The Unicorn Box Set (Swinger Bisexual Menage Romance): All Four Episodes Value Priced! (The Unicorn: Swinging and Single Book 5)

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The Unicorn Box Set (Swinger Bisexual Menage Romance): All Four Episodes Value Priced! (The Unicorn: Swinging and Single Book 5) Page 4

by Mia Moore

  Her breathing was a pant that she could hear, as the sensation continued to increase. She’d never felt this way before. Her toes started to twitch and her mouth fell open, a small scream escaping between her lips. She tried to pull away from his mouth but his hands were locked into her ass, preventing her from moving.

  At that moment Sherri pinched her nipple hard.

  She clenched her eyes shut and exploded into an infinite starburst.

  Oh my God. Her whole body felt like it was orgasming, right to her fingertips. Her heart was thundering in her chest as her fingers dug into the rigid flesh in Richard’s upper arms. The muscles deep inside her shut tight and there was wetness. It was cool against the tender flesh of her upper thigh.

  She fell back panting and gasping. Aftershocks made her thigh muscles tremble and quiver.

  Richard leaned back and looked at her, his lip pulled up at the side in a small smile. Sherri cupped Erica’s cheeks in her hands and kissed her softly on the lips.

  “Erica. Now you are a true Unicorn, having had your first G orgasm.” She swayed to the side and kissed Richard deeply.

  “You may have to carry me out of here,” she gasped. “After that, I’m not sure I’d be able to walk straight.”

  Richard and Sherri looked at her and rolled down to sandwich her between them, their arms around her.

  “So, I take it you’ll be coming back to the club?” Richard lifted his head and rested it on his wrist, the skin around his blue eyes crinkled as her smiled at her.

  Chapter 9

  Back at the bar, Richard and Sherri talked Erica into a nightcap before she went home. Well, she was going to have to take a taxi home anyway, so one more drink wouldn’t hurt. She took a seat across from them, still feeling the warm afterglow that a good romp of sex always provided. She and Sherri had gone to the ladies room to find their clothes folded neatly on the sink counter before settling in across from Richard.

  “This may be cliché, but I’ve got to ask… What’s a beautiful, smart young woman like you, doing in a place like this? I mean, why don’t you have a boyfriend? Then you both could be here.” Sherri’s eyebrows were pulled together but her eyes peering at Erica were kind.

  “Hey, don’t knock it Sherri…” Richard started to say before she shushed him.

  “It’s not that easy to find decent guys. Most guys are intimidated by my career, and well…I can be blunt, bordering on insensitive. I think you saw that earlier.” She took a sip of gin and looked down at the table for a few moments.

  “There was one guy, Mike, in Dubai that I really liked. We had a wild three day affair. He was special, you know?” She looked up to see Sherri nod. “He was funny, successful and really seemed to care for me. When I came back home, I tried to get in touch with him.” She looked at Sherri and pulled her lips to the side in a small smirk. “But he never returned my calls. Or emails. Or texts.” She glanced down at her glass and back up again. “So here I am, looking for a good time with no strings attached. And thanks to you guys, I got that.”

  “Well we did too. Yay for Unicorns!” Sherri reached across and put her hand on Erica’s. “Still…you deserve more. I have a nice looking nephew who’s just ended a four year relationship—“

  “Enough Sherri. Leave her alone. Jeremy is nice looking but he’s also a geek addicted to video games. The kind of joystick he likes and the one that Erica wants are worlds apart. Stop trying to play matchmaker.” Richard scowled at Sherri and took a sip of his drink.

  It was obvious from the look Sherri gave him that this was a bone of contention between them, but not really serious.

  “Thanks Sherri but I’m okay with being alone. Especially now that I’ve been here. It was great to just be myself, do what I wanted without having to worry about what some boyfriend would think. Really, I’m good.” Erica scooped up her bag and fished her cell phone out.

  “Can I call you to find out when you’re coming here again? Is that allowed? To have another member’s phone number?” She held her phone in her hand and looked from Sherri to Richard.

  “It’s up to the members if they want to give that out.” She gave their phone number and Erica entered it into her phone’s address book.

