Dangerous Desires

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Dangerous Desires Page 71

by Siren, Tia

  The guy’s also impeccably dressed. Tom Ford suit. Perfect fucking hair. He’s probably fifty years old, but he’s fucking fit.

  “Herr Kane,” I understand your request to see the records, but unfortunately without the proper clearances from Lowell and Company, I can’t allow you into the vault,” he says for the eighth time.

  Like I told Ashley back in America—I knew which Swiss bank my Dad had been dealing with the entire time. I just never realized the importance of it. By law, I was required to sign documentation saying that I understood that I was receiving a stipend on a monthly basis. What I never realized was that the contract had to specify the source of the money. And following that source led us directly to the Swatchen AB, the giant Swiss banking conglomerate.

  “Even for the wife of Percy Kane?” I ask the banker.

  He shrugs. “Frau Kane was not an original signatory I’m afraid,” he says sorrowfully.

  “Mr. Meier,” Ashley says, leaning forward. I can tell that dirty old man is checking out her tits, and I know Ashley knows it too. She leans forward even more, letting the top of her blouse travel past a certain point. I scowl. I’m not liking this. “Percy Kane is a monster and a criminal. By allowing us access to the vault, you would be helping us greatly.”

  “I understand that, gnadige Frau,” Mr. Meier says, his eyes obviously distracted. “But our banking laws are sacrosanct in this country. There is very little I could do.”

  Bullshit. He could let us in if he wanted to. The Swiss banking laws may be all about secrecy and protecting the client, but there’s workarounds in there too. Unfortunately, the only way to know what those workarounds are is if you’re the client. And considering how unhelpful this guy has been…

  “Couldn’t you make an exception?” Ashley asks, leaning closer. This time she puts her hand on his knee. “If we can bring Percy to justice, then I’d be single…and I’m sure Lowell and Company would be very, very grateful.”

  Yeah, he’s not thinking about gratitude. I know exactly what he’s thinking about. He wants to turn her over and fuck the living daylights out of her. He wants to slap that ass as he’s thrusting into her. He wants to grab her tits and run his tongue in between them.

  Yeah, that’s never gonna fucking happen. Because if anything ever happens to Percy Kane, there’s only one cock she’s going to be riding.


  But Herr Meier doesn’t realize that. He’s licking his lips openly, completely oblivious to what he’s doing.

  “I think we can make an exception for family…just this once,” he says to the both of us. “But you cannot take anything with you. I need your promise?”

  I nod my head. I’ll take whatever I want. If the documents hold true to what Ashley is saying she knows from JD, then I have enough money to buy this bank and tell this cocky fucking Swiss banker to suck my cock.

  Then I have enough money to fire him when he complains to HR. And then enough money to fucking pay his settlement and tell him to get the fuck away. Without having to worry about anything.

  Yeah, if the man who calls myself his father really has been acting like a total cunt this entire time and has been keeping me from getting the family business, then there are going to be some interesting times ahead.

  “If you’ll follow me, I’ll lead you to the vault reserved for Percy Kane,” Herr Meier says. He stands up and turns around, walking toward a different door than the one we came in.

  We follow. Inside, lie two boxes on a table.

  “This room is secure, and you can take as long as you wish, but again, please do not take anything,” Herr Meier says.

  Wait a second. They had this shit ready? Ashley beats me to it.

  “You knew we were going to ask to see these, and yet you drew this out,” she asks, cocking her head and narrowing her eyes. “Why?”

  Herr Meier shrugs. “To see how important it was to you, Frau Kane,” he says to her. “And looks like it is important enough. Good day.”

  And with that he turns away. Ashley and I watch him go. This shit is starting to really creep me out. I mean, a month ago, I was a trust-fund kid living on a stipend. My biggest worries were getting a tennis court reservation at Central Park and which debutante to fuck next.

  Now, I’m fucking my stepmom and dealing with people who do international banking for drug lords and oil sheiks.

  Yeah, I guess it’s a bit of a change of pace.



