Dangerous Desires

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Dangerous Desires Page 17

by Siren, Tia

  The questions were more about if he would be willing to.

  "This is Owen," he barked into the phone as if annoyed that anyone would dare call his office.

  "It's Mason. I need to see you." I pulled up to the police station, grateful to be off the road.

  "Mason." He paused until it was comfortable.

  "Look, man, Evelyn is missing. Someone kidnapped her this morning from in front of the fucking apartment. I wouldn't call you if I didn't have to." I got out of the car and walked toward the front of the building. The last place in the world I wanted to spend my day was at the police station, but I was left without a choice. I'd do anything for Evie.

  "What?" Emotion flooded his voice. Good. At least he wasn't a total prick.

  "I'm walking into the station on Fifth and Main. Come over here and help me figure this out. Please." I held my breath, waiting for his answer, but not expecting too much. "For her, Owen. Not me."

  "Fine," he spoke in a clipped tone. "I'll be there in five minutes. Be careful of who you talk to. You know everyone down there knows you as the criminal you are and not the cleaned-up guy you're pretending to be."

  "Thanks." I dropped the call and slipped the phone into my pocket. Fucker. He had no room to talk. Memories raced through my mind as I walked in and asked to speak to Detective Roy Langton. I sat down and closed my eyes, pressing the palms of my hands against them and taking a shaky breath. My brother hated me, but I didn't care. He had a good life, and there was one reason for that—me.

  "Mason. Come on, man. Seriously?" Owen was in my face. He was so much like our mother, always trying to use abuse to get what the fuck he wanted out of life.

  "Yes," I growled and reached out. I wrapped my fingers around his throat and lifted him in the air, the little shit yelling and kicking as if it was going to do anything but piss me off more. I pressed him to the wall behind him - hard. "You're not getting into this life. You don't know what you're asking. You're a fucking pansy-ass kid with too many smarts to piss it away with a life of crime."

  His eyes filled with tears. "I'm eighteen. I'm not a kid."

  "You are a kid," I yelled and tightened my fingers.

  He gripped them and kicked at me. "Let me down. I just want to race cars like you. I don't see what—"

  "Exactly." I released him, and he fell to the floor. "You don't see what the big deal is because you don't know shit. I'm not just racing cars, Owen. That's not all this shit is." I lifted my hands and turned around in a slow circle. "This isn't the life I want for myself or you. Mom and Dad are gone. Go to school on your fucking scholarships and make something out of yourself."

  He used the wall to help himself up. Tears dripped down his chubby face. "So that's it? You're not going to let me into Down and Dirty? Not even if I promise to prove myself by doing anything you and Ben want me to do?"

  "No." I narrowed my eyes. "Get out and don't look back. This isn't the life for you. It's too hard, and you're too soft." I reached out and poked at his fat stomach, hurting him with my words, which was my intention. I had to push him away, force him onto another path, or he’d end up just like me— void of a soul, hating life, serving everyone but myself.

  "Don't do this." He reached up and wiped at his eyes angrily. "Please. I want to be what you are."

  "Get out!" I screamed and reached out to slap his face.

  He jerked back, his eyes wide. "Please, Mason."

  "Go. Now. Don't look back. I don't want you here. Momma was right. You're nothing but a piece of shit that won't amount to anything." I spat at him as my heart broke inside my chest. I'd be sick the minute he left, but not a moment sooner. He was the only person in the world I cared about outside of my boys and Evelyn. He had to do something better with his life than I had. He still had a chance.

  I didn't.

  "I thought you loved me, that we were brothers."

  "You thought wrong. Ben's my brother. Danny's my brother. You?" I chuckled sardonically as my stomach tensed with pain. "You're just a bitch that I share a last name with. Get out. I got real shit to do."

  I turned and closed my eyes as he ran out of the garage where we worked on our cars.

  Ben walked out, his face a mask of concern. "You okay?"

  "No. I hope he hears me this time." I turned and let out a long sigh. Severing the relationship with my little brother was the only hope I had of getting him to see the truth. He was a good man and could change the world. I wasn't, nor did I care to be.

