Irish: A Reed Security Romance (Reed Security Series Book 5)

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Irish: A Reed Security Romance (Reed Security Series Book 5) Page 19

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  Derek sighed and pointed around the room. “You know Sebastian, Sam, Hunter, and Mark. That’s John, Chris, Chance, and Jackson.”

  They all said hi with huge grins and I gave another wave. “Uh, nice to meet you all. I wish it had been under different circumstances, but I can assure you this is not what it looks like,” I shook my head furiously.

  “Really? Cause it looks like he tied you to a chair and he’s having his way with you,” Chance said.

  “Okay, well…” I chuckled a little. “Then, I guess it’s exactly what it looks like.”

  “What are you assholes doing here anyway?” Derek asked.

  “Poker night, remember? We just made the plans this afternoon,” Sebastian said.

  “Shit,” Derek muttered as he ran a hand over his scruff. “Too fucking bad. Plans changed. Go to someone else’s house.”

  “I don’t know,” Sinner grinned. “We could always stay here, catch a movie.”

  “Out!” Derek pointed for the front door and stepped toward them, leaving me open for all to see. I tried to squeeze my legs together, but I couldn’t do it. The guys all laughed and backed out of the house.

  “Clark! Save me,” one of them yelled.

  “My pussy needs sucking,” another yelled.

  “Fuck off,” Derek slammed the door in their faces and I felt horrible. I had never imagined Derek would be caught dead in what he was wearing. He leaned his head against the door and his shoulders shook. I couldn’t tell if he was laughing or crying.

  “Derek, I’m so-”

  “Don’t,” he snapped. He turned and stalked towards me, a gleam in his eye that I knew all too well. He was turned on. I looked down and saw his cock pushing hard against the fabric. My eyes grew wide as I realized that he was even more turned on than before. I swallowed hard as he picked up the chair, with me still in it and stalked toward the bedroom.

  “What are you doing?” I yelped.

  “Having my fucking way with you.” He set the chair down and tore off the costume. “I think I’m a little fucked up because it fucking turned me on to know that they all thought you were so hot, but they couldn’t have you. You’re all mine and I’m going to make sure that you know it by the end of the night.”

  He pulled at the center of my bra until it ripped apart. His mouth latched on hard to my breast and he bit painfully at my nipple. It was so hot. His fingers ripped at my panties and then were inside me, pushing hard through my slickness. I came in a matter of minutes. He tore at the ropes and then threw me on the bed, crawling over me like a predator. I had no doubt that he was going to devour every inch of me tonight.

  When he slammed his rigid cock inside me, I gasped at the near painful intrusion, but he didn’t let up. He fucked me hard, bending my legs in ways I didn’t know they would go. His hands pulled at my hair, kneaded my breasts, and strummed my clit until I was squeezing him so painfully that I heard him groan in pain. I couldn’t help it though. He had done this to me. He had worked me up so much that I could only explode from the sensations.

  When he flopped down next to me on the bed, we both stared at the ceiling, chests heaving from our hour long fuck-a-thon. I could barely feel my legs and my pussy was so sore that I wasn’t sure I would be walking right for days.

  “Do you think next time you could be Iron Man?”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? I’m not putting metal anywhere near my cock.”

  “I don’t suppose you would wear a wig and be Thor.”

  “I’m not wearing a wig, but I will bring my hammer down on you anytime you want.”



  “HOW’S YOUR DAD settling in at his new home?”

  Claire had just gotten back from seeing him. She had gone every day since he was released from the hospital and every day she came home feeling guilty as hell that he was in there.

  “He’s okay. He says he’s happy there, that it’s a relief that he doesn’t have to worry about hurting someone.”

  I pulled her into my arms and kissed her on the forehead. “He’ll be alright, Claire. This really is the best thing for all of you.”

  “I know. I just don’t like that he’s not at home anymore,” she said, wrapping her arms around my waist and squeezing me tight. I wished there was something I could do to make this easier for her.

  “Have you and Lucy talked any more about what you want to do with the farm?”

  “Lucy doesn’t want it. She said that if I did, that was fine as long as I didn’t expect her to work out there any more.”

  “What do you want to do? Do you want to rebuild?”

  “Part of me says yes, but the farm is just so much work. I don’t think I can keep up with both jobs for many more years, so I think now is the time to decide.”

  “Would you rather have the farm or work at the library?”

  “I don’t know. I just don’t think I can make the decision right this minute. There’s just too much to think about.”

  “You know, if you wanted, we could move out there and rebuild. You could design a house that you really wanted and I could sell this one.”

  “Uh, Derek, you just told me you love me. Don’t you think that’s moving a little fast? I mean, talking about moving in together is one thing, but building a house together is so permanent.”

  I pulled her against me and tilted her head up to look into my eyes. “I know that, Claire. That’s why I suggested it. I told you, I knew a while ago that you were it for me. No amount of time is going to change that, so you take all the time you need to come to the same conclusion and I’ll be here waiting for you.”

  I could tell she was having a hard time believing it, so I let it go for now. She would see eventually what I already did and then it would all be a piece of cake.