  “Feel free to call us anytime. We’d like to hook up with you again.” Richard grinned at her.

  “For sure. But if you come here on Friday night it’s a mixed crowd. Single guys are allowed in. You might meet someone interesting.” Sherri was not going to give up on her quest. “Don’t get me wrong. I loved tonight and want for us to get together again. I’m just thinking of you, Erica.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll try a Friday night and see how it goes. There’re couples as well, right?” Erica tilted her head and squinted her eyes. What was the difference between a guy going to a bar to pick someone up and a guy going to a swinger club? The odds were probably better that he’d get laid at the swinger’s club but it was basically the same guy.

  She dialed the number of a cab company. “I’m going to get going now. Do you need a ride? Maybe we can share a taxi.”

  So Friday night there’d be single men there. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try.

  Chapter 10

  At work the following Monday, Erica found that things were different. Normally at the weekly planning meeting, she would summarize what she had accomplished on her project and where she intended to be with it at week end—short and sweet, with no questions being asked or explanations needed. Sometimes she even wondered if anyone was really listening.

  This time however, she noticed the other engineers (mostly men but a couple of other women) were regarding her with interest, even smiles. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear that a couple of the guys were checking out her boobs. Last week she would have been tempted to call them out on such blatant sexism but today, it only made her sit straighter, thrusting her chest out. Let them fantasize all they want.

  After the meeting, her boss, Geoff Stone asked her to stay for a few minutes to talk with her privately.

  “Good work on the Forsythe project, Erica. It looks like you’ll have it wrapped up in a couple of weeks.” He paused for a moment letting the compliment sink in. He sat back in his chair with a grin. “We’ve been awarded the contract for the new refinery.”

  “Wow! That’s HUGE!”

  Geoff smiled and shrugged. “Sounds good but we’ll be working with our biggest competitor, Eastern Energy Engineering to develop the site. We’ll need our sharpest people on this immediately. I want you to head up the project.” He leaned forward, staring intently at her.

  Eastern Energy was the company Mike worked for. “But what about my work now? I’m almost—“

  “You’ve done excellent work. Junior engineers will take that over. This is much more important, not to mention lucrative. Mike Frame from EEE will meet with us at noon for lunch. In the meantime, get familiar with the site plans.” He stood up. “My office at noon.” He smiled and left the boardroom.

  The work and its challenges would be interesting. There was no doubt about that, not to mention a healthy bonus when the project was wrapped up. But working with Mike? THAT was going to be awkward, considering he basically dumped her when he never returned her phone calls.

  Maybe he got married or put on fifty pounds. Her eyes glazed over as she pictured him, nude, lean but muscled…and the adorable hollows on the side of his butt. Were his eyes still as blue and face still as handsome? The laughter and lovemaking they’d shared. Her gaze fell to the table.

  “Earth to Erica. There’s another meeting scheduled for this room.” The cheerful voice of her assistant Cindy broke her reverie.

  “Got it.” She scooped up the pages of her report and rose to her feet, hurrying out the door.

  “Are you okay?” Cindy placed a hand on her arm as she brushed by.

  “I’m fine. I’ll need to meet with you in a half an hour.”

  She continued striding to her office. When she was inside, she closed the d
oor and leaned against it. This was crazy to be feeling like this. To let some man, a weeklong fling, cause her to be anxious and self conscious. But he wasn’t just some man. He was Mike.

  Taking a deep breath she marched to her desk and plopped down into the chair. To hell with him. On the weekend she’d been admired and liked by great people at a swinger’s club. The sex had been awesome and it would always be there, unlike Mike. What was it that Sherri had said? Be yourself and be friendly, interested in people because they were people. Well it worked well for Sherri and was starting to work for her up until this news about Mike.

  Fuck it. She would be nice, friendly and when he made a pass at her, she’d shut him down, hard. Would it have killed him to send her an email in all this time?

  She plucked her cell phone from her purse and on impulse dialed Sherri’s number. It rang a few times and she was just about to hang up when she heard Sherri’s voice.

