Insatiable: Hunter's Moon Book 5

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Insatiable: Hunter's Moon Book 5 Page 6

by Rice, Rachel E.

  He tapped on the window. Mena glanced around. Her eyes opened wide. She stood and lay the baby in the bassinet. Her face changed from surprise to elation when she saw that it was Wilder. Rushing to the window she opened it and he leapt through it.

  Mena rushed to Wilder, “What are you doing here?” She whispered.

  “I came to get you and Hunter.”

  “Hunter?” She appeared confused. “Hunter isn’t here,” Mena said searching for Wilder’s eyes which had turned to a deep dark blue. He appeared to be a controlled beasts who had stalked his prey only to find out that it wasn’t what he thought it was. He paced anxiously.

  “Where is your father?” Wilder said his eyes lighting on every corner of the room, and his ears searching around for sounds.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to end this. I can’t have him making alliances with my enemies to destroy me and my family.”

  “I don’t know where he is, and if I did know, I couldn’t tell you. This is my family, too.”

  “Your family is with Robert.” Wilder turned to go.

  “Please don’t leave me and my pups here,” Mena begged.

  “I thought you wanted to be here with your family.”

  “I understood what you were saying. Your pack is my family now. Robert is my family and I have to go back with you.” Wilder stood in one spot with his back to Mena. Then he turned quick to face her.

  “How many pups do you have?”

  “I have four. Three females and one male.” Wilder smiled. It wasn’t a large smile but it was the best he could do for now. He was happy to welcome females into his pack. No longer would Adrienne be alone. No longer would his sons be without mates.

  What Wilder didn’t know was that Hunter had found his mate. If only he could find a way back home.

  “I’ll take two and you take two. You have to keep up with me because I’m on foot. My plane is waiting at the air field, waiting to take you back,” Wilder said to Mena.

  “You’re not going back with me?” Wilder didn’t answer her. He wasn’t used to answering females unless it was necessary. That was until he met Adrienne. However, Mena was used to weremales. And she didn’t expect an answer.

  “There’s an old truck parked about a mile from here near a river. I check it when my father isn’t around. It works and has a tank full of gas. It will make it to the air field. Give me a few minutes and I’ll be ready,” she said.

  Mena rushed stuffing some things into a bag. Then she picked up the babies. They were quiet and still sleeping, and she wrapped them in blankets and hitched one to Wilder’s back, and placed the other in his hand. He did the same for her, and then they left without anyone seeing or hearing them. When they stood outside looking at the wall, they both jumped and landed on their feet on the snow.

  Gazing at each other, “So far so good,” Mena said letting out a brief release of breath.

  “We don’t have time to talk, we have to make it to the plane before sunrise,” Hunter cautioned. They broke into a quick run, but Mena couldn’t keep up with Wilder and she had to stop after a mile. Wilder was just getting his stride, but he knew she didn’t have the endurance he had. Every few miles he would stop to let her catch up, giving her time to breath and rest. He slowed to confirm she wasn’t being tracked by a bear.

  “The nurses will be checking on the babies now. But thanks to my father and his antiquated way of living, he won’t find out about me and my babies until later, and we will be at the ranch. You know he will come for you and the others,” Mena said watching up at Wilder’s eyes.

  Wilder hadn’t taken that into consideration when he made that promise to Robert. All he thought about was killing Bane and rescuing Hunter. But now he realized that he couldn’t defend his pack with Lycell and Drayton sick, and Lycell’s pups only cubs. He would have to accompany Mena and her pups back to the ranch. What was he to do about his son?

  It would kill Adrienne to know that he didn’t bring Hunter back. It became imperative that Wilder make a decision now. He knew what decision he had to make. One a father never should be put in a position where he had to decide. He is an Alpha and he had to decide life and death situations all the time. But this choice of whether his son lives or dies is the most painful he will be required to make in his life.

