Faraway Eyes_A fast-paced romantic murder mystery

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Faraway Eyes_A fast-paced romantic murder mystery Page 22

by Evelyn Harrison

  She took his hand and led him over to the fireplace, although its embers were cooling, it was still giving out a warming glow.

  “Lay with me in front of the fire?” she posed, throwing down some cushions.

  Kneeling facing each other, she reached over and began to unbutton his shirt. As his clothes fell from his body, she smothered his chest with kisses. Pulling her towards him, he reached behind her and very slowly, eased down the zip of her dress. Together they lay naked, enjoying each other’s touch, rejoicing once again in their union.


  Harry woke early – after all it was his birthday. After opening his presents, Sam drove to The Old Rectory, where Sally and Polly showered him with even more gifts.

  “I can see he’s going to be spoilt today Mum.”

  “Well Samantha dear, he is a special little boy.”

  Watching her son tear at the blue paper with her mother’s help, Sam fought against the urge to pick him up and squeeze him and tell him Alex was going to be his dad, that at last he would have the mummy and a daddy he so rightly deserved, but she had promised Alex she wouldn’t say anything about their engagement until he arrived for the party. They hadn’t had much time to discuss the wedding, but both had agreed they wanted to get married as soon as possible.

  The announcement of their engagement, didn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Besieged by well-wishers, they were overcome by the congratulations bestowed on them.

  “It’s wonderful news!” cried Beth, who had joined the crowd around them. “I hope you’ll let me make your cake, I’ve been thinking of branching out into wedding cakes, so it would be good practice.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of asking anyone else,” laughed Sam.

  “At last!” exclaimed Kate. “I can’t wait to shop with you for your dress. Have you thought about the style you’d like?”

  “Kate, we’ve only just got engaged!”

  “I know, and I also know you very well, it’ll take you months to decide, so we’d better get started. I’ll pick up some brides magazines when I’m next in town.”

  “Samantha dear, I’m so happy for you both,” wept Sally, wiping away her tears. “Have you and Alex a date in mind?”

  Alex put an arm around her shoulder. “As soon as the Reverend Stanton has a spare Saturday, Sally, that’s a promise.”

  Chapter 34 – The Final Act

  “Five weeks! It’s impossible to organise a wedding in just five weeks!” cried Sam, the minute Alex put down the phone. “Why didn’t you tell the Reverend Stanton you’d talk to me first?”

  “Sorry darling, he put pressure on me, you know what these vicars are like, once they start talking … Anyway, I did say if you weren’t in agreement I’d call him back by the end of the day.”

  A couple of hours later, friends and family squashed into the small sitting room of Honeysuckle Cottage, summoned there to an emergency meeting to discuss the prospects of organising a wedding in such a short time. Everyone was very positive (especially Kate and Beth) and soon arrangements for the village wedding were put into place, allaying any anxieties Sam had that it wouldn’t be possible.

  Nevertheless, there was so much to do, Sam’s head was spinning. However, there was something she promised Alex she would arrange first. Picking up the phone, she dialled. Hearing Catherine’s voice on the other end of the line still caused her anxiety, but it was something she had to do now, or she never would.

  “Catherine, its Sam, Sam Adams, I’m phoning because I’d like to invite you and Carlos to tea next week …”


  Hearing the click of the garden gate, Sam peered out of her window at the two elderly figures approaching her front door. This was the first time she would be meeting Carlos, yes, it had taken her this long to get around to it. Greeting them she immediately ushered them along the hallway and into her kitchen at the back, where she’d laid out sandwiches and one of Beth’s cakes on her glass dining room table.

  “What a lovely cottage,” enthused Catherine, the minute she stepped into the warmth of the country kitchen. “Sam, this is my husband Carlos.”

  With the niceties over with, Sam poured out three cups of tea.

  “Was there much traffic on the motorway Carlos?” Sam asked, trying to instigate a conversation.

  “No, it was surprisingly clear once we got away from the airport. It’s so nice to meet you, at last Sam. I wanted you to know how devastated we both were to hear of our son’s passing. If only we had met him.”

  Sam looked down at the cup in her hands. “I know he would have loved to have met you both too. Actually, there’s something I’ve got to tell you …” She stopped in her tracks, as their heads turned on hearing a noise from somewhere in the building.

  “Is there someone else in the cottage?” asked Catherine.

  Sam looked uneasy. “Yes, actually there is that’s what I was about to tell you. If you come with me I’ll introduce you.”

  Getting up from the table, they followed Sam back down the hallway and into the sitting room, where they found Alex, supervising Harry playing happily surrounded by his toys.

  “This is Alex, my fiancé, and Harry, my son,” said Sam, closely observing the expressions of shock on the faces of her guests.

  Catherine moved slowly towards Harry and knelt down beside him. Holding back the tears she looked up at Sam. “Is he … is he Michael’s son?” she asked softly.

  Alex rose from his position on the floor and stood beside Sam and put an arm around her. “Yes,” said Sam, “Harry was born after Michael died.”

  “Oh my …” began Catherine, tears now helplessly spilling down her cheeks. “Hello Harry, it’s so wonderful to meet you. My name’s Catherine and this is Carlos, my husband. Do you mind if we play with you for a while?”