  “Hi Sherri. It’s Erica.” She rolled her eyes, now wishing she hadn’t called.

  “Hi Erica. How are you? Is anything wrong?” There was worry in her voice.

  “No…I mean yes. Look I’m not some kind of stalker or anything. I just didn’t know who else I could call who would understand. It’s Mike. He’s here and I have to work with him on a project. Shit!” Her heart was beating harder in her chest as she absently picked at a cuticle, making it bleed.

  “You’re smart and beautiful; you’ll do great. The minute he sees you, he’ll realize what a jerk he was in not calling you. Just be approachable, and nice. And for God’s sakes, don’t let him use you. This time, you call the shots, if there is a ‘this time’. Don’t worry Erica.” The last words were said softly.

  “Thanks for listening. I feel closer to you than to my girlfriends who I’ve known since college. This is kind of weird.” Right now, Sherri felt like her only friend.

  “Maybe the fact that we gave each other mind blowing orgasms on the weekend…I don’t know. Just a thought.” There was the warm tinkle of laughter on the line. “Call me tonight and let me know how it went. And remember, just be yourself…well a warm version of yourself, like you were on Saturday.”

  There was a knock on the door. “Thanks and I will. Gotta go now.” Erica hung up and put her phone back in her purse.

  The time before noon flew by.

  Chapter 11


  “Sherri, it’s Erica. You were right. Everything went okay.” She had waited till mid evening to call Sherri, not wanting to interrupt her family time.

  “What happened? Tell me.” Sherri’s words came out in a rush.

  “He was already there when I entered my boss’s office. Honestly, I think he was even more uncomfortable than me. But I was friendly to him, like nothing had ever happened. By the end of the meeting, he was relaxed. When we left, he asked me out. Can you believe that!” She tucked her legs under her sitting on the large overstuffed chair in her living room. Mike was even more handsome than she had remembered, especially when he’d looked kind of sheepish.

  “Did you say yes? Are you going to go out with him?”

  “No. I told him I was busy for the rest of the week. And actually, working together for the next few months, I want to keep it professional. I’m not looking for a repeat of what happened the last time.” She took a sip of wine and looked out the picture window, not seeing the beautiful city skyline or the bright lights. This was going to be hard working alongside him, seeing him every day. She didn’t know if she could maintain a healthy distance.

  “Good for you. And you know…Men are hunters. If you keep resisting, you become more valuable in their eyes. Who knows…Maybe it’s just the thing he needs to see.”

  “Sherri! Richard’s right. You’re either an incurable romantic or the matchmaker from hell. No. I’m not going down that road with Mike or playing any silly games to hook him. It’s business only.” She smiled, despite her words.

  “Okay. I get it. What about Friday? Are you going to the club?”

  “Definitely. Especially now after seeing Mike again. I need to get past this and going to the club is going to help. If I have to be around him every day, I’m going to need to have sex. A lot of sex. And fun.” There was a tingle in her pussy at the thought of being at the club, wearing sexy clothing and getting fucked.

  “What are you going to wear? Let’s go shopping. I need to pick up a few things anyway.”

  “Yeah! That sounds like fun. How about on Thursday evening we have dinner and then hit the stores?”

  Chapter 12

  It was Friday evening and Erica, wearing a trench coat over her scanty clothing, paid the cab driver and stood looking at the outside of the club. Smiling, she couldn’t help noting how different she felt going in tonight from the way she’d felt…what? Not even a week ago! It made her tingle, knowing that there would be nice people she’d meet and she was almost guaranteed to have lots of laughs and great sex.

  A tall dark haired man was crossing the parking lot and entered the club. Her eyebrows furrowed. That guy could be Mike’s brother; he looked so much like him. Could it be Mike? She continued walking in small steps, not used to the six inch stiletto heels Sherri had insisted she buy.

  She opened the door and slipped inside. The same woman as last week was standing behind the counter just finishing with the man she’d noticed in the parking lot. His back was to her and he walked to the bar area. Damn.

  “You’re back! Great to see you again.” The woman behind the counter greeted her. “There’s a good crowd tonight.”