  With the plane in view, Mena appeared exhausted. They had made it. Wilder had to decide in a matter of seconds to board the plane, or take his chances hoping that Lycell and Drayton were well enough when Mena’s father came for them. Wilder wasn’t sure Lycell and Drayton was up to the task of marshaling enough people to prevent him from killing all the pups and everyone working on the ranch.

  And then there was the matter of Bane. What would he do about him? He had to be stopped and stopped soon because he would never let his family alone as long as he didn’t have control of Adrienne.

  As Wilder neared the airplane his heart sank. It was time for him to make a decision. Go after his son or stay and make a stand against the Alaskan werewolves. It was a tough choice to make. He had made hard choices before. Letting Bane live was hard, but sharing his life mate with his brothers for the good of the pack was the hardest of all, and yet he did it and didn’t regret that decision.

  But his son was another matter. His first born who hadn’t taste life. Here he was left to Bane. Maybe Hunter would wonder why his father hadn’t come for him. It was the first time Wilder had choked back tears. Wilder didn’t want to imagine what Hunter was thinking.

  Hunter lay in a cage waiting to see what his future would hold. Or if he had a future at all.

  Chapter 8

  Drayton woke, turning to his right he sees Adrienne sitting in a lounge chair at his side. He places his large hand over hers. She’s warm, a feeling lights through him. A feeling of passion and completeness stirs about his body. “What are you doing here? How did...” She places a finger to his lips. He kisses her finger.

  “Don’t talk. I’ve been here all night,” she said. “How do you feel?” Adrienne rubbed his arm and then leaned in to kiss his face, but he caught her on the mouth. He moaned with complete satisfaction.

  Looking up at her, he broke into a smile. He’s so attractive when he smiles. He has a wonderful wide mouth showing his beautiful white canines, Adrienne thought. If only Wilder would smile more often. But Wilder had the burden of king. As the Alpha over all alphas, his responsibilities were far reaching and lay on his conscience every day. Drayton and Lycell could afford to smile and appease Adrienne’s every wish. But not Wilder.

  Wilder wanted to be just another werewolf in love but he couldn’t afford to be that werewolf. His time wasn’t his own. Much like any important man with responsibilities, and lives are affected by his decisions.

  “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to kiss you and hold you in my arms?” Drayton said.

  “Not as long as I’ve been waiting to tell you something,” Adrienne said smiling down at him. Drayton sat up impatiently, his eyes sparkles with renewed life in the well-lit room. He didn’t know what to think, but he’s eager to hear what Adrienne has to say. He glanced up at her with a raised eyebrow still holding his wonderful signature smile.

  “You don’t have to say anything. I will forgive you whatever it is that was done to you.” Adrienne didn’t react. She was aware of what all of her werewolves thought. How could they not think that Bane had done his worse by her?

  Adrienne kept her composure and said, “I know you’re not and nothing was done to me. Please believe me Bane didn’t touch me. He threatened but made no attempt to harm me in any way.”

  Drayton tightened his hand over hers and continued, “I’m not like Lycell and Wilder.” When Lycell heard his name his eyes opened.

  “I heard that. Of course you’re not like me. I’m handsome and I have a bigger...” Adrienne cut him off.

  “None of that Lycell, not now. You should rest. I’m talking to Drayton and I have something important to tell him. If
you want to hear it, you will have to cease with your babbling.”

  “Well, what do you have to tell him? I’m all ears,” Lycell said trying to maneuver around to see Adrienne. “You’ve done something to your hair. Your face looks different. Thin, but beautiful as ever.”

  Adrienne appreciated Lycell’s charm especially since she uncovered that part of his personality and grew to understand him. He had always been a ladies man or werewolf. Now he was devoted to her and his wolf days were over. He proved to her that it was only her, his sons, and pack that mattered in his life.

  Turning to Drayton she said with a flash of a bright smile, “I’m going to have Drayton’s pups.” She placed her hand on her stomach and took his hand and placed it over hers.

  “No way,” Lycell barked in disbelief. His tone playful.