  "You think it'll work?" Ben's arm wrapped around my shoulders. I kept silent.

  I didn't know.

  But I knew now. It worked too well. My brother hadn't spoken more than three words to me in nine years. I hadn't dented our relationship by denying him entrance into the street racing team I ran with, I'd obliterated it.

  I blinked a few times as Roy knelt in front of me.

  "Hey. You wanted to see me?" The older man reached out and patted the side of my face as a warm smile lifted his lips. "You look like shit, kid."

  I snorted. "I wish I were a fucking kid." I stood and followed him outside as he held the door open. "Evie is missing. Someone took her."

  "How do you know this?" He slipped his hands into his pocket and nodded toward the side of the building. "What evidence do you have for me?"

  "Her purse was scattered all over the hallway this morning, and her car was still outside."

  "Did you try and call her?"

  "Her phone was in the hallway with the rest of her shit." I ran my fingers through my hair. "What do we do, Roy?"

  "We go over there and gather the evidence. Then we find her." He reached out and gripped the side of my throat. "We're going to find her. I promise you, okay?"

  I nodded and turned to let my eyes move across the busy street in front of me as he turned and walked back into the precinct. He had to grab a few things and then we'd go over to the apartment together.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket. Owen.

  His message was short and sweet. Something came up. I can't come. Sorry.

  Some part of me was glad to see it. My sacrifice had worked... maybe a little too well.


  "We're going to figure this out, okay?" Roy patted my shoulder as he stood up from the mess just outside my apartment door. I was surprised no one had cleaned it up or taken anything.

  "Thanks, man. Whatever you find out, please call me first?" I extended my hand to him.

  "Of course, Mason. How's Owen doing?" Roy's gray eyes studied me.

  "He's still living his life." I shrugged. "Which is good. It's a good life."

  "Assistant DA of New York City and not thirty yet?" He laughed. "I'd say that's quite a feat in and of itself."

  "Yeah. I'm proud of him, though I'd never tell the little fucker." I glanced down at Evie's stuff. "Can I clean this up now?"

  "Of course. Keep your phone on and if you find out something before I do, call me."

  "Right." I got on my knees and cleaned up the contents of my wife's purse as Roy walked off. I was grateful for the brief stint my mother dated him. He was a good man, and an ally I needed in my court throughout my life. Sadly enough, nothing became of their relationship.

  "Hi. You need help?" The sweet blond girl from next door stepped out of her apartment and walked toward me.

  "No, but thanks." I averted my eyes from her and continued cleaning up.

  "You sure? I don't mind." She got on her knees in front of me, the smile on her lips sexy, teasing.

  "No," I barked and glanced up with anger in my eyes. "Back the fuck up."

  "Sorry." She stumbled back and fell on her ass. "Jeez."

  "I said no." I finished and got up, carrying Evie's stuff back into the house. That nasty little bitch next door had been after me since we got the fucking apartment. Did she have anything to do with Evie being taken? "No. That's stupid."

  I dropped everything on the kitchen table and walked back to the bedroom, completely at a loss for what the hell to do.

  A knock at my door had me jogging back through the living room. "Evie?"

  Danny and Ben stood on the other side of the door, both of them wearing the same saddened expression. "No, man. It's us."

  "Come on in." I ran my fingers through my hair and walked over to the couch Evie had picked out a few months back. I dropped down and pressed my hands to my face. "This is a fucking nightmare. I need to go visit everyone that wants my balls on a platter." I peeked between my fingers. "One of them has to know something, right?"

  "I think we should deal with this like we have everything else in our lives, Mason." Ben walked over and dropped down across from me. "We figure out what people know until we find the one that knows what we're looking for."

  "There's a racing event tonight." Danny pressed his hands to the back of one of the chairs in the living room and tilted his head as he eyed me. "We need to go and talk to some old friends."

  "I'm not going anywhere." I dropped my hands and pressed my forearms to my legs. "What if she comes home?"

  "She's not coming home." Ben sat down beside me and pressed his hand into the middle of my back, patting softly. "You know she didn't leave on her own. Someone has her. Stop fooling yourself. We have to find her and bring her back."

