Insatiable: Hunter's Moon Book 5

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Insatiable: Hunter's Moon Book 5 Page 3

by Rice, Rachel E.

  The room held a cozy warm feel to it, he thought as he placed some newspapers in the fireplace to get the fire started. Then he added some twigs, and finally he stacked wood on top, and lit the newspapers and dry moss with matches he found on a table.

  He felt proud that he could build a fire so quickly. But a werewolf had to learn that he may not have a fireplace and matches to keep him warm, his father Wilder had cautioned him.

  When the fire roared Katie stood in the doorway looking at him with a large smile.

  “You are certainly an enthusiastic man.” Hunter liked that Katie saw him as a man. All his parents saw was an impetuous pup who needed more time to grow up and learn about life, but he was beginning to learn, and he was enjoying his lessons.

  Not all Hunter’s lessons about life would be enjoyable and pleasurable as this one.

  As Hunter stooped by the fire to place a larger log on top, Katie closed the door and stood near the day bed. She sat there placing her hand patting in a spot that she wanted Hunter to occupy. That spot was near her. He sprang up and sat close. Their eyes locked.

  They glanced at each other. Hunter leaned in for another earthshattering kiss and he wasn’t disappointed. When their lips came together a sensuous light passed between them. His breathing stopped, his heart raced, his body ached for her touch. It was an intense feeling where he unlocked his heart and soul and gave it to her.

  His lips brushed hers trailing a sensuous path as she opened her mouth giving out a moan. His manhood rose in response to her erotic cry into his mouth. Katie’s lips never left his mouth as she began to undress him starting with his tee shirt. Although she thought it strange that he should wear something light in the spring thaw, she didn’t question it because of her youthful desire for his body.

  Reaching and helping him pull it over his head was the first time they parted their lips, and then his mouth touched hers again. Caressing her lips before he thrust his long tongue down her throat. Katie gasped for breath breathing into Hunter’s mouth. She was lost when his body embraced her.

  His body exceptionally warm much more than any boy she had ever met or came into contact with. His body developed and hard craving her hands over it. She had never seen a body of such maturity on a man that young. She caressed his wide shoulders as she gave in, and Hunter took control of her mouth. Now Hunter had learned how to kiss a female, and he will not soon forget. Just one more lesson he would learn, and this one, wasn’t painful. In fact it was the best lesson of his life. His body flooded with desire. His passion for Katie inched through deep down to harden him.

  He proceeded to unbutton her blouse with his long fingers, and when it was open and she had discarded it on top of his shirt, he sat back and watched at her. They both lost all reason and they became enthralled with each other.

  “Haven’t you seen breasts before?” she said looking up at his face. His eyes fixed on her hard breasts and nipples as a flare of desire sprang into his eyes.

  No he hadn’t. Not human breasts. She didn’t wait for a reply, she placed his warm hands on her breasts and from the chill in the air, he watched as her nipples sprang forth into hard pebbles. Slowly he raised his fingers and touched them as if they were fragile and could be broken.

  She looked up at him and they locked eyes once more. Each saw the other ones passion burst forth hungrily. Each felt the other ones needs, wants, and desires. His natural instinct was to kiss her breasts. He lowered his head and when his warm lips touched her flesh, she raked her fingers through his fine curly long hair. The feeling of sucking her nipples resonated throughout his body and he knew that Katie enjoyed it as much as he enjoyed doing it.

  She placed her hand on his penis and stroked it through his jeans. Then she unbutton his jeans. One button at a time as Hunter continued to suck her nipples. She reached and took his cock into her hands and she gasped at the feel of it.

  “You’re so big. I’ve never known a man could have such a large penis.” Hunter never knew that there was anything smaller. His wasn’t that big, he thought. His father and uncles were as large or larger. Even his brother Devin was about his size. So he thought nothing of her adoration for his penis.

  Katie began stroking it in her hand, up and down, as he kissed her and then warm fluid escaped. He knew then it was time to take off his pants. He didn’t know what was happening to him, but Devin has said this would happen with a woman, but he dismissed Devin’s conversation.

