Fake It For Me

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Fake It For Me Page 7

by Kira Blakely

  At first, I didn’t know what to do. My first instinct was to fall into the kiss, to let him do with me what he clearly wanted. But I wasn’t going to let him have me that easily. After all, I’d resisted him before.

  “This is bad,” I said, placing my hands on his hard shoulders and pushing him away. “We can’t…not after everything…”

  “I’m not doing anything we both don’t want,” he said. “And you know it.”

  He had me dead to rights. He saw my feeble protests for what they were and effortlessly swatted them out of the way. And I was bare before him, waiting for Connor to go in once more.

  And that’s just what he did.

  He kissed me again, this time harder and deeper. His tongue slipped past my lips and into my mouth, playing with mine. I returned his kiss, soft moans slipping from my mouth as we made out. My hands stayed on his shoulders, but now they were there to take in the sensation of his beefy muscles through his shirt, rather than push him away.

  Bad, bad, bad, I thought as he kissed me, his hands moving over my body, rubbing my breasts through my dress before sliding down the curves of my hips and coming to a stop on my ass. No good at all.

  “I think we need to go inside,” he said, pulling his lips away from mine for just long enough to speak.

  I knew this was my last chance. If I was going to protest, to tell him this wasn’t a good idea—and mean it—this was my chance. Instead, I said:

  “I think you’re right.”

  Then, that little smirk of his, that subtle pulling up of the right side of his red lips, formed on his face. He grabbed hard onto my ass and lifted me up effortlessly. I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me back inside and to the bedroom.

  We were right back at it once the door was shut.

  “As fucking good as you look in that little party girl dress of yours,” he said, his eyes moving slowly over my body, “all I’ve been able to think about all night is just what you’re wearing underneath.”

  Goddamn, he always knew just what to say to get a girl good and wet. I felt myself positively dripping as soon as the words left his mouth.

  Then I decided to show him just what he’d been fantasizing about.

  Turning around and reaching back, I took the zipper between my fingertips and pulled the dress down slowly. Once the zipper was down to my waist, a hint of my black lace thong showing, I shucked it off my shoulders and pulled it down, down. I threw Connor a glance over my shoulder and saw that his eyes were hard and narrow, and his cock was pressed against his pants.

  He wanted it so badly that he couldn’t even speak. I had power over him, and I loved it. But that didn’t mean I didn’t want that cock deep inside of me right then and there.

  “Now you,” I said, taking my hands from my dress and letting it hang down to my legs.

  Connor was more than happy to play my little game. He quickly undid his tie and tossed it across the bedroom, then went to work on the buttons of his shirt. I turned, watching with hungry eyes as he exposed more and more of his incredible, shredded physique.

  He took his dress shirt off and dropped it to the floor, and I took a long moment to appreciate just how fucking sexy he looked. He still had the same toned, defined muscles as he did in high school, but he must’ve been hitting the gym these days. Rather than the sexy swimmer’s body I remembered, he was big, bulky, and cut. His pecs were solid squares, his abs were lean and sinewy, and his arms were like freaking tree trunks.

  I wanted that body on top of me so fucking bad I could hardly stand it.

  And evidently, he was done with our little game. Stepping over to me, hunger in his eyes, he took hold of my hips and slid his hands down, peeling the rest of my dress off me. Moments later, I was in nothing but my bra, panties, and heels.

  By this point I was so turned on that I was running on pure sexual instinct. I quickly undid his belt and zipper, a soft gasp slipping past my lips as I felt his cock through his pants.

  “Someone’s not wasting any time,” he said, that cocky little smirk still on his lips, that look that made me want to kiss him and slap him all at the same time.

  “Why wait?” I asked as I slipped my fingers under the waistband of his boxer-briefs and pulled them down along with his pants.

  His massive, thick cock sprang out, already stone-solid and dripping just for me. As I bent down to take his pants off of his feet, I couldn’t help but take hold of his cock and wrap my lips around the head, sucking it slowly for several long moments, letting the salty-sweet taste of his pre-cum linger on my palate.