  Harry looked over towards his mother for reassurance, who in turn sat down beside him. “Harry darling, this is your grandma and grandpa, why don’t you give them a big hug.”

  Harry scrambled to his feet and flung his arms around them. Over his shoulder Catherine mouthed, ‘thank you’. The immediate love she felt for the little boy completely overwhelmed her; it was as if she was embracing Michael, the son she never witnessed growing up to be a man.

  It turned out to be a memorable afternoon, one Sam promised them would be repeated very soon.


  October 2017

  The bells of Willow Green church, which lay in the heart of the village, rang out, rejoicing in the up and coming nuptials. Five weeks of organised chaos had flown by, but it was all done now and their wedding day was upon them. Sally had managed to arrange the venue and caterers in a hotel only two miles outside the village. Kate had helped with the invitations, the choosing of the bridesmaid and flower girls’ dresses, and of course, the dress for the bride. Beth had worked non-stop on the cake, refusing to reveal her masterpiece until the actual day. Everything was ready.

  Sitting in Honeysuckle Cottage having her hair and make-up done by Linda, Sam glanced at her watch.

  “Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll be finished with time to spare, I promise,” insisted Linda.

  An hour later, Kate helped Sam slip into her cream satin bridal dress. Standing back to admire her, Kate smiled broadly.

  “You look stunning Sam. Polly’s just dropped off your bouquet by the way; it’s on the hall table. She and Brian have made a lovely job of all the flowers. Well, do you feel ready?”

  Sam took a deep breath, “As ready as I’ll ever be.” She took Kate’s hand. “Thanks Kate, for everything, not just the arrangements for the wedding, but for being such a good friend. I don’t know what I’d have done without you and Beth over the last few years.”

  “Don’t, you’ll make me cry,” said Kate.

  Hearing a male voice rising from the downstairs rooms, Sam released Kate’s hand.

  “Is that Nick’s dulcet tones I can hear?”

  “Yes, he arrived about ten minutes ago, he looks very smart. He made a quip
about having the father-daughter talk with you before you leave.”

  “You’d better tell him to come up, I can’t wait to hear what words of wisdom he has to tell me,” laughed Sam.


  Willow Green Church was packed with guests and villagers who wanted to take part in the romance of the year. Arriving in a white Rolls Royce chauffeured by Brian, Sam alighted with Nick, and together they made their way through the arched gated entrance and along the ancient path, where so many had walked before. Waiting in the church porch, with Kate, were two very excited flower girls, Gabrielle and Alita, alongside Olivia, her bridesmaid, all of whom were dressed in ice-blue dresses.

  “Samantha dear, you look so beautiful,” said Sally, as she stepped forward holding Harry’s hand, “Doesn’t he look adorable in his pageboy outfit?”

  “He certainly does Mum, absolutely adorable. In fact, everyone looks perfect,” Sam beamed. “Come on then, I’m about to be married.”

  Heads turned as the bridal procession, led by Sam on Nick’s arm, made its way slowly up the aisle, festooned with fragrant flowers of white, cream and blue. She could feel the love pouring from family and friends around her, and from the unseen souls no longer of this world. Standing in front of the altar, Alex, her future husband, swayed nervously beside Digger, his best man. Coming to a halt beside him, Sam turned and handed her bouquet to her mother, who was already in tears. Slipping his hand into hers, Alex squeezed Sam’s hand gently; reassuring her everything was going to be fine.


  December 2017

  It had been almost three months since Sam became Mrs. Samantha Walker. It was late on Christmas Eve; the village streets were deserted with many locals attending the Midnight Mass in Willow Green Church. Around the common, several of the houses and cottages, had been decorated with hundreds of tiny lights, some flashing, some simply twinkling in the darkness of the night. One adventurous villager had even erected a Father Christmas with a couple of reindeer on their front lawn, a first for the village. It was all very magical.

  The most warmth though, was coming from an unexpected source. The Manor House, which for months had been in mourning, stood proud again within its grounds. A fresh lick of white paint on its brickwork had been just the beginning of its regeneration. The once 80’s interior walls, were now devoid of colour, just right for a young family to add their own personal touches.

  A month before, the Walkers had opened the front door to The Manor House, their new home. In true tradition, Alex had swept Sam off her feet and carried her sideways through the doorway. Then, both laughing with excitement, they had run from room to room, hardly believing this iconic building was finally theirs. It had been a stressful few months dealing with solicitors and estate agents and all the people with an interest in Barbara Hamilton’s will. Fortunately, whilst all the confrontations over the will were going on, Alex had managed a quick sale on his home in Dunwell, and after that, everything began to fall into place.

  A painter and decorator had been hired the minute the relevant papers had been signed. All agreed, he’d done a wonderful job getting the house ready for their first Christmas as a family.

  Reaching to the ceiling, a huge Christmas tree now dominated the hallway. The spruce, a house-warming gift from Jonathon Oliver, had arrived on the back of his truck and was now decorated from top to tail in Christmas decorations. Numerous presents of varying colour and sizes already surrounded its base.