  Hunter stood and dropped his pants to the floor. Standing naked he felt free. He wasn’t ashamed. He didn’t know that he should be ashamed. He was acting natural. As natural and free as the animals he had seen in the forest. Natural like the werewolf he is.

  He was born to roam the forests and he was born to make love to Katie. She enjoyed his body and he was turned on and aroused by her. Now he understood what his father had said.

  “One day you will find your true mate and there will never be another one for you. When I met your mother she was the one. The one I would die for. The one I would kill for, and the one to have my off springs by,” his father had said in passing when he tried to make Devin and Hunter understand that they had time to find the one, but they had to learn how to survive first as werewolves.

  “It was easier being a man, but being a werewolf was more complicated,” Wilder explained, more than they will ever know. “You have to walk in both worlds and master them one at a time,” Wilder had said to Hunter and Devin.

  Standing naked beside Hunter Katie lay on the bed. He stood looking at her curious. Her body captivated his young virile body. She took his hand and he climbed over her making sure he held his weight above her with his fist buried on both sides. Leaning over her, he propped his arms above her head, and she placed her hand on his large manhood and placed it at the rim of her fleshy warm tight opening.

  “I’m a virgin,” Katie said gazing into Hunter’s large blue eyes. Hunter had a vague idea of what a virgin is. He remembered hearing Devin say to him, ‘it’s difficult with a virgin because they’re tight.’”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Katie,” He said whispering.

  “I want you. The pain will go away. I want this with you. I want you to be my first,” she said with her cool green eyes looking up in his handsome face. Katie had expressed her feelings to Hunter, but he didn’t want her to know how inexperience he is with girls.

  When his crown set over her vagina, she lifted her hips and he gave a small push and managed to place the head in. She opened her mouth with a groan raising her hips up and down into him as he pushed more of him into the softest of flesh and bursting through where he felt her insides tightened around his enormous penis.

  “You’re wonderful,” Hunter said his voice quiet, his tone loving.

  “And you’re so big,” Katie moans with pleasure. Her eyes meeting his overpowering crystal blues.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m not,” Katie said with a smile and tightening her arms around Hunter’s neck as she casually rakes her fingers up and down his back. “Make one push and it won’t hurt at all.”

  With one hard push into Katie, she bit his lip groaning with painful satisfaction. The bite wasn’t significant. It didn’t deter Hunter at all. It only served to arouse him, and he began to slowly and carefully hammer into her until all of his long hard cock was resting comfortably in her warm small opening. Katie began to gyrate on it and move her hips up and down dragging her nails into his back.

  “Oh Hunter, I’ve never felt like this before.”

  “Neither have I. I’m ready to burst and I want you to enjoy that wonderful feeling with me. He carefully dipped his body into her and her tight muscles in her soft warm opening wrapped around his penis. She held him tight biting into his shoulder at each feeling of pain, then they both had an orgasm together. When it was over, he rolled to the side, held Katie in his arms, and they fell asleep.

  Was it the warmth of the room and the long horse ride that caused them to fall aslee
p in each other’s arms? Was it the fresh young love of two teenagers that caused them to think that they were doing nothing wrong? And so they lie in each other’s arms sleeping.

  Was it their youth and passion for each other that made them unaware that their lives were about to change.

  When they woke, they kissed each other. “We should get back now. Robert will be looking for us especially since the horses are in the stalls and we’re nowhere to be seen,” Hunter said standing and pulling up his jeans.

  “I want to stay here with you,” Katie whispered to Hunter.

  “I wish we could, but you’re a teenager and I’m older than you, and now I’m a man.”

  “If that makes you a man, then I’m a woman,” Katie said playfully pulling at Hunter’s jeans trying to make him return to bed.

  “Your brother is probably looking around the ranch for you. He will be angry with me.”

  “Let him look. Let him be angry,” she said with a rebellious tone to her voice.