  “How does that taste?” he asked, his voice a low growl.

  I couldn’t answer right away—my mouth was a little occupied, after all. But once I finished taking all of him into my mouth and slowly sliding my lips up his shaft, my tongue lashing along his length all the while, I let his cock drop out of my mouth, a string of saliva connecting my wet lips to his prick.

  “It tastes like fucking heaven,” I said.

  That was all Connor needed to hear. He slipped his hands under my armpits and lifted me to my feet. He undid my bra with the expert skill of a man who’d done it thousands of times before.

  “No,” he said, as I was about to step out of my heels. “Leave those on.”

  Now it was my turn to smirk. I shimmied out of my thong and kicked it aside as Connor led me over to the bed. I prepared to turn around and hop back on the bed, but Connor had other plans in mind. He clapped his hands down hard on my hips and held me in place.

  “No,” he said. “Just like that—your ass pointing right up at me.”

  I smiled and bit my lower lip, ready for what was next. Connor moved me forward and I climbed onto the end of the bed, getting on all fours and preparing for him to mount me like a wild animal in desperate need of a rut.

  Connor placed his hand on my upper back, moving his touch over my smooth skin. Next, I felt the sensation of his slick, wet head against my swollen, eager lips.

  “Oh, don’t make me wait,” I said, my voice thick with arousal. “Put it in me, please.”

  “Tell me how badly you want it,” he said.

  I smirked again as if the fact that my round, full ass was right on his cock wasn’t a clear-enough message.

  “So fucking badly,” I said, the words slipping past my lips on a hot breath.

  And those were the magic words. Connor rubbed his head up and down my cunt and then drove himself right into me, full and deep. I grabbed onto the bed sheets as he entered me, the pleasure almost too much to bear. Inch by inch he penetrated me, and as he reached the end of his length a girlish little squeal shot out of my mouth. I was in heaven.

  Now fully buried, right down to the hilt, Connor slapped his hands down hard on my ass, the sharp crack sounding through the bedroom. Then he started fucking me.

  His thrusts were slow and deep as he moved in and out of me, each new plunge of his cock sending fresh waves of ecstasy through my body. I tensed, doing my best to not melt into a puddle of pure sexual delight as he did his work.

  “Goddamn, I’d almost forgotten how good your fucking pussy feels,” he said, his words coming out on a grunt.

  I would’ve said I felt the same way about his cock, but truth be told, I’d never forgotten about how good that felt.

  Soon he was driving into me with full force, my breasts swaying back and forth with each collision of Connor’s hips into my ass. I was so wet that I couldn’t believe it, my pussy so slick that his cock fit into me like a key into its lock.

  Connor continued to pound me hard, and soon the first stirrings of orgasm swirled inside of me. Each plunge of his cock made the pleasure tighter and tenser, and I soon felt like a bomb ready to go off.

  “Oh god,” I moaned. “I’m gonna…”

  “You’re gonna what?” growled Conner, now pounding me at a steady rhythm, the sounds of flesh-on-flesh filling the air.

  “I’m gonna…come!”

  And at that announcement, it happened. The
orgasm burst through me, pleasure whipping and roiling through me like a storm-tossed ocean of pure sex. I fell forward, burying my face into the sheets in front of me, the fabric muffling my wild moans.

  Then, with a grunt, Connor came. Through the pulsing of my orgasm, I felt him explode inside of me, shooting his load nice and deep into my pussy. He squeezed my ass hard, taking in the texture of my soft, smooth flesh as he came.

  It was all like nothing I’d ever felt before.

  Eventually, our orgasms faded and we both collapsed into a sweaty heap onto the sheets. We lay for a time in silence, the only sounds our heavy breaths.

