Faraway Eyes_A fast-paced romantic murder mystery

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Faraway Eyes_A fast-paced romantic murder mystery Page 5

by Evelyn Harrison

  Moments later, Kate appeared in the kitchen and found Sam sobbing in Flo’s arms. Unfortunately, Kate had more bad news.

  “I’m so sorry Sam. After you left, Ana seemed to get a thrill out of telling me they’re getting married on the first weekend of the Whitsun holidays, that’s only four weeks away!”

  Sam looked at her through bloodshot eyes and shook her head.

  “Why was I so stupid to let him go without saying anything to him. I love him, Kate.”

  “I know you do. Come on, we never did have that drink. Let’s all go and raid the drinks cabinet in the sitting room.”


  It was almost six o’clock, most of the village folk had already left and the people running the stalls were clearing away. Sam was going around collecting the filled black rubbish bags when she was suddenly aware of Ana striding towards her.

  “Alex is waiting for me in the car,” she began, her voice noticeably adopting a sharper tone. “I told him I’d left my jacket in the refreshment tent, but I actually came back here to find you!”

  Sam wondered if she talked to anyone else in that voice, or had she just saved if for her. Standing stiffly in her presence, she tried hard not to let her emotions show, she wasn’t about to give this woman the satisfaction that she was at all bothered by her intimidating manner.

  “You must be gutted I have taken Alex from you,” Ana continued, “it’s obvious to me you love him, it’s written all over your face. Sadly though for you, you never did tell him, did you? I, on the other hand, was in the right place at the right time, he was ready for the picking, ready to hear words of love and lust from a woman willing to perform for him, sexual things that turn him on.”

  “Go to hell Ana, I don’t want to be part of your game!” cried Sam, before attempting to walk away.

  Ignoring Sam’s request, Ana stepped in front of her – her heavy perfume was irritating Sam’s sense of smell.

  “We enjoy each other every single day. He’s a wonderful lover, but of course, you have no idea how it feels to have him make love to you and now, you never will. He’s mine, all mine. I trust you understand and keep well away from my husband to be.”

  Her breathing was noticeably heavier, as if being so close to Sam was turning her on. With her lips almost touching Sam’s ear, she whispered.

  “I want to let you into a little secret, I have his seed growing inside me. I’m not stupid like you were, there’s no way he’ll ever leave me now.”

  Sam wanted to slap her. She realised Ana had played the ace card; the bitch had trapped Alex into marrying her by getting pregnant. Fighting back the tears, she managed to force a smile.

  “You may think he’s yours, but in my heart, I know he’ll always love me. I think you know it too, otherwise why are you here? We have something special, Alex and me that you’ll never have or understand. So, go have your wedding and your baby and for its sake, I hope you’ll all be very happy.”

  With that Sam turned away and carried on picking up the rubbish.

  Chapter 7 – A Change of Heart

  Arriving at the gated entrance to The Old Rectory the following day, Sam drove slowly over the loose gravel drive. She hoped Polly was at home, for it was Polly, not her mother, she had come to see. She had timed her visit knowing her mother was at her weekly hair appointment, so wouldn’t be around to question her presence.

  Pulling up in front of the house, she alighted from her car and made her way to the front door and rang the bell. After several minutes, Polly’s face appeared in the doorway.

  “Sorry about that, I was on the phone taking a booking. This is an unexpected pleasure, but I’m afraid your mother’s out.”

  “I know, can we go somewhere private to talk Polly?” asked Sam, stepping into the wooden-floored hallway.

  Polly’s eyes widened. “Yes, of course. The bedrooms are being cleaned at the moment so why don’t we go to the annexe? Brian’s driven your mother into town; they shouldn’t be back for at least an hour. Where’s young Harry, is he asleep in the car?”

  “No, my neighbour Josie is looking after him for a couple of hours.”

  The women walked back outside and veered to the right. The annex was a two up two down extension of the main house. Over the years, Brian had very tastefully decorated it and when Polly moved in, she added her feminine touch. A cushion here, a table lamp there, it was all very cosy. It had its own front door to the side of the stone building, which opened directly into the lounge. The stairs up to the bedrooms and bathroom began at the far wall. From the base of the stairs a further door led into the kitchen diner. Yes, it was all very cosy.

