The Ghost of the Bermuda Triangle

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The Ghost of the Bermuda Triangle Page 1

by Laurie S. Sutton



  SKILLS: Loyal; super snout

  BIO: This happy-go-lucky hound avoids scary situations at all costs, but he’ll do anything for a Scooby Snack!


  SKILLS: Lucky; healthy appetite

  BIO: This laid-back dude would rather look for grub than search for clues, but he usually finds both!


  SKILLS: Athletic; charming

  BIO: The leader and oldest member of the gang. He’s a good sport—and good at them, too!


  SKILLS: Brains; beauty

  BIO: As a sixteen-year-old fashion queen, Daphne solves her mysteries in style.


  SKILLS: Clever; highly intelligent

  BIO: Although she’s the youngest member of Mystery Inc., Velma’s an old pro at catching crooks.

  What’s haunting the Magical Mystery Cruise? Is it a ghost? Is the Bermuda Triangle to blame? Only YOU can help Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang solve the mystery.

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  “I don’t know about this, gang. Do we really want to be trapped on a boat in the Bermuda Triangle?” Shaggy moans as they walk up the gangplank.

  “Reah, rit’s spooky!” Scooby-Doo whimpers.

  “We’ll be sailing on a big cruise ship, not a boat,” Velma tries to calm her friends. “And the Bermuda Triangle is just a legend.”

  “It’s all just publicity for the cruise,” Daphne assures them. “This is the Magical Mystery Cruise, after all.”

  “Besides, who doesn’t love a free trip?” Fred reminds them. “We’re lucky that the cruise line invited us because of our mystery-busting skills.”

  “Like, I sure hope we don’t have to use them!” Shaggy worries.

  That night the gang goes to a costume party. The theme is Monster Mania, and everyone is dressed as a famous monster.

  “Daphne, you look beautiful as the Bride of Frankenstein,” Velma tells her friend. “And Fred is a great Frankenstein’s monster!”

  “Thanks, Velma. You sure are a great mad scientist,” Daphne says. “Where are Shaggy and Scooby?”

  “At the buffet table!” Fred laughs. “It’s all-you-can-eat.”

  Shaggy and Scooby are dressed as mummies. They are wrapped entirely in bandages, except for their mouths!

  “You know, pal? I’m liking this cruise now. The food is great!” Shaggy says.

  “Reah! Rummy!” Scooby agrees.

  “But, what’s with the fake eyeballs in the Jell-O?” Shaggy wonders. Suddenly the eyes blink and move to stare straight at Shaggy. “Zoinks! They’re real!”

  Shaggy jumps into Scooby’s arms. The two pals shiver in fear. A man stands up from behind the buffet table.

  “Sorry to scare you!” he apologizes. “I’m searching for clues!”

  “Like, in the fruity gelatin dessert?” Shaggy asks.

  “You never know where you’ll find a mystery!” the man says. He holds up a small electronic device. BEEP! “My ghost energy detector is on the trail!”

  “R-r-rhost?” Scooby shudders.

  “Eeeee!” a woman screams. It’s Velma. She puts her hands over her mouth. “Oh! Did I do that out loud?” Velma looks embarrassed. “I’m such a fan of your show!”

  “Thanks!” the man says. He walks around the table to greet Velma. He wears a T-shirt with a Why Files logo on it.

  “Like, who is this guy?” Shaggy asks.

  “He’s Max Smolder, the creator of Why Files!” Velma replies. “Don’t you watch TV?”

  “Like, only cooking shows!” Shaggy says, laughing. He goes back to the buffet table.

  “Not everyone is a believer,” Smolder says.

  “In my experience, the truth can be really out-there,” Velma says. “Are you on this cruise to investigate the Bermuda Triangle?”

  “Yes! There’s my crew!” Smolder points to a group of people with portable cameras. “Would you like to—”

  Suddenly the lights go out! A glowing phantom appears in the middle of the room!

  The ghostly shape of a man stands in the middle of the costume party guests. He is covered in dripping wet seaweed and holds a sharp trident.

