The Walking Whales

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The Walking Whales Page 4

by J G M Hans Thewissen

  neck should be. Toward the tail, tiny hind limbs are visible, but they are

  too small to bear weight or help in swimming. It has been suggested that

  they were used in mating,16 similarly to the claspers that male sharks use

  to help hold on to females when they copulate. At the end of the tail, we

  find the best evidence confirming our hunch that this was a whale: Basi-

  losaurus had a horizontal tailfin, a fluke.

  Because the animal is actually more than thirty million years old, we

  have only its skeleton and so we do not know whether it had fur, or sparse

  hair, or was naked like modern whales. Some scientists have tried to figure

  this out by studying modern animals, but the results remain ambiguous.17

  Our information of Basilosaurus, Zygorhiza, and their relatives comes

  from the fossil skeletons that were mostly found in the deserts of Egypt and

  in the southern United States. These rocks were formed between thirty-

  four and forty-one million years ago. Both genera are included in the fam-

  ily Basilosauridae (basilosaurids in English),18 which is traditionally divided

  into two subfamilies: Basilosaurinae, giant, elongated snake-like forms,

  and Dorudontinae (figure 8), shorter forms that somewhat resemble a dol-

  phin in body shape.19 In everything except their vertebrae and body shape,

  the two groups are very similar. Complete skeletons of the basilosaurine

  Basilosaurus show that the animal was about eighteen meters (sixty feet)

  long, whereas dorudontines, for instance Dorudon, were around a quarter

  of that (figure 9).20 Basilosaurids have been discovered in many places all

  over the world and were probably distributed worldwide (figure 10).

  figure 9. Skeletons of two fossil basilosaurid whales: the large Basilosaurus and the

  much smaller Dorudon. The picture of Dorudon is repeated in the upper right corner, but now at the same scale as Basilosaurus, to show the great difference in size . After Kellogg (1936), Gingerich et al. (1990), and Uhen (2004).

  figure 10. Map of the world forty-five million years ago (the Eocene period), with

  places where fossils of basilosaurid whales and protocetid whales (discussed in

  chapter 12) have been found. Base map from

  /documents/2010/30109andrus/images/fig02lg.jpg and data points from http:// where the cetacean sections are compiled and edited by Mark Uhen; he

  reports that the record from Antarctica is ambiguous.

  Fish, Mammal, or Dinosaur? | 21

  Feeding and Diet. If our captive basilosaurid opened its mouth, it

  would be immediately clear that it was not like any other living whale.

  Most modern toothed whales have teeth that are simple pronged stab-

  bers—think of the peg-like teeth of killer whales—with little variation

  across the tooth row or between upper and lower teeth. This similarity

  in tooth shape is called homodonty ( homoios is Greek for “similar to”).

  But basilosaurids had more complex teeth that differ from front to back

  in the mouth, like humans and most other mammals. This is called het-

  erodonty ( hetero, Greek for “the other, different”). In the front, long

  and sturdy pointed teeth would be visible, whereas in the back, each

  tooth would have multiple bumps (or cusps, as paleontologists call

  them; figure 11).

  Teeth and Paleontology

  Teeth are very important to mammal paleontologists, because they are

  the elements that are most commonly preserved and because they are

  highly characteristic in different species. One tooth is often enough to

  identify a species. Owen identified Basilosaurus as a mammal based on

  a few teeth. Most mammals have four different kinds of teeth in each

  jaw quadrant—left and right upper, and left and right lower (figure

  11). Think of your own teeth. From front to back, humans and most

  other mammals have incisors, canine, premolars (bicuspids), and mo-

  lars. Primitive placental mammals, such as moles, have three incisors,

  one canine, four premolars, and three molars on both left and right in

  both the upper and lower jaw. Paleontologists express that as a dental

  formula, where half of the upper jaw is shown in front

  of the slash, and half of the lower jaw behind the slash. The dental

  formula is very stable within a species, but can vary greatly from the

  primitive placental count. In mice, for instance, the dental formula is In humans, it is Often the upper and

  lower dental formulas are not the same. Basilosaurus is an example: Thus, it has two upper molars but three lower molars.

  Throughout evolution, many mammalian groups independently have

  reduced the number of teeth from that original number, an important

  trend that we will return to in chapter 15.

  Most mammals have relatively simple incisors (see Box), including

  Basilosaurus, which has a simple pointed prong with one root.22

  In most mammals the canine is bigger than the incisors, but in Basilo-

  saurus it is similar to the incisors . The premolars of Basilosaurus

  figure 11. The adult dentition of the basilosaurid whale Dorudon and the mole

  Talpa, at very different scales . For each species there are side views of the left teeth (lateral views, middle drawings) and views of the chewing surface (occlusal views,

  top and bottom). Talpa has a dentition that is characteristic of basal placental

  mammals, including early ancestors of whales: three incisors, one canine, four

  premolars, and three molars on left and right side, with each of the molars showing

  complex morphology of lows and highs (cusps). Dorudon teeth are simpler in

  shape: the valleys between cusps have disappeared, and there are only two upper


  Fish, Mammal, or Dinosaur? | 23

  increase in numbers of cusps from front to back. Molars are also

  complex: each molar crown has a row of pointed cusps, and each molar

  has two roots.