  “Can I get you something, tea or a soft drink?”

  “No, I’m fine thanks Polly. Why don’t we sit down?”

  Settling themselves into two leather armchairs, straddling a small log burner, Sam ran her tongue over her lips.

  “I’ll come straight to the point. I’ve thought long and hard about it and I’ve decided to help you find your husband, at least try and find evidence confirming whether he’s dead or alive. As long as you and Mum can look after Harry.”

  “Oh my, thank you!” cried Polly, her jaw dropping at Sam’s announcement. “What made you change your mind?”

  Sam got to her feet and started pacing the room. “I’ve had some bad news about a friend, I’d like to be out of the country for a while and let’s face it I couldn’t get any further away than New Zealand.”

  Polly looked thoughtful. “This friend wouldn’t be Alex Walker, would it?”

  Sam placed her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrows. “The Willow Green grapevine does it again.”

  “You know only too well that news, good or bad, always gets around very quickly in this part of the county. Actually, I was in Willow Green Post Office and bumped into Flo Devine, she’s very worried about you, that’s the only reason she mentioned it.”

  “She doesn’t have to worry about me, I’ve been through worse. Anyway, do you still want me to go to New Zealand?”

  “Yes, yes of course. By the way I took your advice and told Brian everything. You were right he was very understanding. It was actually a relief to get it off my chest.”

  “Good, I’m glad. Now Polly, I think it’s time you opened up to me about your husband. If I’m going halfway round the world, I think you owe me all the facts so I know exactly what I’m dealing with.”

  Chapter 8 – Out of the Frying Pan

  1995 – 2007

  Polly met Daniel Brennan, on a blind date when she was in her early thirties. She’d just emerged from one of those tragic years, which sadly do happen in people’s lives from time to time, when everything that could go wrong, went wrong. For one thing her long-time relationship with Geoff, a chef in a London restaurant, where all the fashionable people like to be seen in, broke up quite violently. They had a fight after she discovered a pair of women’s knickers wedged down the back seat of her car – her car! She went ballistic and tore his clothes to shreds. He in turn smashed her iPad across her head creating a gash requiring stitches. Hearing her screams, their neighbours called the police and Geoff was carted off in a police van. That was just the start of her troubles. Three months later her world was turned upside down, when her parents were killed in a bus crash in Germany. Distraught, she felt herself unable to function; daily tasks now became near impossible. Often not being able to rise from her bed, she lost her job and some of her friends as a consequence. Life, she felt, was not worth living. At her lowest ebb, an old friend arrived on her doorstep.

  Georgina was one of those irritating people who went through life seeing nothing but blue skies and sunshine, even on a cloudy day. She’d been on a year’s sabbatical from her teaching job and had finally come home to roost after meeting an ‘amazing university lecturer’, Bradley Northcott, who, as it turned out, lived in the next town to hers – what were the odds?

  “Honestly Polly, I want you to meet him, he has the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen. He’
s definitely the man I’m going to marry.”

  Polly peered at her, somewhat bewildered, from beneath her duvet.

  “Georgy, it’s nice to see you again, but I’m tired, I need to sleep.”

  “Nonsense, it’s two in the afternoon. You, young lady, spend too long in bed, you’re wasting your life. I know some terrible things happened to you last year and I’m sorry I wasn’t around to be there for you, but I’m here now.” Pulling back the duvet, she threw her a towel. “You smell disgusting. Go and have a shower while I rustle us up something to eat and then we’ll discuss what we going to do about getting you another job. Go on, up you get!”

  Sausage and mash had never tasted so good.

  “Right. So from what you’ve told me, your parents left you everything. What have you done with the house?”

  “My aunt and her husband have cleared it for me and it’s up for sale. They suggested I buy something with the proceeds, but I don’t know …”

  “Of course you must. I’d love you to move nearer to me so we can spend more time together. We’ll start looking today and then I know there’s a job going in the office at my school, which should suit you perfectly. Come on, eat up, I’m taking you clothes shopping.”


