Irish: A Reed Security Romance (Reed Security Series Book 5)

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Irish: A Reed Security Romance (Reed Security Series Book 5) Page 11

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  Her father eyed me skeptically, but nodded. Claire stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “I’ll be home before midnight, Daddy.”

  She walked out to the truck, completely avoiding all contact with me and got in her own side. I took her lead and went to my own side, trying my best to appear like I was her tutor. As we drove down her driveway, I looked over to see her staring out her window and wiping at her eyes.

  “Do you want to tell me what that was all about?”

  “Remember I told you that my dad wasn’t all there any more?”


  “Nights are the worst. He thinks that I’m still a little girl. He’s usually pretty good during the day, but there are times that he gets confused early in the day.”

  Now it all made sense. I slid my hand over the seat to hers and gripped her hand in mine. She squeezed my hand back and I got the feeling that this had been weighing on her mind for way too long.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  She turned to me with a shaky smile and nodded. “Yeah. Let’s just go have some fun.”

  I nodded, understanding that she didn’t want to talk about it right now. I took her to dinner at the local Italian restaurant. I had reserved their most private table, hoping that it would help her relax. I figured that if people were watching her, it would only make her more nervous and bring out more of her awkwardness.

  After dinner, we walked along the streets downtown to a local ice cream shop. Claire had been quieter tonight and I wondered how much of it had to do with what happened with her father.

  “How long has your father been that bad?” I asked as we licked our ice cream, walking down the sidewalk.

  She blew out a breath and took another lick. I wanted to be that ice cream. The way her tongue slid across the creamy goodness made my cock harden. I cleared my throat and looked away. It would be difficult to listen to her if I kept picturing the things I wanted her to do to me in the bedroom.

  “It’s been getting gradually worse over the last few years, but the last few months has been really hard. Not every day is a good day for him. Some days he wakes up thinking that I’m still a young teenager.”

  “That’s gotta be hard.”

  “Some days aren’t so bad. Sometimes he goes back to a really good memory and it feels so good to have that part of my dad back, but most of the time, he’s just confused. I know that Lucy and I need to think about our options, but it’s a hard decision to take him away from everything he knows.”

  “I know this isn’t the same thing, but I had this dog, Barkley, that I’d had since I was a kid. My parents watched him for me while I was serving and they called me up one day saying that he wasn’t doing so well. He was getting too old and the doctor said that he had really bad arthritis and he was in a lot of pain. My parents didn’t know what to do. They didn’t want to put him down when I wasn’t home, but they didn’t want to make the dog suffer either. They called me and asked me what I wanted. I told them they should put him down. It was fucking brutal. That dog was like my best friend growing up and as much as I wanted to be there for him, I didn’t know when I would be able to get home. They don’t exactly give leave for your sick dog.”

  “Did they do it?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. We all knew it was the right thing for him. I’m not saying that your decision about your father is anything like mine, but you have to think about what’s best for him. He could get hurt if he gets too confused and tries to do something he shouldn’t be doing. I’m not saying now’s the time, but try to remember that you’re not giving up on him, but helping him the only way you can.”

  She was silent and I wondered if I had stepped over the line. Maybe she wasn’t ready to face reality yet.

  “Where do your parents live?”

  “North Carolina. They moved out there a few years back after my dad retired.”

  “Do you ever go visit them?”

  “Not really. I’m usually pretty busy, so they come back here and stay with me for a few weeks every year.”

  “What were you like as a kid?”

  I laughed and rubbed my hand across the back of my neck. “You know, rough and tumble kid. I got into a lot of trouble growing up.”

  “No, you?” she mocked me.

  “I know. It’s hard to believe, right? My parents had their hands full with me and my brothers.”

  “How many brothers do you have?”


  “Six? Six brothers? Oh my gosh. Your poor parents.”