  “Come on Katie. He must not find us here like this. He warned me to stay away from you.” Hunter handed Katie her blouse and jeans. She had scampered into her bikini underwear. Her coat lay in a chair. She had dropped it there when she walked into the shed.

  “Listen to him, Katie. Your name is Katie?” A voice said. An ominous strange deep voice came from the open door. Standing in the doorway an arrogant tall figure with his head upright and a smirk on his lips prowled slowly to them.

  “Who are you?” Hunter said turning quick in hearing the voice. Hunter stood in front of Katie to cover her nakedness and to protect her.

  “I’m Bane. Don’t you recognize me, Wilder?”

  “I’m not Wilder. He’s my father, but I know that name and I’m not afraid of you.”

  “You should be,” Bane said walking inside the room.

  Bane moved closer, his eyes traveling around the room quick like the predator he is. He circled Hunter glancing at him in disbelief. Hunter watched and moved with him as Hunter looked for an attack. “So you are the yearling of Wilder and Adrienne.”

  “Where is my mother?” Hunter said out of desperation and anger.

  “Your father has her and I want her back.” Bane lifted his head up and to the side getting a glance of Katie.

  “What is he talking about?” Katie said not following the conversation. Bane glanced up at Katie with obvious disdain.

  “Quiet female.” Katie wasn’t used to men talking to her a certain way, but she had been raised by her brother, and she had a certain reverence for men, especially if they were older than she.

  “Don’t talk to her like that,” Hunter said his voice loud and protective.

  Bane’s silence said it all because in a flash he raised his hand and hit Hunter with a blow he had never felt before. The blow threw him across the room, where he staggered hitting the shelves of books which fell and scattered to the floor. Because of natural instincts, and because of defense of Katie, Hunter had shifted into a large white wolf with his fangs extending out of his mouth. He leapt at Bane’s neck, with Katie screaming and crouching on the bed in horror, with her hands wrapped around her legs.

  Bane never shifted. He recognized a young inexperienced pup who had just grown into his werewolf body with fangs not fully developed. Bane knew Hunter was no match for a werewolf like himself. There was no benefit in killing Adrienne’s son.

  Hunter sprang sinking his teeth into Bane’s neck. Bane swatted him off with his large hands. It was a superficial wound which hardly phased him. It just pissed him off. Bane reaching to his side, pulled out a muzzle and leather strap from his knapsack, hooking Hunter with it, driving him to the floor. It became difficult for Hunter to shift and he remained the white wolf only now he had on a muzzle over his face to keep him from causing Bane any more trouble. Hunter felt demoralized as if he was a dog.

  “My fight is not with Adrienne’s son. It’s with your father. If you stop attacking me, I will let you go. Katie confused couldn’t speak. She closed her eyes put her head on her knees and cried. Hunter watched at her with pain in his eyes. He couldn’t do anything to stop Bane.

  He remembered what his father had said and now it was coming back to him, but it was too late.

  Bane had second thoughts. “No. I’m not going to let you go. I’m taking you with me. If Wilder doesn’t meet me and bring your mother to Alaska, then I’ll sell you to the Alaskan wolves.” He glanced at Katie. “If you stop crying long enough, female, I hope you can relay the message to Wilder because it’s important,” he said standing over her, his eyes blazing, making Katie shiver from fright.

  “I don’t know, Wilder. I never met him.”

  “You can’t miss him. He looks like your lover, only older.” She glances at Hunter. Katie is stunned. She can’t fathom what just happened. One minute he’s a man and the next he’s a large white wolf. She can’t believe her eyes.

  Bane makes a motion to leave the cabin. He pulls at the leather strap, but Hunter resists dragging his paws holding on to the rug. Then Bane casually pulls out a Taser and shocks him. Hunter’s tongue lolls out of his mouth and he collapses on the floor. Bane picks him up, and throws him over his shoulder like a large white sack, and leaves closing the door behind as Katie shudders in a corner of the bed bracing her body against the wall.

  Katie is in such hysterics that she sits in the same spot. She’s crying over and over because she’s unclear about what she saw and because Hunter is gone and he’s a large wolf. At first she thought she was having hallucinations.