  “Zoinks! It’s a ghost!” Shaggy gulps. “This cruise just got officially weird!”

  “You passed above my watery grave!” the ghost gurgles. “Feel my revenge!”

  The ghost swings the trident in circles like a crazy ninja. The party guests scream and run to avoid the weapon. Suddenly there is a stampede, and the gang is separated!

  To follow Fred and Daphne, press here.

  To follow Scooby and Shaggy, press here.

  To follow Velma, press here.

  Fred and Daphne overhear someone say there is a ghost in the cargo deck. They head down to investigate.

  Standing in the very lowest level of the ship, they can feel the motion of the sea below their feet. The lights are dim and flicker off and on.

  “Where’s the person who reported the ghost?” Fred wonders.

  “Maybe the ghost scared him away,” Daphne suggests.

  Suddenly they hear loud banging. It’s coming from the other side of a large metal door.

  “It’s the ghost!” Fred gasps.

  “Or maybe someone needs help,” Daphne decides. She goes to the door and tries to open it. The latches don’t budge. “A little help, here, Fred?”

  Fred grips the metal latches and tries to turn them. He has less luck than Daphne. He steps back and shrugs.

  “Heh, I guess I’m not as strong as I look,” Fred says and flexes his padded Frankenstein arms.

  “If brawn doesn’t work, let’s try brains,” Daphne concludes. She reaches into her purse and pulls out a tube of lipstick.

  “You look fine, Daphne,” Fred says.

  “It’s not for me. The gloss will help loosen the locks,” Daphne explains. She spreads the lip color all over the door latches. Soon the metal bolts are a lovely shade of peach.

  Fred and Daphne pull the latches easily. The door swings open. They gasp!

  If Fred and Daphne see a large, spooky shape, press here.

  If a mysterious light glows in the doorway, press here.

  “Only one thing will calm me down, Scooby,” says Shaggy. “Let’s go find a snack!”

  Shaggy and Scooby walk into the ship’s galley. It’s like entering a wonderland of food. The stainless steel tables are loaded with cakes and pies, sandwiches and soups, and fresh fruits and vegetables.

  “Like, we’re in heaven, Scoobs!” Shaggy says, laughing. “They have everything here except Scooby Snacks.”

  “Rat’s okay,” Scooby-Doo says. He looks around at all the other tasty dishes and drools.

  “Where is everybody?” Shaggy wonders. “Like, maybe the cooks are on a break.”

  “Rat’s okay,” Scooby repeats. He stares at a large stack of chocolate-covered donuts and smacks his lips.

  Suddenly Scooby’s nose twitches. SNIFF! SNIFF! His whole body goes stiff and points like a compass needle. />
  “What’s up, pal?” Shaggy asks. Then his nose twitches, too. His eyes close and his muscles go limp.

  A delicious smell wafts through the air. A wispy stream of sweetness wraps around them. Shaggy and Scooby lift off their feet and float in happy bliss. SNIFF! SNIFF! They drift across the galley.

  The delicious scent delivers the two buddies to a rolling table filled with desserts. Their eyes grow as big and round as pies.

  “I’ve never seen anything more beautiful,” Shaggy sighs.

  Suddenly something pushes Shaggy’s head into a cream pie!

  “Hee, hee, hee!” Scooby chuckles. He tries to look innocent.

  “Mmmm! Vanilla with a hint of mint!” Shaggy says as he licks the tasty cream filling off his face. “Here, have a sample, Scoobs!”

  Shaggy grabs another pie and tosses it at Scooby-Doo. CHOMP! Scooby catches it in his mouth and gobbles it down. Scooby throws a cupcake at Shaggy. CHOMP! Shaggy gulps it down.

  The two pals bombard each other with every dessert they can reach. Fruit tarts fly. Sorbet soars. They throw ice cream scoops like snowballs. It’s a food-for-all!

  Suddenly Shaggy sees something behind Scooby that makes his eyes go wide and his mouth drop open. PLOP! A caramel popcorn ball lands in his mouth.