  “You have no idea. Eric is the oldest. He’s the most straight laced out of any of us. I’m the second oldest. Will is the third. He’s very book smart. Robert is next. He’s a lawyer and given his name, you could definitely picture his name on a billboard. Josh is fifth and..” I swallowed hard, ashamed at this next part. “We don’t really know where Josh is. He’s had some trouble and no one’s heard from him in a few years. Andrew is the sixth son. He’s really into technology and music. And last is Joe. He’s kind of the wild child. Last born and gets away with everything.”

  “And I thought it was bad that my dad had to put up with me and Lucy.”

  “Let’s just say that we were sort of notorious in my hometown.”

  “Where did you grow up?”

  “A small farming town south of Chicago. There are about three thousand people that live there. I had twenty-eight people in my graduating class. Everyone knew everyone and no one had any privacy unless you lived in the country.”

  “And did you?”

  “Yeah, but that didn’t stop us from being well known in town. We caused so much trouble that my parents pretty much just started shaking their heads when they heard another story. I mean, we didn’t do anything illegal, but it was still embarrassing to my parents.”

  “What kind of stuff did you do?”

  “Uh, promise you won’t use it against me?”

  “I’m pretty sure I’ve given you plenty of ammunition against me.”

  “True. Alright, well there was this one time that Joe convinced us to stage a bank robbery.”

  “Hold on. Like an actual bank robbery?” she asked in amazement.

  “Yeah. It wasn’t such a great idea, but at the time, we thought it was a pretty cool idea.”

  “How old were you?”

  “I was about fourteen. The younger brothers weren’t tall enough to pass as bank robbers yet, but that didn’t stop us. We had on masks and everything. The problem was, we only had our winter ski masks and at the time, they had designs on them. At first the employees were freaked out, but then the bank manager recognized Joe’s Spiderman mask and he played along. He called the cops and they showed up, sirens blaring and we were all hauled off to jail after a short standoff.”

  “I thought you said you didn’t do anything illegal?”

  “Well, it was a different time. Small town and all, the cops kind of expected it from us.”

  “So, did you get in trouble?”

  “Not really. It was kind of like a town performance. Once everyone kind of clued in that it was the Cortell brothers up to their tricks, they all played along. It got quite dramatic. The cops warned us about making sure we didn’t take things too far. Mom and Dad were a little pissed, but they laughed when we got home.”

  “It sounds like you guys were really close.”

  “We were. Not so much any more. We’re all kind of scattered at the moment. Eric is still back home with Joe and Andrew. They stayed in the house after Mom and Dad moved to North Carolina. Robert works in Chicago, so he’s not too far away. William teaches a few towns over.”

  “And you’re here.”


  “What was Josh doing the last you heard from him?”

  We stopped walking and sat down on a bench by the park. With my elbows resting on my knees, I decided that I would tell Claire what happened that made me lose touch with my family.

  “I, uh, I don’t really know. I was so wrapped up in my own life and
starting over after I left the military that I didn’t pay attention to the rest of my family. My last mission, my whole team died and I knew we shouldn’t have been going in. I knew that something was off. I was the team leader and I should have spoken up, but I didn’t. Two of the guys were wounded, but they survived while we were waiting for a rescue. We were running to the extraction point when they were killed. I was the only one that made it out of there that day.”

  I stared at the ground as I remembered Burk taking a bullet as we boarded the helicopter. Fisher shoved me in and then was climbing in behind me when he took a bullet to the back. I tried to catch him and pull him in, but his body was dead weight and he fell back to the ground. We were under heavy fire and we couldn’t go back right away. Their bodies were recovered later, but there wasn’t much left for their families to bury.

  “Anyway, I was a mess when I was discharged. My family wanted to help, but I didn’t know how to let them. I got ahold of Cap and started working with him. It was easier to work with people that understood than to go home and have people look at me like I was damaged.”

  “When was the last time you saw your brothers?”

  “A few years. I’ve wanted to go back, but there’s been so much shit happening around here that I just keep making excuses not to.”

  “It seems like we both make excuses not to do things.”