  “I have a surprise for you,” I said, grinning with excitement.

  “You got the Thor costume?” she asked, her eyes wide and bright.

  “No, my brothers are coming for a visit.”

  “All of them?” Her voice was full of panic and I couldn’t help but laugh at that.

  “Well, all but Josh. I told them that I had a woman and they didn’t believe me, so I told them to come see for themselves. They’re coming out on Friday.”

  “Friday?” she squeaked. “Uh…that’s no good for me. I have…yoga with my sister and then we’re going to a book convention on Saturday.”

  “A book convention?”

  “Yep,” she croaked. “It’s a really cool one that I’ve been dying to go to.”

  “Really? I had no idea. What’s the name of the convention?”

  She cleared her throat and fidgeted with her shirt. “S-s-simmering, sexy, romance readers book convention.”

  “Simmering, sexy romance readers book convention.”

  She nodded in a roundabout way. “Sure. Yep. That’s it.”

  “I’ll have to look it up online. It sounds like something I might want to go with you to see.”

  “No!” she shouted as I walked over to my laptop. “You can’t look it up online. It’s not being advertised. It’s a VIP thing. Sort of like a special club that you have to belong to. You won’t find a word about it online.”

  “Well, I can still go with you. I’ll call my brothers and they can come too. Maybe they’ll get some pointers.”

  “No. It’s not for men. Only women are allowed.”

  “That’s not really fair. I think I want to talk to the person that’s running this convention. Do you have the number?”

  “There’s no number.”

  “Let me guess. It’s all a secret.”

  “Something like that,” she said sheepishly.



  “Why don’t you want to meet my brothers?”

  She sighed in defeat and sat down in the chair. “It’s not that I don’t want to, but you remember what I was like when I met you. What if I make a fool of myself and they don’t like me?”

  “How could anyone not like you? It’s not possible. Besides, their opinions mean jack shit to me. If they don’t like you, they can fuck off. But I’m telling you, they’re going to love you.”


  “I swear.”


  “Claire is really nervous about meeting you guys, so don’t be a bunch of dicks when you get here,” I told Joe. He was my youngest brother and the most likely to cause trouble for me.

  “Why do you assume that we would give her a hard time? I’m sure she’s great.”

  “She is great, but she’s not the best with people until she gets to know them, so don’t make her self-conscious.”

  It was the day before they were coming and I was starting to panic a little that they would be terrible to her because they didn’t understand how much she meant to me.

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine. Have some faith, man. We’re your brothers. We’ve got your back.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” I muttered. “Look, I love this woman and I plan on spending the rest of my life with her. Just, please don’t fuck this up for me.”

  “You what? Did you just say that you love her?”

  “Yes, I did and I meant it,” I said, rolling my eyes. Was it really so hard to believe that I would fall in love?

  “Whoa, I had no idea. I didn’t know you were even interested in that.”

  “I wasn’t until I met her.”

  “You got it, bro. We’ll stick to embarrassing childhood stories and the story of you and Missy Tompkins.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare,” I yelled into the phone.

  “Sorry, man. If we have to be on our best behavior, you’ve got to give us something.”

  “That story’s off limits.”

  “I suppose I could tell her about the tractor incident.”

  “Not that one either.” I swear, it was like he wanted to find the worst stories about me to share with her.

  “Fine, then the condom story.”

  “Are you fucking trying to run her off?”

  “Come on,” he whined. “You gotta give me something.”

  “No. Just keep your mouth shut and be a good brother.”

  “You’re no fucking fun anymore. Fine, we’ll all be good little choir boys and your precious Claire will never find out about you fucking your math teacher.”

  I dropped my head into my hands and prayed that I could control them when I was here. What the hell was I thinking? Claire had nothing to be worried about, but I sure as hell did.

  “I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Just remember what I said.”

  I hung up before he could start debating the merits of telling her the baseball story. Shit. I needed to find that photo album and hide it before my brothers found it and came up with more stories.


  Claire had her head buried in a book all morning, but I could see that she wasn’t really reading. She was trying to distract herself from the fact that my brothers would be here in a little bit. It wasn’t working though. Her nails had been chewed down to the nub and her lip was about to start bleeding from how she was chewing on it. I had thought about giving her a glass of wine, but that might just make things worse.

  When two trucks pulled in an hour later, I got up and went outside to greet them. Claire followed me, but hung back. I wanted to pull her up close to me, but she didn’t seem to want to get any closer. Maybe if she saw me interact with my brothers, it would make her feel more at ease.

  “Hey, Will. It’s good to see you, man.” I pulled him in for a hug and was surprised when he squeezed me a little tighter than normal.

  “It’s good to see you. It’s been too long.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been busy.”

  “So I’ve heard,” he said with a smirk. “Don’t worry. I won’t say a word about the firecracker incident..unless she asks.”

  I swallowed hard as he walked past me toward Claire. I was so fucked. There was no way they were going to let that shit slide. Robert jumped out, still attached to his phone and didn’t look up until he ran into me. A grin spread across his face and he quickly shoved his phone in his pocket.

  “Sorry about that, man. I was answering some emails.”

