The Walking Whales

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The Walking Whales Page 27

by J G M Hans Thewissen

  Wakayama Prefecture, where the village of Taiji is located. Ours is the

  From Embryos to Evolution | 175

  only plane. The runway is hewn out of black rock that erodes in steep

  cliffs, and it is so narrow that the plane taxis to the terminal on the

  runway—there’s no room for a taxi lane. A big whale is carved into the

  hillside across from the terminal building, and an airport store sells

  canned whale meat. On the two-hour drive along the rocky, winding

  coast, we stop at a restaurant which sells whale-shaped incense burners

  and piggy banks. Later, we drive by a giant waterfall in the shape of two

  whale flukes.

  It finally dawns on me that this is the heart of Japanese whaling

  country. Most Japanese don’t eat whale meat, and I’ve never seen it on

  any of my many previous trips to Japan. However, the government tries

  to encourage its consumption, and in some areas, such as here, whale

  and dolphin hunting is part of the local culture. These people fiercely

  protect it.

  the marine park at taiji

  The next morning we go to the Ocean Park, where the skeleton of a

  large blue whale is mounted outside. The white bones contrast with the

  black rocks that frame the valley, creating a very Japanese image, ready

  for a woodcut artist to immortalize. A curator meets us, but all the con-

  versation is in Japanese, and Jim and I just walk along. Then the direc-

  tor—the man who apparently pulled the plug on our talks—comes out.

  He too is very courteous, and introduces us to the veterinarian and

  trainers. Business cards are exchanged in a very Japanese ritual, and the

  stack of my own cards diminishes as my stack of received Japanese

  cards rises higher and higher. The director’s card has a picture of Haruka,

  and I realize that this is an important attraction for them. We walk past

  a large building with two whales painted on it and along a sea arm that

  reaches between the cliffs. As I look at the water, a large black fin

  emerges from it, followed by a loud whoosh. It startles me, but I recog-

  nize that a killer whale has come up to breathe. Why is such a large

  animal swimming in this narrow cove? I scan the bay and realize that

  the entrance to the cove is dammed, and forms a natural aquarium for

  their captive killer whale. Farther down, there are rectangular wooden

  structures floating on barrels in the water. The water inside occasionally

  ripples with something dark: these are pens with cetaceans in them. I

  count at least six pens, some with multiple animals. We walk down a

  winding path to a round concrete building, built around a large tank. As

  we walk in the door, I realize that we are in a giant plexiglass tube at the

  176    |    Chapter 13

  figure 56. Haruka, the dolphin with small rear flippers, seen from below. The rear

  flippers are its hind limbs. Normal dolphins do not have rear flippers; the structures

  developed in this individual as a congenital anomaly.

  bottom of the aquarium, and three bottlenose dolphins are lying on top

  of the tube. One is Haruka (figure 56). We all crowd around with our

  cameras. The dolphins are not bothered. Two of them start to play. The

  third stays; it is Haruka. She seems to know that she is the star of the

  show, and wants to please the fans with photo ops.

  Haruka has real little flippers in the back, one slightly larger than the

  other, but nicely formed, like miniature front flippers. The trainer says

  that  one  of  them  is  much  more  loosely  attached  than  the  other. The

  director, the veterinarian, and the curators have stayed with us. They

  motion us away: “Please, please.” Do they want us to leave because we

  have antagonized them, I wonder?

  No, quite the opposite. They lead us to the roof of the building, to the

  top of the aquarium. The trainers take coolers and go onto a platform

  in the tank, and the dolphins show up immediately. The trainers feed

  fish to the dolphins. One of the trainers gestures, and Haruka rolls over,

  exposing her belly. The trainer gently puts his hand underneath the flip-

  per and we shoot pictures and video. All captive dolphins are taught to

  go belly-up so that a trainer or vet can examine their genitals and anal

  region, and take their temperature rectally. It lasts a few minutes, and

  then the dolphin receives another signal, rolls over, and loudly snorts.

  When she is on her belly, she cannot breathe. She gets another fish, and

  is told to roll over again, to the sound of more camera clicks and more

  movies. An hour passes before I realize it.