  "What if they kill her?" I glanced over at my best friend as my tone darkened. "She's the only thing holding me together most days, Ben."

  "I know that." The light in his eyes dimmed. "We're going to find her."

  "You don't fucking believe that for a second." I got up and swatted him away. "And how the fuck are we going to find her in a city like New York? She could be with anyone. Anywhere."

  "We call Erik Bertinelli, Mase. We do what we need to do. Fuck." Ben followed me into the kitchen.

  I knelt by the sink and pulled out a bottle of vodka, popping the top off it and standing up to face him. "I'm not getting in bed with Erik again. I'm not owing anyone any fucking thing."

  "Not even for your bride?" Danny walked into the kitchen behind Ben. "You know you're not thinking right now. You'd do anything for Evie, Mase. You know that."

  After taking a long drink from the bottle in my hand, I let out a low growl and nodded. "You're right. I'd do anything for this woman."

  "Even call in the big guns." Ben reached out and gripped my shoulder. "His old man is dead now. He's in charge. Finally."

  "Is he?" I smiled and shook my head. "Those mafia guys are never really in charge. Someone is always pulling their chains and tugging at their strings."

  "He'll be able to help us." Ben nodded. "Let me call Nate or Cane."

  "Erik's right hand." I lifted my hand and smiled. "Or his left. Which poison do we pick?"

  "He owes you, brother. You helped him a few years ago by winning that race on his behalf, for him and his family."

  "And he paid me for that." I took another drink as my mood soured further. Getting back in front of Erik Bertinelli was like having to willingly eat glass and wait for the shit that would tear your insides up. Nothing could be worse.

  Nothing other than losing Evelyn for good.

  A groan left me as I turned my back to my friends.

  "Mason?" Danny's voice filled the space around me. "Look man. We're here. We're not going anywhere. We'll pay Bertinelli back. Don't shut us out. Let's find your woman, pay back the debt to do it and get back to living life, okay?"

  "You think she's still alive?" I took another drink and kept my back to them. The very fact that either of them still spoke to me after I walked away from our street racing team after pledging my life to it is a miracle.

  "Fuck yes," Ben said and pulled at my shoulder, forcing me to turn around. "She's fine, and the baby is fine too. We're going to take care of this. We're brothers, man. We always have been."

  "Let's go to the event. I'll call Nate and get him there. Yes?" Danny reached out and gripped my shoulder. "On your word."

  I took a shaky breath and nodded. I'd give up my life for Evie. I could do this.

  "Yeah. Call him, and we'll go. If anyone can help, it's Erik."

  Scary enough, I wasn't concerned about the help, but the repayment method. Evie loved me because I changed for her. If I was forced to go back to being the criminal piece of shit that stared death in the face and laughed, would she still stand beside me?

  I honestly wasn't sure.


  "Stay close." I turned and gave Ben a look. "You know I'm not welcomed here anymore."

  "Lies." Danny wrapped an arm around my shoulder from the other side of me. "You're always welcomed here, brother. You're the king of street racing."

  "He's right." Ben pulled out a pack of cigarettes and put one between his lips before offering the pack to me and Danny. I was emotionally whipped from walking around my apartment, trying to figure out what the fuck to do about Evie. Anything could have been happening to her, and I was powerless. It felt wrong.

  "Fuck that." I swatted at his hand. "You don't need to be smoking either."

  "At least not cigarettes." Danny released me and walked ahead, lifting his hand. There was some dark-haired woman who welcomed him into her arms. Their kiss was hot as hell, but it left me cold.

  "Who's that?" I asked Ben as we walked through the hordes of people standing along the side of the street. Beautiful souped-up cars lined the road beside us, each driver standing by their prize and waiting for the chance to show their shit off.

  It was a life I thought I would always belong to, but Evelyn wouldn't let me live it.

  Ben glanced back over his shoulder. "No clue, but I'd tap that ass real good."

  "I thought Danny was after Laina." I stopped as a hand hit my chest.