  “Hi. Yes, I wanted to see what happens on Friday night.” She slipped the trench coat off and draped it over her arm before stepping to the counter to sign in and pay.

  “That’s a fabulous outfit. Tres sexy. Wearing that, it’s not going to take you long to hook up.” The woman’s smile was wide and genuine.

  “Thanks! There’re lots of couples here tonight, right?” She still wasn’t sure about the single guys…Would that complicate things?

  “Oh yeah. There’s a good mix and some new faces. Have fun!”

  Erica hung up her coat and walked into the bar area. She took a deep breath, thrusting the ‘girls’ up and out and smiled remembering Sherri’s advice. Be approachable and nice. A few of the men standing at the bar turned their heads and smiled at her. Not bad looking…hmmm.

  She noticed a gap in the people lined up and slipped in to order a drink. The tall man next to her turned to face her.

  Oh my God.

  Episode 2: Running With The Bulls

  Chapter 13

  Erica’s eyes flew wide open as her head drew back seeing Mike standing next to her at the bar. For a second, he looked as shocked as she felt. And then it was gone, replaced by a smirking, confident smile.

  “Hello Erica. Can I buy you a drink?” His blue eyes were edged with laugh lines in a face that was almost arrogant looking down his aquiline nose.

  She took a deep breath and lifted her chin, returning his gaze. Why the hell did he have to be at the club? Seeing him every day for the past week had been difficult enough, but here, how would she be able to resist? This was HER club, dammit! Not to mention the fact that NOW she had to think about this getting around the office. Double damn.

  “No thanks.” She turned when the bartender appeared in front of her. “Gin and tonic, please.” Thank God for small mercies. She plucked a ten dollar bill from her purse and laid it on the bar before turning to face Mike once more. “Good luck tonight and have fun but it won’t be with me, if that’s what you’re thinking.” She flashed him what she considered to be, her warmest smile.

  “Why not? You didn’t mind when we were in Dubai.” He raised his hand and trailed his finger down her cheek to the corner of her lips.

  She pulled her head away from his finger. Her smile suddenly was a mask that took effort to wear. Yeah, it had been only fun for him while she had actually thought there was more. The hubris of the man was astounding, to stand here and expe
ct her to jump at the chance to be with him again after he hadn’t even answered her emails or calls.

  “Sure, it was okay…” She tilted her head and rolled her eyes. The bartender appeared with her drink and she turned to thank him.

  “OKAY? That’s all? That’s not how I remember it. You couldn’t get enough—“ His blue eyes were now icy slits.

  “That was then. I’ve moved past it. You should too.” Again the sweet, butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth smile, before stepping away from the bar and surveying the room to find a table. She saw the busty, blond haired woman who had danced provocatively with Sherri the week before. Her forehead wrinkled. Yes, Sylvia was her name. There was a spot at her table and if she was friends with Richard and Sherri, she must be nice. Anything to get farther away from Mike.

  Her hips swayed a little more than normal as she walked to the table, aware that Mike’s weren’t the only eyes watching her. She passed a couple of men, who openly checked her out, smiling and lifting their glasses in a toast. One was blonde with the fit body of an athlete. He had to be close to six four, he was so tall. She met his gaze and returned his smile. The other guy looked like he might be Greek or Italian with swarthy skin and dark bedroom eyes. What he lacked in height compared to the first guy, he made up for in muscle, with tan, bulging arms and wide shoulders. Yeah, those two guys were interesting.

  When she stood next to the table where Sherri’s friend sat, she looked down into an attractive face with the bluest eyes and cutest dimples. “Hi Sylvia. I’m Erica, a friend of Sherri and Richard’s.”

  Sylvia bent to the side and patted the empty chair next to her. “I remember you Erica! That was some dance you and Sherri had the last time. This is my husband Byron. Would you like to join us?”

  How the heck did she manage to keep her boobs inside the red bra she wore? Her tits were even bigger than Erica’s, pushed up by the bra and separated by a generous cleavage. As arousing as her body was, it was her friendly manner and smile that was most attractive.


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