pursue her career goals?

  An Unexpected Gift

  Caitlin Quinn has just walked out of a miserable relationship with her abusive boyfriend and is finally starting to get her life back on track again.

  Walking home late on a cold, December night after a Christmas party at work, Caitlin is suddenly and brutally attacked.

  Terrorised and frightened for her life she screams for help when suddenly a handsome stranger comes to her rescue and saves her.

  Thrown together under the most horrific of circumstances, Caitlin and her rescuer must learn to deal with the effects of the attack as well as their existing relationships and the problems that each of them faces.

  The bigger problem, however, is that they are starting to become attracted to one another too.


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