  “Shut up, Lycell,” Drayton said holding on to Adrienne’s hand. He placed his other hand over her stomach. He could feel the life growing inside of her. Drayton glances up at Adrienne, and Lycell is ready to answer Drayton when Adrienne cuts a disapproving glance his way. They knew how jealous Lycell had become since she gave birth. However, Lycell knew that she wasn’t just his, and the only way he could have her was to acknowledge and share her with Wilder and Drayton. But it wouldn’t stop him from bragging.

  “You can be sure that she won’t have as many pups for you as she had for me. Six pups. Do you hear that? And all males. Let’s see you top that, Drayton.” Everything with Lycell was a challenge and a rivalry.

  “I don’t care if it’s one child. I love Adrienne even if she had none.” Another smile and he looked her in the eyes. “That means if it’s only one, I can try over and over for more next year.”

  “I’m taking a rest after they’re born, and we have that honeymoon we didn’t get to finish. I want to go back to Hawaii or maybe Paris.” She leans and kisses Drayton on the lips.

  “Then you will be going with me. Just as soon as I can walk,” Lycell said turning with a painful expression on his face. His forehead furrowed as he moved about holding his chest. Adrienne stood and rushed to Lycell and pulled up his blanket to warm him as she looked around seeing Robert walk into the room.

  “Which won’t be for months,” Robert said walking over to Lycell with a needle and administering him a shot of pain medication. Lycell’s eyes closed passing out immediately.

  “Good. That’s the only thing that will shut him up. We won’t be hearing from him for a while,” Drayton said glancing around the room, “Where’s Katie?”

  “She had the MCAT to take today. She’s going to medical school.” Robert’s tone is that of a proud father.

  “Oh yeah I remember,” Drayton said a little unsteady. His eyes opening and closing.

  “Get some rest. Tomorrow is your big day. You can sleep in your own bed.” On hearing Robert, Drayton’s hand went limp and he fell into a deep sleep. Adrienne stood at Drayton’s side.

  “Adrienne, I think you need to go in and see to your children. The nurses are exhausted and they may need time off. As soon as Katie is finished with her test, she will be here to help out. You need to get some rest, too,” Robert said. Adrienne looked up at him.

  “I’m the doctor, for God’s sake listen will you, Adrienne.”

  She smiled at him because she knew he was right. She hadn’t been feeling well because of the unintended trip with Bane, and the horrible food she had ingested just to stay alive. It was time she took his advice so she hurried out and into the house to see to her brood.

  As she approached the stairs, Wilder and Mena were walking into the house.

  “We have more babies for the nursery. The way it’s going, I will have to open up the rooms on the other side of the ranch,” Wilder said with a soft clear voice. Letting that substitute for his smile.

  “Wilder. Where have you been?” Adrienne rushed to Wilder and held him around his neck kissing him with a baby in between them. He lovingly embraced her giving her a deep kiss. Rarely did he do that in the presence of others. This time was different. He was overjoyed to see her, but he knew he had to break the news about Hunter, and because of that, he had a mixture of joy and sadness.

  Then she turned to Mena. “Oh Mena, I never thought I would see you again.”

  “I thought the same thing about you,” Mena said looking fatigued and hungry. The women held each other as Wilder called for his house staff to bring the four babies to the room. Mena and Adrienne separated and she rushed to get a better look at Mena’s pups.

  “They are so beautiful. We have a house full and a family now.”

  “We have a pack now,” Wilder said. “No one can touch us.”

  “Where is Hunter?” Adrienne asked looking around. “Where’s my first born?”

  Wilder’s expression had no joy in it. He didn’t smile. “I have something to tell you but I need to talk to you alone.”

  “Your pilot spoke to me, and told me what happened. He said you were bringing Hunter home. Just tell me where my son is. There’s no need to talk to me alone.” Wilder took Adrienne’s hand.