  A number of basilosaurid fossils are from young individuals who still

  had their milk, or baby, teeth. That is surprising, because modern ceta-

  ceans do not have a milk dentition: the first generation of teeth that

  erupt in a baby dolphin are the only teeth it will ever have. Thus, that

  too has changed in cetacean evolution.

  The entire dental ensemble in basilosaurids was powered by very

  significant jaw muscles that covered the entire top of the skull, arising

  from a large crest on top of the head, the sagittal crest. No doubt about

  it: basilosaurids could bite hard. What did they eat? Some of the articu-

  lated skeletons show an accumulation of fish bones located in the area

  where the stomach would have been, and these have been interpreted as

  stomach contents.23 Microscopic scratches on the teeth also look like

  the scratches in modern fish-eaters like seals,24 so it seems that basilo-

  saurids ate fish. One specimen has shark teeth in its belly, showing that

  small sharks at least were not a match for the King Lizard of Cape Cod.

  Also, there are tooth marks on the skull of a juvenile Dorudon that

  match the distance between teeth of Basilosaurus, suggesting that one

  basilosaurid ate others.25

  Brain. Since the 1800s, a valley
in Egypt called Zeuglodon Valley, or

  Wadi al-Hitan (Valley of the Whales), has yielded a wealth of basilosau-

  rid skeletons. There, fierce winds scour the surface and carry away the

  sediment, exposing fossils. The exposure is temporary: eventually the

  fossil bone too is devoured by the wind, turned to powder, and blown

  away. Cavities in the fossils, such as the cavity in the skull where the

  brain used to be, are filled with fine sediment which is harder than the

  bone. So as the bone erodes away, the filled cavities remain. As a result,

  many fossils from this area are endocasts: lumps of hard sediment that

  preserve the shape of the cavity they once filled. Not only bone leaves

  impressions on the sediment. Many of the soft structures inside the

  braincase leave impressions on the bone too, making it possible to learn

  about anatomy that itself does not fossilize. Researchers have described

  cranial endocasts of basilosaurids in detail, and some were even named

  as separate species by overzealous paleontologists.26 Endocasts can be

  used to estimate brain size, too. From this, it is clear that basilosaurids

  had tiny brains, much smaller than even those of modern cetaceans with

  small brains, such as bowhead whales (see Box).27

  Brain Size

  The volume of endocast of the cranial cavity (where the brain sits)

  can be measured and used as an estimate of brain size, and provide

  some indications of an ancient animal’s intelligence. The cranial cavity

  contains several organs besides the brain, such as arteries, nerves, and

  the membranes that protect the brain (the meninges). Those structures

  often also leave impressions in an endocast, and those impressions are

  often not clearly distinct from the brain impression itself. So, measures

  of endocranial volume are an overestimate of actual brain volume in

  vertebrates. In a horse, for instance, 94 percent of the cranial cavity is

  filled by the brain.28 Matters are worse in cetaceans, because, at least

  in the modern species, a large mass of veins envelops the brain. Such

  masses are called retia mirabilia (plural of rete mirabile or “wonder

  net”). Endocranial size has been estimated by dunking endocasts in

  water and seeing how much water is displaced, or, in modern times,

  by using CT-scan technology.29 This has given us a good idea of how

  endocranial size changed in cetacean evolution. However, brain size

  may not follow this pattern, because the size of the rete may also have

  changed in evolution. Actual measurements on the skull and brain in

  a bowhead whale, a modern baleen whale, indicate that only 35 to 41

  percent of the cranial cavity is filled with brain in this species.30 That

  makes it difficult to tease apart the pattern of brain evolution from

  that of endocast evolution, although some broad patterns emerge.

  Brain size is most meaningful when it is scaled with body size.

  Larger animals have larger brains simply because a larger body needs

  a larger brain to operate it. So if we are interested in studying brain

  size, we need to correct for body size. To make that comparison, sci-

  entists calculate a ratio called the encephalization quotient (EQ).31 At

  any one body size, a mammal with an average-sized brain has an EQ

  of 1, an animal with a larger-than-average brain has an EQ greater

  than 1, and a smaller-than-average brain an EQ smaller than 1. Cats,

  for instance, have an EQ of 1; they have an average brain size for their

  body weight. Horses have an EQ of 0.9, and it is 2.5 in chimpanzees.

