Dangerous Desires

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Dangerous Desires Page 59

by Siren, Tia

  Lisa didn't know about Marco's past or his family. Like I had when I'd first met him, she thought Marco was a banker. So, at the mention of a grandfather from prison, she raised an eyebrow and gave me a curious look.

  “I'll explain later,” I told her. “Long story, but we don't have anything to do with that side of the family.”

  “I see,” Lisa said, sitting down next to me, taking my hand in hers and giving it a squeeze.

  Marco had kept his promises and his word. He was in the midst of turning things around and changing the way his family did business. I understood now how long implementing those changes would take. He couldn’t turn a booming criminal organization legit overnight.

  As far as his family was concerned, it all came down to making money. If he kept his family wealthy, they didn’t particularly care how he did it.

  “So, when are you two getting married?” Lisa asked.

  “We're thinking early next year,” I said.

  “Oh I can’t wait! I’ll bring by some magazines, and we can start looking at some dresses and color schemes,” Lisa said excitedly.

  I was happy to turn it over to her, as I was completely engrossed in my son now. I also knew that no matter what I wore, or what color the table linens were, all that really mattered was that I would be Marco’s wife.

  Lisa excused herself, needing to leave for work. Once the three of us were alone in the room together, I turned to Marco.

  “Any of your family stopping by?” I asked, feeling a little tense as I asked the question.

  “Just my aunt Rose, I believe, and she's harmless,” Marco said. “Trust me, I plan to keep the rest of my family far away from our son. The last thing I want is their influence in his life. Or ours.”

  That had been the plan from the beginning—as little influence from his family as possible. Marco would teach Xavier to be a strong man, a shrewd businessman, and I'd keep both my men grounded, humble, kind, and compassionate. Together, Marco and I were unstoppable.

  The future was bright, and the possibilities were endless.

  Forbidden Games

  JB Duvane


  Zoe is like family to me.

  I've practically raised her ever since her dad checked out with his gambling addiction.

  Now he's dead, but still owes millions to some gangsters,

  and they want to take Zoe as a payoff.

  Then they plan on selling her to recoup their losses.

  She doesn't know anything about this deal.

  I can't bear to tell her what her dad has done.

  I've tried everything to pay them what they say they're owed.

  But they're still after both of us and time is running out.

  I'm terrified these men will catch up with her and I'll never see her again.

  But more than that, I'm terrified of the feelings I have for her.

  Of what might happen between the two us if she stays with me.


  I hate Evan.

  He's always trying to run my life.

  He humiliated me, practically dragging me off the street in front of my friends.

  And now he's telling me I have to get on a plane and go with him.

  But he won't tell me where.

  He won't even tell me why.

  I'm an adult now and I'm not going to let him treat me like this.

  The only problem is …

  If I hate him so much, why can't I stop thinking about him?

  As I'm crawling out a window, making my escape from him …

  Why am I so sad?

  And why do I want so badly to feel his arms around me and his lips on mine?

  Evan and Zoe both know there are rules about falling in love.

  Unfortunately, their hearts don't want to play by the rules.

  Forbidden Love is a romantic suspense novella of 22k words and is intended for adults. There are some scenes that may not be suitable for all readers.



  I don't understand how the hell things got so fucked up, how I went from owning a multi-million-dollar consulting business with my two best friends from college to harassing my friend's daughter on the street and practically kidnapping her.

  But if I don't do something to protect Zoe, those bastards will get to her. And if they get to her, I know for a fact we're both as good as dead.

  * * *

  I'm sitting on the hotel room bed with my head in my hands. I'm glad that I finally got Zoe back. Actually, I'm ecstatic, but I sure as hell am not capable of showing it right now. Mostly because I'm pissed.

  I've been taking care of Zoe since her parents died a few months back. I'm not her legal guardian, but I might as well be for all the times I've bailed her out of one jam after another.

  She had the luck of being the daughter of one of my oldest friends, Griffin. He was a good person, don't get me wrong. But he never took responsibility for a thing in his life. Not even his own daughter.

  We've been best friends since before school even started. He and his mom lived in the single-wide next door and we spent our early days playing with plastic farm animals and soldiers on the small patch of grass in between the two trailers.

  I made it out of that rat hole, and eventually Griffin did too, but the old neighborhood never really left him. He made plenty of money, but somehow always managed to spend every last cent, mostly on gambling and women. He didn't get married until pretty late in life, and she spent money even faster than he did. Then, of course, they had a kid—Zoe. Neither one of them paid two seconds of attention to her most days of her life.

  How do I know all of this? Like any sentimental idiot, I let myself get inextricably sucked into his life. By the time I realized what a mistake I'd made, I was so involved with practically raising his daughter for him that I couldn't get out.

  After everything we went through growing up—two dirt-poor kids facing a shitty world in an even shittier part of town, all the times we had each other's backs in high school, then him making me godfather to his only child out of the blue—I was just not capable of saying no to him. It was my own fault, I know. But when you look in the pleading eyes of someone you've cared about your whole goddamned life, no matter how shitty and irresponsible they've been at times, it's hard to think rationally.

