Love by Chance (A Contemporary Romance)

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Love by Chance (A Contemporary Romance) Page 1

by Debra Elizabeth

  Love by Chance

  By Debra Elizabeth

  2012 Copyright © by Debra Elizabeth

  Image by Yuri Arcurs,

  Mask by mirrorimagestock at deviantart

  Cover Design ©

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

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  Chapter 1

  Alysa Stevens slipped into the strapless black silk ball gown with the help of her assistant, Lisa. The stark black color was the perfect complement to her porcelain skin. The hand-sewn gold crystal beads across the bodice shimmered in the light of her bedroom. The dress was sure to turn heads at tonight’s charity masquerade ball. “Hold still while I do these corset ties,” Lisa said.

  Alysa chuckled. “I do need to breathe tonight. Please remember that.”

  “With a dress like this, who needs to breathe? And besides, if I know you, you won’t stay long enough to be suffocated by this corset.”

  “I don’t know how women in history used to wear these? Can you imagine going through this process every single day?

  “No, not at all. Maybe that’s why so many women used to faint? They couldn’t breathe.”

  “You’re probably right, Lisa. I really don’t like going to these things, but how could I pass up a masquerade party. It’s not like I’m invited to one every day.”

  The event was being held in the ballroom of one of the wealthiest socialites in the Hamptons. It was the social event of the season and Alysa planned on enjoying herself. She’d been working hard these days and needed a short break to recharge her batteries. This ball was exactly what she needed. After all, not many knew who she was and she liked it that way. She could slip in and out if it suited her without making apologies for her untimely departure.

  With a last tug on the ribbons, Lisa tied them off and tucked them inside the corset. “There. You look amazing.”

  “Thank you. This dress should put Gabriella’s name on every socialite’s lips. At least, that’s my hope. She deserves the recognition and more business.”

  “I’m sure it will. What jewelry do you want?”

  Alysa glanced over to her vanity table at the stunning gold mask. “None, that mask is all I need.”

  Lisa walked over and picked up the mask, admiring its intricate detail. A master craftsman who truly knew how to work the metal to its best effect made it. “This has to be the most beautiful mask I’ve ever seen.”

  “I know. Alan outdid himself on this one. He remembered I was going to this ball the last time he traveled to Italy. When he saw it in a tiny shop window in Venice, he knew it was the one for me. I had Gabriella design the dress to match it.”

  “It’s truly beautiful. What do you want to do with your hair? Up or down?”

  “I was thinking down with a few more curls. What do you think?” Alysa moved to her vanity and sat down.

  “Oh, I agree.” Lisa picked up the curling iron and wound sections of Alysa’s shoulder length blonde hair around it, creating long, flowing curls. “Done. That’s perfect.”

  Alysa craned her neck while looking in the mirror to see the back. “Oh, I love it. Thank you. What would I do without you?”

  “Lucky for you, you won’t have to find out,” Lisa said. “Are you ready for the mask?”


  Lisa helped tie the mask’s ribbons and secured it with a few bobby pins on the back of her boss’s head. She picked up the invitation and handed it to Alysa. “Here. You need this to get in the door. You’re all set. The driver is downstairs waiting for you. Have fun tonight.”

  Alysa gave her assistant a quick hug. “Thank you for everything. You’re the best.”

  Lisa chuckled. “You’re welcome. Now off to the ball with you, Cinderella! You’re officially fashionably late.”

  Alysa took one last glance in the mirror before gliding out the door, the satin of her ball gown rustling softly. As the young CEO of a thriving Fortune 500 company, her online presence was Al Stevens and no one was the wiser, at least not yet. Her VP, Alan Skateley, did all the in-person negotiating and her assistant screened all her visitors. She would show those venture capitalists that had denied her early requests for funding a thing or two about a woman running a successful business. In three years she had taken an obscure little solar company and turned it into a multi-million dollar operation. At the next stockholder’s meeting she planned to unveil her identity, but not tonight. Tonight was all about enjoying the mystery and intrigue of a masquerade ball.

  In the car, Alysa tried hard not to think about work, at least for the next few hours, but that was easier said than done. She pulled her phone out of her drawstring purse and checked her email.

  She scrolled through the messages. “Good, nothing that can’t wait until tomorrow.”

  “Did you say something, Ms. Stevens?”

  Alysa looked up at her limo driver. “No, sorry John. Was talking to myself again.”

  John nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  By the time she got to her destination, the ball was crowded with every who’s who of Hampton’s society. She handed her invitation to the gentleman at the door and made her way to the ballroom. It wasn’t hard to pick out some of the society women even behind their masks, but that was intentional. They wanted to be known and have their names dropped in the society pages.

  The room was aglow with light from the multiple crystal chandeliers cleaned and shined to perfection, the orchestra was playing and the dance floor was filled with bodies in every costume imaginable. It was a magnificent sight—beautiful women in shimmering silk ball gowns and masks of every color being escorted around the floor by mysterious masked men. A slight smile curved Alysa’s lips as she kept to the edges of the room and made her way over to the bar that was set up in one of the wide alcoves.