  “Rwo points!” Scooby declares. Then he realizes that Shaggy is staring at something behind him. “Ruh-roh...”

  If a huge shape looms behind Scooby, press here.

  If a hand clamps down on Scooby, press here.

  The crowd flees the threat of the ghost. People panic and run in every direction. One of those directions is smack into Velma. THUMP! She is knocked over, and her glasses fly off her face.

  “Oh, no! I can’t see anything without my glasses!” Velma moans. She gropes blindly on the floor for her eyewear.

  Velma can hear the ghost ranting and the passengers screaming. She smells something stinky. PLOP! PLOP! Velma feels drops of goo drip on her hands. Suddenly a slimy hand grabs her arm.

  “Yuck!” Velma says as she tries to pull away. “Ewww! Let go of me!”

  But whatever has her won’t let go. It only tightens its grip.

  If Velma face drips with cold ooze, press here.

  If Velma struggles against the slimy grip, press here.

  Shaggy can’t take his eyes off whatever is behind Scooby. “It’s a monster!” he shouts. “A monster cake!” He runs toward the tower of frosting. “Like, this was for the costume party. Too bad that ghost broke up the shindig.”

  Suddenly the top of the cake pops open, and a sea ghost rises up from inside! The ghost drips with seaweed and ocean brine. It points a sharp trident at Shaggy and Scooby.

  “Zoinks! Like, the cake is haunted! Run, Scoobs!” Shaggy yells. Their legs spin like pinwheels, but they don’t go anywhere. The mess from their food fight is too slippery!

  “Rit’s right behind rus!” Scooby says. “Roo something!”

  “I hate to do this!” Shaggy moans. He picks up a layer cake and throws it at the threatening ghost. The cake gets speared on the trident. “Aww, what a waste of a good dessert.”

  The ghost swings the trident, and the cake flies off the points right at Scooby-Doo. CHOMP! Scooby swallows the cake.

  “Maybe it’s not a waste after all!” Shaggy says, laughing.

  The specter points the trident at Scooby. Shaggy knocks it aside with a giant stirring spoon.

  “Nobody makes a kebab out of my pal!” Shaggy declares. He puts a metal mixing bowl on his head and grabs a pot lid for a shield. “Joust call me Sir Shaggy!”

  Shaggy is the picture of a brave knight in shining kitchen utensils—for about a minute. When the ghost lunges at him, the pot lid shield shakes in his hand and the mixing bowl helmet droops over his eyes. The stirring spoon sags in his grasp.

  “Zoinks! So much for my career in Camelot!” Shaggy gulps.

  CLANG! The ghost’s trident smashes against the pot lid shield. BANG! Shaggy crashes up against the stainless steel wall of the galley. CLANG! Shaggy’s armor clatters to the ground. Scooby and Shaggy hug each other.

  “We’re really up against the wall! This is the end, pal!” Shaggy says.

  “Rou’re my best friend!” Scooby whimpers.

  If a small door opens behind Shaggy and Scooby, press here.

  If Shaggy and Scooby try to hide in a walk-in refrigerator, press here.

  “Jeepers! What’s that?” Fred exclaims.

  “Jeepers? Really?” Daphne puts her hands on her hips and frowns at Fred.

  “Sorry. I don’t have my own catch phrase,” Fred grins and shrugs. “But really, what is that?”

  Daphne pulls small flashlight out of her purse. The bright beam lights up a stack of cargo crates covered by a thick tarp.

  “Heh, heh. Not so spooky after all,” Fred says, embarrassed.

  “Still, someone, or something, was banging on the door from the inside,” Daphne says.

  “Um, hello?” Fred shouts into the dark. “Is anybody in here?”

  Fred and Daphne step cautiously into the cargo hold. The flashlight’s beam does not reach very far. They stay inside its circle of light.

  “Hello? Is anyone in here?” Fred repeats. The only thing he hears is the groaning of the ship’s metal hull. “Well, I guess nobody’s here. Let’s get going.”