  And soon, the day caught up with me. My head resting on Connor’s hard, sweat-slicked chest. I fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 11


  I was furious with myself when I awoke that next morning, though not on account of my company. As I opened my bleary eyes, I turned my gaze to the sight of Alice lying in bed next to me, the early day’s light pouring through the window and onto her lovely form. She looked like an angel sleeping there, her beautiful features calm in sleep, her body on its side, the blankets hanging off of the curve of her hips.

  And that’s to say nothing of her full, ripe breasts, right there in full view. Part of me wanted to wake her up right then and there and put my titanic morning wood to good use.

  But I’d already made one mistake last night. I wasn’t going to do it again.

  I slipped out of bed carefully so as not to wake up Alice. She rolled over as I put my feet on the floor, her chocolate-colored hair splayed out around her face in a manner I felt irresistibly drawn to. Her lips looked so kissable I could hardly stand it.

  Thankfully, my phone buzzed at the exact moment I felt my will fading. I grabbed it from my pants pocket and walked into the bathroom as I checked the message. It was from the hospital—they wanted to know if I could come in today to do a few clinic hours for a doctor who was under the weather.

  It was Saturday, and I’d been looking forward to a little time off, what with everything that’d been going on. However, I realized that putting a little space between Alice and me was probably for the best.

  After a quick shower, I threw on a light blue dress shirt and some matching dark slacks, finishing the look with some coal-black oxfords. Once dressed, I stepped into the kitchen and prepared a large pot of coffee.

  As it brewed, the soft breath of the percolation filling the air, I reflected on just what had happened last night. More than anything, I was struck by how hypocritical I’d been. After all, I’d told Alice that I was a changed man, that sleeping around and treating women like disposable objects wasn’t the man I was.

  Then, I proceeded to impulsively sleep with a woman only moments later.

  I couldn’t believe how incongruous my actions were with my words. The realization of my immaturity hit my gut with a hard pang as I poured myself a cup of coffee and stepped out onto the balcony and into the cool morning air.

  Then again, I told myself, Alice wasn’t just any girl. This was no cheap chick I’d met at some hospital mixer that I’d decided to take into the coatroom for a little fun—this was a girl who meant more to me than I could even begin to understand.

  I brought my coffee cup to my lips and took a slow sip, shaking my head as I brought the hot, acrid brew down in a hard swallow.

  Before I could ruminate anymore, however, the elevator doors let out a ding and slid open. Through the open door of the balcony, I heard the rapid-fire pitter-patter of feet, and I didn’t even need to turn around to see that Hunter had come home.

  “Dad!” he shouted, running out onto the balcony and throwing his arms around my legs.

  “Whoa, kiddo!” I said, holding my coffee cup steady. “You’re up early! How was the sleepover?”

  “Good,” he said, “but Sean’s parents started fighting so I came back. Can you make waffles?”

  I shook my head and smiled.

  “The man knows what he wants,” I said.

  I checked my phone and saw I had enough time to make some breakfast for Hunter.

  Back in the kitchen, I set to work on waffles as Hunter went over the highlights of his night over at Sean’s. As he talked, I remembered just how glad I was to have a kid like him in my life. As I listened to him eagerly recount his day, the thoughts that had been plaguing me slipped into the recesses of my mind.

  That is until Alice stepped into the room.

  “Morning,” she said, looking a little silly clad in one of my robes, her slender frame swimming in the massive, off-white thing.

  I turned in time to see her eyes land on Hunter, a little bit of shock slipping into her expression as she appeared to remember that I had a son.

  “Good morning!” said Hunter, nonplussed by our guest. “We’re having waffles.”

  Alice stood in place for a moment, as if not sure what to do with herself. I gestured to the chair at the kitchen bar next to Hunter. She slid into it and folded her hands in front of her.

  “Morning,” I said, stirring the batter. “Like the kid says, we’re having waffles.”

  “Waffles are a little carb-heavy for this girl first thing,” she said as I set a cup of coffee in front of her. “You got any fruit?”