  “Champagne, please,” she told the bartender.

  “Perhaps a dance first,” said a deep, baritone voice behind her.

  Alysa turned around and came face-to-face with a dashing figure straight out of the pages of history, standing in front of her. He was dressed all in black except for the white shirt with cuffs that peeked out from his jacket sleeves. Even his black boots were shined to perfection. His light brown hair was longish and brushed against the shirt collar. She took her time admiring his strong jaw line and full lips.

  “Good evening, d’Artagnan, it would be my pleasure.”

  The stranger, dressed as the most famous of the Three Musketeers, removed his hat and bowed with a flourish of his hand. “My Lady Constance, you honor me.”

  Alysa took his hand and instantly felt a tingle run up her spine. Dancing green eyes peered out of his mask as he folded his fingers around hers. His smile was engaging and though she’d not had anything to drink, a rush of lightheadedness threatened to overwhel
m her. It was easy to smile in return at this mysterious man.

  They moved onto the dance floor and the orchestra struck up a waltz. His hand went to the small of her back, their right hands interlocked and she breathed in his scent within their dancers’ embrace. Their bodies melded together like they had been made for each other. He was intoxicating. She hadn’t felt a rush like this in a long time, but dismissed it as the excitement and mystery of the masquerade. No matter what it was, she was going to enjoy this. It was easy to imagine the perfect romantic love story when all their identities were hidden. In the light of day though, the mysteries may not be as appealing.

  The pair glided around the dance floor in perfect sync, not only to the music, but also with each other as if they had danced together for years. The crowd seemed to part for the enchanting couple who only had eyes for each other. Time had no meaning. Dance after dance they whirled around the ballroom floor.

  When the orchestra stopped for a break, the handsome stranger bowed to her. “Thank you, my lady. It was my absolute pleasure to dance with you.” He turned to leave.

  Alysa wasn’t sure why, but she knew she couldn’t let him go. It had been too long since she’d been intrigued by a man and she didn’t want their contact to end. “Would you care to share that drink now,” she said a little out of breath.

  d’Artagnan’s lips curled up in a mischievous grin.. “Indeed, I would, my lady.”

  He offered his arm and she took it without a moment’s hesitation. They wound their way around the dance floor and headed back to the bar.

  “May I say that you look stunning this evening? You’re the most beautiful woman at the ball,” he whispered in her ear.

  His breath caressed her slender neck and Alysa felt the blush creep up her face. “Thank you. It is very kind of you to say that.”

  “Not at all, my lady, I only speak the truth.”

  She was captivated with the handsome stranger. That deep voice was mesmerizing. She wanted to rip off his mask to reveal his identity, but that was against the rules at a masquerade ball. Instead, she gripped his arm tighter and let him lead her away from the dance floor.

  There were two other couples waiting for drinks at the bar when they arrived. Alysa recognized socialite Sophia Johnson and her husband Ed, waiting to be served. She was dressed as Marie Antoinette, including the enormous hairstyle and hat that the French queen was famous for. Ed looked every inch the dashing Louie XVI. When they turned, Alysa inclined her head toward Sophia. Sophia nodded in return and walked on past.

  “What can I get you?” the bartender asked.

  “Two glasses of champagne, please,” d’Artagnan said.

  The bartender put two tall flutes on the bar and poured the bubbly liquid. d’Artagnan reached for the glasses and handed one to Alysa.

  “Thank you,” she said. “I absolutely adore champagne, especially Moet.”

  “I appreciate a good glass every now and then, but it’s not my first choice.”


  d’Artagnan offered his arm and the two walked away from the bar to a more secluded alcove. “My tastes run more to a pint of Guinness draught, especially on a cold night with a crisp wind. Warms my insides,” he said with a chuckle.

  His laughter struck a cord in her. She wanted nothing more than to listen to that voice for the rest of her life. She leaned closer to him, ready to taste his lips.

  A shadow fell over them. “May I have the next dance?” asked the pirate in a husky voice.

  Alysa looked up and gave him a sweet smile. “Thank you, but I must decline for now while I catch my breath. Perhaps later?”

  The pirate glanced at d’Artagnan before turning his attention back to Alysa. “Of course, I’ll look for you later.” He soon disappeared back into the sea of costumes.

  “My lady, you may dance with others if that is your wish,” d”Artagnan said.

  “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you for sharing that,” she said with a twinkle in her eye.

  They were inseparable. The evening flew by with champagne, dances and small talk. Alysa didn’t want it to end. It was the most fun she’d had in years. Standing out on the balcony, she let the cool night air caress her skin. Her cheeks were flush with color and not only from their dancing.

  d’Artagnan’s finger lightly traced her jaw line. “My Lady, I know it’s against the rules, but may I take the liberty?”