  Another year on, thanks to Georgina, Polly had her life back. She’d brought a three-bed semi in a new development and was working as a secretary in Ashton Primary School, where Georgina was a year five teacher.

  “You’ll be my bridesmaid of course, what do you think of pink? Too girly?” pondered Georgy.

  “Don’t you think I’m too old to be playing bridesmaid?” sighed Polly.

  “You won’t be ‘playing’ bridesmaid, and of course you’re not too old. You’re my best friend, I wouldn’t think of asking anyone else. Which reminds me, tomorrow night we’re going out to dinner.”

  “What’s the occasion?”

  “It’s a get together of the best man and the bridesmaid.”

  “You mean it’s a blind date?”

  “Well, yes, in a way. Brad thought it a good idea for the two of you to meet. His name’s Daniel Brennan. He’s thirty-two and like Brad he’s a lecturer. You don’t have to fall in love with him, just enjoy the evening, it’s been ages since you’ve been out with a man.”


  Daniel Brennan was not the usual type Polly would go for, but he had a twinkle in his eye and a mouth ripe for kissing. He reminded her of Indiana Jones, which was a coincidence because in fact the subject he lectured in, just happened to be archaeology. It turned out to be a wonderful evening and Daniel even drove her home. He was so easy to talk to and as they sat chatting outside her house, Polly began to believe she could easily fall for him.

  “I won’t ask to come in for coffee, but I would like to see you again, before the wedding?” he asked.

  In those days Polly had plum coloured hair that hung in ringlets around her shoulders. Nervously brushing back the stray strands from her face, she smiled at him.

  “I’d like that, perhaps I could cook you a meal, a thank you for paying tonight?”

  “Sounds great. How about the day after tomorrow?”

  “Fine with me. I’ll see you then, about eight?”

  He leaned across her and opened the door. She felt her toes curl with excitement – how she yearned for him to kiss her and how disappointed was she when he didn’t.


  Daniel arrived at exactly eight, with a bottle of wine in one hand and flowers he’d purchased from the garage around the corner, in the other.

  “I hope you like curry, I should have asked you?” she said, placing a plate of Madras in front of him.

  “It smells wonderful, curry is my all-time favourite. Steph told me you’re an amazing cook. Marry me now!” he joked.

  Reclining on her settee an hour later, he took her hand.

  “I’m glad we’ve had the opportunity to get to know each other before Georgy and Brad’s big day. You’re very beautiful you know,” he said, stroking her hair, “and your lips,” he continued, sidling closer, “I have an urge to kiss those lips.”

  The kiss went on for some time, while his wandering hands began to explore every contour of her body. It had been so long since she’d felt like this. She didn’t resist as he led her upstairs to her bedroom. She even let him remove her clothes, kissing and touching her as he progressed. Pulling back the duvet she lay with her hair splayed on the pillow and as his face came closer, she rejoiced in their union.


  In 1997, two years after their first meeting, Polly married Daniel, in a registry office ceremony with just Georgina and Bradley as witnesses. They had a short honeymoon in Paris, the city of romance and were happily married for several years, until Polly began to realise something was not right with their relationship. Daniel had begun to arrive home later and later from the university and on one or more occasion, he didn’t come home at all. His excuse was always that he’d fallen asleep in his study. She loved him, she wanted to believe him and so she let it go without a fuss, for the time being, anyway. If her fiery relationship with Geoff had taught her anything, it was about the desires of men.

  The fact was temptation surrounded Daniel all-day and every day in the form of the young girls who attended his lectures. It had been easy for him at first to keep them at arm’s length, after all, these nubile bodies being thrust at him on a daily basis, were young enough to be his daughters. He was their tutor, someone for them to look up to and hold in respect. He shouldn’t be having desires. So why was he beginning to have these fantasies as he lay in bed next to his beautiful wife who satisfied his every need? Was it a midlife crisis?