  I didn’t sleep with her that night or any of the other nights over the next two weeks. It was killer because every time I saw her, I wanted her even more, but I wanted to take things slow with her and make sure that I didn’t fuck things up with her. I had already made some major mistakes and once I slept with her, I knew things would completely change between us. I needed to be sure I was ready to give her everything she deserved because I didn’t want to hurt her. She had different plans though.

  “I want you to fuck me tonight,” she said as she leaned over the armrest in the movie theater. We were sitting in the back watching some stupid romantic comedy that I didn’t want to see, but I did anyway for her.

  “Watch the movie,” I whispered. She huffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest. After a few minutes, she started messing with her purse and I thought she was going to get up and leave, but instead, she got down on her knees between the seats and grabbed onto my cock through my jeans. I sucked in a deep breath and glanced around, relieved that we were sitting in the back and no one was paying attention.

  “Claire, get off the fucking floor.”

  She undid the zipper on my jeans and my hips lifted against my will as she started to yank them down so she could reach my throbbing cock. When she pulled out my cock, I knew I should stop her, but I just couldn’t bring myself to say the words. This wasn’t the way our first time was supposed to go. I was going to take her back to my place and make it special for her. That was what she deserved.

  She started stroking me and then licked the tip. I had to bite down on my fist to keep from groaning and letting the whole theater know what we were up to. She started stroking me harder and faster and I just couldn’t hold back. I had been dreaming of her lips wrapped around me for weeks now and I exploded down her throat, barely holding back a shout. She looked up at me smugly, but there was no fucking way it was ending there. I hauled her up and set her in her seat and got down on my knees in front of her, smirking at her shocked face.

  Of course, I didn’t fit down there the way she did, but I made it work for me. It just so happened that a sex scene came on just as I started licking her pussy. I saw her watching the screen and then flicking her eyes to mine. She was turned on and it drove me wild. I sucked her clit hard and thrust a finger inside her, covering her mouth with my other hand as she started to whimper. I could feel her body tightening around my fingers and after a few flicks of my tongue, she was coming in my mouth. I made sure to lick her clean so she didn’t have cum running down her legs for the rest of the movie.

  We had missed a bunch of the movie, but I didn’t give a shit. Tonight I was going to take her home and make her mine. There was no more holding back with her. There was no denying that she was mine in every way and nothing could tear her away from me now that my head was on board with everything.

  I dragged her out of the theater and drove to my house, making it in half the time. When we pulled into my driveway, I pulled her across the seat, not wanting to waste the time it would take to walk over to her side and let her out. I threw her over my shoulder and smacked her ass when she squealed in laughter. Digging my keys out of my pocket, I quickly let us inside and kicked the door shut behind us, carrying her down the hall to my room and tossing her on the bed. I was on her seconds later, tearing at her clothes, needing to taste her on my tongue. Her skin was salty and I couldn’t stop lapping at the flavors that burst from her skin and had me begging for more.

  “Derek,” she moaned. “Please, I need you inside me.”

  “Tell me, did that turn you on when I ate you out while you were watching two other people fucking?”

  I already knew the answer. I didn’t need her to tell me, but I wanted to hear the words leave that fucking amazing mouth. “I-I don’t..I mean…”

  I dragged her pants off her and latched onto her pussy, flicking my tongue over her clit and then sucking her hard until she was on the verge of breaking. “Tell me. Tell me that I was mistaken. That it didn’t make your heart pound out of your chest to see some other man fucking someone while I was sucking you.”

  Her breathing went out of control and I shucked my pants, gloved up, and sank inside her in one swift move. “You can say it,” I said as I pounded into her. “You can tell me that it turned you on.” I lifted her legs over my shoulders and fucked her harder. “You can tell me that you want to do that again. I’ll find the dirtiest thing for us to watch and I’ll fuck you until you’re screaming from being split in two.”