  Suddenly the door closes behind Fred and Daphne. The cargo hold goes darker than the flashlight can handle.

  “Fred, please tell me that the ship shifted and made the door close,” Daphne says.

  “Okay. The ship shifted and—” Fred starts.

  “Not what I meant!” Daphne interrupts. “We’re trapped!”

  If a dark shape suddenly flaps toward them, press here.

  If Fred suddenly flies into the air, press here.

  The cold ooze touches Velma’s face. It dribbles down her cheeks like clammy drool. For a moment she thinks it’s Scooby-Doo. Then someone puts her glasses on her face and she can see again! And Velma can’t believe her eyes.

  “Max Smolder!” Velma gasps.

  “You seemed to need your glasses,” Smolder says with a handsome smile.

  “Thanks!” Velma says as he helps her to stand. “Um, why are you covered in goo?”

  “It’s ectotoplasm! The sea ghost slimed me!” Smolder replies enthusiastically. He turns to his camera crew. “Did you get that on film?”

  “Sorry, boss,” they shrug.

  “There’s no such thing as ectoplasm. It’s as fake as the nineteenth-century frauds who invented it,” Velma scoffs.

  “Not so! There have been documented cases,” Smolder disagrees.

  “You mean the cases where it was proven that the ectoplasm was cheesecloth soaked in egg whites?” Velma challenges him. “Or the case where it was—”

  A hideous howl is heard as the ghost rushes through the ballroom and out one of the doors.

  “It’s getting away!” Smolder yells. He runs after the spirit.

  “Wait for me!” Velma shouts as she follows.

  “I thought you didn’t believe in ghosts,” Smolder says.

  “I said that ectoplasm is fake. I never said anything about ghosts!” Velma replies.

  Velma and Max Smolder chase the spooky spirit out of the ballroom and down a hallway. The lights flicker and dim as it passes. A screech rips the air.

  “Wow! Light manipulation and sound generation! That’s a powerful ghost!” Smolder observes, excited. He pulls a small device out of a pocket. It beeps sharply and rapidly.

  “What’s that?” Velma asks as she runs beside Smolder.

  “It detects ghost energy!” he replies.

  “Do you mean electromagnetic energy or bioelectric energy? Because there’s no such thing as ghost energy,” Velma states.

  “You said that about ectoplasm, and yet
I’m covered in it,” Smolder points out.

  Suddenly the specter passes through a metal door right in front of them! The device goes silent.

  “No such thing, huh?” Smolder smirks.

  Velma and Smolder stand in front of the large metal door. There are latches and locks on it all around the edges. Velma tries to open some of the latches but nothing budges. Smolder tries, too, and gets the same results.

  “Why is this door so heavily secured?” Velma wonders.

  “That’s a good question for Why Files!” Smolder says dramatically and whistles the theme music from the show.

  “Very funny,” Velma says humorlessly.

  “Then let’s be logical. Ask yourself: Why is a ghost hiding behind a locked door?” Smolder ponders.

  “If it is a ghost,” Velma says.

  “It’s a ghost. I’m covered with the evidence,” Smolder replies.

  “I think the better question is: How do we open the door?” Velma decides.

  If the ghost opens the door, press here.

  If Velma discovers the secret of the door, press here.

  Shaggy and Scooby press their backs against the wall. Suddenly a small door opens.

  “Like, it’s a dumbwaiter,” Shaggy realizes.

  “Who you calling dumb?” Scooby says.

  “A dumbwaiter is like an elevator for food,” Shaggy replies. “And it’s our way out!”

  “Geronimooooo!” Shaggy yells and jumps down the shaft.

  “Scooby-Dooby-Doooooo!” Scooby says as he follows his friend.

  Shaggy and Scooby tumble down the dumbwaiter shaft. They hit the sides and bounce like marbles.

  The two pals come to a hard stop when they hit the top of the dumbwaiter itself. Far above them, the sea ghost screams at them from the top of the shaft. Then it starts to pull the dumbwaiter back up the shaft!


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