  A mixture of emotions had enveloped Sam when she handed back the keys to Mary Maddox, the owner of Honeysuckle Cottage. She had taken a last lingering look around at her little home, which in her short time of occupancy, had meant so much to her, before finally pulling the door shut behind her. At the start of the year, Sam had already realised that sadly, the cottage was now too small for her and Harry. So, it went without saying that when Alex moved in, there was no real decision to be made – they had to move on and leave all the fond memories behind. Josie and Max had waved a tearful goodbye as the family followed on behind the removal van, secretly praying their new neighbours would be as wonderful to live next door to as Sam and Harry had been.

  Without a doubt, it had been quite a year. One that had started with heartbreak on Sam’s part, but was ending in a way she couldn’t have believed possible. The news from New Zealand was that both Nancy and Jim Baxter had been found guilty of the crimes they had been charged with, just as Sergeant Fleming had foretold and the two of them had been given very long sentences, so justice prevailed in the end. As for Polly and Brian, they had finally set a date for their registry office wedding, for the first Friday in the New Year.


  The carriage clock over the mantelpiece, informed Sam and Alex, it was almost midnight, they were just finishing off the last preparations for the big day. To everyone’s surprise, Sam had insisted she’d make Christmas dinner this year, which would be a first. So, her culinary skills weren’t the best in the world, and that huge turkey certainly looked challenging, but Polly had talked her through the preparation and cooking, so she was quietly confident that everything would be fine. Anyway, both Polly and her mum had promised to arrive early Christmas morning to help her, just in case.

  Sitting on the floor wrapping the last of the presents, Alex looked up at the clock, there was just two minutes to go before midnight.

  “Thank goodness we’ve finished,” sighed Alex, “we’re almost out of Sellotape … Yeah, it’s twelve o’clock Sam, it’s Christmas Day.” He leaned over and kissed her. “Our first Christmas together, as man and wife. Do you fancy a drink before we go to bed to celebrate?”

  Sam smiled, “Not really, I’m too tired, but you have one if you want. Actually, I thought I’d give you one of my presents now.”

  “OK,” he said intrigued, “is it already under the tree?”

  “No darling it’s not under the tree, I’ve got it right here. Give me your hand.” She lifted up her jumper and placed his hand on her belly. “Congratulations Alex Walker, you’re going to be a daddy again.”

  Alex’s eyes filled with tears as he jumped up and took her in his arms. “Oh, Sam! I’m blown away. You couldn’t have given me a better present. When did you find out? Is everything OK? I mean after the last time …”

  “Everything is fine, honestly. I saw Doctor O’Brien on Friday; he and Nurse Chamberlain are going to keep a close eye on me.”

  “Oh my beautiful, wonderful Sam, you’ve made me so happy,” he cried, kissing her again. “When is he due?”

  “He or she,” grinned Sam, “is due in August, so a little way to go. I don’t want to tell anyone else yet, not even my mum. Let’s give it a few more weeks. Agreed?”

  “Agreed. Come on, we’d better go up to bed. You need your sleep, our first born will be awake before we know it.”

  Ascending the stairs, Sam reached for the light switch on the landing. When she arrived in Willow Green she believed her life, as she had known it was over and she would never be happy again. Today though, that couldn’t be further from the truth, for she and her little family had just begun an amazing new chapter.

  If you would like to be notified when the next Willow Green mystery is released, be sure to click here and sign up for my free newsletter.


  To my Reader:

  Many thanks for buying Faraway Eyes, I hope you enjoyed reading it.

  If you did enjoy it, please post a review at Amazon, Goodreads or your favourite social network site and let your friends know about Faraway Eyes.

  Look out for the other books in the Willow Green Mysteries series – All For the Love of Josie, A Troubled Soul, A Blackened Heart and Without You.

  And don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter for details of my latest books and a FREE exclusive short story!

  Happy Reading!

  All the best


  Also by Evelyn Harrison

  All For the Love of Josie: getBook.at/Josie

A Troubled Soul: getBook.at/TSoul

  A Blackened Heart: getBook.at/BHeart

  Without You: getBook.at/without_you


  I feel I’ve been on this incredible journey, with people I really care about; hopefully it’s not quite over yet. However, Faraway Eyes, is the final book in the Willow Green Mysteries series.

  There are so many people I want to thank. Ian, Sarah, Claire and Rob, my wonderful family, who have supported me right from the start. Then there are my friends, whose encouragement has been amazing. I have to make special mention to Sally, Linda, Georgy and Lorraine. Thank you ladies for being there. Of course there are those of you who I’ve never met, who have been reading my books. Thank you, to each and every one of you.

  Finally, none of this would have been possible in the first place if, Dave Lyons, at Raven Crest Books, hadn’t given me the opportunity to be published. Thank you Dave.

  Contact details

  Like on Facebook: facebook.com/1evelynharrison

  Published by: Raven Crest Books: ravencrestbooks.com


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  Published by

  Raven Crest Books

  Publishing the best in new literary voices

  Copyright © 2018 Evelyn Harrison. All rights reserved

  The right of Evelyn Harrison to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988


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