  "Don't play, bitch." Ben gave me a look before knocking the hand back.

  Nate Hayes stepped back and lifted his hands. The smile on his face was enough to turn my blood cold. He could pass for a frat boy with anyone who didn't know him, but we did—too well. "Sorry guys. I thought you were here to find us."

  "How did you know that?" I glanced over at Cane, the short Hispanic bastard behind him. The guy had eyes that looked bottomless like his soul had been pulled out from his eye sockets and he never fucking healed. They worked for the vilest motherfucker I knew in New York - Erik Bertinelli. He was a product of his environment, and might not have started out a bad man, but his old man made sure he became one.

  "We know everything, Mason." Cane stepped up and smiled. "Erik sends his condolences on your wife."

  "Does he?" I slipped my hands into my pockets and tried to relax. Everything about the men in front of me set my nerves on edge. "Where is the boss man? The Mafioso?"

  "He's not here." Nate glanced over at Ben. "Benjamin. How's it going?"

  "Good, man. We're not looking to take you boys out for a drink and seduce you. You know Mason's wife is missing."

  "Is she?" Nate turned back to me.

  His words combined with his tone of voice had my spine stiffening. I reached out and grabbed his shirt, pulling him close to me. "Where is she, bitch?"

  "Mason," Ben said, his voice a warning.

  "Don't do anything you would regret, hm?" Cane had moved closer, and the barrel of his handgun pressed against my ribs.

  I blinked a few times and let Nate go. "What does Erik know about her getting taken?"

  "Nothing." Nate pressed his hand against my chest and took a slow step back. "I came as a favor. Abuse my kindness, and I'll walk away, and you can find your woman on your own."

  "Hey." Danny walked up and stopped short, his face paling a little. "What's going on? Everything okay?"

  "Yeah." I nodded. "What can Erik do to help me find Evie, Nate? I don't have time for this song and dance bullshit."

  "Cane. Put the gun up, man." Nate glanced over at Cane and back to me. "What are you willing to pay for it? A job or two?"

  "No. I've done enough." I narrowed my eyes a little and stared him in the face.

  "Unfortunately, old jobs and past promises don't hold much sway over the boss man, Mas
on. You know that." Nate crossed his arms over his chest. "You need some time to find her on your own? We'll step back and let you breathe, and if you need us, you know where to find us."

  "And the price we require." Cane chuckled low in his chest.

  "Fuck you, bitch." I growled at the little bastard as everyone stepped closer. The tension between all of us was almost too much. There was too much history for us to ignore the hatred between us. It was never tit for tat. It was always a tenfold request for a penny return, and yet, it sometimes required a man like Bertinelli to get the job done.

  I needed to figure out if it was one of those times.

  "Give us twenty-four hours—" Ben started, but I cut him off.

  "She could be dead by then."

  Cane smiled. "Or mutilated. Or raped."

  "Cane," Nate barked and put his hand back on my chest as I moved to punch the bastard in his smug face. "Take a day, Mason. See what you can find, all right? If you need Erik, he's willing to help you, but the cost would be a job or two."

  I turned and stared Nate in the face. "What happened to you man? You got out and now what? He dragged your ass back in?"

  "My girl was in trouble." Nate shook his head, and for the first time in a long time, I saw the man underneath. The kid I remembered running the roads with emerged. "She's my everything." He shrugged. "Working for Erik is my payoff."

  "And she's worth it?" Danny asked softly.

  "Fuck yeah." Nate turned and gave Danny a warning look before putting the weight of his attention back on me. His blue eyes were so bright they almost reflected the light from the moon above. "If you love her and you can't find her, call. We'll take over, and she'll be back in your bed by tomorrow night."

  "All right. I'll be in touch." I turned and walked toward a group of people laughing and sharing beers. The air felt so fucking hard to breathe, and my chest constricted over and over like I was on the verge of a heart attack.

  "What are you thinking?" Ben moved up beside me as I stopped. "You know Erik's jobs aren't the kind of shit we're used to doing. It's not moving drugs or racing cars, Mase. It's killing or kidnapping someone."


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