  Humans have the highest EQ on the planet: over 7. In the bowhead

  whale, the EQ is 0.4,32 similar to that of a rabbit. The point has been

  made that this number is misleading since fat makes up 40 to 50 per-

  cent of the weight of a whale and fat needs less brain tissue to operate

  it than other tissues do, thus artificially lowering the EQ. If we correct

  the body-weight value by ignoring the weight caused by fat altogether,

  the recalculated EQ for a bowhead is 0.6, still low.

  Fish, Mammal, or Dinosaur? | 25

  Vision, Smell, and Hearing. If you were watching our captive basilo-

  saurid come up to breathe, you would probably notice that its nose

  opening was halfway between the tip of the snout and the eyes. It is

  unclear why the opening is so far back, although scientists have specu-

  lated that underwater life favored this position. After all, most living

  whales have blowholes far back on their heads, and can breathe while

  just exposing the smallest part of their body. But most vertebrates that

  live underwater have their nose opening at the tip of the snout, for

  instance seals, manatees, hippos, muskrats, and even underwater preda-

  tors such as crocodiles, sea snakes, and sperm whales. There may be

  more to the evolution of the blowhole than just underwater living. The

  shifted position of the nasal opening certainly caused there to be less

  room for tissues involved with the sense of smell, but from the bones of

  the nose, it is clear that basilosaurids had a sense of smell.

  The eyes of basilosaurids were directed toward the sides; they are

  located under a broad shelf in the skull, called the supraorbital shelf of

  the frontal bone. Their visual field is thus mostly directed toward the

  side, and this suggests that they were hunting prey underwater, which is

  consistent with what we know about their diet.

  We know a lot about basilosaurid hearing, because many of their

  fossils are very well preserved and include such rarely preserved pieces

  as the ear ossicles (figure 3). Their ear ossicles are very similar to those

  of modern whales,33 suggesting that, like modern whales, basilosaurids

  had keen hearing underwater (see chapter 11).

  Walking and Swimming. With their serpentine body and tiny hind limbs,

  basilosaurids could not get around on land. Their home was the ocean—

  they are obligate aquatic animals. The vertebral column reveals that basi-

  losaurids are mammals, not dinosaurs or fish. There are seven neck verte-

  brae, a number typical of mammals from giraffe to human. In basilosaurids,

  as well as modern whales, these vertebrae are very short; as a result, the

  shoulders are so close to the head that the neck disappears. Then there are

  seventeen thoracic (back) vertebrae, each of which carries a pair of ribs.

  Those ribs are interesting.34 The part that reaches to the chest side of the

  animal (the ventral part) is very heavy and dense, a condition called oste-

  osclerosis ( os means bone in Latin; scleros means hard). This part of the

  ribs is also a bit thicker than the rest, which is called pachyostosis ( pachus

  means fat in Greek). Such extra weight in the skeleton is important

  in some marine mammals because it provides ballast that allows them

  to stay submerged.35 But these features are not usually present in fast

  26    |    Chapter 2

  predators such as many modern whales and dolphins, and compared to

  other  mammals,  basilosaurid  bones  are  just  mildly  osteosclerotic.36  It

  remains  likely  that  dorudontines,  like  the  dolphins  that  are  similar  in

; shape, were pursuit predators of fast-moving fishy prey.

  However, the difference from modern whales begs for an explana-

  tion. Why do basilosaurids’ ribs weigh them down? The position of the

  pachyostosis, on the ventral side of the rib, is suggestive. Perhaps, by

  concentrating weight on the belly side, the weight helped to keep the

  animal from going belly-up during swimming. The dorsal fin of modern

  whales—which is  not  made  of  bone and so  wouldn’t  fossilize—helps

  with that job, acting like the keel on a ship in preventing rolling. We

  don’t  know if basilosaurids  had a dorsal fin, but it may  be that  they

  lacked one and that the pachyostosis was an anti-rolling device.

  Behind the thoracic vertebrae,  Dorudon has forty-one vertebrae that

  change only very gradually in shape and size, reaching the tip of the tail.

  In land mammals, these vertebrae are divided into lumbar, sacral, and

  caudal vertebrae, and vary greatly in shape. The sacral vertebrae of land

  mammals  fuse  together  to  form  a  composite  bone,  the  sacrum,  that

  transmits weight to the pelvis and from there to the hind limbs.37

  In modern whales, no vertebrae in this region fuse. Paleontologist Mark

  Uhen of George Mason University studied  Dorudon in detail and found

  that even though there is no sacrum, vertebrae 17 through 20, behind the

  thoracic vertebrae, are different. These vertebrae have projections (trans-

  verse processes) that are much thicker than those of adjacent vertebrae. In

  land mammals, these transverse processes on the sacrum articulate with

  the pelvis, connecting hind limb to vertebral column.38 It is likely that these

  vertebrae represent the sacrum. That allows us to identify the sacral verte-

  brae in this fossil whale, and the lumbar vertebrae in front of it. And that

  shows that there are many more lumbar vertebrae in basilosaurids than in


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