  “How many cases are you working on right now? Got anything good?”

  Robert was a lawyer in Chicago and was rarely seen without his phone in his hand. He was trying to move up in his firm, so he worked his ass off. I was actually surprised that he had gotten the time off to come here.

  “I’m swamped, but when I found out that you had a woman, nothing was going to keep me back in Chicago. So, where is this woman?”

  I turned and pointed to Claire, who was rambling on to Will. He had a grin on his face and Claire was blushing profusely, waving her hands around in the air. She had no doubt shoved her foot in her mouth and was trying to fix it. Robert rubbed his hands together and made his way over to her.

  Andrew slapped my back and did some kind of funky dance that looked like a chicken on drugs. He wrapped his arms around me and slapped my back hard. This kid was always so full of life. He worked for some tech company, but he always had a pair of earbuds in and was jamming to some music.

  “Hey, bro. I’m turnt to see your bae.” I wrinkled my brows in confusion as he peeked over my shoulder. He punched me in the arm and let out a low whistle. “Damn, she’s so hot, she’s like my grandma’s slippers.”

  “What? What the fuck does that mean?”

  “It means her bikini photos are like a kale smoothie.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about? Speak English.”

  “It means she’s quiche. Get with the times. Sorry, not sorry, she’s on fleek and you’re so basic. I can’t even.”

  “You can’t even what?”

  “You know, man.”

  “No, I don’t fucking know. Finish your damn sentence.”

  “Nice try, Hunty.” He slapped my bicep and I looked at my arm and then back to him with a quirked eyebrow.

  “I’m leaving now. When you’ve learned to speak English again, let me know.”

  I walked over to Eric and gave him a man hug. Finally, someone I could relate to. “Do you know what the fuck turnt means?”

  He laughed and shook his head. “I don’t try to understand him anymore. If you ignore him, eventually he speaks like a human just to get you to understand him.”

  “What the fuck kind of language is that? I didn’t understand half of what he said.”

  “It’s millennial speak. It’s best to not try to understand it. You never will.”

  “How’s the business going?”

  “Can’t complain. There’s always someone that needs something fixed. I’m going to have to hire some new people soon. There’s just too much work for my guys to handle the way we are.”

  “Sounds promising.” Joe walked up and slugged me in the arm. Not one to be outdone, I turned and punched him in the jaw. He immediately dropped to the ground and then sat up rubbing his jaw.

  “Dude, what the fuck was that for?”

  “Is that how you greet people? You punch me, I’ll fucking punch you right back, only I won’t be as gentle. Normally, people just come up to me and say hi.”

  He grumbled as he walked over to Claire about not wanting to adult today. Whatever the fuck that meant.

  “So, this is the girl, huh?”

  “Yeah, she’s the one. Try not to scare her off for me.”

  “You know me; I got your back.” And he did. Eric was the one brother I could rely on to take me seriously when I asked him not to fuck this up for me. “Come on. Introduce me.”

  We walked over to Claire who had her brows furrowed as Andrew and Joe rambled on in some language I didn’t understand.

  “We didn’t think he’d ever settle down, because duh,” Joe said with a grin.

  “You’ve seen him, the struggle is real,” Andrew agreed.

  “Uh..tots,” she said uncertainly.
  “Aw, you’re givin’ me all the feels,” Joe said, pulling her in for a hug.

  I pulled him off her by his shirt collar and threw him to the ground. “There’ll be no feeling of any kind with my woman. Keep your hands to yourself,” I growled. Claire laughed and I sent a chilling look her way.

  “Feels just describes emotions, Derek. He was just saying that I was making him happy.”

  “Well, then fucking say that,” I yelled at my stupid brother. “One day you’re gonna get shot pulling shit like that.”

  Eric held out his hand to Claire and smiled at her. “It’s nice to meet you, Claire. I’m Eric.”

  “Ah, I’ve heard a lot about you. Derek says that you’re the normal one, the only one he can relate to.” She looked at my other brothers with wide eyes and quickly shook her head, her face turning bright red. “Shit, I meant that…I mean, you’re a lawyer,” she said to Robert. “And lawyers are generally pompous windbags that I wouldn’t trust as far as I could throw,” she rambled. “Not that you are! I’m sure you’re very upstanding and work with kids or something. Not with assholes that hoard their money and steal from those that don’t know any better. What kind of law do you practice?”

  “I’m a corporate lawyer,” Robert said in all seriousness.

  She swallowed hard and looked to me for help. Robert threw his head back in laughter. “I’m just fucking with you. I’m a divorce lawyer. Not much better, I know, but it pays the bills.”

  “I’m really sorry,” Claire said with tears in her eyes. “I really didn’t mean to insult you.”

  “Hey, if you’re going to be our sister-in-law someday, you’re going to have to get a thicker skin. We all fuck with each other and that’s just something you’re going to have to get used to,” he said as he wrapped an arm around her neck and headed for the front door.

  “Sister-in-law?” she squeaked out.

  “Derek’s a fucking goner when it comes to you. Just accept your fate and ride the train to happy town.” They disappeared inside and the rest of my brothers stood there grinning at me.


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