  We step inside the vault, my heart tightening with each step I take. I’m close; I can feel it. Somewhere, in one of these boxes, is something that I’ll be able leverage against Percy. And you can be sure of it, once I get my hands on it, I’m going to use it. Percy might think of himself as someone who’s bulletproof, but I’m closing in on him. And there’s nothing he can do about it.

  I’m actually surprised by the bland tidiness of the vault. I don’t know what I was expecting, but an empty room with tidy shelves of small metal drawers wasn’t it. It doesn’t matter, though; what matters is that, somewhere inside one of these drawers, lies something that will destroy Percy.

  “This way, please,” the banker says, his accent a mixture of English and French. We follow after him, and he produces a key from his pocket. Acting all important, he gDereks at me and Parker, and then stops in front of one of the drawers. He slides the key in, and pushes the drawer out. “Take your time,” he adds, stuffing the key in his pocket and stepping out of the room.

  I look at Parker, and then, anxiety taking over me, I peer inside the drawer. Aside from a folded beige envelope, it’s empty. I was expecting something a bit more extravagant, but if what’s inside that envelope is going to help, I don’t care about the way it looks.

  “You get it,” Parker whispers. I look at him, trying to read the look on his face, and finally reach for the envelope. It feels light in my hands, and it’s almost hard to believe that something so normal will be of any help. Even so, I take a deep breath and steady my fingers as I open it.

  From inside I take a few pages of what seems like a legal document. My eyes glaze over it, and I start reading it. I angle myself, placing the papers between Parker and me. As my eyes fly down what’s written there, they get wider and wider.

  “Did you know about this?” I ask Parker, my knees feeling shaky.

  “I had no fucking idea,” he tells me, his eyes as wide as mine. He takes the papers out of my hand and starts going through them, his eyes flying back and forth over the lines of cramped writing. I might not be a lawyer, but what’s written here leaves no room for doubts: once Parker turned eighteen, all Lowell & Co stock should have gone into his name. Percy knew about this and tried to hide it, not only from his son, but from the whole world, so that he could keep in control. “I knew there was something in these vaults that he didn’t want to see the light of day, but this… Fuck.”

  “I got him,” I mutter under my breath, more to myself than to Parker. “This was what I needed.”

  “Fuck…” Parker says again, reading the document again as if he expected it to change somehow. “He hid this fucking thing from me for the past three years…” He seems pale, and I can’t tell if that’s because he's angry or just surprised. Stuffing the paperwork inside the envelope again, he places it inside his jacket. He closes the drawer, and turning on his heel, looks at me with a serious expression. “Let’s get out of here, Ashley.”

  Without saying a word, I follow after him as he leaves the vault. The banker doesn’t even raise an eyebrow as he sees us strut out from there, and he locks the door behind us.

  “Will that be all?” he asks in that bored tone of his, as if hiding secrets and being a gatekeeper to the world’s greediest people was just another nine-to-five job.

  “That will be all,” I manage to say, picking up my pace as I follow Parker. He walked past the banker without even looking at him, and he’s strutting out of the bank as if he’s a man on a mission. “Hey, calm down,” I tell him as we get o
ut into the street, heavy grey clouds drifting in the afternoon sky. Soon enough it’ll be snowing, and the streets will be covered in white linen.

  “This wasn’t what I was expecting,” he tells me, stopping dead in his tracks and looking me in the eye. “But I guess you got what you came here for.”

  “I did… This is enough for me to pressure him into letting my father go. That’s all I want.”

  “Just promise me something,” he says, sorrow clouding his eyes. I almost place my arms around him, but I remain right where I am, unable to move.

  “Anything,” I tell him. I say it without thinking, but as the word falls off of my lips, I realize that I would promise him anything.

  “I’m going to help you, Ashley… But I want you to promise me you’re not going after him. I know the kind of man he is but… As much as I hate to say, he’s my father.” He looks up at the sky, the sadness in his eyes making my heart tighten up.