  “What’s a ‘carb’?” asked Hunter.

  “Uh, something that makes you fat if you eat too many of them.”

  “But you’re not fat,” said Hunter, not missing a beat. “You’re pretty.”

  I raised an eyebrow and smirked at this. I didn’t need a mind reader to know that the expression about apples and trees was likely on Alice’s mind.

  “Someone’s a little charmer,” she said, taking another sip of her coffee.

  Then, staying true to form as a guileless kid, Hunter opened his mouth and let out a question that cut right into the heart of the awkwardness that was thick in the air.

  “Dad,” he asked. “Is Miss Alice your girlfriend?”

  My mouth opened slightly. For the first time in as long as I could remember, I was speechless.

  Chapter 12


  My eyes went wide. I had no idea what to say.

  I mean, “no” was the right answer. Connor and I had a little arrangement that was going to be us play-acting for a while, and that was it. But then again, our fun last night made it clear that this wasn’t all an act. But, of course, that wasn’t something Hunter needed to know about. I struggled to come up with some kind of an explanation for what was going on between Connor and I that would make sense to a kid, but I couldn’t.

  “Alice and I are friends, and we used to be something more than that,” Connor said, saving the day. “And now we’re going to be spending a lot of time together.”

  I watched Hunter as the answer seemed to settle in his mind. By this point the waffles were ready, and as soon as Connor placed a plate of the thick, delicious-looking treats in front of Hunter, the boy’s curiosity about the situation seemed to flick off like a burnt-out light bulb.

  “You sure you don’t want any?” asked Connor, waving the plate of waffles in front of my face like a magician about to perform a trick.

  “Nah,” I said. “I, um, should actually probably get going.”

  Connor set down the plate, picked up one of the waffles, dunked it into the pool of syrup on Hunter’s plate, and took a bite. His eyes stayed locked on me as he chewed, and I could tell that there was something on his mind.

  “Come out to the balcony with me,” he said after swallowing.

  I crinkled my brows as he headed off. Realizing that he was telling me, not asking me, to join him, I followed.

  Once out onto the balcony, the cool morning air fresh and crisp on my face, Connor shut the door behind me.

  “I need you to stay here,” he said, leaning back against the balcony and crossing his arms.

  “Like, in the apartment?”

  “Like in the apartment,” he said. “We’re engaged, remember?”

  He poi
nted to the ring on my finger that I’d put on that morning without even thinking.

  “We’ve got to commit to the bit, as they say,” he continued. “And it’s going to look strange if you’re in some little shoebox in Brooklyn while we’re preparing to be wed.”

  He was right. Still, I felt a little weird about the whole thing.

  “The spare bedroom is yours for the time being. And Hunter’ll be fine with you just being a friend that’s visiting—this little sham of ours is only going to last for a month or so, if that.”

  Connor clearly had the logistics all planned out. But that still left the issue of what went down last night. I could tell by his business-like tone, however, that this was a matter he didn’t want to get into.

  And truthfully, I didn’t know what to think about it either.

  “This is fucking insane,” I said, pacing back and forth. “I feel like you’re making me get in over my head more and more by the damn second. And all for some stupid article.”

  Connor was, of course, nonplussed by my frustration.

  “But what an article it’s going to be,” he said with a smirk.

  Only Connor could make me want to kiss him and rip his head off all at the same time.

  “We’d better get started on that damn thing,” I said. “So far this has been a pretty damn one-sided arrangement.”

  “How about tonight?” he asked. “They called me in to do a few hours of clinic duty today, but after that I’m all yours. All-access.”

  He flashed another smirk, letting me know that the double meaning of “all-access” hadn’t been lost on him.

  “Fine,” I said. “Tonight, you and I sit down and get some work in.”

  “Sounds perfect,” he said. “But one more thing.”

  Oh god.

  “What, you’ve got a coworker who you want me to be pretend-married to, too?”

  “Why,” he asked. “You got some free time in your schedule?”


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