  It wasn’t a hallucination when he made love to her. He was a man not a wolf. Now he’s a wolf. When she finally composed herself the door to the shed flew open. “Why are you out here alone, Katie, and half dressed?”

  Robert walked close to her. “You’ve been crying. Your eyes are swollen and red. Did Hunter do anything to you?” Robert’s voice echoed through the room. He saw the books on the floor. He stepped around the books and pictures to get close to Katie to comfort her. He passed his hand over her hair and brought her face up so he could look into her eyes. She shook her head answering his question pulling the cover over her body.

  “I saw. I saw Hunter change into a wolf. A large white one. With blue eyes.” Robert sat beside her on the bed.

  “I thought better of Hunter. I wanted to spare you that picture until you were older.”

  “Spare me of what?”

  “These people are not what you think. They are werewolves, and I’m married to a female werewolf.” This would have been hard for Katie to digest if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes.

  “You don’t understand, Robert. It’s not that I’m upset over that, but someone used a Taser on Hunter and took him. He was still a wolf,” her voice broke as she uttered those words.

  Robert put his hands to his head and shut his eyes for a few minutes. “Now he has Adrienne and Hunter. I will never get my Mena back,” he sighed.

  “I don’t think he has Adrienne. He said something about her being with Wilder. He said to tell him... that Bane wants Adrienne, and if he doesn’t get her, then he’s selling Hunter to the Alaskan wolves.”

  Katie had been coherent enough to remember all that Bane had said. And she would never forget what she saw.

  Chapter 4

  The jeep driven by Wilder came to an abrupt stop. Adrienne opened her eyes raising her arms and yawned. It was late in the evening. Turning to Wilder, “Where are we?” Adrienne said.

  “Home.” He pointed to the doorway. Adrienne turned around wearing a gigantic smile. She made a grateful sigh raising and shaking her head. Thank God her mind thought.

  She was finally home and soon to be in the safety of the walls she had not too long ago wanted to run from. She felt anxious. She needed to see her babies and anxious to see Lycell and Drayton. The babies were first on her agenda behind her men. Wilder assured her that Lycell and Drayton were ok.

  It’s the nature of a mother and especially a young mother to give attent
ion to her young over a man, she thought. After making sure the babies were safe and well, she would go out to the hospital and attend to Lycell and Drayton, and try to raise their spirits. Drayton would get the news of her pregnancy, and that was sure to bolster his spirits. Well, she knew what Lycell was waiting for. It wouldn’t be too hard to tell what he wanted to hear. When would he be able to make love to her?

  Adrienne didn’t wait for Wilder to open the door to the SUV. She jumped out and headed for the large wooden door. She tried the handle looking back at Wilder for the key. It was open, and standing in the room was Robert holding on to Katie’s hand.

  Robert’s face wore a pale mask of concern and worry. He looked like he had aged from the last time she saw him. Robert had just turned thirty, but he looked much older. When she left on that fateful day with Mena his face was full and his eyes were bright whenever she saw him with Mena. When he wasn’t working, they were strolling in the cool brisk air, and he had his arms around her waist, and he never missed an opportunity to place his ear to her large belly and give it a kiss. That’s how she remembered him, but not like the man she sees before her. He has no expression and there are dark circles around his eyes. His face is sunken in and his cheekbones are pronounced with a grim look about him, and his shirt and pants appear to hang loose on his now emaciated body.

  This change had occurred all in less than two weeks. He looked like the walking dead with his joyless expression.

  “What’s the matter, Robert? You don’t look well.” Adrienne made a gesture to hug him, and it appeared he thought first before he returned a small hug. Her mind was on her children and Lycell and Drayton. She casually asked about his health. She didn’t expect him to reply because she knew what he would say. So after the hug she turned without acknowledging Katie and bounded up the stairs.

  Adrienne didn’t have time for pleasantries an introduction to his teenage sister. She had heard about her, and how accomplished she was, and that she wanted to become a doctor. She remembered Robert saying something about her leaving for college in the fall.


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