  “I promise.” I wouldn’t mind seeing Percy tied up in court, but that’s not what really matters in the end. Getting my father out from under his thumb is all that matters.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” he whispers, placing one arm over my shoulder as a breeze starts to lash out at us.

  “Yes,” I simply say, pressing my body against his.

  * * *

  By the time we get to the hotel, Parker has barely said a word. He has kept to himself, probably going through all the possible scenarios in his head. I don’t blame him: even though he knew the kind of man Percy is, it was still a surprise that his own father was screwing him over.

  Lucky for him, I know exactly how to make him relax.

  “This is a fucking mess,” he whispers under his breath, throwing the folded envelope on top of the chair at the corner of the room. I saunter over to him and place both my hands on his chest, grabbing at his collar and pulling him into me. When he turns to me, his expression is still a serious one.

  “It is, but we’ll sort it out,” I tell him, trying to sound as confident as I can. Truth be told, I have no idea how all this will play out in the end.

  “We will,” he nods, a weak smile on his lips. His eyes are on me, and without saying one more word, he leans into me. He lays his mouth against my neck, gently kissing it as his hand goes up the side of my body. Grabbing my hair, he lets his free hand fall from my waist and presses it against my crotch, bunching up the front of my dress. A moan leaves my lips at once, his pressure on my pussy making my head spin. I can already feel my wetness soaking my black lace thong, desire coursing mercilessly through me.

  “I’m glad you’re here, Ashley,” he says, running his mouth from my neck to my chin.

  “Me too,” I whisper, throwing my head back as I feel his lips brushing on my skin. He presses harder on my pussy, making me part my legs. Still yanking on my hair, he straightens my head, my eyes locking on his. There’s a fire in his expression, an almost too-violent need for dominance.

  I reach for his mouth, pressing my lips against his, but I don’t start kissing him, no. I bite his lower lip with almost enough strength to draw blood. He doesn’t complain, though. Staring into my eyes, he endures the pain, his hand firmly nestled between my thighs. He opens his hands, tangling his fingers deeper in my hair, and pushes me back against the wall, pinning me there with his body; then, pulling back slightly, a mischievous grin lights up his face.

  “I can’t believe that my father doesn’t realize the kind of wife that he has,” he says, his grin widening.

  “He doesn’t…” I purr, grinning back at him. “But you do.”

  “I do,” he whispers. He leans forward then, my eyelids drooping as our lips touch. I open my mouth wide, both our tongues wrestling against each other as if they were lost in a battle for lust and survival. Kissing wildly, I take my hand off of his crotch and start untucking his crisp white shirt, my fingers tugging eagerly on the fabric. Once I’m done, I grab his belt, but he presses his body against mine so harshly that I have to let go. I place my hands on his lower back, under his shirt, and let the warmness of his skin spill into my fingers. I open my hands, the tips of my fingers meeting the hem of his pants as I pull him into me, our bodies locked in a frenzied kiss.

  Placing both of his hands on my waist, he slowly hikes my dress up, the snug fabric tightly hugging my hips. There’s a tenuous buzz under my skin, an unconscious response to the way he’s holding me. My brain is working overtime, lost in a labyrinth of imagination, trying to picture all the things Parker will do to me—or that I’ll do to him. Working in tandem with my brain, my pussy becomes even wetter, my drenched thong sticking to my skin. He brushes two of his fingers down my waist, and moving inward, runs them under my dress and over my thong.

  “I want you,” he whispers, his lips against my ear. “I need you,” he continues, the pressure of his fingers increasing slightly.

  “Then take me,” I find myself saying, my bones rattling as thunder roils inside my body and mind. My hands dart out to his chest, and I hook my fingers on his shirt’s collar. I tug on the fabric harshly, ruining his shirt as I make the buttons pop off and scatter around on the floor. The moment his shirt is open, I press the palm of my hands against his chest, closing my eyes as I feel the hard lines of his muscles under my fingertips. His torso is all hills and valleys, each muscle, perfection—I let my fingers trace the contour of his pectorals, and then I let them go over his washboard abs, counting the perfect rows of muscles until I finally meet the hem of his pants.