  Watching the way his daughter struggled to find her way with a dad who used every vice in the book to feel good about himself and a mother who didn't seem to give a shit—it was heartbreaking. And in the end it was really Zoe I couldn't say no to. When I looked into those sad little eyes, I wanted to be everything Griffin couldn't. I wanted to take her tears away and make Zoe smile again.

  I understood what was happening every time she acted up and yelled at me. It would usually happen after Griff had promised her something—a bike or a dress or just his time—and then, once again, would act like she didn't even exist when it came time to come through.

  So it was natural that the more selfish he became, and the more her mom checked out, the more Zoe and I came to rely on each other. She relied on me to be the only rational adult around. The one who would not only give her things she wanted and needed, but would also tell her when she was fucking up.

  I knew Griff could see what was happening, how close Zoe and I had become, but I'm pretty sure, more than anything, he felt relief that she wasn't his responsibility any more. Relief that it was me she came to when she needed anything, even when what she really needed was her dad.

  I was more than happy to be there for her through those years, but over time I started relying on her too. In the beginning, it was a completely innocent bond we shared, one I didn't have with anyone else in my life. I'd never had kids of my own, and with everything involved in getting a new business off the ground for the last five years, the romantic part of my life had mostly been devoted to one-night stands.

  Eventually I started to secretly rely on Zoe for something that I could never, ever ask from her. A need that grows st
ronger in me every day, but I could never say out loud to her or anyone else. Because if those words ever come out of my mouth, if I even whisper to myself in the middle of the night how I really feel about Zoe, I know I won't be able to go back. I can't afford to lose control of my emotions when it comes to her.

  After a while, years of standing on the sidelines and watching Zoe get crushed time and again by the man who was supposed to be there for her, I slowly stopped trusting a single word that came out of Griff's mouth. I was still there, still listening to his stories about how he was the victim and how the world was against him, but I didn't trust him for myself or for Zoe. Even though she still fell for his promises every single time.

  Honestly, I thank God every day that I allowed myself to become suspicious of him, because if I hadn't been following him that day, I never would've found out about the massive debt he owed some jacked-up, Italian mobster, or how he planned to pay it off.

  * * *

  She's sitting across the room on one of those ratty, cheap hotel room chairs. Zoe's arms are folded and she's slouched so far down in the chair that she's practically lying on her back.

  "This place is a shit hole," she says as she picks at a patch of worn threads on the arm of the chair. "It's disgusting. I'm not staying here."

  "Don't give me any grief over this, Zoe. Just one more night and then we're getting a flight out of here."

  "I don't want to go anywhere with you, Evan. I want to stay with my friends."

  "Do you even know those people? I don't remember you ever mentioning them before."

  "You don't know everything about me! I met them at the contest. They're cool girls. People I want to hang out with."

  "Zoe, you were standing around on a street corner when I happened to drive by. I've been looking for you for weeks. I've been worried sick."

  "If you hadn't made me quit The Daddy Games you wouldn't have had a thing to worry about. I was going to win that contest, Evan! Then I would have been set up. The grand prize was five hundred thousand dollars. Do you realize what that kind of money would have meant for me? I would have been out of your hair for good. You wouldn't have someone to take care of that you never asked for in the first place. That's what you want, isn't it? To get rid of me?"

  I look into Zoe's hurt expression and for the life of me, I don't know what to say. I would do anything to take her hurt away, but I know that if I tell her the truth about everything it will just make things worse. "No, that's not what I want. I want you to come with me."

  "Go with you where? What's up with all of the secrecy and practically kidnapping me off the street right in front of my friends? You're acting weird, Evan. What are you even doing in this crappy hotel? You live in a freaking mansion!"

  "I don't want to talk about it right now. I just need you to trust me, Zoe."

  "No adult has ever given me a reason to trust them. Why should I trust you?"

  "Because, believe it or not, I care about you, Zoe, and I know what's best for you, even though you can't see it right now."

  "You know what I think? I think you just want someone to control. You've got some power trip going on because Dad made you my godfather." Zoe sits up on the edge of the chair and starts yelling at me. "You're not even my legal guardian, Evan. You're not anything to me!"

  I sit there on the edge of the bed and stare at Zoe for a long time. Part of me wants to kick her the hell out. She's acting like such a little brat and I'm starting to wonder if I'm even doing the right thing. But when I get past that flash of anger, I know I can't let her go. No matter what she says to me or how she acts, she needs me. More than she'll probably ever be aware of, and definitely more than I want her to know.

  Somehow she's evaded the men who have been after her while she was out slumming with her "friends," but eventually they're going to catch up with her. And there is no way I'll be able to live with myself if I let that happen.

  "Zoe," I say, keeping my voice as calm as possible. "I'm not trying to control you. You don't understand what's going on. But I'll tell you one thing; you are in a lot of trouble if you don't get the hell out of this country, with me, as soon as possible."