  From Embryos to Evolution | 177

  shedding limbs

  Haruka is not the first modern cetacean born with hind limbs. There are

  more than half a dozen reports of whales and dolphins with such struc-

  tures,2 varying in size from the little bumps on the abdomen of a Rus-

  sian sperm whale to the four-foot-long appendages in a humpback

  whale caught near Vancouver Island, Canada, in 1919.3 But unlike all of

  the others, Haruka is alive.4 She might be able to teach us how hind

  limbs affect swimming, and why whales lost their hind limbs in the first


  To understand why Haruka is different, we need to understand how

  limbs develop in other mammals. Limb embryology is relatively similar

  across vertebrates, from fish to birds to mammals. Early in development,

  an embryo looks a lot like a worm, with a head, segments along its back,

  and a tail, but no limbs. Human embryos look like this too, until in the

  fourth week after fertilization, when the embryo is still smaller than a

  pea, it grows two small bumps in the chest region. Later in the fourth

  week, two small bumps appear at the base of the tail. Limb buds form in

  this way in all vertebrates, but there are many differences too. Timing is

  one: in a mouse, limb buds form much earlier, around day 10. To make

  it easier to compare embryos of species with different gestation times,

  embryologists have divided development into so-called Carnegie stages.

  Limb buds in most mammals start forming at Carnegie stage 13.5

  Limb buds consist of two kinds of cells. The outside is covered by a

  single layer of flat cells that cover the embryo like the pavement on a

  street. These are called epithelial cells. Inside, the entire bud is filled with

  undifferentiated cells that make up the mesenchyme. The epithelial cells

  on the top of the limb bud form a crest called the apical ectodermal

  ridge, or AER. The limb bud grows, and inside of it clusters of cells

  clump together (or condense) and form cartilage bars that will turn into

  bone. One such bar forms between shoulder and elbow—it will be the

  humerus. Two bars form between elbow and wrist: the radius and ulna,

  the lower arm bones. Five distinct bars of cartilage take shape in the

  hand, the precursors of the fingers. In most mammals, roughly the same

  bars form in the lower limb, to make the leg and toe bones. Once the

  cartilage bars have formed, cells that will form muscles migrate into the

  developing limb from the body. Initially, there are no separate fingers in

  the hand or distinct toes in the foot. The cartilage bars are embedded in

  a flat pad of tissue, and the hands and feet look like mittens without

  even a thumb. As the hand and foot develop, the tissue between the

  178    |    Chapter 13

  AER makes FGF8

  AER makes FGF8

  AER makes FGF8


  AER makes FGF8



  ZPA makes SHH



  Limb bud

  body of embryo

  figure 57. Diagram of embryology of the limb in a vertebrate. The forelimb and hind

  limb initially form as a small limb bud (left diagram) that projects from the body wall.

  Over time (drawings further right), the limb bud will grow, and eventually a skeleton

  will form inside it. AER, apical ectodermal ridge; FGF8, fibroblast growth factor 8 (a

  protein); ZPA, zone of polarizing activity; SHH, sonic hedgehog (another protein).

  digits thins and eventually disappears to make five independently mov-

  able fingers and toes.

  The genes regulating all this are reasonably well known (figure 57).

  Initially, the AER produces a protein called FGF8,6 which leaks into the

  mesenchyme underneath it. An area like this, which produces a protein

  that is used to communicate to other areas, is called a signaling center.

  A group of mesenchymal cells in the rear of the limb bud also becomes

  a signaling center, the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA). The ZPA now

  starts to produce a protein called sonic hedgehog (after the videogame

  character), a name usually shortened as SHH. SHH diffuses into the tis-

  sue around it and is necessary to keep the AER alive and working at this

  stage. The mesenchymal cells immediately underneath the AER divide

  and as the limb bud grows longer and longer, cartilage bars form and

  these divide the limb into segments: in the forelimb, shoulder to elbow,

  elbow to wrist, and hand; in the hind limb, hip to knee, knee to ankle,

  and foot.7

  The ZPA plays a role early on, working with the AER to accomplish

  limb-bud growth. The ZPA again plays a role later in development, dur-

  ing the formation of the fingers and toes. SHH produced by the ZPA

  oozes  into  the  surrounding  mesenchyme,  and,  because  the  ZPA  is

  located on the pinky side (posterior side) of the hand (the little-toe side

  of the foot), concentrations of SHH drop as you go toward the thumb

  (big-toe) side. As growth continues, cells farther toward the thumb side

  will receive both a lower concentration and a shorter duration of SHH

  exposure. That is the signal that makes different fingers and toes: the

  index finger is exposed only briefly to low concentrations of SHH, the

  pinky for a longer time and higher concentrations, and the remaining

  fingers are intermediate.8 This controls the particular shape of the fin-

  gers and toes.