  With my fingers hooked on his belt, I pull him into me, our bodies pressed as we kiss once more. I start unbuckling his belt with trembling fingers, my whole body filled with anxious anticipation. With a metallic clink, I unclasp the belt, my fingers then focusing on the next task at hand: unbuttoning his pants. As fast as I can, I open each one of the buttons, his cock pressing against his boxer briefs as if it were desperate to get out. My heart starts to pound fast as his cock, still trapped by the fabric of his underwear, brushes against my knuckles; I can already feel all rationality fading away from me, all of me being guided only by base desires. Just the way I like it.

  I turn my hand around, grasping his cock backhandedly and feeling his massiveness against the palm of my hand. A shiver goes up my spine as I realize that soon enough this cock will be inside of me, his thickness sliding over my wet folds and lodging itself inside me as my naked body burns. Guided by impulse, I start moving my hand up and down, slowly flicking my wrist as I stroke his member over his underwear. I can barely think straight as my fingers trace the contour of the most perfect cock I have ever come across.

  Letting go of his cock, I grab his boxer briefs by the elastic waist and tug them down with both hands, his pulsing cock jumping out at once. He steps out of his clothes in a hurry, and I grab his cock immediately, wrapping my fingers tightly around his flesh. His warmness seeps into my skin, crawling up my spine and up to my brain. I can almost feel a barrage of hormones coursing through my body, desire taking control of me. We are still kissing, our lips locked in wild embrace as I move my hand back and forth, stroking him and marveling at his size.

  Pulling back from my kiss, he rests his lips against my neck, nibbling at my skin. I let a slight moan escape my lips, my mind adrift on a sea of pleasure. My hand starts to move faster, matching the rhythm of my breathing.

  “On your knees,” he says suddenly, his voice coming at me like a whip. As if his words were a spell, I find my knees buckling, and I go down on the floor. Wasting no time, he rests one hand on the top of my head, guiding my mouth toward his cock. Grabbing it, he runs its tip back and forth over my lips, gently parting them. I feel my eyes rolling in their orbits, and as my eyelids droop, I lunge forward, taking his whole shaft at once. I hear him groan, his cock filling my mouth completely as it pushes against my tongue and my cheeks.

  Grabbing locks of hair, he starts to guide my movements, my head bobbing back and forth as his shaft takes control of my mouth. Slowly thrusting, he goes deepe
r each time I go forth, only easing down when the tip of his cock finally scratches the back of my throat.

  With my eyes still closed, I let his cock slide back out and then I go all in once more; I start to go as fast as I can, his member sliding in and out of my mouth at a breakneck speed. He keeps holding me by the hair, keeping my movements controlled as he thrusts slightly, fucking my mouth.

  “I can’t wait to fucking taste you,” he says suddenly, pulling his cock out of my mouth. I barely have the time to react to his words; moving fast, he leans over to me and pulls me up to my feet. Then, he pushes me back until my knees meet the edge of the bed, and I let myself fall on top of the mattress, a slight buzz of satisfaction travelling under my skin.

  Climbing on top of the bed, he runs his hands up my legs and pushes the dress up to my waist. Then, curling his fingers around my thong, he slides it down my legs; my pussy clenches, anticipating what’s about to happen.

  I lift my legs up, resting them over his shoulders, and quickly lock him in place. Placing my hands on his head, I close my eyes as he positions himself between my legs. In a heartbeat, I feel the tip of his tongue against my drenched folds, slowly tracing an upward line toward my clit; he circles it for a few seconds and then focuses on my inner lips once more. Slightly tilting his head to the side, he wraps his lips on my folds and starts sucking, running his tongue over them as they fit over his mouth.

  Raising my ass from the mattress, I thrust gently against his face, moving my hips from side to side as I rub my fluids all over his mouth. He keeps licking and sucking eagerly, and I can almost feel the furious hunger pulsing in his body.


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