  "What are you talking about?" Zoe jumps up and starts pacing around the room, her arms still folded in front of her in a defiant stance. "What kind of trouble am I in? I haven't done anything wrong."

  "I told you, I don't want to talk about it here. Can't you just trust me this once, Zoe?"

  I realize with each word I say to her that my voice is getting louder and louder. I've already lost my entire life over this whole mess and I'm really starting to lose my patience with Zoe.

  After everything I've done, after all I've been through in the last few weeks to find her and get her back, not to mention my failed attempt to pay off that damned debt of her father's, there's no way I'm going to let her leave this hotel room. If I could get a flight out right this minute, I would drag her ass down to the goddamn terminal and get both of us on a plane. I just want to get her far away from those Italian goons as soon as possible.

  Unfortunately, the only flight I could get on such short notice isn't until tomorrow morning. But I swear to God, she's going to be on that plane with me if I have to stay up all night and patrol the damned room.

  "Why should I? All you've ever done is tell me what I can and can't do. I'm an adult now, Evan. Your job is over. It was never your job anyway. You need to back off and let me live my own life."

  I want to tell her that isn't true. I want to tell her that everything I've ever done has been to make things better for her. But I'm not sure if she believes anything that's coming out of my mouth at this point, so I wind up saying a bunch of stuff that isn't even true. "Believe me; with the way you're acting, I don't want to have anything to do with you right now either. If it was even a remote possibility, I would just leave you on the streets with your friends. But I can't. There are things going on that you just don't understand, and for right now you're better off with me."

  "Max doesn't treat me like a kid," I hear her mumble to the wall.

  "Who's Max?"

  "None of your fucking business!" she yells to the wall, then turns around and looks directly at me, her face streaked with tears. "But if you really want to know, he's someone who cares about me. He doesn't try to control me like you do! He lets me do what I want and …" Zoe puts both hands over her face and sobs. "And he says he wants to take care of me."

  I can barely stand to see her like this. One minute she's yelling and the next she's crying, but the bottom line is she's in a lot of pain. I'm sure she doesn't trust any man to stick around for long or find value in her as anything other than a commodity. And I don't blame her one bit. Not with a dad like Griff to show her what men are like.

  I get up off the bed and walk over to her. I want to comfort her but I don't know how. I don't know what she needs from me, and I'm afraid of crossing over into territory that's too intimate. Not for her. For me. "Look," I say, trying to sound optimistic. "When we get where we're going, you can email this Max guy and tell him all the fun stuff you're doing. But for now, you need to do what I say, sweetie."

  I realize I've reduced myself to talking to her like a child now, not to mention treating her like one. I actually have no intention of letting her email anyone when we get to where we're going, let alone some schmuck who is probably only interested in one thing.

  But I'm not going to let her know that. I'm still not exactly sure how I'm going to keep her with me once we get to Mexico, or wherever the hell we wind up. I don't exactly know when we'll be able to stop running from these guys. I'm pretty sure mobsters aren't in the habit of walking away from millions of dollars that they believe they're owed.


  "No, what?"

  "No, Evan. This is where it all ends. You're not telling me what to do anymore." She picks up her duffel bag and throws it over her shoulder, then marches over to the door.

  I don't think I've ever moved as fast as I did right the
n, not in my entire life. Before I know it, I'm all the way across the room and I'm slamming the hotel room door shut and Zoe's small body is dwarfed underneath mine. She drops her bag on the ground and turns around so that she's facing me, then looks up.

  "What the fuck, Evan?"

  "I told you, you're not going anywhere. I'm serious as hell, Zoe."

  "I'm going to Max's and you can't stop me," she says through gritted teeth as she pokes my chest.

  I stand there with my hands braced against the door on either side of her head, my face just inches from hers. My heart is racing like crazy and I'm having a hard time catching my breath. Part of me wants to believe that it's because I just darted across the room like a maniac, but I know better than that. Every single time I get this close to Zoe—and I've made damned sure it isn't very often—I can feel a surge inside me that I know is very wrong. "You're not going anywhere."

  She stares up at me for a long time, not blinking once. I've seen this look before. It's the same one she's given me every time she's tried to get out of a sticky situation; one that she got herself into when she's tried to assert her independence. The thing is, ever since her parents died, it seems like getting into trouble is all she wants to do. And I wind up spending the majority of my time bailing her out.

  I swear to God there's more than a sad, puppy-dog look in those eyes of hers. I'm not fucking crazy. I can see the way she looks at me. Sometimes, when we're close like this, I can see the look; the one I usually only see in my dreams. But now it's right in front of me and it's terrifying. I'm scared to death of the way she's looking at me because it's making it almost impossible to push back these feelings I have for her.

  There's no way this can happen. There is no way I can let anything like this happen between us. Ever.

  "Jesus Christ," I say, lowering one of my hands. I'm still way too close to her. Dangerously close.


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