  The first time he let his guard down was on a weekend dig with a third-year group in 2004. It had been a good day; they’d found several artefacts to take back to the university and were in the Rose and Crown pub, somewhere in Cambridge, having a few drinks, when one of his student’s, an attractive brunette, came up to him and put her hand on the arm of his tweet jacket.

  “Professor Brennan, do you think I’ll pass my final year, or should I ask my parents to pay for extra tuition?”

  That’s how it started, a simple question, from an ambitious young woman. Oh, how soft she was and so keen to please. Of course, he was disgusted with himself at first, but she was there offering herself to him and in the end, he couldn’t resist. Their affair continued until the exams and then she dropped him like a stone and simply went home never to be seen again, but he didn’t mind that, because it meant there weren’t any complications with talk of love or commitment. It was what it was, two people getting what they wanted, she, extra tuition for free and he, sex with a young, eager body.

  The following year a similar thing happened, there was a definite pattern emerging and if he was honest with himself, he quite liked it. It was good for his ego. Then in 2006, Nancy Baxter, a student from New Zealand, sat down in front of him and crossed her long legs. Sitting high up in the raised seating in the lecture hall, he couldn’t help but notice her mini skirt, what there was of it, and she in turn knew exactly what effect she was having on him.

  Nancy came from a small town in the South Island of New Zealand and was a very keen student. Their affair began a few weeks into her last year; Daniel had called her to his study to discuss the classes up and coming field trip. Standing outside in the corridor, Nancy hesitated, before taking out her mirror and lipstick from her shoulder bag. With great precision she applied the moist cream to her lips, satisfied with her appearance, she knocked on the heavy wooden door.

  “Come in.”

  Daniel looked up from his desk as she entered and put down his pen.

  “You wanted to see me Professor Brennan? I hope I’m not in any trouble?”

  “No, of course not Nancy, take a seat. I wanted to see you about the Lake District field trip, only there is still the outstanding cost to pay I’m afraid before I can let you go.”

  “I’m waiting for dad to transfer the money to
my account. I did tell him it was urgent, I don’t know what else I can do,” she said, lowering her head, she removed a tissue from her pocket to catch her fake tears.

  Rising from his chair, Daniel rounded his desk.

  “Don’t upset yourself, I’m sure something can be arranged, it’s not the end of the world.”

  “I’d be so grateful,” she said, looking up into his muddy brown eyes. Getting to her feet she moved closer towards him while starting to undo her blouse. “I know you’ve noticed me Professor, do you like what you see?”

  “Nancy, this is not appropriate behaviour. I’m your tutor, I will do all I can so you can join this trip but …”

  “Professor, I do believe you’re blushing.”

  Daniel returned to his chair, however, Nancy wasn’t giving up. Pursuing him to the other side of his desk, she stood in front of him, leaned forward and rested her hands on his knees. Placing her pink wet lips on his, her tongue slipped into his mouth. Unable to resist her, he pulled her onto his lap while his hand worked its way slowly up her thigh.

  “Professor Brennan, I think you want me after all. Come,” she urged, getting to her feet again, “Lock the door, we don’t want to be disturbed, do we?”

  It was a very passionate affair, the most intense Daniel had ever known. He couldn’t get her out of his head and to be honest he didn’t want to, he ached for her every single day and night. His relationship with Polly naturally suffered. They hardly had sex any more and more often than not, when he did come home, he slept in the spare room ‘I didn’t want to disturb you, I came to bed so late’ became his normal excuse.

  Of course, by this stage, although she didn’t have concrete proof of his infidelities, Polly realised her husband was having affairs. Usually, she knew when his latest fling had finished because he would return to the marital bed and their sex lives would resume, until his next dalliance. Most women would say how stupid she was to put up with his behaviour, but the truth was she was terrified of being left on her own again, believing if she was, her life might as well be over. So she didn’t confront him, because she simply didn’t want to risk losing him. However, she was well aware his latest fling was going on longer than those he’d had before. Even with that unease, she continued to turn a blind eye to his coldness, praying that like all the other times, the affair would burn itself out and he would eventually come back to her.


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