  “Yes! Yes, I want that,” she shouted. I thumbed her clit as I thrust inside her a few more times. When she tightened around me, I shouted out as she strangled me to the point of near pain. I could have sworn the condom exploded from how hard I came, but I was happy to see it still in tact. Discarding it, I got a washcloth from the bathroom and cleaned her limp body up. She was on the verge of falling asleep and suddenly, I didn’t want her to go to sleep unless it was in my arms. I climbed in beside her and pulled her in close to me, stroking her back as she fell asleep.


  I woke her with kisses and had her passing out from multiple orgasms. It was that explosive between us. In fact, I was surprised that I was able to hold out long enough for her to reach three orgasms. The way she squeezed my cock, it took all my willpower to keep from blowing my load inside her. Day after day, I dragged her back to my place when she got off work and woke up inside her. It was rough because she had to leave early to get back to the farm before she headed off to work for the day. Which meant that if I wanted my morning wood taken care of, I had to get up extra early.

  She also tried to get home before her dad woke up in case he wasn’t all there first thing in the morning. She had Lucy to help her out, so I didn’t feel so bad about keeping her out all night. She deserved a break too.

  “Derek, I can’t take any more.”

  She squirmed under me as I tried to get one more out of her. It was my new goal in life to see how many orgasms I could get out of her each day. “One more. Give me one more.”

  “I can’t. Please…” Multiple fart sounds came from her and she looked at me with wide eyes, her face filling with embarrassment. I tried to hold back the laughter. I really tried, but she looked so fucking cute as she hid her face in her hands. “Oh my God! I can’t believe that just happened. Please tell me you didn’t hear that. Please tell me this is a nightmare and I’m going to wake up.”

  I pulled her hands from her face and leaned in to kiss her. “Relax, you queefed. Who gives a shit? It happens.”


  “Sex farts.
Every woman gets them at some point. It’s not like you can prevent it.”

  “I fucking farted in your face!”

  “You did not. Vaginal farts aren’t real farts. It’s just air.”

  “But it was in your face!”

  “Could have been worse.”

  She scooted back against the bed frame and pulled the blankets up high around her neck. “In what way could it have been worse? Please tell me what would have been worse.”

  I thought of something really gross that would have been a game changer for me. It had to be something terrible or she would never get over it. “You could have shit all over my face while I was tonguing your ass hole. That would have been much worse.”

  “Tonguing my…do people actually do that?”

  “All the time.”

  “That’s disgusting. People shit from that hole.”

  “And yet, it wouldn’t stop me from sticking my dick there.”

  “That’s different. You can wash that off. Your mouth…Ick. That’s just too disgusting to even think about.”

  That’s what she said, but her eyes were wide with desire. “I bet you’d like it if I did it.”

  “No…No I wouldn’t like it and I would never let you do it. It’s totally…”


  “Exactly.” I pulled her legs out from under the blankets and dragged her toward me. I flipped her over to her stomach and pinned her down as she squealed. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I’m giving you what you need.”

  “I don’t need that!”

  “But you want it. I could tell that as much as it repulsed you, you wanted to know what it would be like to have my tongue fucking that tight bundle of nerves. You want my tongue to lick every inch of you,” I whispered in her ear.

  “No,” she said weakly. “I don’t.”

  “Shh. Just let me do this. If you don’t like it, I’ll stop.”

  She shook her head, but said nothing as I slid down her body, kissing down her spine until I reached the little dimples in her back. I massaged her cheeks as I moved down to her crack and spread her cheeks, looking at the tight hole that I was about to make mine. When my tongue took the first lick, she flinched and jumped a little, but by the third lick, she was moaning and squirming. I slid a finger down to her cunt and felt wetness dripping from her. There was no denying that my girl was a dirty girl. I hadn’t watched any dirty movies with her yet, but now that I knew what she liked, what turned her on, I would get on board with whatever she wanted. I spread her cheeks further, slipping my tongue inside her, flicking it in as far as I could. She bucked up into my face and I grinned as I slid a finger inside her pussy.


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