  Before Alysa had a chance to ask what liberty he wanted to take, he bent down and kissed her. His lips were soft and the kiss as light as a feather. Her body trembled like a tiny captured bird. She moved closer and returned his kiss, a kiss full of passion and need. He reciprocated and their tongues explored the sweet taste of each other’s mouths. The world disappeared. Nothing else mattered but the magnificent man stirring the fire in her belly. Long moments passed before they parted. She looked into d’Artagnan’s eyes, searching for a sign that he felt the same heart-pounding connection.

  His hand brushed against the hollow of her throat as he reached for one of the blonde curls that lay on her shoulder, and twirled it around his finger. “Lovely. I…”

  He stopped in mid-sentence, dropped the curl and reached into his pocket. He pulled out his phone and his brow furrowed as he read the text message.

  “I’m sorry, I must go.” He gave her a quick bow and turned on his heel.

  “Wait, what is …” Alysa’s words were lost on the wind. He didn’t stop, but flew through the sea of dancers and out the door. She stood frozen, watching his retreating back. Her hand went to her heart as a crushing weight threatened to overwhelm her. Her magical night had been ripped from her by an unknown text. What could it have said to make him leave so suddenly?

  “Someone must know who he is,” she whispered to no one in particular. She went back inside the ballroom and talked with everyone she could, but no one knew the handsome d’Artagnan’s identity. By the time she left the ballroom, her shoulders sagged in disappointment.

  Chapter 2

  “So how was ball?” Lisa asked on Monday morning when she walked into Alysa’s office.

  Alysa was seated at her desk and had been there for long hours before Lisa had arrived. Not being able to find out the handsome stranger’s name affected her more than she cared to admit. She hadn’t realized she was missing something in her life, until he kissed her. That kiss had changed everything. If she couldn’t find him, what good would that perfect memory be? Talking about it was the last thing she wanted to do.

  “It was fine.” She glanced up from her computer screen. “Do you have those reports for me?”

  Lisa didn’t say anything more, but simply laid the reports on Alysa’s desk. She turned and left the office closing the door softly behind her.

  Alysa slumped back in her chair. It wasn’t fair to take out her frustration on Lisa, but she couldn’t help it. The ball had been a fairy tale where the handsome stranger finds her the most beautiful and desirable woman there. He had swept her off her feet and she’d been a willing participant. It was indeed her Cinderella moment. Problem with fairy tales though, they didn’t always have a happy ending. She had exhausted every possibility she could think of to find out who he was and had come up empty. No one knew who he was, although everyone, especially the women, remembered seeing him at the ball. Of course they did; he was the handsome d’Artagnan, the dashing Musketeer.

  She sighed and opened the folder Lisa had handed her. There was nothing left to do except concentrate on the work she needed to do before the stockholder’s meeting in six weeks. She tried to work, but it wasn’t going to happen. Her mind was in turmoil. Maybe, it would be better to talk about it. It certainly couldn’t hurt.

  She pressed the intercom. “Lisa, could you please come in here?”

  “Of course.” Lisa walked back into the office. “Do you need something else?”

  Alysa sat up straighter in her chair. “No, I need to apologize to you. I’m sorry for being short with you, but…um…it’s just that I
’ve met him.”


  “At the ball. He was dressed as d’Artagnan, and we spent most of the evening together.” Alysa’s closed her eyes, remembering floating around the dance floor in his arms.

  “That’s wonderful,” Lisa said, sitting in one of the chairs in front of Alysa’s desk. “So, who is he? Must be someone special to sweep you off your feet.”

  Alysa opened her eyes and her shoulders slumped. “I don’t know.”

  Lisa’s eyes widened in surprise and she leaned forward. “What?”

  “He rushed out before I could ask his name.”

  “Oh, was it midnight?”


  “You know, like Cinderella rushing out at midnight.”

  Alysa couldn’t help herself. She leaned back in her chair and laughed. “Lisa, you’re too funny. I don’t know what time it was. All I know is that is was the most wonderful, magical night, but no one seems to know who he is.”

  Now it was Lisa’s turn to frown. “All the contributions to the charity were anonymous. No names required.”

  “Yes, I found that out. I’ve reached a dead end.”

  Lisa stood. “Let me see what I can find out. We have to find this mystery man. I haven’t seen you like this in such a long time. I’m determined to find your prince.” She walked out of the office and closed the door behind her.

  Alysa smiled before turning back to the reports. If anyone could find out who d’Artagnan was, it was Lisa. That girl was a whiz and knew more people than Alysa could count. With Lisa on his trail, she could concentrate on preparing for the stockholders meeting.

  Chapter 3

  “Alysa, did you hear what I said?” Alan asked.

  His voice startled her and Alysa looked up. It was the last meeting with her senior managers before the stockholders meeting tomorrow, and they were working out the glitches in the final presentations.


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