  From Embryos to Evolution | 179

  In many mammals, forelimbs and hind limbs follow the same

  trajectory, but this is not true in cetaceans. In the forelimb,9 develop-

  ment initially proceeds as in most other mammals, until the soft tissue

  that connects the digits fails to disappear and make separate fingers.

  In addition, unlike many other mammals, many cetacean species form

  more than three phalanges per finger or toe (figure 13). This all makes

  a smooth, asymmetrical flipper, a blade that cuts through the water

  and is used in steering.

  The trajectory for the cetacean hind limb is quite different from that

  of the forelimb. Although, in living cetaceans, external hind limbs appear

  only if development goes wrong—in animals like Haruka—every living

  (and presumably fossil) cetacean had hind limb buds as an embryo (fig-

  ure 58). Those buds form but eventually disappear long before birth, as

  their developmental trajectory is cut short. This leaves only some internal

  structures that are attached to the genitals (figure 15).

  Hind limb buds in cetacean embryos were discovered a long time ago,

  and that story holds some lessons for us in the present. In The Origin of

  Species, Darwin did not make much of embryology’s contribution to evo-

  lution, but mainland European embryologists enthusiastically adopted

  his ideas about evolution, because these allowed them to interpret previ-

  ously inexplicable features of embryos. In 1893, three decades after Dar-

  win’s book, the German embryologist Willy Kükenthal interpreted the

  two bumps low on the abdomen in a porpoise embryo as hind limb buds.

  Kükenthal’s publication10 was much to the chagrin of his Norwegian col-

  league Gustav Guldberg, who had talked about hind limb buds in prena-

  tal cetaceans in a lecture a few years earlier. However, Guldberg’s buds

  were not in the same place as those of Kükenthal, and also at a different

  time in development. Guldberg, who worked in a small institute in Ber-

  gen, off the academic beaten path, had failed to publish his finding. He

  felt scooped by the professor from the famous university in Jena, but

  remained civil: “I was thus rather surprised . . . that in the work . . . of my

  friend Professor Kükenthal, . . . he appears to believe to show the pres-

  ence of the early beginning for hind limbs in a porpoise embryo of 25 mm

  length.” Kükenthal’s bumps were too far forward on the body to be hind

  limb buds, according to Guldberg, and instead he described buds in addi-

  tional porpoise embryos of 7, 17, and 18 mm that document earlier stages

  of development.11 Kükenthal dismissed Guldberg’s buds as the beginnings

  of the mammary glands instead of the limbs, writing: “Grave reservations

  arose in me, when I read that Guldberg considers the hind limb buds to

  be two prominences in embryos of 17 and 18 mm.”12

  180    |    Chapter 13

  Carnegie stage 13

  Carnegie stage 14

  Carnegie stage 16

  length: 6 mm

  length: 9 mm

  length: 11 mm

  LACM 94656

  LACM 94738

  LACM 94722




  hind limb bud

  hind limb

  al squares have


  1 mm sides



  hind limb


  Carnegie stage 17

  LACM 94650






  hind limb



  hind limb bud

  Carnegie stage 19

  Carnegie stage 17

  length: 72 mm

  Carnegie stage 19

  length: 22 mm

  LACM 94743

  LACM 94743

  LACM 95041

  figure 58. Dolphin embryos ( Stenella attenuata) at different stages of

  development and not at the same scale (black squares have 1 mm sides for all

  specimens). These photos show the increase in size of the forelimb bud and its

  development into a flipper. They also show the increase in size of the hind limb bud

  (first and second photo) and its subsequent reduction in size, and disappearance.

  Nipples in dolphins are located next to the genitals, and they are visible in the

  lower two photos (and their enlargements on the right). Embryonic stages are

  referred to as Carnegie stages. Length of the embryo (CRL, crown-rump length) is

  a good indicator of age as embryos grow rapidly.

  The confusion is not as silly as it seems. In an early embryo, a bud-

  ding hind limb and a mammary gland are not so very different. Both

  begin as a swelling filled with mesenchyme and covered by epithelium,

  with one patch of the epithelium thickened. In addition, the nipples of

  modern cetaceans are in fact located on either side of the genitals, near

  where limbs would be. Land mammals such as moles and squirrels have

  nipples in their groin, and these form in the embryo as low welts between

  From Embryos to Evolution | 181

  genitals and hind limb.13 However, nipples start to form long after the

  limb buds. Human nipples form in the seventh week of development,


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