  He turned to Mena, “Mena take care of your pups; there are things I have to say to Adrienne.” Adrienne looked around at Mena as Wilder led her into the library. Walking she watched at Mena trying to measure her expression. Mena had a look on her face that Adrienne had seen before when they first confronted Bane. It was a worried look and she had a way of lowering her eyes when she knew that danger was approaching, or an unpleasant conversation was occurring. It was an avoidance mechanism.

  Mena lowered her eyes and Adrienne knew then that it was bad. She turned looking at Wilder as she followed him and he closed the doors behind him.

  “Sit, Adrienne.”

  “I’m not going to sit. That’s what doctors say when the prognosis is bad. What is it? And where is Hunter?”

  “That’s what I have to tell you, but I won’t until you sit.” He sat down on the large sofa facing the fireplace, then steeple his hands and fingers. She sat unhurriedly beside him. He held her hand.

  “I don’t need you to hold my hand like I’m fragile and a child. Is my son dead?”

  Wilder inhaled, closed his eyes and put both hands to his chin stroking the new growth trying to avoid the inevitable. In that second it took him to do that, Adrienne died many times inside. “Is my son dead?”

  “I don’t know,” Wilder said shaking his head.

  “What do you mean you don’t know?” Adrienne shouted.

  “Bane has him.”

  “Then he’s not dead. What does he want?” Adrienne questioned. “Whatever he wants give it to him and he won’t harm my son,” she said.

  “He wants you,” Wilder said his dark blue eyes staring at her.

  Adrienne’s eyes followed around the room. Her eyes followed the flicker of the fire. Her body went limp. She felt like crying but no tears would come. She felt like screaming but she couldn’t open her mouth to utter a sound. She felt like falling into Wilder’s arms for him to tell her she was dreaming, but it wasn’t a dream and she knew it. It was real and her first born was in the hands of a werewolf who wanted to swap her son for her.

  “Maybe I can reason with him,” Adrienne whispered barely opening her mouth.

  “Why do you think you can reason with a werewolf such as Bane? You were in his presence for two weeks and you think you know him. You were his hostage and you think you know him? I’ve known him all his life and he has hated me that much longer. Do you think you will make a difference? He’s a killer and a defiler of women. He will do whatever is necessary to achieve his means. No doubt he tried to convince you that he wasn’t what I said he is.”

  “That is not the person I know.”

  “No one knows anyone, Adrienne. You don’t know me. I’m a killer but not like Bane. It took you and my sons to change me. Now because he’s holding my son, I will become the killer I never wanted you to know about. I’m going after Bane. I will destroy him. I hope I can bring my son home, but if I know Bane, I wou
ld not hold out hope for Hunter coming back to us.”

  On those words Adrienne fell into Wilder’s arms. Her tears held no comfort for her. She cried until Wilder picked her up and brought her to bed. He lay her there and stayed with her until she fell asleep. He pulled up the covers as he watched at her resting and he knew what had to be done. He would drop everything and find Bane or his son’s body and bring it back home.

  A slow decent down the stairs with Wilder measuring his footsteps. He glanced at the foot of the stairs. His eyes caught Robert’s figure.

  “I had heard that you brought Mena and my children back. I was just going up to see them. How can I thank you?” Robert glanced at the grim look on Wilder’s face. His eyebrow connected and his mouth in a hard line staring blankly at Robert.

  “I need you to do one thing for me, Robert.”


  “Take care of my brothers and see to Adrienne. She will need you. If I don’t return in a month, I will be dead and Hunter will be dead as well. But don’t say anything to Adrienne. When my brothers are well enough tell them I won’t be coming back.”

  “You can tell them yourself. I’m not going to bring that bad news to them. You will come back.” Wilder turned walking away from Robert.

  Chapter 9

  Wilder had made this route a hundred times when he was a yearling. He traveled with his father and brothers when the werewolves’ packs were plentiful and were social wolves. The packs were fewer now because of the harsh weather, infighting, starvation, and a disease that rendered the werefemales sterile.

  He knew more about Alaska than he wanted to know, and if he came back here it wouldn’t be too soon, that is, if he managed to make it out alive.


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